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Not enuff dakka edition

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First for fuck IG


Nth for Orks get worse and worse with every codex release

Second for fuck you

It's really only broken on the likes of the Punisher, and even then, we don't know yet. The Battlecannon and Vanquisher are complete dogshit without it. And it makes the Exterminator actually good.

Up for a batrep my fine anons? Played vs some Necrons last week I'm a 2000pt game and was a hell of a lot of fun what about you anons? And with the new Guard codex coming out soon would you guys like to see more of my Mordians?


What's not to like?
It's just like T'au in 7th, except you don't have remember that assault move
So much easier

Guard is love, Guard is life!



Curious what kind of shitfest you're about to start

I shall watch the hero of these threads become the villain

Tzeentch is love, Tzeentch is life.

Tallarn when?


>pictured: """"""""""P2W FW"""""""""" tank that is completely fucking irrelevant now the Russ matches its firepower for a fraction of the cost
>guardfags think this is ok

Nurgle is literally love and life. And death.

No, Tzeentch is hope!.


Thread theme

What is life without hope? Despair! And despair is Nurgle. Just shit.

well i got beaten by orks twice today, and i play necrons

might have something to do with major luck on his side tho, not a one 9+ charge failed the whole day

considering that it has 22 wounds and steel behemoth im not suprised


Is that with or without rerolls?

storytime us user.

without, and with a weirdboy at that, jumping them in my face and charging turn one

>8th is better!
>no more power creep!
>everything is balanced!

>UPS somehow misplaced my custom dice between the depot and delivery truck

Nurgle is life
Tzeentch is hope
Slaanesh is love

According to liber chaotica all gods feed into Slaanesh since they are all excessive expressions of emotions, eventually Slaanesh will be stronger than all.

>expecting everything to be balanced in any game with variety ever
Nobody believed this except GW themselves.



It still is miles better than any other edition and despite all the bitching Guard still looks beatable.

So any Blood Angels players out there? What are people running these days? At first I didn't really care much for the new SM models but on a whim my friend and I split one of the starter SM/DG kits and after painting the Incestor Squad and REEEEEEEver squad I kind of like them.

I don't understand people who say stupid shit like this. Would you honestly rather go back to 7E?

Don't answer, because there's legit straight up retards on here who actually would.

>mfw repulsive titty monster pervert shit is ever growing thanks to degenerates

Same thing happened to me except his nobs that got jumped to by backline failed the charge. My carnifex was a trooper and held them off till the hive tyrant could get I've and help out.

Fuck off

Thoughts on a list? 1000 Points.

Gonna use the strike from the shadows stratagem if I think I can get round 1, so I put my reivers or hellblasters behind the enemy and still move them. Harass weaker characters and blobs with reivers, armor with hellblasters.
Chapter Tactic: Shadow Masters (Raven Guard)


Primaris Captain In Gravis Armor (Master-Crafted Power Sword, Boltstorm Gauntlet) (137)

Primaris Lieutenant (Power Sword, Bolt Pistol) (64)

Primaris Lieutenant (Master-Crafted Auto Bolt Rifle, Bolt Pistol) (64)

1 Primaris Ancient (Bolt Rifle, Bolt Pistol) (69)

5 Primaris Reivers (Heavy Bolt Pistol, Combat Knife) (90)


5 Primaris Intercessors (Bolt Rifles, Bolt Pistols) (100)

5 Primaris Intercessors (Bolt Rifles, Bolt Pistols) (100)

5 Space Marine Scouts (Boltgun, Bolt Pistol, Camo Cloaks) (70)

Fast Attack

3 Primaris Inceptors (Assault Bolters) (135)

Heavy Support

5 Primaris Hellblasters (Plasma Incinerators, Bolt Pistols) (165)

Total: 995pts
CP: 6

Your flat chest loving pedophilia is fueling Slaanesh too bruh.

