Is Japan right, Veeky Forums?
Does the west have the worst elves?
Is Japan right, Veeky Forums?
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I don't see any claim about the west there, OP. It says USA.
It might have a point in that regard.
>bethesda represents the west
Japan is wrong about everything, from their shitty cartoons "adults" waste their lives watching, to salaryman culture where they're worked like third world slaves. I've never seen a shittier country, except maybe China.
The only thing the west excels at is in designing husky muscly tough men.
Really makes you think.
>Implying that Warcraft Elves are good
Blizzard drones really need to start letting go of Warcraft, it will never be good
They're right.
Japan has better elves, better games, better cartoons, better women, better porn... basically anything related to beauty is done better in Japan. Nowadays.
Japan appears to have utterly skipped the edgy post-modern phase the West is going through, where beauty is entirely disregarded.
Fellow Yuropoor here, but America IS the West. A century ago perhaps France and America were competing over media supremacy, but two world wars put the final nail in that coffin. Europe offers no real alternative to American media.
>B-But there's this one French gaming company that follows the American model and this one Swedish thriller that was turned into an American movie!!!
Sorry, japan does manly men better too
Wait are you trying to prove that japan is right?
Pirotess pushes the odds heavily in favor of Japan.
Cirdan Approves this message, he works hard to keep the riffraff out
The exception that proves the rule.
>better cartoons
>posts Attack on Titan
It doesn't matter what part of the world you're from, you still need to be 18 to post here.
Big Boss is just Snake Plissken with a beard.
Japanese Elves have zero thought put into them and are just sex objects
>Japan appears to have utterly skipped the edgy post-modern phase the West is going through, where beauty is entirely disregarded.
shiggy diggy
Yes and its quite telling that the movies are barely known while MGS are known by nearly everyone in the west who is into vidya.
Japan took the concept, improved upon it and made it popular.
>elves are supposed to be inhuman and otherworldy
>japanese elves are just fapbait with pointy ears
Japan is good at making fun and engaging gameplay but their design aesthetic is mass produced wank fuel for permavirgins more often than it's not these days.
>Suicide = post-modernism
I'm not sure I entirely follow you rreasoning
western elves are so much better off. This one is very suspicious of 'women'.
How does that prove him wrong? You have just confirmed what he said.
>Escape from New York and Escape from L.A.
>barely known
see , you have to be 18 to post here
West is best
>edgy tribal man-dude with pointy ears
wtf I hate japanese elves now
>Escape from New York and Escape from L.A.
>critical successes what were watched by millions around the world
user... Not even being 18 saved you from being a retard.
I have nothing to prove
So are Western elves. Most elves in the west are just "long lived humans with funny ears that only eat leaves"
No one likes a weeaboo my dude. Japan isn't some magical place where everything is done right because its from Japan
Escape from New York was a commercial and critical success and has been a cult classic for 30 years, so I don't know what you're trying to prove except that you really are totally ignorant of the shit you trashtalk.
Brits make the best Elves.
American culture doesn't exist anymore - if it ever existed. We should even more speak of anti-culture.
The US have media supremacy through money and mediocrity, tailored for the dumb, lazy and obese masses who jerk off to the Kardashians and the latest Rihanna music video.
Everything that comes out of the US nowadays is just a remake of something already done or the sequel of a sequel of a 20yo popular franchise. In the mean time the US film industry is so uninspired that it makes movies based on toys and video games - when they aren't just remaking foreign movies/anime. The only change they might do is rape the story by changing hetero characters in favor of homos, or swapping white characters by blacks, or adding blacks, Mexicans and Asians in settings they have nothing to do (blacks in early medieval Europe, Chinese in fucking viking-age Scandinavia...).
Right, and America IS the West.
>elves are supposed to be inhuman and otherworldy
I prefer this, but consider the following:
Tolkien elves weren't described as all that inhuman, they were described as extremely beautiful and graceful. Old Celtic elves weren't described as inhuman, they were described as extremely beautiful and graceful. Old Norse elves weren't described as inhuman, they were described as extremely beautiful and bright.
'I prefer it this way' and 'It's supposed to be this way' are two different things.
>posts best japan made elf
>posts worst western elf in worst part of series that done elves just right
Kill yourself n'wah, TES elves are interesting instead of being another generic elf shit that we see over and over again.
Also you have to be plebeian console casual to have NPC in Oblivion look that way. So your opinion goes into the trash automatically
>that pic
That's not how they look in the games.
Snake was literally made to embody every 80's action movie star. He is a western character made in japan.
Oblivion had the worst character design of ant game I can think of. Every npc looked like the gorilla was his closest relative rather than the chimpanzee. Fucking HUGE wide noses, jesus fuck. And the voice-acting was shitty as well, every dark elf was a flaming homosexual apparently (compare their voices to the dark elves of Morrowind).
>Japan isn't some magical place where everything is done right because its from Japan
Yeah, you're right. Instead Japan is a non-magical place that didn't follow the West down its self-destructive tendencies for the past few decades. Japan isn't better because it's Japan, but because the West has actively hamstringed itself and is screeching Japan should do the same. The West has the potential to match and even surpass Japan (anime was inspired by Western animation first and foremost after all), but never lives up to it.
