Welcome to The Wyrd/Wyrd World! Where humans and there concepts don't exists!
Let's make a weird setting
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So what's our frame of reference?
Getting on that
The Wyrd itself is a empty space where a bunch of weird shapes just float around.
Each shape/planetoid also has some form of inhabits. Who are also weird shapes with legs and arms
Really let's just rip off hylic's
The Old English term wyrd derives from a Common Germanic term *wurđíz. Wyrd has cognates in Old Saxon wurd, Old High German wurt, Old Norse urðr, Dutch worden (to become), and German werden.
The Old English wyrd is a verbal noun formed from the verb weorþan, meaning "to come to pass, to become". The term developed into the modern English adjective weird.
Would this mean that remarking "Weird" after something peculiar happens is a shortened version of "That just came to pass", or "Whelp, that just happened".
Legs and arms are human concepts, jimbo. Come to think of it, so are shapes.
We're humans. Human concepts are literally the only way we can communicate with each other. How will this thread ever go anywhere?
Look dude I just came up with the name on the fly. I put literally no thought into it.
However, Wyrd Workd could probably be filled with "well that just happened" moments. Like. I don't know.
A bus drives by and the insides are just filled with what the players could only imagine where organs on a purple cylinder shapes
Just, fucking think of weird shit ok
The only reason you're posting that is because that's apparently what bare elemental hydrogen does if you leave it alone for long enough.
How's that for weird.
Stop shitting around and contribute please
Don't tell me what to do.
If you want strangers to contribute, come up with an actually appealing concept, not just
>lolsorandumb thread, go!
Everything is cubes, oh nooo.
So wyrd.
Are you done shitposting
Holy shit, is that an anthropomorphic mole about talking to an anime-eyed worm? They're supposed to be predator and prey!
Your the shit that's killing Veeky Forums.
You're delusional if you think 'hurr durr make some random shit up for me' is in any way similar to a 'quality' Veeky Forums thread opener.
Get off your high horse, you absolute pleb.
Just fucking contribute to the thread you pillock
Oh shit, it's a purple ice skater! What will we come across next? How random! How wyrd!
Hey @mods just fucking delete this thread please there's no way we're going to be back on topic
Go back to /v/ please
This is the worst thread on Veeky Forums right now
Oh! It! Is! Wyrd!
Ok, yes. I get it. You don't like this thread.
Go away now.
And it was never going to be anything more. Your thread was always shit.
Now your just being passive aggressive little shit
It's wyrd world, wyrd world, party time, excellent!
Do you have anything better to do with your time
All around me are wyrd faces
wyrd places, wyrd faces
bright and wyrd for their daily races
And they say that a weirdo could save us
I'm not gonna stand here and wyrd
I'll hold on to the wings of the weirdo
Watch as we all fly a-wyrd
Fuck it post somsnosa lewds
Not OP, but holy shit if this isn't the most representative series of posts about Veeky Forums. You're not even autistic, just straight up shitheads.
Worst part is that this is only one poster
It's a representative thread.
Entitled, lazy OP expects to have his 'creative' heavy lifting done for him by shouting a flimsy concept into the void of Veeky Forums, gets uppity when told it's shit, proceeds to shitpost.
This isn't /b/ you fuck stick
So don't treat it like /b/, with your garbage randumb thread.
Why do you think this even belongs on Veeky Forums? Because you tacked the word 'world' onto your adjective-of-the-day for 'random'? So now it's suddenly Veeky Forums-quality worldbuilding? Fuck you and everything you stand for.
Because I wanted to have fun making a silly setting with random people I do t know.
Do you know what fun is? You joyless zipper head
Fuck off. You wanted to make a hylics thread, but you thought you'd be 'original' and post it on Veeky Forums. You didn't even have the restraint to keep from referring to /v/ in your replies.
Fuck right off with this non-Veeky Forums-related shit.
Now your just fucking resorting to /v/ tier trolling.
Go back there please
No I didn't. I just fucking used it as a art reference.
@mods please fucking delete this thread
He is man, but he is also star
So wyyyrd
If anything you're the one who started with your shit-tier trolling, not trying to work with the OP about the setting or whatever the fuck. It's fine though, you're the one who enforces the unbending rules of the precious realm of Veeky Forums right?
