when you play a virginal PC. Do you make it a big deal if they get into sexual situations or when they have sex for the first time?
When you play a virginal PC...
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Only if it's rape
I play with real people and not weirdo antisocials from 4chins, so we're generally mature enough to all agree that erotic RPing and magical realm fetish shit really has no place in the game. We're here to explore dungeons and solve mysteries, not measure dicks and compare how many imaginary women each character has shagged.
Is virginity really that important part of your character?
why can't it be?
Are we talking about ME making a big deal about it, or my CHARACTER? Big difference, especially when playing a virginal qt3.14.
It certainly can, but if you insert such themes in to game, it has tendency to came out as creepy.
Outside of characters reasonably expected to conform to some form of religious chastity, questions of virginity haven't really been relevant to my characters, and even when I played such a character, it never came up and I never gave it much thought.
Shit tier: Virgins who start screaming about uteruses being hit
Low tier: "I've never seen a penis before."
High tier: "It's alright, it's not as bad as they say"
God tier: Lolis and shotas being awkward virgins trying to figure out that p-n-s goes into vag---
Nahhhh, it can be but it can also be a great buffer. A PC I played was engaged to a guy back home so she didnt think it was right for her to sleep around. It helped tone down awkwardness with a neckbeard and made a great plot hook and DMPC
Going on about virginity is just asking to be raped
GM introduces NPC party of virginal battle maidens... gets gang raped
I assume every character is a virgin until stated otherwise
virginity wouldn't be so prized if it was common
I have literally never once roleplayed sex
what is wrong with you degenerates?
Personally no, but my character does due to the fact that he is highly religious and considers premarital sex tantamount to adultery and because he was raised among a bunch of stuffy clerics and paladins his sex education consists of "women have boobs and long hair."
if you've chosen to make a character that makes a big deal of it, then you are making a big deal of it.
>virginal PC
>sexual situations
>sex for the first time
There's only one appropriate reaction to any of the above.
These threads make me wonder
are there really guys out there who'll roleplay sex
At a table
with everyone there
what kind of autistic neckbeards do you guys play with
it's even worse if there's women at the table on who you try your fantasies
it's disgusting
>at a table
it's long been my own theory that these kind of posters play mostly online. It's a lot easier to roleplay sex when you're just typing behind a screen. It's basically the same as writing erotica.
Yes but at the same time, everyone is born into the state of virginity, so sonething has to happen to take it away.
Until your partner brings out the vagina dentana, snips your penis off, and moans while shitting his way up to your open mouth.
Generally speaking, yes, virginity is extremely important in fantasy settings.
Even in the modern day, while losing your virginity out of marriage isn't necessarily bad, it's still considered a somewhat big deal (usually good by most people)
Zeus tier: An older, onee-chan type girl showing a young, virginal shota the ropes
Titan tier: Onee-chan is also a virgin
If they have sex then I'm not playing a virgin anymore.
Depends on what kind of erotica you tend to write, I suppose.
I mean, that ain't me but whatever floats your boat man
>make a female PC for once because it fit the character concept I envisioned better
>almost every session since day fucking one includes at least one reference, threat or attempt of rape
>so far she could fend it all off, but she had to wade through blood and become a hardened, jaded killer as a consequence
>can't justify being an upbeat girl anymore
>and there's always more rape on the horizon
Is my group officially shit, anons?
>Cheerful and chipper girl becomes a hardened, jaded veteran after being immersed in the nastiness and brutishness of the human condition
Nothing wrong with that, faget.
I'll do it when I'm the game master and someone keeps trying to bang my NPCs. I slay boners like St. George slays dragons.
Just watch out for the pretty knight user
Most of my PCs are virgins, including the bards.
If you want your character to ride a unicorn, I suppose.
I guess if you're playing the virginal vestal or young noblewoman archetypes, but otherwise I wouldn't think so.
A Paladin like this would be great.
Depends on both the character's cultural conditioning and the social mores of the area they find themselves in when it occurs.
It can be just as fun to play a spaghetti spilling wannabe stud trying desperately to find a partner as it is to play an innocent that misses all the hints from lustful NPCs...
Older ones type being taken by a young, virile loli would be yet better.
I'm pretty sure a "virile loli" is a shota.
Source? I tried searching for "Ritz" with a few other keywords that seemed likely, but got inconclusive results.
It's a one shot image by a friend of the creator of the Saki series of anime and manga. She's a weird gal.
Her self published schedule.
Ritz: Ritz by Oowada Hideki.
My character is a virgin, he's a former monk, who has been sexually repressed for years. So it is part of his character, but it is in no way a defining characteristic.
And it never should be.
Tell your group to cut it out if you don't like it.
If they keep it up, kill their characters.
Why would this ever come up? Who subjects their friends to their Magical Realm so much they play out how they lost their virginity in highschool?
And if you are still a virgin and 25+ years old, instead of hanging out in a basement pretending to get laid, go to a gym until you get laid.
No, because anal and oral don't count.
That's not what those words say...
Aww, and here I was hoping that there was at least one person in the world autistic enough to schedule in their masturbation breaks.
>when they have sex
Not everyone plays ERP.
Born a virgin, die a virgin.
Most of the time the sex itself isn't roleplayed, and very little of the lead-up to it is.
>these kind of posters play mostly online
You would think so, wouldn't you? You would fucking think so.
So assfaggots can make whole essays about their character being non-heteronormative but being a virgin is irrelevant?
