why is the 40k fanbase filled with imperium fans while the xenos and chaos fans are a minority why is it that the imperium has a bigger fanbase
Why is the 40k fanbase filled with imperium fans while the xenos and chaos fans are a minority why is it that the...
It's the underdog.
When most people are first drawn to 40k, they are because of the iconic aesthetic -- the huge cathedral ships, the inquisitors, the gothic overtones of it all. Then they dig a little deeper and half of the model range is imperium, and significantly more than half (probably more than 90%) of novels and assorted lore is from an imperial perspective. Add in that throughout the years the general official party line has degraded from "dystopic empire that routinely murders millions of its own citizens through incompetence or malice and keeps its ignorant populace cowed with propaganda" to "heroic defenders of humanity, also all that propaganda? 100% factual" and it's not hard to see why people are drawn to it. PRAISE THE GOD EMPEROR OF MANKIND stopped being the cry of a deluded fanatic and started being the logical thing to do.
They're human.
Their background has more detail.
There's more art and more models.
The vast majority of the novels are about them.
i mean at the beginning all the factions were equally bad except the Tau, but then they made everyone besides the Imperium and the Eldar to be even bigger dicks.
They're the humans.
Also they're nazis and they're the good guys so /pol/ loves them. Not saying every 40k player is a nazi, but nazis love the imperium.
They're humans
I'm humans
How relatable
>he doesnt like nazis
im sorry are you implying the nazis did something bad?
i have a dark angel librarian original character but i want to change it to a eldar OC without being called a heretic or a knife eared asshole
In most entry-level 40k materials we're seeing the 40k universe through the Imperium's eyes so it makes sense that they'd be the most popular, even without the obvious benefit of being the human faction.
Bcuz da stupid fleshbags dont know dat da orkz iz best.
Not a problem with that, elfboi
When over half of all sold products are Imperium, it makes sense that the majority of players would be Imperium players.
But the Imperium is a decentralized and yet paradoxically communistic entity that doesn't care about race (skin color) or gender. As long as you (properly) worship the God-Emperor and register as 'close enough' to human they will accept you and find a place for you in their vast bureaucratic engine.
Mutants, aliens and heretics can get fucked though.
The only relevant xenos are Eldar. Chaos are basically humans or mutant humans anyway.
Starter sets favour imperium.
The IMperium is literally civic nazis.
Its great.
Units are cooler to think about when you can apply tactics to them and their weapons immediately. Part of some xeno tactics is basically to die, that isn't very fun. Marines have close range tank, long range tank, transport while nids have 8 giant monsters with varied degrees of the same role, which throws tactics out the window in a way.
For all of the idiocy GW has shown, they have done one thing brilliantly.
They present the imperium as the "boring" option by contrasting them with all of these cool as shit alternatives, like Orkz, 'nids, demons, or even within the imperium, power-armored pyromaniac battle nuns.
Then, the kids who want to be different from everyone else pick a part of the imperium that is boring. They pick guardsmen or ultrasmurfs, or imperial fists.
Just as planned.
To an extent, this.
Marines and Guardsmen follow "roles" much better than other forces. There aren't nearly as many redundancies as there are in say, a nid, cron, or Ork army.
>1,6% genestealer cult
I am speshul
>Actually buying Ork bitz
What other factions fit the "role mould"? I think Eldar too
eldar aspects and tactical,assault devastator trinity arguably more than anything else
Because Space Marines fans make up over 50% of the fanbase
imperial armies have more cannon facets to their tactics. What variations do you even have for a canon nid army? Three? genestealer cult, vanguard army (lictors and flyers and genestealers) , and a normal tyranid army. You could also argue swarm vs giant bug list but those are their only two units anyway.
How about for necrons? Two? normal and canoptek armies?
