Stat them Veeky Forums
Stat them Veeky Forums
Why do they all look so smug?
Because their competition is a crappy by-the-numbers show with almost no resemblance whatsoever to the property it's supposedly a successor to, which was made entirely to try and promote a streaming service that nobody wants.
I'd be smug too.
Because they get to sail around the Galaxy teaching alien women how to love?
Poorly timed comedy that still makes me laugh because I enjoy watching idiots in potions of power.
Better than expected/10
Only saw one episode. Seemed to basically be a Star Trek spoof that was trying to take itself seriously.
Actually not. Captain farted and they trying to not notice.
Well, the Security Chief is OP as fuck.
They know that no matter how much the critics are shilling Star Trek, the fans are not eating it up.
>65% positive
I mean, that's still a majority.....
65% isn't fantastic but it's pretty decent.
Wouldn't shock me if there were a lot of low reviews basically saying CULTURAL MARXISM, WHY THE NIGGER IN CHARGE!? like people have been whining since the show was announced. As if they've never seen Star Trek before
It's really bad if you know how "user" ratings work.
Sure, but there's no reason to think it can't go the other way too. It's entirely possible the show is widely popular and only me and my cloistered space think it was bad. I think only sales figures for All Access could paint an accurate picture here, and I don't think we'll be getting those.
The difference is that there's little incentive other than personal ire to want something to get bad reviews unless you're willing to spend finite resources attacking every single competing product. It's easier and more positive for you to spend your bot resources giving yourself good reviews instead.
It's much more likely for something to be getting falsely inflated scores than deflated ones for that reason alone, not to mention that giving shitty reviews yo another company's products might result in a lawsuit if caught.
Yeah but you also can't really go 'The scores are surely inflated' unless people start actually finding copies of a review/some evidence of it either.
Damn lefties, shoving their progressive bullshit in my Star Trek!
user, this is STAR TREK. Anything less then 90% is a cause for concern, and anything less than 70% is downright terrible.
Less than 90% includes the following:
>Voyage Home
>Undiscovered Country
>First Contact
Of the movies before the new stuff, only Wrath of Khan is 90+% (And it's sitting right ON 90%)
Mind you, Discovery at the moment is also at 81%. That image really isn't accurate.
I just wonder . . . for who Star Trek: Discovery is for ?
Not Trekkies. They are apparently pissed because all the phaser computer mumbo-jumbo doesn't look and blink lights like in the previous series, and the showrunners insult them for it.
It's for people who came into the franchise with the JJ Abrams movies.
>computer mumbo-jumbo doesn't look and blink lights
tng tech looks way different than tos tech. They changed from tos' levers and blinking lights to tng's touchscreens, and std is like ~150 years after Picard's death so it would be really weird for things not to change.
But the movies aren't real star trek.
You know I really don't get that complaint.
Like, the new Klinks are retarded and the show has issues.
But why the fuck are people complaining that the tech looks better than the original? Of course it does. If TOS was made with modern cgi it wouldn't have looked like it did.
Suspend your disbelief for five seconds goddamn.
Because it looks and sounds like Mass effect.
Discovery is about a decade before TOS, not after TNG.
Honestly, my only real issue is that I'd have liked something closer to TOS uniforms. They feel a bit too close to Enterprise for the time period. Not 100% TOS (It's before TOS after all) but something that feels more like it's moving in that direction.
>You know I really don't get that complaint.
Trekkies are REALLY autistic about props and tech, down to recreating Enterprise bridge in their houses not being a unique occurance.
And the original series probably would have done to some extent if they'd had the cgi to do it. I expect TNG would've looked much fancier too.
On some level I can totally understand that the actual tech seems too advanced, like hologram transmissions and shit, but the set dressing being touch screens and LEDs rather than levers and bulbs is just because that's what we can do now.
Honestly, they should have gone something with more engineering and rough looking.
Like said above, Discovery looks like Mass Effect. and the Klingons look retarded.
I wouldn't watch any more then, because it nose dives like a switch was flipped
Because they didn't even try to downplay any of the technology level.
Keeping it in line the TNG and making it a little rougher? Sure.
>Honestly, they should have gone something with more engineering and rough looking.
Eh, I'd say less rough would have been good. Giving way from Enterprise's jumpsuits to TOS-style uniforms. This is starfleet moving into it's era of rising strength and influence.
Just reading the blurbs for the episodes is saddening - it's rehashing the usual sci-fi tropes and is not in the least bit original or new, except in how blatantly they're pandering to the SJW crowd. Seriously, they read like a condensed version of TOS seasons.
Yeah, but you can see SLIGHTLY at some point they did try for an OS attempt, but then drown everything in Blue neon lightning and then every external shot from the bridge looks like Mass effect.
I mean no joke; The mass Effect thing is so staggering, the space suits look just like Mass effect armor.
More like Seth Macfarlne watched Galaxy Quest and thought it wasn't a comedy.
That's pretty ugly.
Why do people think computer screens in the future will be monochromatic? They aren't monochromatic NOW.
Because Star Trek Discovery has a huge Fetish for Blue and Orange.
Feds are blue.
Gigga-nigga Klingons are Orange.
It's pretty fucking horrific how bad the lightning direction is.
To be fair, if they were a jumble of colours it would probably look a bit clashing.
In TNG it didn't matter so much if everything was a colour jumble on their screens because they were relatively low key, but modern sci go aesthetic is 'things glow everywhere' and doing that in multiple colours would look pretty horrendous in the background.
When the Uniforms are not color coded, you know it's shit.
There is literally no reason for them not to have the colors.
Holy shit, it really does look like Mass Effect.
Actually, it's because of how your television screens work nowadays. Monochromatics soften the edges of everything so it doesn't like intensely sharp edged and set-like.
No, It's because every lightning director now is a fucking hack who cannot understand that there are more contrasting colors than Orange and Blue.
You can soften the edges without making your entire fucking set one color.
Nigga are you kidding? That looks like bad CGI because of the harsh shadowing effects that the Blue lightning causes.
Yeah, I think that's mostly why I see 'Enterprise' when I look at them. Give the commander a green outfit and security red and things would look a lot more star trek.
Of course, they're copying the better franchise.
But user, Mass Effect only had one good game.
>Series that nosedived after 1.
How's that different from Star Trek? Boom. Keep the change.
Well, Star Trek had at least 3 good series.
>1 is the better game
How can anyone be so wrong, 3 is the best game of the series, the only problem it has is the ending, and that's it.
It's like you enjoy having terrible opinions.
>Let's copy the worst fucking Star Trek Series
I really don't get their logic, they're basically wanting to retreat all the space with Enterprise.
>Game where you literally have an edgy ninja being a cunt and the Reapers are turned from outside of space Robotic monoliths to cartoon space aliens
I fear that may actually be the exact intention. 'Lets do Enterprise BUT GOOD'.
It's not, honestly, an area I care too much about. I'd rather see the Federation dealing with the Romulans and Klingons as uneasy allies in a new age of exploration after the Dominion war.
I mean, they've retreated back to the time period before anyone had ever met a Romulan.
>Reapers in 1
>You live because we allow it, you will die, because we demand it
>Reapers in 2
>Reapers in 3
>We are Synths build by Organics to make sure Organics don't build synths who kill them. We do this buy killing Organic life.
One had the better and more thought through storyline, three had the better game mechanics. This was the general trajectory of the three games: two had pretty good character stuff with new characters to that game even if its core plot was fucking stupid, and three did some alright wrap-up for some characters and setting elements, but basically everything good about three's plot was playing off stuff set up in the first two games (and was often worse, e.g. ruining the geth for no goddamn reason).
Exactly, I would have liked to have seen the Setting move FORWARD.
Klingons as uneasy allies is honestly ten THOUSAND times better than them being evil aliens made to be "Weirder" because of some kind of autism against their human-like nature.
It's cool* how the Klingons got their start in TOS as pretty generally modern and humanlike even if they were warlike, but gradually turned into idiot space vikings for no real reason.
*: not actually cool.
Are you retarded?
>RPG elements cut in favour of becoming a shooter
>Most dialogue only has two options, paragon and renegade
>You can't be racist to aliens anymore, because CURRENT YEAR
>Fanservice ramped up to the maximum, to the point it becomes cringeworthy
>For some reason Earth becomes the most important thing in the galaxy and is supposed to matter to you for some reason, when you've never even been to Earth in the series
>Space opera atmosphere ditched
1 > 3 > 2
Yeah. Romulans, Federation and Klingons as allies (But not so close that there isn't the occasional skirmish or covert ops) adds a heap of room for stories and exploration of the culture of all 3 (And how those cultures interact).
Like, you want to have your mandatory half-vulkan? Have them have a romulan parent who is part of the romulan/vulcan unification group and the conflict it could cause with having one of your parents be (Within living memory) be part of a hostile group known for being untrustworthy.
>Going from Space Commies to Space Vikings is somehow bad.
Klingon culture in TNG and DS9 is a blast to explore, and it's interaction with the Federation besides being a vague antagonistic bloc.
Episodes like House of Quark in DS9 are ten times better than just having the Klingons be half asian dicks.
It's not cool because their entire culture stretches credibility to an ever increasing degree as they act increasingly less like a people capable of doing things like "building spacecraft" and increasingly more like orcs.