>the divide between Guard players and non-Guard players is evident

this is how it went down
>"hey, user, these are three units of 30 boys, and here is a weirdboy, giving them a sort of unfailable deepstrike"
>figure its not a big deal, ill take like a 60 warriors, its going to be coo
>tfw he succeeds every charge from deepstrike every turn with a whole lot of boys
>tfw he only draws objectives he already controls

you know you got beaten to a pulp when the opponent doesnt even play with some units out of compassion, so they just sit there in his deployment, doing nothing

All this makes me want to do play guard and post batreps

that game sounded fun as fuck

You first, Tank fucker.

>All the people crying about Leman Russ buffs

Can't wait to drink all the salty tears when I run people over with my tank company I've had for two years ; )

It'll last maybe 3 months.

Can't Imperial Guard players at least admit to being very strong?

All this dancing around the subject with talk of 'potential conscript nerfs' seems to be missing the point. Do you honestly want us to pretend that Guard are balanced and fine while you table us without much thought? You just expect people to kiss your ass and tell you how great you are, just like that?


My carnifexes don't fuck tanks. At least as far as I know.

fuck off faggot

Holy fuck I wanna play guard now

++ Recon Regiment ++

+ HQ +

Tank Command Exterminator: 3x Heavy Bolters

+ Fast Attack +

Scout Sentinels
Scout Sentinel: Autocannon
Scout Sentinel: Autocannon

Scout Sentinels
Scout Sentinel: Multi-laser
Scout Sentinel: Multi-laser

++ Armored Regiment ++

+ HQ +

Tank Command Punisher: 3xHeavy Bolters

+ Heavy Support +

Leman Russ Squad
Leman Russ Battle Tank: Battle Cannon, Heavy Bolter
Leman Russ Battle Tank: Battle Cannon, Heavy Bolter

Leman Russ Executioner: Lascannon, Plasma Cannons

Leman Russ Executioner: Lascannon, Plasma Cannons

++ Stormtrooper Regiment ++

+ HQ +

Tempestor Prime: Rod, Power Fist
Lord Commissar: Plasma Pistol, Power Sword

+ Elite +

Tempestus Command Squad: 3x Plasma Guns, Vox Caster

+ Troops +

Tempestus Scions: 2x Hotshot Volley Guns, 2x Hotshot lasguns, Sgt with Laspistol and Chainsword

+ Transports +

Taurox Prime: Missiles or Gatling cannon and Volley guns

Can I get some feedback on this 2kpts list? Its a Batallion+Outrider+Spearhead detachment to a total of 8CP.

desu I thought ad mech and DG looked too spooky from their previews too

literally only the Punisher is of questionable OPness, every other varient benefits in the best way possible, the Battlecannon and Exterminator are finally fucking viable again
I'm not admitting anything until the dex drops and we see everything you sperg. From what we see, the OP shit is getting nerfed.

yeah boi, finally have a reason to mix up the main guns. You only ever need one punisher unless you want to be a cunt.

Bug fuckers support guard. Is anyone surprised?

you get it, You only ever need 1-2 punishers (even then 2 is excessive), most of the tank pool should be fucking battlecannons, but that shit got beat hard, now it's actually good again.

>make a joke
>suddenly a guard supporter
Let's not get ahead of ourselves

Demolisher is pretty nasty too. Basically going from a dual Lascannon to a Quad Lascannon in raw damage output.

th is better!
it is
>>no more power creep!
nobody has ever claimed that, because power creep is inherent in any game.
>>everything is balanced!
Once again, nobody ever said it was perfect. it is still miles ahead of any other edition in that regard, and if anything gets too out of hand, GW fixes it. See: stormravens, brimstones, razorwing flocks, soon conscripts.

I mean telling me to fuck off on a poll potentially bad mouthing the guard sort of implies some support.

The Vanquisher is still bad unless they buffed it. Doubling the fire rate still only gives just over a 50% chance to wound a Rhino.

True, but we must remember it's pathetic range, but I suppose it's an even bigger fire magnet now.

You need more AT. Those hell blasters die and you are a sitting duck

the reason i dislike horde armies, is that i have to bring a horde of my own, and that is really interesting to no one

Trying to find some good music that relates to Dark Eldar. Anyone got suggestions?
Only got this so far

>I run people over with my tank company I've had for two years ; )
sure, and the screaming autist wasn't lying when he said his guard army had been unchanged for years.
You do know that flagrantly saying "fuck you" about shit that most people aren't happy about makes you no friends, right? that it only cements the perception that guard is the new tau?