Dark eldar? Thematically You could go wych cult, kabal, hamunculos coven, that makes three. but a lot of the time you may be doing the same stuff
Marines have dakka specialist chapers, melle specialist, fire specialist, vehicle specialist, superheavy infantry specialist etc with the entire armies prospectively being dedicated to that. essentially a much higher degree of personal choice.
There are two factors which i just can't explain to myself.
People love space marines, be it chaos or not there is something about space marines.
People for some reason are naturally drawn to the protagonist of the gane or setting, just by virtue of being the protagonist many people will gravitate towards liking hin more or rooting for him, which of course makes them buy it in this case.
it gets all the plot armour and content updates
Eldar and Tau loosely do, though both of them still hit snags a bit when it comes to vehicles and such. Eldar more than Tau, since the Tau have to balance their own peculiarities against that.
>What variations do you even have for a canon nid army?
Distraction Carnifex, Distraction Lictor, or Distraction Haruspex.
Maybe Distraction Swarmlord if you are insane.
And at the same time it's a feudal state which grants its vassals (Planetary Governors) domains and lets them do whatever the fuck they want as long as vassals play by the rules, pay tithe and don't piss =][= off.
i think the imperium has more fans because of its over the top grimdarkness
Shooty combined arms
Shooty suit spam
>im sorry are you implying the nazis did something bad?
They lost a pretty crucial war because the guy at the top thought he knew better than his own generals in military matters.
And because many of his generals lied to him about how successful their campaigns were, for fear of being punished if they were honest.
And maybe because they were going to war against not one but two states stringer then them with support of others? Or are you one of those who think germany could have won?
Cant speak in general but our store is probably only 20% imps and i cant recall an imp ever winning a tournament here. There's only a handful of chaos players but one of them is pretty dominant. (Flying circus in 7th, dunno what hes gonna do now i played 2 games with him and ran him over with orks both times)
Pick one
Consider the graph seems to be about what peopel buy in the store, not what they possess. Sonce old players tend to know about other ways to buy minis and employ them more, maybe the graph is tellig us noobs play imperium more, which sounds possible.
This is so fucking true and so fucking sad.
Marines are explicitly the best warriors mankind has produced. They are given a level of autonomy and ability to act (fleets! Teleporters! Drop pods!) That other human forces and many alien forces lack. In a setting that spans centuries and millennium, they can live hundreds of years and belong to institutions that exist for millennia.
They are armoured and resilient enough to make use of that longevity, while scouts and dreadnoughts provide convenient bookends for your characters journey. All these factors mean that the actions of a marine company are intended to matter on a galactic scale, whereas a guard company or techpriest expedition can but need not.
The rules of 40k apply a little less to Marines, including the line 'you will not be missed'
This is boring, its like playing generic fighter (SM) or wizard (IG).
i know right because thats one of the reasons i think that the imperium is overrated
Probably because they’re human and therefore more relatable than stuff like a mass of tentacles which the tyrannids are.
>probably referring to the part of the Imperium with daddy issues and not the literal Daemons of Chaos
Because we're humans and it's the biggest faction in-universe.
Chaos works as the ultimate big bad not only because it's the biggest threat to everything, but also because it appeals to the mirror image of what the Imperium appeals to in the human spirit.
Xenos are either uncharacteristic OPFOR forces like Tyranids and Necrons or LOTR-trope sideshows like the Eldar or Orks.
yeah basically this
all of the subversion in the older, good writing has been lost to unironic superficial readings of the setting
Anyway, horus did nothing wrong
everything about its feudalism is lampooned by even the most recent and shittiest stan quality lore
They're the protagonists.
Too fukken true. I think it was even Dan Abnett or someone who pointed out that even if the protagonists of his books are generally pretty decent people, they're still the foot soldiers of a horrifically incompetent, brutal, repressive regime.
no commisars,ministorum members loyalist SM and inquisitors allowed
GW pushes Imp really hard. They're the good guys. They're Catholic Space Nazi Fascists, but they're comparatively good. Who doesn't want to play the Good Guys? (well, me, for one, but I have my own ways of justifying my Faction's actions).