I like when it's a mix of the two. Not when the culture is so overwhelming it bypasses all reason but neither when it's basically completely ignored.
Didn't they steal warp drive tech from another race?
So you've never actually WATCHED most of the episodes with Klingon Culture and are simply Memeing shit you read on the Internet.
Being a Scientist isn't bad in Klingon culture, and we see Klingon culture like 90% from their version of Starfleets point of view.
>Space opera atmosphere ditched
>RPG elements cut in favour of becoming a shooter
Those two are great.
>Most dialogue only has two options, paragon and renegade
Blame voice acting, you can't have 12 different options anymore.
>You can't be racist to aliens anymore, because CURRENT YEAR
Makes no sense as the first human "secret space agent" to be racist against his own allies. Besides was this really supposed to be a bad thing ?
>Fanservice ramped up to the maximum, to the point it becomes cringeworthy
Debatable, some are really horrible, some not so bad after all.
>For some reason Earth becomes the most important thing in the galaxy and is supposed to matter to you for some reason, when you've never even been to Earth in the series
Okay I agree with you now
Ah yes, anyone who disagrees with you has never watched television.
Well, you use the meme of "Space Vikings, they make no sense how do they have spaceships if they're just stupid Space Vikings"
Forgetting Vikings at the time had very advanced Shipcraft and Shipbuilders were respected very highly.
I mean we hear about Klingon Scientists and shit all the time in DS9. I mean for fuck sake, we hear about Klingon Coffee all the fucking time.
>Okay I agree with you on this single one thing
>Forgetting Vikings at the time had very advanced Shipcraft and Shipbuilders were respected very highly.
The Norse in the 9th-11th century are a real culture that only had a small minority of people who went around raiding and pillaging, because they were not fictional flanderizations of themselves.
>He's never watched Vikings and how fucking stupid that is.
>He's complaining when all we ever really see is the Viking Equivalent for Klingons.
It's like you'd be complaining that every Ferengi is either a Pirate or a bar owner.
>Why is a species in a Sci-fi setting not a homogeneous society exactly like 20th century humans in every way including what fields they venerate.
Pretty sure you ARE a person who never watched Star Trek and are just drawing a conclusion of Klingons out of your ass.
First Contact is such a shit show. James Cromwell is such an ass.
It's also one of the top ranking star trek movies.
Can't move forward, anons - due to the way the IP rights are distributed, anything new made has to basically be an entirely different timeline from the other shows done, or another person gets cut in on the licensing fees.
That's why it's nothing but prequels and alternate timelines.
Granted, the different companies that own these rights are all, themselves, owned by the same company, so it's completely fucking retarded.
(And yes, at the end of the day, a shitty unfunny Seth McFarlane show still manages to be less soul-less than the newest version of the thing it's parodying.)
Dude, you are posting on *Veeky Forums.*
Are you not aware of the number of bad reviews generated by the shitheels that post here because of personal feelings?
>except in how blatantly they're pandering to the SJW crowd
They really aren't doing this, though. Although it is pretty bizarre that they are doing a "You should totally forgive your completely unapologetic ex-wife for cheating on you." subplot.
Nigger, it's a parody, you can't exactly be 100% original if you're trying to make fun of something
Go to almost any game or show that's controversial because of a modern political issue and you'll see it getting votebombed to hell.
Sisko will forever be the best captain, but Michael is awful.
Those bad reviews are the legitimate opinions of actual people. Thousands of bots giving good reviews because the marketing department of a media company decides to spend money on that kind of thing are not legitimate.
Shitheels are people, bots are not.
>Everyone who disagrees with me must be a bot because they could be a bot!
The problem isn't that it looks 'better', its that it looks nothing like Star Trek.
Like, the digital screen with hud effects are fine. The space suit is fine. The special effects are fine.
Whats not fine is that no one is dressed like a star trek character. The klingon ships look nothing like klingon ships. The Federation ships only BARELY look like federation ships, and thats mostly because they slapped a couple warp nacells on it.
The recent Star Trek movies, for all of their faults, already showed how to blend modern special effects with TOS's retrofuturistic style. Discovery doesn't do that. Discovery basically just makes up its own designs and stories as if it was writing a new scifi universe and then tacks on the minimum amount of Trek imagery and verbage at the end so they can call it a Star Trek show.
Even the plot is very Un-Star Trek. Star Trek is not supposed to be about big space wars. We have a franchise for that. Its called Star Wars. Even DS9, which had an arc about the Dominion War, wasn't about the war most of the time even during the fucking war.
Discovery honestly has a tone more similar to the BSG reboot than anything Trek like. That rankles me much more than the designs ever could.