What the fuck happened to Veeky Forums
What the fuck happened to Veeky Forums
A nazi mod banned everyone who wasn't from reddit or tumblr so now the board has turned into /co/ lite.
It got wyrd.
You fucking stop that
New mod took over about a year ago and has been declaring all the things he doesn't personally enjoy as "not Veeky Forums-related. Not just quest threads either. The Mage Guild threads have been forcibly exiled to /qst/ even though they don't have anything to do with what the sticky on /qst/ says that the board is for.
They were just moved there because the mod doesn't like them.
However, the mod is also a /pol/tard, so he allows blatant bait threads to stay up while removing individual posts complaining about his behavior. As you can imagine, this is causing a lot of people to get annoyed with the state of the board.
It doesn't help that Hiro doesn't have anything to do with running the site.
That's a loaded question, how about you explain first what the matter is?
It got better.
Not him, but no. I'm still amused by it and the autistic faggot that says he'll kill himself if he keeps seeing it.
I call someone edgy because they laughed at Regina Walters face before she was raped and tortured to death, and I get my comment deleted. He's protecting his butt-buddies.
Name your fucking files and stop making this bullshit threads, Wyrdfaggot.
It's blatantly obvious who you are and what posts are yours, due to your lack of basic punctuation and your file naming habits.
You're either a successful troll or someone that lacks the mental maturity to adequately cope with posting on Veeky Forums.
>The Mage Guild threads have been forcibly exiled to /qst/
Good, that's your place.
Hitler did nothing wrong.
same thing that happened to a lot of the rest of Veeky Forums
pol-shitting clogging up otherwise decent threads with ((((them)))) and "kangz" and other stupid nazi memes rather than our own homegrown stupid nerd memes
>Hitler did nothing wrong.
Must of done something wrong to lose.
Will you people not be happy until this board is only general threads and bait threads?
Oh boy, you got me. You get a golden star.
I didn't make that thread dude.
wasn't that like 6 years ago or some shit
I didn't say you did, but I know he's reading this thread right now like the Wyrdo he is.
I'll be happy when whiny faggots like you are exiled.
We still haven't recovered.
Summer 2010, actually.
It happened in the first half of Veeky Forums's lifespan but people still blame it for all the things wrong with current Veeky Forums. They also don't recall the infestation of furfaggotry and camwhore worship.
Ah, the yiff years..
Veeky Forums has seen some weird shit.
Most people on Veeky Forums don't remember what it was like to be on Veeky Forums. Not to be "that guy" but I was here before chanology for teh lulz. I remember when Raptor Jesus was a thing, and when Advice Dog was universally despised but relentlessly spammed by one guy.
Anyways, /mu/ literally had gorespammer. Every single thread was filled with mutilated dicks and giant nonsensical tirades at the mention of his name. Before captcha spam was an unending tide of pure bullshit, pages and pages of it. Before blue boards were enforced every single board was nonstop porn and wave after wave of get. It's true, Veeky Forums was never good, but it's still better than it was in a lot of ways. I find threads like this silly because, in spite of good times, there were some very dark days.
tumblr, and in general everyone getting a lot more sensitive about things. Also, the modding here feels a lot more severe than on other boards. You get long bans for the smallest offenses, even though this board prides itself on being the board that makes all other boards redundant. Also, it's the pussy attitude I mentioned earlier that effectively forced quests off the board. Because why let others enjoy what you don'tlike?
It was mostly due to Ruby Quest causing a massive influx because it was a piece of original content built around cute anthropomorphic characters. This drew furries to the board, where they began to express themselves through popularizing sergals, cutebolds and other nonsense. This eventually culminated in the awfulness was the Unified Setting, which was meant to be 'the' big setting designed by Veeky Forums that represented every aspect of Veeky Forums's interests. Over half of the races were furry and those few races that were not were hilariously under-developed and ignored. It reached a point where easily a quarter of Veeky Forums's threads were about monstergirl and furry waifus at all times.
Some people like to wax nostalgic about those days, acting as though the monstergirl and furry spam enabled a great deal of creativity and allowed original content to thrive. From my perspective, it was anything but. A fifth of the board was low quality quests, another fifth was Jessica Elwood worship, another fifth was roll-for-your-monstergirl-waifu, another fifth was roll-for-your-furry-waifu and the last fifth was actual Veeky Forums discussion and content.
Remember when /b/ was nothing but botspam?
Like actual pages and pages of the blue TF2 scout, or something like that?
Autism and trolls, and newfags not knowing about trolls, and noob shithead players who would rather bitch and cry and cunt rather than GIT GUD.
The mod here is either a fucking lunatic, retard, or covers for his friends like big man of campus. As I've stated my comments about calling some edgy was deleted, I've been banned for talking against both idiotic Antifa and Neo Nazi supporters and my comments are deleted, but they still keep on posting., and anything that deals with role playing is considered /qst/ now. It's better then old Veeky Forums, but the mod we have today is abusing their power like a 12 year old ripping the wings of a butterfly.
Yes. I vaguely remember the spam that caused the captcha being so bad that either you had 4chanX and posted at the speed of light, or there was literally nothing on the whole site.
And the CP man... Like literal child fucking and murder on EVERY BOARD. Those images that look like boobs but are really 2 frame gifs still haunt my nightmares.
>Jessica Elwood
There's a name I forgotten about.
You forgot the classic perpetual bait threads of the time though, "Elf Slave; Wat do," "Why is Veeky Forums so atheist," Japanese Bird Cooking Spaghetti, Flare threads, and the Touhou "You'll never have your sister gently eat your Intestines" thing.
Oh fug, not that crap. We don't need that shit here again it's the reason as to why I hate lolicons/shotacons so much. They remind me of them
user you can just say Wyrd
It was so hot I cum on cat she hiss at penus.
/z/ man. That invasion board was the shit.
Also, dick ants.
I know for a fact that elf slave wat do came after nazimod nuked Veeky Forums, because the main complaint was that he allowed it to exist while deleting 'good' threads at the same time. I think this was almost the time of mastermind, japanese bird cooking spaghetti and why is Veeky Forums so atheist threads too.
Flare occurred mostly during 2009-2010 though, you're right there. I'm pretty sure most major Touhou faggotry stopped being a thing after 2010 too, so it probably took place around then as well.
>I've been banned for talking against both idiotic Antifa and Neo Nazi supporters
It's almost like off-topic political discussion is /po/ no matter the ideology. even if you're le enlightened fence sitter.
Also, the fucking avatarfags from back then. Anyone remember the OG Jim Profit?
Veeky Forums has always had cancer.
[Insert joke about Papercraft & Origami here]
Same reason I hate furries and trannies. After posting here for so long I can only associate those degenerates with that one babyfur pasta off that forum, and the ACTUAL trap threads before people started liking them.
Fucker made the board nearly unusable whenever his autistic ass was awake because the first 4 pages of threads would be spammed with his shit. I was so happy to see him get the fucking boot, you have no idea.
>and my comments are deleted, but they still keep on posting
>but they still keep on posting
Line Trap is solely responsible for traps getting a good name.
There is nothing wrong with this board.
Wouldn't be a problem if they got banned too. But they didn't, thus why I say abuse of power. Either they were friends of the mod or the mod themselves. Also I despise this "le enlightened fence sitter" meme. Anarchist Communists are just as bad as Neo-Nazis, get over it.
Then his children Spanish Flea, the Golden Neckbeard (though he might be considered a camwhore of sorts), and the many Sergalfags.
Calling out the regressive left and the alt-right for their shit at the same time doesn't make you a fence-sitter, it makes you someone that doesn't like how identity politics currently dominate all political discussion. It's still taking a side, it's just taking a side against the assholes obsessed with race, sex and religion above all other things.
The general threads are the only things that discuss traditional games. It would be excellent if thats all that was left.
RRRREEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! I still get Sergalfags joining my games every once and a while and I don't play online
/tv/ refugees
Finally, someone that understands. They're both idiots and I want them out of my shit and out of my face.
Sergalfag refers to someone who specifically used images of a sergal drawn for a specific quest on Veeky Forums as his avatar. He eventually got perma-banned.
There was also that one trigfag who pretended to be a Werewolf the Apocalypse werewolf. He was actually a decent guy, aside from the weird persona he had. What was he called again?
I know who you're talking about, but I can't remember his name. I don't like people trying to bring Sergals into either games I'm in or I run.
I like to think people like you are a quiet majority but sometimes it really seems like thats not true.
Scared of Shadows. Yeah, he was a super shitposter at first but then realized he was being a shitter and turned himself around to a degree.
I kinda miss some of our old shitty trip/namefags. Like Edward/Drawde/Lace the cat molester.
It's just not worth it to argue with either side. On one hand you're uncivilized turbo Hitler, on the other you're some kind of gay cuck black person, particularly if you're well informed on the subject. I could spend all day arguing with tards on either side, or I could enjoy my head of hair and not be angry all day.
Care to elaborate
Golden Neckbeard wasn't a troll though.
Learn to report and ignore. If you don't report a post the Mods literally do not care about it.
I'm just joking. They hide in the Veeky Forums Star Trek general because /tv/ is such is shitshow.
There's also Exalted, a tripfag who got her reputation when she tried to create a Tau version of Dark Heresy with a few others. She alienated almost everyone she worked with because she had a very specific understanding of morality she shoved into every single setting she touched. Definitely had some sort of hero complex, since she despised settings that were shades of grey and felt an overwhelming desire to try and permanently 'fix' them, by removing any dark or morally questionable elements.
Fun fact, Edward, Exalted and Scared of Shadows were all part of a single IRC channel where they played World of Darkness games together. They were all decent people, even though each of them had some pretty weird issues.
Turned to shit overnight. Still not as bad as /mu/ though, there is still hope for Veeky Forums.
I dislike what Veeky Forums has become and its frustrating that its still better than 90% of other sites on the internet to discuss this sort of stuff. I wish Veeky Forums would just die so I can be free.
Christ, Edward. I played in a game with him once, and once was enough.
(that game was a fucking garbage fire in a lot of ways, but he didn't help)
All other discussion boards are just namefag bitchfests.
>Christ, Edward. I played in a game with him once, and once was enough.
I did too. It was Dogs in the Vineyard.
The only thing I knew Exalted from was from the Elf Murderin' series of thread where she tried to interfere with a game she wasn't even involved in. She was a cunt in those threads.
I remember that. He deleted one of my comments that was providing source for a piece of artwork in that thread. Dude's a complete shitter.
I remember you too. Fucking bullshit was going on in the thread. Still don't know what was going through that faggot's head.
She just had a weird, dysfunctional understanding of fiction. She was unable to enjoy grim settings with shades of grey unless the hero was able to 'fix' the setting and make a good and pleasant place out of them. She didn't understand how people could enjoy them to the point where she disdained and shamed people for liking settings like 40K. Not because the setting is bad but because she genuinely couldn't understand how someone could appreciate a setting where bad things are able to happen without being a bad person themselves.
In short, she's damn strange. Her heart's in the right place but she's a weird one.
what is wyrd?
Everybody knows that byrd is the wyrd
>Byrd is the word
>Wyrd is Byrd
>Wyrd is the word
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun.
seriously, someone explain to me what is "Wyrd".
Two autists had a fight
I miss Awake threads.
/z/? What was that?
All the content creators were scared off because Veeky Forums hates everything fun
>Jim Profit
>Golden Neckbeard
>Red Machine D
>3.5 vs 4e edition wars
Here's some more cancer for the pile.
be more concise
One autist made a lazy Hylics themed world building thread while another made fun of him for being lazy. A1 kept getting offended and tried to get the mods to axe the thread while A2 kept doing stupid posts to agitate A1.
You forgot one thing. While A1 and A2 fight, the rest of us are running around using wyrd, which is pissing them both off. I seriously can't stop though, because I know it's driving them both insane. Wyrd or what?
>he doesn't know what /z/ is
Back in the day it was a board for invading other boards. You'd log in, and you'd do actual malicious nonsense through your proxies. But seriously, it was just a dick with bees.Like, a board, but with only that picture.