Let's have an art thread for objects. Weapons, armor, relics, potions, tomes, anything and everything.
Art thread
i got you boo
Would break
Any wyrd weapons?
I doubt thats a weapon meant to actually hit something.
These are terrible. Not even in an autistic ''das not functional REEEEEE'' way, but that bulky, cartoonish art style is ugly as shit.
nice thread, let's keep it up
Except fully 2/3 of them are based on real weapons, you idiot.
It's a magical feather on a gilded stick. Your analysis is based on invalid assumptions.
Are you saying it's indestructible?
Why is armor with fur so aesthetic?
Nice contrast. As much as I love realistic armor, full suits of plate with no secondary characteristics is boring.
>two shields
Hmm, yeah, I can dig it.
Where is the autist that replies to every single image in the thread and calls it shit when you need him?
These are shit by the way, even as world of warcraft weapons
no they aren't. They're slabs of metal with gaudy hilts and idiotic blade shapes
those are fry pans
Remember you can take inspiration from shows too, not just drawings and real weapons.
Honestly a flute dagger is pretty neat.
With blades this wide, yeah no
I'm not seeing it. Just how loosely based are they supposed to be? Some specific examples are needed here I think.
i hate every one of these
sure they are. tell us about how katanas can cut through tanks too!
Are those feathers?
>Famous last words:
>What do you want to do, tickle me to death?
>The cinquedea is a civilian short sword (or long dagger). It was developed in northern Italy and enjoyed a period of popularity during the Italian renaissance of the 15th and early 16th centuries.
Sorry, forgot to include the biggest of the morons: You should stick you attitude where the sun don't shine and maybe pick up a book or visit Veeky Forums once in a while...
>Not even in an autistic ''das not functional REEEEEE'' way
also also, get a look of this one.
>spearheads are bad for stabbing people
I love it when realismfags get spanked like this.
>fry pans
the chinese dude I bought mine from lied to me, they do not fly at all...
the curved short sword is pretty nice imho
I get that you obviously need to transport them in something, but if you have a quiver for three only, isn't it more of a nuisace?
Yo can we get some magic shields?
So your one and only criteria is the wide blade? Because apart from that they look nothing like the stuff in OP's pic. Just look at the guards. Look at the pommels. Look at the blade geometry, grip shape, decorations, grip/blade length relationship... Hell, even the blade's width relative to its length fails to match up, these cinqueadas seem to be about 4-5 widths long. In OP's pic the blades seem to be around 2-3 widths long.
No idea, I just like the aesthetic. It's possible that the sort of quiver in the picture was meant to be carried on horse or something though.
Best/all I got
Its the Sylph Sword or it was inspired by it. Odds are it doesent hit the enemy, it just summons wind magic.
Those are still substantially less bulky than the ones in the op
Blades are too wide and bulky, the hilts, pommels, and crossguards are overdesigned to shit
Well, I really have better things to do, so let's start posting a bunch.
Let's take this a step further and get some really outlandish real world weapons in this bitch, shall we?
Yeah, a 6' long club with iron studs. Totally unrealistic.
Flat pommel, no hilt, all edge.
Not really a weapon for use against corporeal enemies that one.
Actual jawbone of an ass.
Totally unrealistic weapon. Oh wait.
Not typically, but they have been before.
The hilt is everything that isn't the blade there, the thing that's largely lacking is the guard.
Totally couldn't be a real weapon, too wide, with weird angles to it.