Living in the past edition
brewing ect
Living in the past edition
brewing ect
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I'm torn between grixis delver and jeskai control
It's getting hard to choose but I like the idea of a control deck without 80 gideons
2nd for pirates.
Third for unban JTMS, BBE, and mental misstep.
Fourth for get the links from the archive and stop looking like a scrub.
>inb4 thread q faggot
Come one man.
>It's getting hard to choose but I like the idea of a control deck without 80 gideons
Play Esper Control then
What's Veeky Forums's opinion on two smuggler's copter in fish. More so, how dose you all feel about BG fish possibly being a thing; any lists or ideas?
I only play edh and standard mostly but want to get into modern. How badly would I get destroyed if I wanted to run a UR Delver deck? I was thinking adding bolt, young pyro, blood moon, counterspells, etc. Or should I just say screw it and go for Eldrazi Taxes?
what should I play in a meta with a lot of UWx control, DnT, Tron and GBx?
What's your budget?
what B fish would you even use?
I was thinking I'd spend around 400-500. I already have some of the cards I would need (bolt, blood moon, etc). I would need a set of snapcasters still and all the good ub lands.
Sorry the UR lands
I assume you meant G. But the new ones from ixalan, take out stuff like master to lower the curve as well as push more Argo with COCO, I'm still trying to figure out if explore would be better then just draw a card
Mono W DnT. Weathered Wayfarer looping Horizon Canopy and flicker shenanigsns with Thraben Inspector will out-draw the control deck, and from there you just need to not over extend. If you want to be spicy, Spell Queller is a house against control in UW jerks.
G Tron is also a good option against traditional control decks, especially if you run Emrakul.
i miss him
No, I think he means B. As in black. U is blue my dude.
inkfathom witch, obviously
Would you play a proxy tournament that mandated everyone had 4x of a weird card?
why not, sounds fun
Why would you force people to play a shitty UR tribe with no support?
The Fatal Push didn't.
Delver was never good in Modern. He's a fine creature in Legacy when you're playing the small mana game, but Modern is not a small mana format. A Tarmogoyf can easily outrace a Delver while dodging more removal.
>Delver was never good in Modern
>he forgot about when treasure cruise was printed
I don't remember Delver being played in Burn.
I just want Bloodbraid Elf unbanned
I'm just starting into modern with lantern control. I'm almost done building it, just have the big money cards like bridge and mox opal to go
>without bridge
Might as well not even play it.
I hadn't thought of that
Is esper charm that good?
Its a little nuts actually. Instant speed mindrot, plain old draw 2 and maindeck enchantment hate in one package is pretty dank. Charm snap charm to shred hands feels amazing.
Esper Charm is very powerful, and so is Fatal Push. Black sideboard cards can be handy, too.
Pic related is the list I've been testing, but you might want to start with something more traditional, like this:
How do I get good at Modern? There's not local game store within a hundred miles, so I can't really go to FNM without making an overnight thing about it.
Esper charm is garbage
t. Hasn't played with Esper charm
I have, and its fucking garbage
4 opt and 4 visions seem a little overkill
seriously, how do i build zuberas
Yo fellow storm players. Is opt a better cantrip than sleight of hand? I just have to get a few cards to update my list and was wondering what the consensus is.
Also what is the 2 cmc cantrip of choice? Peer through depths or Strategic planning.
you don't
Cantrips at instant speed are always going to be good in storm, they allow you to combo outside of your main phases
Didn't consider the instant aspect of the cards. Makes sense to me.
>thread q
Favorite mono color?
How does this meme deck look like?
what are ya memeing up?
Thoughts on 1x Torrential Gearhulk in the jeskai Queller/geist deck?
Mono red, because blood moon and Koth are dope cards.
GW Elves or Ponza?
Only meta info I can give is lots of Tron and UW control
>Cantrips at instant speed are always going to be good in storm, they allow you to combo outside of your main phases
Your only storm spells are sorcery speed, you're not going to combo outside of your main, but it does allow for additional lines which is good. Opt is nearly as good as slight for card selection but not quite so it's possible most lists stick to slight.
I'd go for GB Elves, but since you haven't listed that, with Ponza at least you'll have fun blowing up tronlands
remember to sideboard surgical extraction
Some people have played it with success. I like it, a 5/6 with flash for 6 isnt bad and you're almost always able to hit something in your yard.
why GB elves? I have a lot of the pieces like blooming marsh, but I feel like elves can just get BTFO by Tron
>mfw I always believed grapeshot was an instant
Makes sense. I guess slight of hand is the way to go. Now the real question is what edition?
I like pic related more against tron than the infinite mana combo and it allows you to sideboard abrupt decay
Calling all modern anons.
I'm brewing a mixture of dredge and living end.
