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I have a quick DM noob question. How do I handle group skill checks?

For example, if my group wants to be stealthy, do I let everyone roll and use the highest roll? What if someone critically fails?

Same for Charisma checks and such. I often have 6 players in my group.

I posted this like a day ago when the thread was dead, would appreciate some feedback on it.

How broken would a hand crossbow that loads itself be?

It really depends on the situation and what seems most reasonable, but RAW I think it says if half the group or more succeeds then everyone succeeds.

You could use it with a shield so 2 AC more broken.

If the whole group is going, then you may want to take the average of all their rolls, or do a simple "half passes or more, you make it, less, you don't."

I have it so that for Charisma, only the person attempting to persuade can roll, unless the person trying to assist gives a good argument in-character to help out.

2 additional AC is pretty broken in reality

>tfw too creatively sterile to come up with adventures and plot hooks for a viking game

Go read some viking books, crib as necessary. Or heck, read plot summaries.

Heathens from the south are forcibly converting your people to their religion, go stop them.
That should keep your players busy for a while.

Goblin Ranger seems really nice. Hide every turn from 1st level, Disengage is better than Escape the Horde, some nice extra damage on demand with Fury of the Small. The only downsides are using a shortbow and being a filthy Goblin.
Am I missing something?

In the case of stealth, you use the worst result. A group is only as stealthy as its least stealthy member.

In the case of most other checks, you have the group pick a main participant and have him roll with advantage for receiving help (nobody else rolls at all.) Some checks cannot benefit in a meaningful way from help, especially persuasion checks. A diplomat gains no benefit from having five other guys in the peanut gallery saying "yeah, what he said!"

Also I'd like to remind everyone that there is not, and has never been, a critical success or failure rule for ability checks. If the rogue rolls a 1 on a stealth check, that might still be enough to beat someone's perception. Resolve it as though 1 were just another number.

yes sir

Group Stealth Checks exist and should be used. Otherwise, being stealthy as a group would be nigh impossible, even with a full rogue party.

Do you think another charming party member will not help in negotiation? I mean, unless they gang up on you like Jehova's Witnesses. It's not the words themselv, that why it's Charisma skill, not Intelligence skill.

Generally group stealth checks (i.e. if at least half, round down, pass the group passes) but I'd suggest making extremely high and low rolls count more or be able to function on their own so if there's a DC 12 and somebody gets like a 30 they're stealthy enough to either help somebody who rolls low or they're hidden while the party is otherwise revealed.

It would help with intimidation, both because it's another body to threaten someone with and because ganging up on someone makes them feel surrounded and ill-at-ease. It would not help with deception or persuasion. Keeping it to one person also encourages roleplaying. Whenever anyone uses a social skill you should always ask them what they're saying instead of just letting them say "I got a 15 for Persuasion." One person can do this, maybe two if they're good roleplayers and improvisers, but six people will just all roll dice and tell you who got the biggest number.

Read Beowulf and go from there. Even a direct rip off would be a fun campaign (if fleshed out).

Group checks exist. Nothing ever says you have to use them for stealth. That's up to the DM.

Personally, if you're trying to avoid patrols or sneak through somewhere, I'd use group check rules, but if you're springing an ambush and want to surprise the enemy, then you'd better all pass.

TL;DR: the cavalier is now a mix between his abilities and the knight abilities.


It's only advantage. Plus I personally think having two players involved with the talking can be more interesting/dynamic. Three is a good conversation. Four is too many. I.E. It doesn't stack.

Group checks is PH175. The DM decides when to apply a group check though. If you don't want the sneaky rogue to be able to help the heavy armor paladin make less sound, then you don't have to. After all, the rogue could always just scout ahead or move in ahead of time by itself.

Trying to figure out how to do a tabaxi rogue multiclassed with barbarian and maybe fighter. Idea is for a strength rogue with rage, reckless attack, and extra attack. Any tips?