The Eldar have a similar "good guy" appeal, but they're all arrogant tossers. Seriously. I'm pretty arrogant, and even I think eldar are overdoing it a bit. And the Tau... Well, they're new, they're weird, and the don't fit the ludicrously grimdark aesthetic which draws a lot of people to 40k to begin with. Even after the lore shift.
But yeah, Chaos is the Big Bad at the end of the day, which makes the Imperium the Big Good. I'd play them myself. If I didn't play Thousand Sons, because they're the best.
...Not sure I agree with you about the party line changing, though. Last I checked, Imp was still a dystopic fuckhole that thinks it's better than it is. PRAISE THE GOD EMPEROR is still largely the cry of roleplayers and fans being sarcastic.
But most of the 40k fans I know are reasonably well-read from Lex and 1d4, or straight off the novels.
Here's a thought - individual groups can't resist the GW juggernaut for long. Eventually, the noblebright nuImperium will be the only thing people recognize, and any attempt to tell them otherwise will fall on deaf ears. It's a slow death.
The thing is, it's ultimately better to work for the last powerful standing government that wants to protect humanity even if they fuck up a lot.
Because your other options are die, become a sterilized cuck slave to aliens, or fall to literally demons.
Their probably attracted to the idea of an authoritarian leader creating a massive war machine to purge the unclean.
Until recently people liked them cause it was funny to like space-nazis. Now we have this slimy, under-developed breed of meme-addled kids who like that unironically. Oh well, I suppose it's like libertarians, you have to get over it once you find out real world isn't your mommy's basement.
The original idea of the Imperium was to be a blend of the worst of mankind: Nazi, soviet and witch burning.
Is the left resorting to insulting children because they don't like what the left likes?
At least he didn't compare it to Harry Potter or star trek
I'm not insulting children, I realize they lack the subtlety to handle real world with all it's greyness, which is why we don't let them vote. I'm just concerned they seem to stay children even when they should grow up, because it's easier than becoming an individual.
It's what's available in the store, not percentage of sales. GW's over-focus on Marines is a self fulfilling prophecy. There's as many Marine products as all Xenos put together, of course people are gonna buy more of it.
Look at both halves of your post. The Imperium is a dystopic fuckhole, but somehow every faction people get to play (with a couple of explicit aversions like DKoK and Minotaurs, not thaf anyone plays the latter) is a noblebright hero. It tries to have its cake and eat it too, you have people unironically calling the Imperium the good guys versus Chaos ignoring every other faction in the setting, and justifying any atrocity towards Xenos or even its own citizens by saying "it's necessary". It's a level of cognitive dissonance that would be shocking if it weren't for GW pushing it themselves. 40k might be grimdark, but heroes sell. So it just so happens that every crime is necessary and all brutality is justified, because we're the good guys and therefore they're the bad guys. QED.
Have literally no plans for longterm economic survival other than plunder and ship it straight to Berlin.
>slimy, under developed breed of meme-addled kids
This is almost as bad as the time I saw one of y'all say that underage peeps who participated in the kek kraze were warped.
warped and unable to be fixed*
Thank God.
>Maoist space communists
>not worse than the followers of Slaanesh
Really? At least Khorne Berzerkers give you a chance to fight them the imperium will kill you for practical reasons most of the time.
>Oh well, I suppose it's like libertarians
How could society function without police tanks and corporations circlejerking with central banks? How could society run without men with guns stealing your money and giving it away as corporate subsidies or unsustainable "social programs"?
I like Cyborgs, religious dogma and the strange techno-wizard aesthetic of the Admech so I play admech.
If they had Eldar cyborgs or Rak'Gol cyborg raiders I'd probably play them as well but the idea of an entire forge world endlessly churning out products for the Imperium and the Cult essentially seeing every living non-cult member as resources to build stuff out of is pretty cool.
