Mods will hear us if we spam these threads
Mods will hear us if we spam these threads
go back to where you came from /pol/tard, no one wants your bullshit here
The only thing worse than a kike is an obvious poorfag kike.
nice 9fag ragecomic newfriend
fuck off nigger.
indian spammers are ruining this board
You are not welcome on Veeky Forums if you dislike pol beatch.
if you are white an from a first world country and can prove it with a timestamp I will send you 5000 doge
pol tards are the ultimate neets with no purpose in life, i'd prefer anything over you, the scum of society
same for you
Veeky Forums is mostly ex-/pol/ becoming Nazi Jews.
>9fag ragecomic
Are you deluded?
Rage comics were all over Veeky Forums in like 2008.
>hey look at the buzzwords I know, I'm calling these guys newfags I'm an oldfag guise!!!!11
Fuckoff nigger
>look I'm white and I hate whites
I miss the passport/ national currency proving that you are from a first world country and a dogecoin address. btw, your fingers tell that you should reduce your soy consumption
>i need to have flags so that I can blatantly use stereotypes to decide if crypto advise is actually good
>wow Greece pay debts next
>wow Amerimutts 20T in debt lel not listening to that guy
>wow Based Japan I surely MUST buy 100K of Monero today!
kys reddit
t. increasingly nervous person of colour
ummm uhhhh I hate pol what a bunch of niggers.. uhh i mean they're meanies and should be eradicated!!!
Veeky Forums doesn't condone this racism against our international brothers!!!!
t. John Illtakesomedoge, a white American
pick whichever you like, i can live anywhere i want. Have you ever even left your state in your life?
C U C K !
>retarded date format
amerimut detected
actually adjusted it for /pol/tards to be able to read it
Oh look a Reddit faggit
shut it down...
Leftists like you are too stupid and reddit tier to make money in crypto. Now I think of it Bitcoin is a right wing Libertarian creation, why don't you fuck off? Watch some John Oliver.
have been browsing Veeky Forums for a few years, but it's the only insult you got left, isn't it? I feel the mean IQ in this thread is around 50% of mine so i will leave you to it poltards.
>i can live anywhere i want
yup kike like to leach
trip quads self-checked
Flags please I've got a lot more Amerimongrel images to post.
Go back to le re.ddit
Neck yourself
All I know is that I certainly make more than you in crypto. But please tell me how clever you are.
your image shows exactly why we cant have flags
the go-to insult for any UK flag is to call him a muslim
Sweden is cuckshed sven
Israel literally cant post without being bombarded with gas the kikes
and India has it worst of all of course
for some reason /pol/fags just love to repeat the same old ass memes that stopped being funny 2 years ago. they just wont stop.
>my ID right now
No, Veeky Forums hates you. Fuck off
>stopped being funny
Who the fuck told you we were joking?
its still stopped being funny long ago
Oooh, diggin' the golden kangaroos. I have some walking libertys myself. What are the other coins?
>being funny
I think you are missing the point negro
Now you can fill the 4th panel too
thats why we should just have eu flag for europe (no east eu), and us canada australia japan china flags,and lets not forget israel.
no third world shithole flags, people shilling without a flag will be automatically considered from a 3rd world country
There's no need for flags we don't need to know what countries we are all posting from nobody from any particular country would do anything malicious :)
Go back to r/thedonald and shart in mart
Praise kek. Kek has spoken. Now fuck off to reddit poltards
Diego, get the pyre.
>nobody from any particular country would do anything malicious :)
can i get in on this or was it only for the user you quoted
im european, idiot.
i dont give a shit of donald kike trump
bump for flags
Didn't mean to quote you
You NAZI scum need to fuck off. We're true world travelers—citizens of the world if you will...and to see such nationialism is a bourgeois disgrace.
As international crypto barons, we're enjoying our robust wealth in the comfort of the Swiss alps together, so to see such petty peasantry makes us appalled.
Learn how to globalism you fucking statist tards.
Flags sounds good have a bump
>sandniggers are nomads
Nothing we didn't know already
Get pegged faggot.
speak for yourself you sjw cuckboi
time to spam Veeky Forums until there are only flag threads
Welcome to /pol/, I'm out.
I fucking love amerimutt