One more time, we're gonna celebrate.
Filename thread
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Odin's Beard, that's grand.
>it was a mistake to let the mule drink out of it
what is the 'it' in this case?
it is subtle
It's a reference to that one webcomic where they let the mule drink out of the fountain of sexyness.
was it an Oglaf strip? I don't remember it.
yup. heres a link to it. (obviously nsfw)
How many layers of irony is this working on? 2? 3?
Teamworking or jumping a hole? It is too subtle for me, my players aren't capable of both those things.
We just don't know.
advanced references incoming
>Fat bloodsport in the shape of the stress halo
It's the details that make it work
Alternatively, "Yo dawg we heard you like doppelgangers".
Is it wrong I can quote all of those?
A fool would rescue her, a smarter person would question all the chains and a perceptive person would realize she's not chained down
We all saw the old demotivater too.
It looks like a white obama
Just about any page where Scrooge decides someone needs a foot up their arses could be depicted in an Exalted splatbook.
Fountain of girl"
being gay i really should have remembered that better.
not funny enough to come up with one
do it for me
>because, apparently i look like i'm made of money
fucking btfo
While we're shitposting does anyone remember the name of this meme? It's been so long I've forgotten it.
If you want a laugh, look at scrubs who throw massive tantrums over an enemy that uses a very simple but very effective tactic.
Basically permanent invisibility and a thrown knife that returns to the user
That's not even hard to counter. Just ready actions to attack wherever the knife comes from.
Your players must be shit.
I know right? Or just ready an action to sunder or grab the knife.
I chuckled.
>"We're going to the Tomb of Horrors"
So that's where tumblr came from.
Who knew?
>when the innkeeper says I nee-
I just draw a line with all the directions we take
That rabbit looks familiar, can't place it, though...
Ayyy not bad faggot
What about the rockin tits, where do those come in?
I thought it had something to do with traps
Sauce: Carbon Pink. Jack Cayless theoretical comic-possible VN ATM, about a guy from 20th century waking up in a pseudo Eclipse Phase future...but a kinda fucked up version.
It's Hasaki's rabbit doll from the visual novel Wonderful Everyday.
but why would someone want to rape kobolds?
too verbose
you don't see anything.gif
Or tell the caster to quit his bitching and fucking cast invisibility purge.
>ultramarine falls to Tzeentch
Reminds me of the brain hackers in GitS.
That poster of herself.
Major Kusanagi did phone hacking before it was cool.
>Gradations of SAN loss
Too accurate to a WoD character I had.
He had to die several times and get dragged confused and frighted through several afterlives before reaching 100%
>HFY threads