Okay Veeky Forums, help me out.

In an upcoming campaign of my GMs own making (He's a damn good GM), I've decided on a swashbuckler concept, but not necessarily the class itself.

Swashbuckler seems very much *Make attack, run away*, barely possessed of the almost reckless bravado of a daring warrior.

I was considering refluffing a Kensei monk as such a character, but then I'd miss the charm and skill versatility of the rogue.

I considered 3 levels for battlemaster, then MC into Rogue but I feel it would take ages to come online.

In short, I need something with the charm of a rogue and the action of a Monk/ BM.

Unless Swashbuckler isn't as bland as it looks.

Thank you. I only own the LMoP books, and not any of the "real" ones.

God that was so cringey, like watching the average amatuer homebrewer who's convinced, like 100% of homebrewers, that his own homebrew isn't part of the 99.9% that's shit.

Be a grappler and yank enemies around the battlefield. Strength check advantage, Athletics expertise and the tabaxi movement boost blend together decently well. Assuming battlefield placement is relevant in your campaign.

>Swashbuckler seems very much *Make attack, run away*, barely possessed of the almost reckless bravado of a daring warrior.
It's more of a 1-on-1 fighter than other rogues, though with the ability to back off after attacking without using the bonus action, so greater mobility.

Speaking of what homebrew is in that .1% that isn't shit?

I saw the swashbuckler as more of a dervish. Dance about the battlefield, hitting multiple enemies, avoiding AoOs, and being able to grant themselves sneak attack without allies.

Placement is rather relevant, and we use a battlemap.

I hadn't thought of going thuggish repositioner.

Your description sounds pretty much like College of Swords Bard without the sneak attack.

Pick a Knight subclass of a fighter, wear light armor and use finese weapons.

Hit up the treasure trove in the OP and grab the core books at least (PHB, MM, DMG). I'd say the quickest, easiest, and biggest improvement a new DM can make is memorizing what the players can and can't do (or at least knowing where to quickly look it up).
If you haven't run your first session yet, I recommend you spend a bit of time making sure you understand how the environment affects battle (specifically, the Vision and Light section on PHB183), understand how the hide action works, and how the search action works.

>DMing for some friends
>One is an elaborate high elf wildmagic sorc multiclassing into divination wiz after 1 level
>Another is an exiled tabaxi princess(?) fighter going into rogue
>Another is just some dude who likes to steal shit
Well this is gonna be fun

>raid something
>discover new world

either start or stop smoking weed.

>One is an elaborate high elf wildmagic sorc multiclassing into divination wiz after 1 level

>I hadn't thought of going thuggish repositioner.
It's a good way of blending barbarian/rogue levels because of the advantage and expertise you can get on grapple/shove attacks.

Swashbuckler being a hit and run character or a reckless brave warrior is entirely up to the way you play it, not the limitations of the class.
Using Fancy Footwork and Rakish Audacity you can move past enemies without drawing an AoO by swinging at them in passing, beelining your way into their squishy backline or towards lone enemies (SA). You can use two-weapon fighting to pass two enemies in one turn, or you can use cunning action to move double your speed.
Multi-classing fighter with swashbuckler is a very common combination though. I think whether you'd want to start as fighter or rogue depends on if you want to use str or dex.

desu baka senpai

>TL;DR: the cavalier is now a mix between his abilities and the knight abilities.
Thank God Knight is on the book with another name, I really liked the Mark ability, we're finally going to have Defender subclasses

guess i would like some more stuff like the tenement or the library like something in a city you can buy instead of making it

more useful for campaigns that take place in one city

Might use it for worldbuilding. Might consider it for something like a player Base, or convert some rules for airship/base construction. now im thinking of spelljammer. dammit, it will be on my mind for a week now

Would an evil cleric cast revivify on a PC it just killed to kill them again seem in character? I've already RP'd this enemy as sadistic and bloodthirsty. The PCs have no chance of beating him they are level 2, and they were meant to run from him but need a show of force to realize they cannot just be murder hobos with me behind the screen. That said I want the 2 wasted turns of him reviving and rekilling someone to give the other 4 PCs a chance to run. If they choose to not then they'll die in a few Spiritual Guardian turns or realize they need to run after the first Spiritual Guardian turn.