Telling you to fuck off because we already know that guards are the new whipping boy. We don't need a poll to prove it. Besides I'm waiting to see of nids get anything to answer the guard.

I suppose it was easier to deal with when AP existed.
you know what would be a neat rule?
+1 to hit against units of 20-30+
no idea how that would work in practice though

Ehhhh honestly hoping not too big of a shitfest. The mission was to kill the most power level of the enemy army with Warlord kills doubling your points. And the deployment was at least 3 inches from the enemy with each force divided into thirds. The freshly raised conscripts held the front line only to be savaged by Warrior fire and charged with a heinous energy weapon targeting the Knight Commander. They held firm of course slowly wittingly the Necrons down with bayonet work. With the Banewolf and Executioners wiping an elite unit of the mechanicals out.
This game also had no morale as a Twist

Ork army is coming together. I have about 135 boyz for my 1k list, but I don't know if I need more. I figured the extra CP would be worth it

>135 boyz for 1k
get more boyz

>Besides I'm waiting to see of nids get anything to answer the guard.
According to the play testers (so take it with some doubt) nids are the most insane codex out of all of them.
I'm interested to see it, if only to see what makes them say as much, assuming it's not just them trying to get you to buy stuff. Maybe a fuck ton of biomorph options instead of hive fleet rules? That would be pretty neat.

Rumour says you guys are the new Eldar so get ready.

Combined arms senpai

>Literally 1 minute after I post this, UPS notifies me that they arrived
The Twins are ready to roll in style!

for nids i'm predicting some kind of 'endless tide' stratagem which would be pretty strong

happy ending achieved

What are the strongest anti psyker units in the game?

There are many designed for being good against psykers, but what is the most efficient and/or has the great effect (sure it might not be targetable, but can it greatly impede casting as well?).

Like Culexus sounds great on paper, but its ability to defend others from psychic powers isn't too powerful.

that would be nice

I mean it makes sense, a horde of green retards flying toward you, surely it would be easier to hit ONE of them?

10 Culexus Assassins.

>Combined arms
>Just endless blobs of infantry

>Nobody agrees to play against your OP list

Greyfax seems pretty anti-psyker

>135 boyz
For what purpose?


Probably been asked a hundred times, but Herr we go: how are Tau and Necrons in 8th?

Black Templars have a stratagem that lets them deny any power on a 4+, so long as a Templar unit is within 24" of the caster. Sisters of Silence are a walking null zone with guns

I was tossing around the idea of making my exalted sorcerer from the order of the blind since the transfers looked really cool to me. Knowing that, should I make him from the Athanaean cult or Corvidae cult? 9 decides between them.

just playing orks my dude

>two years

Is that supposed to be a long time, newfaggot?

>Can't wait to drink all the salty tears when I run people over with my tank company I've had for two years ; )
>HAHAHA I hope your ready to get crushed by my unstoppable tank list
>gee, I'm really not interested in playing a game against an OP list, sorry.
>o-ok, I guess I'll just go post on Veeky Forums about how guard aren't OP and people shouldn't refuse to play powerful guard lists
oh wow, so hard to avoid your bullshit.

Anything which out-ranges the offending psyker with powerfull enough shooting to blast the fucker into oblivion. Or something that can appear next to it, or quickly move into range, and then shoot or punch the living daylight out of the pesky mind-freak.

exersize for the day.

If you were to take all of 40k .. RT -> 8th and stack it all in a kill all top dog fight.

who's the most op faction. no who's been op the most but if you took the most op out of every edition and put them against each other .. wich would be the most op out of them all.


holy fuck it's been a while

>Maybe a fuck ton of biomorph options instead of hive fleet rules?
No GW already confirmed Hive Fleet rules.

Playtesters also hinted at LOTS of points cuts for big bugs, their psychic powers being expanded is potentially very scary, and I can only imagine the stratagems.


7th eldar, no question.