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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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When you feel like REEing about something, take a moment to watch this video.
since the war rig comes from scathatch, and the cars come from medb, maybe the bike comes from freeing/siding with emiya?
Are you going to make the NP a bike made out of swords, that also shoots swords?
Fanwank yadda yadda. is correct.
Oh yes. I've already gotten a general outline of the perk ready. It also has something a little extra for people who like borrowing powers from gods. The real challenge is pricing it properly.
Yeah this is correct. The GL power is funky like that so I'm fixing the fluff somehow. You're still optionally will be be part of the corps and you can emulate the other functions of the ring but you'll need to expend a ton of will to do it.
Ideally I would like to discuss this with Manyfist to make sure it's possible because he's the GL expert but I haven't had the opportunity to speak with him about it.
So, does that limitation that all assassins have to be Hassan not apply to the Servant Suppliment?
I still do not understand anything that goes on in this movie.
>Adobe Illustrator CC 2017
>Adobe Photoshop CC 2017
>4 hours over one day
Huh. First time I've had to bust out photoshop for one of these, I think. It's the red spot in the bottom right, by the way.
Also another case of an aesthetic that is really too busy for me to accurately replicate, along with generally being disorganized. The white poster looks similar to the build, but the rest is NINJAS and GENERIC CITY. Maybe I just don't get it.
Where have you all gone where war was...different from the standard?
Was it your doing war changed or was it always like that there?
Nah. It looks like a fucking pussy.
So, in FE Marthland, I was both marth and a total manwhore.
When I returned in awakening, I discovered that my kids had managed to avert several wars by sleeping with the enemy leadership.
It doesn't even apply in Stay Night.
I introduced the Force in Crusader Kings. By Hearts of Iron, every nation had their own army of Jedi/Sith. Allies typically had mostly Jedi/Gray Jedi with a few Sith here and there, with Axis being the opposite. Soviet Union was made up of mostly Gray Jedi, though it had more Sith then Jedi.
>Gray Jedi
He was called False for a reason. He's a broken glitch in the system.
I thought this was a CYOA for a minute.
>Soviet Union
>One of the most brutally murderous polities in history
No. War... war never changes.
Wait is there a MGE Jump?
>Implying Jedi/Sith philosophies work in ww2 let alone earth
You guys need to learn about a little something called "fun".
Grey Jedi are best Jedi. However exactly what a Grey Jedi is depends on your own definition since there are a fuckton of different interpretations and philosophies on how to use the Force and it's usually just best to go with whichever one you enjoy the most.
Not allowed here. Go elsewhere for it.
>in the year of our lord the two-thousand-seventeenth
Ah, user. Don't you see? My master plan is to trick everyone into jumping my builds, then I can... uh. Hoard all the CP to myself or something?
Nobody can resist shiny.
How goes JLU?
I mean, if you have a better term for neutral-ish Force Users, I'm all ears. As is, that's the best way to quickly say 'someone who's in-between the Light and Dark Sides'.
The Sith were the guys in charge, where as the Gray ones were the guys who just bought into the GLORIOUS MOTHER RUSSIA propaganda. And then you had a few Light guys running around here and there as the only sane men in a time where Darth Stalin ruled.
Eh, easier to call them Jedi or Sith then light or darksiders.
>Importing fictional philosophies on the Force rather than letting the world develop their own
Why? The crazy shit people would come up with on their own would be fantastic.
QQ or SB?
>I mean, if you have a better term for neutral-ish Force Users, I'm all ears.
Simply Force users,?Neutrals? Faggots? I don't call Sith Dark Jedi nor Jedi Light Sith
Despite SB apparently being less lewd, they openly discuss lewd jumps there. There share a drive with QQ, at least.
Posting the first Jump of a brand new chain
Starting CP: 1100
Unwanted Attention +100
>Gender: Male
>Starting Location: Southeastern U.S.
>Background: Independent (50cp)
Rich (free)
Silhouette (1000cp) [FATHER Powers]
Cool Shades (50cp)
Mechanical Tools (free)
>Ending CP 0
>End Choice: Move On
I think I may have to take out the Martian option since DCAU J'onn is a bit stronger than I initially thought.
I mean, if you really think about it, it is kind of weird how the neutral Force users are called Gray Jedi. It makes sense for former Jedi who ended up like that, but what about Force users who just go neutral without ever being a Jedi?
Like I said, it was just an easier way to say what alignment they were. Plenty of different beliefs popped up.
I see your point, just seems like an easy, quick way to describe where they are alignment wise.