Veeky Forums is tumblr girls now?
never seen that desu
I played a cleric who was saving himself for his waifu who I was also playing in another DM's campaign in the same setting and was doing the same thing for him. I decided to do it after the DM had us explore a sprawling brothel complex and I realized that I needed protection against her magical realm. As I recall, we had to travel through at least two (maybe three?) orgies during the course of that campaign, not counting the near-orgies the other characters indulged in a couple times during downtimes. Needless to say, I got to roleplay being disgusted and ashamed a lot during those instances.
Look if she takes it in her ass she's a virgin.
Yes, i'm a vesta priest and i ride a unicorn.
My rogue assassin is a virgin. She's a scary assed cambion who generally scares the shit out of guys.
She was recently used as naked bait for three mercenaries and was rather rudely left to get her ass tapped when the group was meant to save her before hand.
I've never roleplayed sex, that shit is cringetastic.
My current character is clearly inexperienced with and sort of naive about women, but so far the only way it's come up is him spending the first three sessions thinking the elf fighter is a man because she wears armour and has a title, and being embarrassed when told otherwise.
I've been on this fucking website too long, I didn't even think anything was SUPER weird (okay, whatever she wrote down her "usual" times she finds wanting to masturbate, whatever) about that until you pointed it out and now I can't stop laughing.
Depends on the setting.
It's entirely possible that rape would be a legitimate and common threat to your PC.
All my PCs are entirely pure, unsullied, permavirgins. Even the undead. Especially the immortal lich.
But it never comes up in game because I play the game to have fun, not jack off under the table
I've had a similar experience when I was newer to RPGs
>playing murderhobo simulator 2012 in high school
>every encounter is fightan
>every encounter ends with lootan and torturan if we want more plot
>being an idiot, think to myself: hey, what if I made a pacifist character?
>get carried away with it and make a fussy princess-type that hates uncouthness and scruffiness
>first session of new campaign
>we're in a castle city that's in the midst of being overrun
>my character is reduced to low health in relatively short order, I think for trying to negotiate with a mob or something like that
>runnoft with the party
>get KO'd somehow while we're still inside the city, can't
>remember exactly how, might have been an arrow while I was following the party
>rest of the session and campaign (we never did another one) was jokes about slapping my character's ass and similar
>got a boner
it was a weird night
I guess it's more like a hope.
you're the one who brought it up
My groups does not do sex.
Sex does not give loot, hence, it's a waste of time.
Had one poor character, virginal druid chick, who got kidnapped and, because the party took too long rescuing her, got stripped and raped.
Didn't go into it other than that it had happened though, basically.
It can give you new party members.
Yeah, but they take forever to grow
Most of my characters are neurotic weirdos who avoid sex and romance like the plague, regardless of virginal status.
I draw from real-life experience.
That's a simple question to answer. Depends on the setting.
Every question is simple if you answer it that simply.
My character had a religious background and "bride of god" theme. She stopped making it a big deal after realizing most people just don't care.
Its fun
>"bride of god"
So a nun?
>Sex does not give loot
you're not doing it right
>My table are such huge virgins that we're scared of anything R rated or above entering into the discussion because we're all scared of sex and being 'too gay'.
I fixed that for you, friend.
Come to think of it, I'm not sure I've ever played a non-virginal PC.
Do you all make long lists of your character's sexual contrasts when writing backstory?
Nah, I'd more likely just think, in the abstract, whether their general backstory suggests they would have had any opportunities to have sex and whether their personality suggests they would have gone for any of them.
I don't think about sex or sexuality with a character unless it makes sense to me or a situation comes up and I think "wouldn't it be funny if?". I do like the occasional unexpected thing to get a chuckle out of the group, like the rampaging barbarian being spaghetti around women if they get too lewd.
My Nymph barbarian is a virgin because anybody who even considers approaching her in that way gets blinded and/or murdered.
I'm sure that's just because she's angry about being enslaved by elves for 1000 years thanks to a poorly worded oath. If she finds the right person she might change her mind, dare you find out? Keep in mind she likes to walk around covered only in the blood of her enemies, because she has 20 ac without armor, and isn't used to wearing clothes in her natural environment.
Pic only partly related, she doesn't dual wield, have bracers, dress exactly like that, or have glasses. The most accurate part is the "I'm just waiting for an excuse to kill you." expression.
Sounds pretty realistic desu
what an edgy piece of shit character
I had a PC do this in one of my campaigns.
They became a magnet for evil powers that smelled the purity on her and were attempting to
>Murder her because she offended their sensibilities
>Capture her and use her blood as spell components
One of the other PCs kept trying to get her laid, occasionally sending high class gigolos and prostidudes to her chambers
I don't flesh out their sexual history. You know, like a normal person. I figure it is implied if they have kids though.
>enslaved by elves for 1000 years thanks to a poorly worded oath.
Fucking elves man
>Making deals with elves
Well, what did she expect?
This. Fuck those knife-eared pieces of shit.
I used to hate dwarves, but every day I understand their perspective more and more. Now I hate both.
Become a lich
Hate all life equally
Oh course, most of my virgin characters have protected their virginity with their lives, only for being eventually taken by their life partners.
The only one that went rogue against this rule died later of the campaign of syphilis.
>playing modern USA as a setting
PCs back story was that she was gangraped by brigands while she was foraging. She deemed herself impure for her fiance because her maidenhood was taken by scoundrels. She becomes an adventurer so that this kind of thing never happens to her again
more like,
Playing in a Middle Eastern Setting
In a Middle Eastern setting you don't let your female PCs out without a company of older female PC or one of her male NPC relatives. Play by the rules of the setting and you'll be fine.
This. Also, in a Middle Eastern setting, rape / attempted rape will get you executed, it's a capital offence that falls under the same category as highway robbery.
b-b-but muh red pill eurabia caliphate my wifes son cuckshed jamal cultural enrichment cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck