What's the fantasy setting equivalent of a trailer park?
What's the cyberpunk equivalent of it?
What's the fantasy setting equivalent of a trailer park?
What's the cyberpunk equivalent of it?
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>What's the fantasy setting equivalent of a trailer park?
Wyrd World
Orc ghetto, same for both.
Nah, doesn't mostly white trash live in trailer parks? Orcs implies fine african american gentlemen, so a violent disgusting drug and violence-addled ghetto full of subhuman orcs that would be better off killed or deported better applies to an inner city ghetto filled with fine african american gentlemen.
>What's the fantasy setting equivalent of a trailer park?
>What's the cyberpunk equivalent of it?
A trailer park, only poorer and less white.
Space Gypsies.
Not!Gypsy caravan
Same, but in the city/has floating trailers
Gypsies aren't real tho
>fantasy trailer park
Probably a farming compound where it's all family, relatives, and farmhands that may or may not also be relatives, but the uglier and dumber ones that can't inherit the farm.
>cyberpunk trailer park
A modern trailer park with more neon and broadband that's been hacked from the local hub by someone that lives there and he charges everyone else for access. Also probably even dirtier and more run-down, and the people aren't as fat because they're starving. About the same amount of drugs.
>tfw grew up in a trailer park
I don't understand media's fixation on making them look like hell on earth. Rent's cheap, the neighbors are nice, it's actually pretty safe and girls are super easy so you're guaranteed to get laid.
Pretty good all things considered.
>Gypsies aren't real tho
Sadly there are.
More sadly I've seen one begging squad yesterday. Pitiful creatures.
t. Central-Eastern European
Yeah I had a buddy that lived in one for years. We gamed over there all the time. Trailer was small but cozy. Easy to vent in the summer, easy to heat in the winter. Neighbors were quiet, and nobody butted into other people's business. The management were a bit douchey but nothing's perfect.
>Pitiful creatures.
Except they aren't; they probably have more money than you do.
>Julian: Alright, you heal back to full.
>Bubbles: *studying character sheet* ok I think I got a spell that can get me up to the passage-
>Ricky: Fuck off Bubbles! Why didn't you say that earlier?
>Bubbles: I cast levitate and float up to the passage, what do I see?
>Julian: The passage is dark, but you can see it goes for a long way, you also see that there is a ladder sitting on the ground.
>Bubbles: Alright can I roll perception to see if theres anything down there?
>Ricky: C'mon Bubbles set the ladder down for us!
>Bubbles: I'm just trying to make sure it's safe, Ricky
>Julian: Ricky, relax. Go ahead and roll Bubbles. *Bubbles rolls* 21? Yeah it's seems pretty empty, at least as far as you can see.
>Bubbles: Ok I set the ladder down and tell the guys that it's all clear to come up.
>Ricky: 'bout fucking time
>Ricky: Fuck Off Lahey! Why do you gotta be a dick? I was just stealing a sword cuz mine broke.
>Lahey: I'm just doing what my character would do you chaotic-shit.
>Ricky: yeah, whatever but why do you gotta call the guards on me? My character just got outta jail, he ain't going back, no way.
>Julian: Four guards apporach and tell you that if you don't surrender and drop the sword than they'll kill you.
>Bubbles: Gee Ricky I think you better surrender this time, thats four to one, no way you can take em all.
>Ricky: uuuuuh, I tell the guards that this is my sword, it's been in my family for like 6 gentlerations.
>Julian: Alright Ricky, roll charisma.
>Ricky: *Rolls* Fuck yeah! Bubbles, can you confirm this nat 20?
>Bubbles: Yep that right there is a nat 20 right on the dice.
>Julain: Alright the guards seem convinced, they apologize and walk away.
>Lahey: You might have gotten away with it this time, you chaotic-shit, but I'v got my eye on you, next time you do something like that
>Lahey: my character is gonna be on you like a shit dragon, breathing shit all over you.
>Randy: You tell him Mr. Lahey!
>Ricky: *Takes bite out of a pepperoni stick* Fuck off Randy! After fucking last time your lucky I don't fucking kill you Lahey it's your fault I broke my sword in the first place.
>Julian: Boys Calm down, we're all just trying to have a good time here, Lahey lay off of Ricky for a little bit, and Ricky stop trying to start shit.
>Ricky: It's not my fault Lahey decided to play a fucking paladin just so he could fuck with me.
>Lahey: Remember Ricky, shit dragon.
(Later Still)
>Julian: The Troll attacks Corey with his club, *Rolls* Corey you take 12 damage
>Corey: Oh no if I take anymore damage I'm probably gonna die.
>Trevor: Ricky why did you have to drink that healing potion?
>Julian: Ok Lahey it's your turn what do you do?
>Lahey: *Clearly drunk at this point* I'm gonna run up to it and smite, what else would I do?
>Julian: Ok it seems injured by the attack but the wound begins to close up immediatly.
>Bubbles: Damn it guys... we gotta do something about that healing, none of our attacks are doing shit. Can I roll knowledge to see if I know how to stop that?
>Julian: Yes you can, buddy *Bubbles rolls* 19? You know trolls are vulnerable to fire.
>Bubbles: *Gasps* Ricky! You still got some alchemists fire left from when we burned down the Barons mansion don't you?
>Ricky: Yeah I got afew.
>Julian: Speaking of which, It's your turn Ricky.
>Ricky: Ok I give acouple of my algerians fires to Trevor and then throw one of mine at the Troll *Rolls*
>Julian: Ok you hit it, it seems hurt significantly by the flames, and the wound doesn't close back up, now it's your turn Trevor.
>Trevor: ok I throw one of the alchemist fires Ricky gave me at the troll *Rolls*
>Ricky: I swear to god if you fuck this up...
>Trevor: oh no... I fumbled...
>Julian: alright *rolls the dice* you accidently hit Corey, Corey, your taking another 12 damage.
>Corey: Fuck Guys! I'm unconcious, unstable, and on fire, what are we gonna do?!?
>Trevor: Oh my god dude I'm so sorry!
>Ricky: For fucks sake.
>Lahey: *Passed out from drunkeness*
>Bubbles: Guys, I don't have any more healing spells either, this is fucked!
Possible if unlikely. Their boss earns most of what they begging gets them.
At least I earn my money siting in warm room in comfy chair and don't have to beg is front of local Walmart equivalent.
Gypsy ''''''''''village'''''''
Both are pretty much the same for all intents and purposes. The people in power would incite conflict between them to prevent them upsetting the status quo just like RL.
>trailer trash girls are super easy
Are they? I thought that was just a meme
Not a ton to do in the park except watch TV, drink, fuck, and play games.
tent camp
>implying poor blacks and poor whites aren't both niggers.
Fantasy: Gypsy/Traveller camp.
Cyberpunk: Trailer park
>What's the fantasy setting equivalent of a trailer park?
Normal Society
What's the cyberpunk equivalent of it?
A trailer park.
>Cyberpunk Trailer Park
Reminds me of Ready Player One. The trailer parks consist of towers of trailers stacked on top of each other in an incredibly unsafe manner. Better than sleeping rough though.
Man we used to be unified like that. You can thank the efforts of the rich after Bacon's Rebellion for ruining that shit and making poor whites think they were better than poor blacks.
The cyberpunk equivalent of a trailer park is a cyber-trailer park. Alternatively housing projects or rows of shitty coffins.
If you read Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia, the elves are living in a trailer park in Mississippi.
mostly hispanics now actually
>huts made of garbage on wheels for easy relocation
so...a trailer park then
>orcs are black
Absolutely mint
Yoga user, yoga.
>cyber-trailer park
That sounds so dumb I love it
I really should; I'm not very flexible and that causes me to get hurt on the job a lot. That and I'm not as young as I used to be (that phrase is kinda stupid, innit).
The cyberpunk equivalent is a trailer park where everyone has a computer.
I read that recently and thought the whole premise of the motor homes having to be stacked was stupid. The entire premise of the virtual world was stupid without neural implants; "see lasers on your eyes and nows it's real!". I can't wait to watch the movie bomb. When will people learn that movies about Everquest and it's ilk will never matter, in any way, just like the people playing those games. Role play like a human and sit at the table with your bros or soon to be bros.
Or get an engineering degree and mine craft me a counter-current exchange heat pump or macro scale thermal rectifier, two things we badly need as a society.
My guess is your not reading your monthly IBEW newsletters, stretching and using proper techniques. I do it and people give me shit, but then I'm still stuck doing their jobs when my crew is short. Safety first user.
i love you too, user.
I think it's more than that, but generally I would think that cheap cybernetics will never happen because cheap limitless antibiotics will never happen.
I love you more than you will know. I put over 3 months of game time into EQ1, but only because I was being a fag and couldn't handle all the weird pussy being thrown at me when I was 15
With a body like that, I wouldn't mind dating a trailer park girl
what's the souce by the way
Cheap one room houses slapped together with sticks as the frame, plain mud walls. Not even high standard cob or wattle and daub. They literally just take dirt, mix it with water, then slap it on. Peeled tree bark shingles for the roof. No insulation what so ever. Half of the house is dedicated to some goats or a couple of pigs. No chimney, the smoke is left to rise up through the gaps in the roof shingles. Just a plain firepit in the center of the house for cooking/heating. Windows are basically just holes cut into the mud walls, with cloth or animal hide draped over them. In the winter they simply fill in the holes with mud to keep out the cold.
Now make a whole bunch of these clumped together and you have a fantasy equivalent of a trailer park.
Read that in all their voices nice user. 10/10
Well done, esp algerian's fire. Nice touch
nice quality smut, thanks bro
Green Niggers
>What's the fantasy setting equivalent of a trailer park?
>What's the cyberpunk equivalent of it?
Still a trailer park, but they use hoverpads instead of cement blocks
Not the guy you replied but also from Europe. I still remember that surreal scene in a Christmas market where an old, fat, rag-wearing Gypsy woman runs towards my wife and me, holding a cup, begging for money. As she opens her batracian-like mouth, with a painful facial expression as she was carrying all the world's misery, I can spot that all her teeth are made of fucking gold.
Stupid question, dumb answer. The trailer park is already something pretty cyberpunkish. Just add more criminality, poorer people, more whores, more gangs, more veterans with PTSD, more computers, and your 2017 trailer park becomes a cyberpunk trailer park.
The alternative to the classic trailer park could be the nomad caravan. It's like a trailer park but it never stays at the same place for very long.
God I fucking wish. I've actually had death threats from two different groups of gypsies because I kicked them out of my McDonald's for stealing food.
These guys are the lowest of the low. And they do actually live on caravan sites so yeah, Trailerpark Trash II: This Time, Its Worseonal
It's telling that police in the U.K. set up private groups to vent over how much they absolutely despise Gyppos.
Every other minority they accept that, as police, they'l ninevitably see the worst of them and don't take it to heart, but literally everyone who meets Gypsies fucking hates them.
>What's the cyberpunk equivalent of it?
My grandma also has gold teeth and I wouldn't call my family rich.
A lot of old people have gold teeth in Europe, I don't really know why.
Why not just kill them then?
Fantasy would be the part of whatever Hobbiton equivalent your setting has where the poor hobbits live. Lots of casual drug and alcohol creation and use, and a handful of mischievous fellows, but generally well meaning, uneducated folks looking for low income housing.
Cyber punk would be a trailer park but hovering over something, I guess.
Fantasy - A bunch of tents full of starving peasants.
Cyberpunk - A trailer park, but with neon lights.
>What's the cyberpunk equivalent of it?
A trailer park
Why does this topic cause a shitstorm every time it's posted.
What the fuck is it anyways? I stay away from Veeky Forums for couple days and now I find this shit being posted everywhere.
some autistic user tried to create a "weird" setting. asked for help developing the setting, like your average world building thread, but he shat on everything suggested because it wasn't the brand of lol-so-random he wanted. He then made some meta-threads tangentially related to the "wyrd" world thread which all devolved into an equally worse shitstorms as people called him out on it. Now people are taking to calling things they don't agree with "wyrd" by implying that you're that mega-retard.
He's either a really devoted shitposter trying to force another "BBEG, UGH" situation, or someone legitimately mega-autistic. Either way Wyrd is a forced meme that's just referencing retarded bullshit that wasn't that funny in the first place.
How many wyrd threads were there?
As far as I can remember, it was just the original thread, a second thread, and a third meta thread where he apologized for starting it.
I vaguely recall a total of 5 threads, but I think the other two were just people mocking the brazen retardation for more (you)s.
I was gonna post that. Basically what's going on in India ad china only white people having to deal with it.
> complaining about the lack of civil planning and human interaction
You don't really get cyberpunk the point do you?
>actually I do get the point and I think it's stupid
Great glad that settled then.
Yeah if we could get some pictures of hot trailer park girls, that'd be great
All those random small huts with weirdo loner witches and rangers and alchemists of whatever else. The ones the party has to seek out in the woods and wonder how anyone lives out there.
Junkyard scrappers or sewer mutants
Trailer parks are as much hell on earth as the ghettos. It shouldn't shock anyone that roch people broadcasting news think anywhere poor people live is automatically scary.
I've lived in a trailer park and been around other trailer parks and ghettos, and ime the parks and the ghettos are different. TP's have drug problems and the people can be dysfunctional, but they generally aren't dangerous at all. Ghettos by contrast tend to have a culture and sense of identity that is totally distinct from the rest of America and often take on a hostile pose towards outsiders, which combined with their higher crime rates makes them dangerous places
you are not allowed to say Hitler was right in Europe
>What's the fantasy setting equivalent of a trailer park?
Any race thats nomadic and have rules against trusting outsiders.
>What's the cyberpunk equivalent of it?
The place where majority of the population lives, being that they have been outjobbed by robots.
After all, why build industry for people who don't have money? No mcdonalds or a levies.
gold's a good metal for dentistry. Soft enough to be easily shaped, and won't react to any of the acids in normal food.