>Meanwhile on *Orz* Veeky Forums
Arilou *quick-babies* make Orz so very *frumple*! Why do they keep interrupting *party* time? What do fellow *fingers* have to say on this?
Meanwhile on *Orz* Veeky Forums
The best *campers* are *happy campers*.
What's a good way to include something like these guys in a campaign? I'd like to avoid reducing it down to just replacing words with other, odder words and having it devolve into something totally silly and inane. How do I make something seem unnervingly polite and friendly?
All *campers* should be *happy campers*. A *sad camper* is no good, and Orz will have to *dissolve* them. It is so sad.
We will prepare a short, poignant eulogy to mourn our demise.
*Jumping Peppers*! So many *campers* Today! Maybe we can have *party* after all!
All I know is you had something to do with the Androsynth disappearing and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it!
too bad the gameplay is garbage
This is making Orz very *frumple*. We do not like to talk about Androsynth *parties*. Please stop asking about them, otherwise you will no longer be a *happy camper* for the Orz.
Orz are literally *eddit of StarCon 2.
>Orz Veeky Forums
>all posters are actually just one sentinent being shitposting into a lower dimension
Shut your whore mouth
That really says something.
Kzer-Za did nothing wrong
The gameplay is really fun, except for the parts that require precision weapons firing and trying not to slam into planets and lose half your life. Those parts are pretty garbage.
Once you get lock-on technology there is basically never any reason not to throw that shit on your flagship with the strongest fucking cannons you can buy and hammer the god damn fire button.
Literally. Humans should abandon shitty League and becoma battle thralls with authonomy.
this art is awesome
What the fuck is this, am I browsing Veeky Forums or /v/?
It's very common for Veeky Forums to find an interesting topic and try force role playing of it in a thread. It's kind of a communal story telling thing. This thread just never took ofd. Few do these days. Got me to look up what an Orz is thougj, I spent most of my shift reading lore for a game I've never heard of but am now greatly interested in.
Orz is overrated as fuck. Also, too bad, StarCon 2 was linear in player choises. I really wanted to join Ur-Quan.
>Orz is overrated as fuck.
Such a *silly cow*.
Orz and Pkunk are leddit of StarCon universe.