Thanks. And how so?
Besides that, did you add/change anything since last time?
No possibility of a Psychic option for Power Sources?
I only see Monster Girl Quest. Damn, I really wanted to purify the world of demons and incompetent gods...
And your stupid revisionist ass needs to lean about a little something called "the soviet union was a s bad as nazi germany". Your grandparents would be ashamed of you and probably time travel to tell your mom to abort you if they knew what you'd become.
You already made it 1500 points man
I say that is enough
If you need more just specify that those mandatory Weakness Drawbacks don't provide CP
Well those prices went up, a lot.
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter!
That is why you must make your task to destroy communism on a multiversal scale
What makes you go for this kind of jumping approach?
>1500 CP
Neither Superman nor Martian Manhunter's powers are worth that much, way overpriced.
If I keep everything the way it is now, Martians can get 2100cp worth of powers for only 1500cp, plus all the experience and scientific knowledge their background grants for free.
A lot, just read the jump.
That would probably fall under innate or scientific.
I'm still balancing the prices, don't worry about them too much yet.
Let's be honest, Voldemort would kill for a Sharingan.
Why set the bar so low? He'd kill for a Klondike bar.
Hey Val if you're still around, does Eternal Sunshine from F/GO work for Servant Skills like Demonic Defender of the State?
Voldemort would kill for any incredibly broken power, user. He was a psychotic, power hungry coward.
I'd rather have a Klondike bar than a Sharingan.
I get it, you want to /pol/ all up in this joint, but seriously, get out of here. If someone wants to give Jedi powers to everyone and then watch WW2 pan out, I don't want to hear shit about real world politics. I want to hear about the battle of Leningrad from the point of view of the Soviet's Grey Jedi bravely holding down the fort against a bunch of Light Jedi, lightning flying in all directions and so many light sabers noises filling the air people are going deaf in a twelve block radius.
I don't give a shit about real world history or your views on it. I want to play the imagination game this board exists for and see what other people do with it. Hear their stories.
So fuck off.
>I'm still balancing the prices, don't worry about them too much yet.
Oh good, 500 points of mandatory drawbacks aren't worth a 50 cp discount on 1500 worth of perks.
Are you saying you'd trade Sauce for two Klondike bars?
Would Naruto trade him for ramen?
You are both correct, though I'm going to have to agree with this user , Crux. Klondike bar is way higher then the Sharingan.
>Would Naruto trade him for ramen?
In a heartbeat.
The part where I image things or how I write and build in general?
To the first, the answer is that I don't think I'm talented enough of a writer for things I post to be interesting without visual jokes.
Unless my math is wrong the Kryptonian perk has you take 500 points of mandatory drawbacks when costing only 50 CP less than getting all of the powers unconditionally.
What about that guy who stole all the eyes?
You could probably get a lifetime supply of Klondike bars if you trade him.
Can you imagine the clusterfuck that the battle of Stalingrad or the D-Day Invasion would be? They would both be utter madness.
>inb4 muh no fun allowed
ACTHUALLY bullets cant be deflected by lightsabers so they would be more useful and the battle of Stalingrad would have played out mostly the same
Wouldn't the Force powers drastically alter things though? I mean, far as I remember there are Force powers for dealing with cold, plus if the Nazis have any equivalent to Sith Sorcery they could probably raise undead or send in Force Monsters to fight as well.
Hey Jumpers!
Do you have any recurring Persona for your jumps?
I took the Marvel jump and got the power to produce and control adamantium chains (yes i know i could have become living adamantium or just dumped it all in Power Cosmic) and dressed as an edgelord (All black with hooded coat) because fuck getting involved.
It ended up being my go to public face in Marvel, DC, BnHA, Worm, Railgun...
Basically, seeing a super in a world has my automatic cue to suiting up and spidermaning around.
The D-Day Invasion would have been insane. All those metal barricades planted in the beach to keep ships from landing would have played merry hell with anyone who attempted to toss lightning around and the sheer chaos of all those troops landing would have been nuts.
I was talking lightsaber duels in the street but yes I'm aware lightsabers can't block bullets.
Ah yes I forgot about that, but dunno how many soldiers could learn force stuff in time
> Force Monsters
When it says you have to be 'good' to be an angel in the Overlord Jump, am I automatically considered evil when I let the NPCs do evil?
Right. You would've had to take drawbacks to afford everything anyway and those weaknesses fit DCAU kryptonians.
Nazi's with Sith Sorcery would have been Hitler's wet dream. You would have seen some seriously scary shit come out of that war.
