Things that should never ever be combined

Things that should never ever be combined

>Steampunk + Vikings

Other urls found in this thread:

But user that actually sounds dumb enough to work.

>Europe + Islam

I think steampunk vikings could be sweet. Steampunk is an aesthetic and vikings are a culture/vocation, I don't see any reason why the two can't go together.

Roving marauders in a flotilla of dirigibles, pillaging towering brass metropolises that they come across.

I really miss ParaWorld. In that vein, Dinosaurs + Ninjas is fun.

Sky Pirates from Sweden
That's all they'd be.


That is all.

I think you lost yourself on the way to /pol/, friend

That would just make them pirates baka. Vikings are a very specific group and only work according to the setting.

just as bad as the christian invasion from 1500 yrs ago, if you ask me.


>steampunk should never be combined with anything
>islam should never be combined with anything

What happens if we combine them with each other?

>meanwhile, in the catalog

Treacherous bastard!

pirates and dinosaurs

We literally could just take out dinos, pirates, and walkers out of Ixalan and it would be a massive improvement design-wise and story-wise.

>shrink rays + enlargening rays

I expected it would be noticed here sooner.
And also that people would find it amusing.
Wrong on both counts, but eh.

>Things that should never ever be combined

>d20 + tabletop gaming
>GURPS + players
>John Wick + GMing
>Monte Cook + keyboard
>OP + women


You have a point.

you'd probably have to make it steampunk-lite for it to work.

like most of europe has dirigibles, which are large but slow, and cumbersome. this suits fine, as the nobles (who are the few that have access to them) travel very short distances, unless on pilgrimage.

vikings just skipped to airplanes.
having a more sparsely populated with further out settlements, the pokey air balloons of earlier years fell much out of favor, and a new means of aerial transportation was required.

best post in this thread

Stop shitting up the board with current politics. At least put it in the context of a role playing game if you're going to talk about that shit.

It's called "The Spanish Empire in South America".

It was Spaniards using islamic law and African slaves (most likely bought from islamic slave traders) to conquer Central and South America.

So really, the only people who have cause to fear a fusion of Europe and Islam are the current natives of the continent.

Combat magic + Post-darkages technology

Magic + technology

Mythology + reality

>not combining steampunk and vikings


brb making a kickstarter

Vikings are just Norse pirates, are you even trying user?

Ehh...You know that was the case in 12 century?

The first homebrew I posted on Veeky Forums back in 2008 had steampunk vikings.

Don't reply to trolls, dummy.

Yeah, but it's funnier when you know that already happened in the past

Things that should never ever be combined
>Steampunk + Anything else

Doch das ist nicht richtig.

what? asatrupunk owns

OP and keyboard


Vikings much like zombies are oversaturated in general. Combine that with steampunk generally being shitty settings and yeah that looks like a crappy combination.

Sounds like the squats in old 40k

OP's mother + father

This but unironically

Somebody hates Urban fantasy

This thing with a side view just made me think of a Dr. Wily machine.

Biopunk + cowboys
I tried that and it seemed pretty popular on Veeky Forums then it kinda sputtered out and died

Do you mean the d20 system or just d20s in general?

I wouldn't say Vikings anywhere near the same breath as zombies in terms of oversaturation. What are Vikings even in besides Kung Fury?

Victorian style and setting + Steam technology and goggles

>Penis + Vagina
>That Guy + Public
>Dragons + Tabletop Gaming
>Anything by Jack Vance + Anything Else in Existence
>BBEG + Ugh
>Bears + Viagra

Star wars + anything.

Such a shit series

>It was Spaniards using islamic law
Please elaborate.