How would you port the Lizardmen into 40k?
How would you port the Lizardmen into 40k?
This or OP I guess. Anything else is just a generic enemy the space marines can kill.
Maybe its my love of the game, but I would probably mix in some the Grineer from Warframe. Their half remembered cloning tech would be a good substitute for the Lizardmen's Spawning pools.
Id probably create a xeno race which was also partly based on dinosaurs.
Then I'd call them Tyrannids and call it a day.
Something like this.
Wait...dark eldar got the tech for that (as well as mad enough bunch of sadists to try that) and we already have a base (Sileth I think is there name)...So yeah I could see that happening in lore as said snake/lizard people are already mercs for the dark eldar.
just dial up to eleven their ancient ayys tech and leave their fluff as is: scattered survivors left over after the disappearance of the old ones attempting to put back the galaxy under the great design.
No, it's a terrible design that sucks away their unique identity and that of Fantasy.
> muh fantasy
> muh unique design!!!1!!
It's been three years user let that shit go
Make them like Siths and headhunters. Rather archaic with a priest caste.
Make them semi range with armor.
Give them zoids like machines. Dinosaurs are just for cavellary or heros. Give them some sort of raptor pack buffs.
I rike it
>port the Lizardmen into 40k
it's been done already.
Check Age of Sigmar
With chaos shitting things up and everything going to hell the Old Ones last redoubts open up. Just a shame there's no Old Ones to lead them, or are there?
Necrons are pissed, Eldar are split between pissed at being abandoned and worship, Orks want a good scrap, the Tau seek them to join the empire, etc.
Make them into what they tyrannids are hauling ass from.
Or, alternatively, reveal the hivemind to be slann, have lizardmen be their servants. Nids are their ultimate bioweapon, with the other races being botched attempts. War in heaven continues.
Simple. The Old Ones return, having had milennia to perfect their gene-wizardry. Since the Eldar and Orks didn't really pan out as planned, they have created the Lizardmen to be their chief forces in battle. They aim to bring their progeny back into the fold, should they be willing, and finally set the Realm of Souls to right, doing away with the upstart Chaos Gods.
The Slann quickly join their creators and serve as commanders for the Lizardmen in the field. Some Eldar and Orks may fall in, but the majority refuse to give up their autonomy to their absentee parents, creating conflict. Humans of course refuse to believe anyone but the God-Emperor had a hand in their creation and remain a sticking point. The Tau prove a surprise to the Old Ones, who had no hand in their creation- however, there's an odd rapport between the Lizardmen and the Tau that the Slann and their masters can't quite account for, letting them ally from time to time.
The Necrons, of course, are slow to forget, and few can give up their epochs-old grudge, even to defeat Chaos. Most dynasties align themselves firmly against the Old Ones in all they do, and terrible weapons not needed against the young races are stirred from their slumber, ready to reenact the War in Heaven.
These are all pretty good suggestions
I might add to that you have various Cadres, like Space Marine Chapters.
Just orientate on the dinosaur species and give them different heads. If they are Triceratops like, they tend to have more heavy gunners. Are they like a Stegosaurs, they have thicker armor.
Aspects of the lizardmen were split up to form Tyranids and Tau.
Putting actual lizardmen in the game as an additional faction would feel redundant. They'd make a great ally species for Tau, though.
Terrible design, guy. Take a lap
Thats a good idea.
I know too bland.
They're the Old Ones.
The idea has been around basically forever that Slann (whatever that means at any given point in the history of warhammer) are the Old Ones and in fantasy other lizardmen species are subordinates of the Slann.
There are also a number of minor species in 40k that are described as being lizard-like in appearance, including the Tarellians and the Loxatl. Any of those could be expounded upon.
Though I honestly think just porting Seraphon from AoS without modification would also work perfectly well. Slaan are remnant Old Ones who fly around the galaxy on a crusade to eliminate chaos. They have no actual physical armies, but instead use their incredibly psychic powers to summon manifestations of ancient legions.
Topknots and hazard stripes
Back in the rogue trader days, Space Slann were a thing, and they were believed to be remnants of the Old Ones civilization. Could bring back that story line.
Watch Lilo and Stictch again
Tau already employ Tarellian mercenaries
Just bring in the Slann as Space Buddhist psykers. With the Galg, who supposedly are frog-like guys who work with the Tau, as their bodyguards.
Isn't that kind of what the Sslyth are supposed to be? Leftover Slann, enslaved to the Dark Eldar?