I really want airship rules

This is Limited in scope but very good I've been using it for a little while

I have an enemy gnome illusionist that the players have encountered twice, but the next one will be the final fight. Both times, the druid in the party shapes into an elk and repeatedly moves 20 away to charge 20 feet. Using illusions, what are good tactics to counter this (mechanically speaking, yes illusions is an obvious answer).... Is there a ruling for preparing against a charge with a spear? He has Centaurs as mooks so he might make all of them look like him.

>realize they cannot just be murder hobos with me behind the screen

A bear trap illusioned as not a bear trap. Impose disadvantage because the PC had no idea it was there.

>Running Storm King's Thunder
>Players go after Hill Giant chief
>Bust into their lair, go through the front entrance
>Goliath Monk demands that Wizard casts Enlarge on him
>Instead of fucking shit up, challenges Guh to an eating contest for control of the Hill Giant tribe

This isn't even my fetish.

Hey /5eg/. My friends got me into playing RPGs a few months ago and I’ve been having fun as a player. Our group takes turns running short campaigns and since I have been new to the game they haven’t had me run a game yet since I was still learning the rules. I’ve read the player's handbook and DM's guide so I know how to run the game enough to handle most of mechanics we may run into but I’m absolutely shit at coming up with stories.

The thing is I really want to run a game one day but I have no idea how to start making an adventure. At first I was making maps but quickly realized I had no real story to bring the players there or I made too many rooms and don’t have enough material to keep the players interested in exploring. Aside from saying something like “Oh I’d like my players to fight an Aboleth” or some other monster, then I usually come up blank to how the players would end up there.

How do you guys go about making a campaign? What are some good ways to create stories or encounters that can keep the players entertained? I feel like such a shit player for not being able to think of anything to start a small campaign with.

If he knows ahead of time that he's going to fight in a specific location, he can dig a deep hole, stand behind it, and use Silent Image or Major Image to make it look exactly like it was before he dug it.

>Group is composed of a goblin, a kobold, a tiefling, and a drow.
I thought you guys were kidding with the special snowflake meme.

Fuck why not call it Knight? Cavalier is cringy.

He should probably explode after the spell ends.

Well, put it like this: you can have NPCs be complete racist cunts to the whole party instead of just one of the dipshits. I'm sure they'll keep each other nice and cozy when they're forced to sleep in the inn's stables.

Its more my playstyle than a vendetta against them, I don't want them to die because they think everything is a balanced encounter. There are powers in the world they can interact with this early that either can destroy them in an instant, or have body guards that can.

There's (significantly) better ways to demonstrate danger to players than killing then and reviving then on the spot

fuck off

Knight is already the name of a background

You should be glad you're not playing 3.PF then.

This was such a fucking waste of time. They spent over half the video talking about what the Cavalier isn't and where it comes from rather than what it does mechanically.

I don't give a fuck about the "story" of the armored dude on the mount, I want to know how it won't suck and will be easy to incorporate into adventures.

>be me
>new to 5e
>want to roll a Fighter
>like the Fighter attacks
>Hitting people with a sword sounds fun
>notice i'm not immune to swords

Help me understand the logic behind this.

How can I not be immune to the weapons i'm using to attack my enemies?

Not really, goblins are a really solid player race in general if you ask me. I like them for spellcasters.

There is the Spear Mastery feat in the feats UA. I think it's like an extra 1d10 on a reaction attack when getting charged from 20 ft. You could give it to his defenders.

My first group (4e) was:

Shardmind Psion
Goliath Barbarian
Dragonborn Warlord
Dwarf Shaman
Drow Ranger (used two swords, player had somehow not heard of Drizzt and did it by pure coincidence)

Now we play human fighters and dwarf clerics which is the right way to play

What is this meme?


I think its a bit to late for anything other than brutal combat, I should elaborate.... He caught the group trying to steal magic items from his personal quarters instead escaping the cult that captured them so they are right in his face and I ended the session there. They've already seen him in combat when they were captured, as well as how brutally he treats any of his cultists who defy him.

Why would he kill and revive instead of kill and raise as undead

It's a billion times worse in PF I assure you

My DM makes us roll in order.
What fun character can I make with 14/13/8/7/12/12 ?

With 8 con, you can make a corpse.

Maybe ranger would work? You'd have to pump dex and stay far away, though.

Nothing good.
Those are shit rolls m8

That's either retarded or genius, depending on tone of the campaign.

See pic related.

Beast Shape Druid. Just become a bear in combat, fuck it.

Were you rolling "4d6 drop lowest"? Or just plain old 3d6? If all in group have similarly shitty stats, it isn't that much of an issue (if the DM balance encounters accordingly).

Anyway, I'd go with some kind of archer. Figher, ranger, rogue.

But this is probably better advice.

Jesus, is this 1d20? It's rare to see a 4d6drop end up that bad.

has any of you actually managed to play a sneaky, sneaky thief successfully? Because I cannot get stealth to work out for some reason

Well fuck me. Fortunately, I've got some backup character options when my guy kicks it.

I guess this could work. Maybe boost my wisdom.

4d6 drop lowest. Not sure what the other guys have. Probably haven't even started theirs yet.

Nope. My DM made us roll 3 characters with 4d6 drop lowest. One of my others actually has 4 int, but at least he has decent con/wis.

He didn't give you minimum stats?

Does anyone have a table for ballpark values by gem type and size? I'd much rather say "you find a medium/large/giant ruby" instead of "you find a ruby worth about 50 gp". That way I can check the value later without the players knowing the exact worth.

Decide on the overarching struggle, and consider the actions and consequences of those involved besides the players. Make the world feel autonomous.Look for opportunities to insert the players in this struggle, whether they're willing or otherwise, without shoehorning them in just because.

Eg Kingdom in political turmoil, various nobles plotting against the incumbent faction, seemingly simple courier job makes players an accessory to an insurrectionist plot (perhaps escalating or kickstarting the conflict)

Then again, I've never been a DM, so. Take that with a grain of salt I suppose.

Nope. To be fair, this is intended to be a fairly low magic, lethal campaign.

While I'm on the subject. One of my other characters got 12/11/13/15/11/13
I feel like a bard might suit such varied stats, but I feel like the int might go to waste, so maybe wizard would be better?

Ranger would probably work. You'll still probably want to hang back and use a bow cause of dat CON. At least you can use a great weapon if you need to.

Neat, never heard of those before. Wouldn't use them as PC races, but it's a cool idea.

So he can kill them again, slowly, I imagine.

Bit of a waste of a spell slot and 300 gold.

To be fair, the math of 4e required a certain degree of optimization on the players' part, and if you didn't pick a race with stats well-suited to your class, you were pretty much gimping yourself.

seems like an ok wizard, i'd be tempted to take vanilla human as a race

Hobgoblin wizard

It's not "hit and run away" it's "force the enemy to a disadvantageous position"

What seems to be a problem exactly?
Other players refuse to spend time watching your solo action?
Shitty rolls?
DM let you roll until you fail?

Calmly reminding you all that there does exist good and flavorful homebrew out there.

>low magic, lethal campaign
Oh for fuck's sake.


5eg, for my first session (level 2 party) I want to make a dungeon about invading an evil wizard's tower. Which level appropriate threats might they face? There are mimics, but they're kinda weak and ineffective even at level 2.

Stop shilling your shit.

What's wrong with it?
We've never played something like that before, and most of the players wanted to try it.