Fuck it. How's your sex life?
Please quick move your shitposting over here
Tell me you cuck how's your sex life
In a better state than your shitty threads about your shitty idea, to be quite honest.
Oh wow you sure owned me right there
Hey @Mods still waiting for you guys to delete this thread
This reminds me of a particularly strange RPG I found on some site years ago where Rule 0 was "the GM is always wrong" and the goal was to confuse both him and the other players as much as possible.
Please go away I want this thread to die
Then you shouldn't of made it. You knew deep in your heart, that this would happen. All it takes is one pissy user to ruin a whole thread.
The shift in meaning from "destiny" to "strange" actually comes from the association to supernatural beings such as the Fates, sometimes called the Weird Sisters, that were often thought of as ugly or odd-looking.
>You knew deep in your heart, that this would happen
No I didn't
Stop contributing
>posts on Veeky Forums
>doesn't expect to be shitted on by pissy anons
Don't forget
>actually reposts the same shit thread
Not to this degree, no
Only because you fucking derailed this one
>cry me a river
>doesn't actually cry
Look guys! He posted it again! What a funny meme man!
You are a delusional shitposter. No one wants you here yet you think you represent Veeky Forums. This thread, typical to Veeky Forums and something that usually ends up being interesting and new, is now ruined because of you. Fuck off.
Actually this thread is great.
>Cookie-cutter, hipster surrealism
And yet your still here. Huh, Wyrd.
Numb Digger
I don't know why, but this Wyrd shit is actually becoming funny. God damn, love Veeky Forums in the morning.
The absolute state of Veeky Forums
>Posts /b/, the thread opener
>Gets pissy when it turns into /b/, the thread
>Somehow not his fault
>Samefags loudly
It's nice to know at least someone is enjoying this shitshow of a thread
Meant for >post /b/, the thread opener
You gook lips setting creation threads are a Veeky Forums staple
>You gook lips setting creation threads are a Veeky Forums staple
When they're good.
This is hot garbage.
Did they die?
Because no one fucking attempted to make it good
Come up with a good idea, then post it.
Don't rip off a videogame that wasn't even original to begin with, then expect everyone else to do your work for you and somehow make a good setting out of it.
God dammit Sheogorath, go back to /esg/. I'm keeping the cheese though.
I'm not trying to fucking rip off a fucking game I used it as a fucking reference you rimmer
It's telling that you can't really find any other fault in that statement.
How well I remember the aged poet Sophocles, when in answer to the question, 'How does love suit with age, Sophocles,--are you still the man you were?' 'Peace', he replied; 'most gladly have I escaped the thing of which you speak; I feel as if I had escaped from a mad and furious master.' His words have often occurred to my mind since, and they seem as good to me now as at the time when he uttered them.
What do you mean?
You can deny that you were ripping off hylics.
You can't deny that the idea was shit and unoriginal, and that you were trying to get other people to do your heavy lifting like the entitled cunt you are.
>and that you were trying to get other people to do your heavy lifting like the entitled cunt you are.
Oh, like every other fucking setting creation thread?
>I've seen people post shit before, therefore I must post shit now
Good worldbuilding threads start with a solid, appealing idea or concept.
Lolrandumb worldbuilding threads that just have anons shouting whatever have never been good.
I was going to make a fucking basis as the second post before shit face started posting. I made the OP starter empty because I couldn't fucking think of anything to pure there.
Honestly the music video shit pickle posted was what I was trying to go for before the thread fell apart
Are you on a fucking timer? Think of something, write it into a coherent post, then press submit.
Did you think someone else was going to beat you to the punch with the same solid gold original donut steel idea?
>Look dude I just came up with the name on the fly. I put literally no thought into it.
>Just, fucking think of weird shit ok
>Stop shitting around and contribute please
You brought this on yourself. Put some thought into what you post and don't act like an entitled knob.
I'm using fucking Moble because my computer isn't working right now.
Changes literally nothing about what should be common sense: think of an actual post before you post.
Ok, fine. I fucked up. Can we please just fucking forgot this shit happened