Also, if we treat the movies as facts for feats, blaster bolts move far slower than bullets. So a force user probably wouldn't be able to react in time without using that "seeing the future" bull several seconds in advance.
And then there are the tank and artillery HE rounds which is a whole other level of fun.
Sith Sorcery is bullshit.
Why don't you use your powers for good, and image some text jumps?
>Hitler super project is a giant missile lightsaber
>Star Wars Wolfenstein.
See, NOW you have my attention!
Sith had some pretty fucked up techniques, one of them being the creation of life through Sith Alchemy. Being Sith, they created stuff like pic related, monsters that could drain the lifeforce of others and trap it within.
Hey Val, is there anything about forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/373-Create-a-Servant/page519?p=1813017#post1813017 that would need adjustment?
Which never launches because it's too goddamned heavy and the crystal collapses under it's own weight.
If they do evil, you know about it and don't try to stop them then you are complicit in their evil.
No that's North Korea.
What about the Gustav?
80cm lightsaber being launched at Allied cities.
If you want something more mobile, there are the Karl-Geräts.
>Allies dropping thousands of already activated lightsabers into the battlefield
Wouldn't a lightsaber that massive just tunnel all the way through the planet?
>Hitler ends up building a super weapon
>boasts that it will win the war
>all hope seems lost
>it gets blown up by a hotblooded Allied pilot
>Hitler's face when
This is literally unworkable.
Wait those drawbacks give points? That is less of a gross overpricing than I thought. Still overpriced in my opinion but not by all that much.
Might I suggest dropping the price a bit, to around 800 maybe?, and making the mandatory drawbacks mandatory with for no CP? Reduce the overall price by 200 since you are getting it as a set package and making it so that the mandatory drawbacks don't cut into the cap so that people can also buy other stuff.
Just use multiple lightsabers?
Lightsaber beehive rounds!
The immense heat and crushing force of the earth would destroy it before it become a massive threat. But it could still fuck up an area depending on the plates lines it hits.
Hitler would get assassinated and replaced by a Sith.
MGE jump exists, but it isn't on the drive for some reason. It seemed to be finished last I looked but whatever. I'm afraid you'll have to go to QQ and look through their Jumpchain thread if you want to find it.
That, or hope that some other brave user will do it for you and post a link.
>implying Hitler wouldn't be a Sith
Actually, what would Hitler's Sith name be?
>implying grey jedi are bad
kek so basically you want to force people into either
>be a good boy and never be bad or youre a horrible person that knows nothing
>be a backstabbing bastard and surround yourself with other backstabbing bastards
yeah sounds like a totally good idea m8
It's not a view you sad bastard. It's an objective fact. Don't blame me because you based your fanfic autism on historical shit that is also objectively wrong, you massive retard. I base mine off things that only might have been bullshit at worst.
>Lightsaber beehive rounds!
All you'd have to do is get them to start spinning on their way down and you'd be able to cover an entire field in fucking energy blenders.
God, the casualties from such a conflict just keep climbing.
Ok, so taking over Apokolips, holding it despite Darkseid's followers trying to retake it and maybe... Unfucking it? Fixingthe poisonous everything, cleaning up the place, reeducating lowlies despite their -admitedly sad but frustrating- inneptitude at anything but groveling, despairing, fearing and being miserable into a proper civilization?
It's an idea...
Well, part of it depends on whether I have a personal interest in imaging a jump, since it's a way bigger investment of time than these little things. It would also require constant contact with the author - probably through thread as I've never used IRC or whatever - in order to make sure anything that ends up being reworded for space is still how they want it.
I saw how Pacific Rim and other shit went down though, so I'd like to avoid that sort of situation anyway. But it also involves a more sophisticated design than what I've got on these. The basic design for the pages could take much longer than a single one of these rush jobs could.
But, I guess the biggest thing is that part of me kinda wants to just do my own stuff and I've never made a jump before.
Some people are dumb.
Real dumb.
And this is if you don't have someone capable of pulling off the crazy Force shit like Force Storms, or worse, the losing side unleashing a fucking Thought Bomb out of spite.
Achievement Unlocked: The Great UnFucker
>Needing a name for not being an extremist
>A dumb fucking name like Grey Jedi
>Not even a cool name like Sith
>Most Grey Jedi are made by faggots who want to play Sith-lite in a Jedi only game or outright Mary sues
>King George the 6th is a powerful force user
>Singlehandedly keeps the skies over Britain clear with massive amounts of force use.
I'm all kinds of on board with this alternate history.
How would it not be Darth Fuhrer