I never play graveyard based decks and I'm having trouble brewing this one.
Run Flagstones of Trokair so you can turn your extra Ghost Quarters into plains or tutor up Mistveil. Also 3-4 Wraths might be good instead of just the 2 DoJ.
9th Edition Russian
Can some one hook me up with a decent Sliver list?
I feel like building a tribal but I fucking hate merfolk, humans and elves.
looks kinda light on gideons my man. also i hope you have some cards to bring in for the storm matchup
why would you mix two archetypes that both lose to rest in peace? how about brew living end + ad nauseam or living end + scapeshift instead
play online, check out content from pros
This one top16 at the SCG Syracuse Open:
Thanks mate.
Not really a competitive
But what do you think about pic related just for casual fun at friday nights
It's without the expensive stuff
Is there any reason to play cryptic serpent over bedlam reveler? Ancestral Recall glued to a 3/4 with prowess for 2?
Not really
Also, thank you
roast will help vs delve threats and eldrazi
I'd try messing with Opt and some number of mana leaks
I was thinking of eidolon of rethoric against storm, it doesn't die to bolt and it's pretty much gg if it solves
Build 8whack
or spirits
or 8chad
or i don't know, illusion tribal
If you want a competitive tribal deck that's not those, however, just build bant eldrazi
it this deck or any sort of mardu midrange good? It looks cool.
Storm runs some kind of echoing truth like card in the board.
It's average, has good points and bad points. You basically have kill spells and handhate, and a sort of go-wide clock (accompanied by bolts to the face) with unaccelerated blood moon to help shore up the fact that a) you're clock is decent but not the quickest, and b) your interaction is decent but moreso against creatures.
It's basically like Skred (kill all their creatures) but you get Thoughtseize and white sideboard cards, and instead of going tall with planeswalkers and 5drops you go for lingering souls/peezy.
Imho doesn't go tall enough to be crazy good but it keeps low to the ground when it comes to interaction, which is good if the opponent is booking it straight out of the gates with aggression
I'm not playing it yet since i don't have all the cards. I'll probably have the deck put together either next week or the week after
Thanks, I'm trying to decide on a deck but I don't want to build some tier 1 list so my playgroup doesn't hate me.
Is a vampire lifegain deck too slow to be effective? Brewing one now and the idea is I gain life everytime I do something while the opponent loses life
Anyone tried running opt in Ad Naus over something like spoils or something else? Seems like it'd help add even more consistency
Rate/recs for my first deck
>Almost all Standard cards but not Standard/10
Since it seems you like Vampires, here's a half-decent build I threw together awhile ago.
garbage draft chaff pile/10
go to gatherer, type vampire and modern into the search, and try again
Mono Green.
in modern, red
legacy, blue or white
Thanks user
No shit retard its literally my first deck
>No shit retard its literally my first deck
Did you miss the part in the fucking OP that says competitive?
Woah owned xD
What are some spicy techs for a Grand Architect deck?
I'm gonna be ramping those artifacts hard. I already have Wurmcoil Engine, Myr Battlesphere and this bad boy as curve-end threats.
you're including pili-pala right?
>Infinite mana combo
>With Walking Ballista
>And Hellkite
I love you user, how could I miss this
I gotchu senpai
if you want to get really spicy you could go for a thoptor sword package, and ofc run some whir of invention as well to find you win cons
Is golgari infect viable?
You're basically a fast midrange deck, it can be ok in some metas but I wouldn't build it now
If a Delver deck got working (turn 1 Delver, turn 2 flip with spells backing it up or turn 1 Thought Scour into turn 2 Tasigur) it was a monster deck. Very oppressive tempo to play against, and by the time you were able to kill their threat through their Mana Leaks they had done enough damage to Bolt-Snap-Bolt you to death.
It was never the greatest, but it was powerful. Think Death's Shadow without the steroids
What's a good Grand Architect list look like? I love artifacts but can't afford Arcbound Ravager or Mox Opal.
I'm building Blue Steel but also adding big guys and shit to make it more midrange instead of pure aggro.
Look it up. Seems mad fun and I'm preety sure you can buy the whole deck with the same money you'd buy a playset of Arcbound Ravagers
I don't see any regeneration. Is day of judgment over wrath of god a budget consideration?
this is a trap, it ceases to become an aggro deck once you start playing other colors for thopter foundry
With the Pili-Pala combo to ramp into huge artifact dudes, right? Seems pretty fun, might give it a shot.
What cards would you ban, Veeky Forums?
What cards would you unban?
I would unban:
Dig through time
Green sun's zenith
Mental misstep
Preordain (NOT ponder though)
Stoneforge mystic
Treasure cruise
Artifact lands
I would ban:
Monastery Swiftspear
Inkmoth Nexus
And BBE i would unban
I'd ban namefags