I just love admech, don't really like any Imperium factions at all though. My headcanon is that most Admech don't believe in Emps as the Omnissiah and only stick around because they'd be fucking destroyed if they tried to leave.
More factions within the imperium to choose from, most covers have space marines, the idea behind space marines, blah blah blah.
Also this.
It includes all products with the "Chaos" tag, which is both CSM+Daemons.
actually looks pretty even if you divide the subfactions.
I have been trying to get into 40k and warhammer but this is kinda the reason that I have not. All the people I meet seem to like unironically love the stuff that happens in 40k. I have had a guy tell me that the Imperium is the "best possible government".
I get there is an appeal to that stuff, but I don't want to enjoy the lore so shallowly.
Because they are Nazi sympathisers?
That is very true OP. I think GW is atm trying to stress the war between chaos and the imperium this year and according to very accurate rumors next year is the year of the xenos. We're looking at an ork release for sure, a tau auxiliary release according to atia, possible eldar and tyranid releases soon.
I wish it was different to as an ork player but I'm use to not giving a fuck for one reason. I convert my own shit. The only thing that is gonna take me from orkz is either the Lion for the dark angels coming back or fulgrim and lorgar.
I just love the aesthetic and history of the Inquisitors, Assassins and SoS, they are pretty rad. 'Specially when done Blanche stylee!
Because Imperium is the best faction. To claim otherwise would be heretical, OP.
>Implying Imperial brutality isn't justified
Even the Death Guard codex admits people only join Chaos cults because they don't know just how horrifying every plausible alternative is.
>why do humans empathize with and choose the human experience?
that is true though.
Yeesh, y'all sure are angry today.
Atleast you don't get lumped into "non-spacemarine imperium"
Originally, the imperium represented a charicature of the catholic church.
from tournament reports (as in player size) the most popular faction is space marines (all flavors) followed by eldar followed by chaos space marines
Holy shit, I can't tell if you're a neo-con or a commie. Either way, neck yourself for shitting up another thread with politics
There are no good guys and the universe is an unforgiving place where only the strongest survive
The Imperium are bastards but at least they're thriving
>the “goodest” guys in the setting are the Tyranids (and perhaps the Orks), as they are not moral agents and are driven by instinct, therefore making them incapable of the evil other factions regularly indulge in.
Why does this need to be explained to you, OP? I suspect you are actually an alien or something trying to infiltrate and destroy human civilization from within if you can't understand why the majority of people pick humans, posterboys, and of course, human posterboys.
I play Imperium because I like the idea of a United Humanity and also because everything else looks gross. Elfs are gross, Orcs are gross, Tau are gross (but the crysis suits look dope) , Chaos is gross.
The best faction is clean, pure, and looks better in your skin than you do.
Where the hell did you come up with that. GW does not release sales numbers.
Did you even read the chart you dumb nigger
You have to be more explicit when you say shop.
It can be understood as flgs, or anything other than that. Should have written GW webstore.
Orks dont buy at gw, they kitbash and loot at sales. Also mold with blue stuff.
People like it because it seems more realistic to us that a space faring human empire would be brutal and dystopian and highly xenophobic, as ALL of human history has demonstrated. It would be the same as European colonialism but on a larger scale. Not some gay ass Federation of Planets prime directive Star Trek shit.
>But the Imperium is a decentralized and yet paradoxically communistic entity that doesn't care about race (skin color) or gender. As long as you (properly) worship the God-Emperor and register as 'close enough' to human they will accept you and find a place for you in their vast bureaucratic engine.
How is that communistic in any shape or form?
Even worse than it already is? Right now only the government gets to steal your money.
In Libertarian-land anyone can do it, unless you can afford private security firms, and access to whatever legal apparatus exists, which will probably be minimal, because there are no government subsidised schools and universities to train lawyers, and no over-arching accreditation system to ensure that judges and juries are impartial and can't take bribes etc.