I am pretty sure it was done on purpose, purely as a joke.
And even then he fell flat on his face because instead of being a one-liner-spouting badass like Ash Williams or Snake Pliskin, he always comes across as an autistic emo bitching about "muh genes" and "muh battlefield", with like, a handful of good quips across the entire series.
Japan is a magical place because they are the only rich western-style nation that doesn't seem hellbent on destroying both itself and its people.
thats because the profit margins got too big. They stopped making movies for america and started making movies for the world so everything has to be watered down garbage designed by committee to appeal to the most mass of people. Its you fucking non-americans who ruined hollywood by being unable to make a competitor. Now we have to be content with the garbage that hollywood shovels into our mouth because they are the only game in town.
Can you please stop with this bullshit? You don't care about the board.
>take one example of elf from each region
>say it is indicative of all elves that region depicts
OP is /v/ermin
No, it is liberalism.
>implying Japan's upcoming demographic crisis because so many of its young people literally refuse to fuck isn't destroying itself
Way to willingly ignore "edgy"
Faggots like you are cause all denigration of humanity
>Everything that comes out of the US nowadays is just a remake of something already done or the sequel of a sequel of a 20yo popular franchise.
La La Land was neither of these things. Split is essentially an original thing with the last 30 seconds of the film being the only thing to connect it to a larger franchise. A Dog's Purpose is not based on anything. John Wick 2 was a sequel to a single movie that came out in 2014, not 1997. Get Out is likewise not based on any extant franchise. Baby Driver is an original film, as is The Hitman's Bodyguard.
I chose to focus solely on commercially successful films I could think of off the top of my head from the past year or so, by the way. Had I gone to Wikipedia and scrolled down "2016 in film" or "2017 in film" I could have come up with literally dozens of American films that are not based on an existing franchise, nor are they directly based on any existing movie ("inspired by", maybe, but that's a dangerous road to go down - literally everything in inspired by something else).
They're overworked, and the young are in the same boat as the western youth today. They don't want to grow up
Marcille is at most tied with Lafiel for best J-elf.
That is literally a non-problem. The population and economy will just shrink to fit the size of the population.
Infinite growth is a meme and leads to what we have in the west, a shit-show.
>The natives refuse to have children
>The population is shrinking
>The natives refuse to have children
>The population is growing
>replacement migration
Not even the UN bothers to hide it anymore.
>The population and economy will just shrink to fit the size of the population.
You have no idea what the actual crisis is, do you.
>implying Japan isn't going to have a migrant crisis of its own once North Korea collapses
That or it'll just get nuked again.
>West elf reminded me of Tingle.
>Is Japan right, Veeky Forums?
Hardly ever.
But they do try courageously, damn it.
>Does the west have the worst elves?
One of the downsides to having the most of any one thing is that you're more likely to have the worst examples of that thing.
The West probably has the worst light beer, Polka music, and Cajun food too.
Might also have the best too, but who really cares about ranking this stuff?
>it will never be good
Tell that to my hentai collection
Two things:
1. Neighboring countries with similar cultures and demographics. It would be like France having a post-Brexit migrant crisis.
2. Japan is a hyperconservative country that has kept its borders tighter than a virgin's asshole despite UN pressure (Shinzo Abe specifically cited demographic factors as an argument), and then there's the fact that even its Korean migrants today aren't accepted by the populace at large as being Japanese (even after 2-3 generations). What makes you think they'll willingly embrace the Norks?
>Cajun food
Well memed, my man.
Yes, population decline, not enough young people to take care of the old.
A epidemic or starving elderly people is FAR better than having your nation permanently change due to importing millions of muslims, believe me.
North Koreans are of a similar genetic makeup and they don't bring a shitty murder-religion with them, nor do they have genetically low IQ. Japan would be fine, unlike Europe.
>A epidemic or starving elderly people
You call this "literally a non-problem"? Because people starving or dying in ways that could have been prevented is not a "non-problem", no matter what you're comparing it to. Even if you think it's the lesser of two evils - the lesser of two evils is still, by definition, evil.
The Japanese don't necessarily need Muslim immigrants. I'm sure there are plenty of weeaboos who'd love to emmigrate there, or fuck it, people from Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, wherever, who'd also love to get jobs in a first-world nation.
Try again
Compared to importing millions of shitskin it goes beyond 'nonproblem' and into 'dream-solution'.
From witnessing what I have in Sweden I am, and will forever be, staunchly against any major import of non-native people into any developed nation, however much I might personally like SE-asians.
Japan for the Japanese, Sweden for Swedes, France for Frenchmen, Zimbabwe for Zimbabweans etc.
I'll take butterface vertical eared elves over hot face horizontal pig ears any day of the week.
>I've never seen a shittier country, except maybe China.
>Hello African countries.
>Hello Middle Eastern countries.
>Hello Best Korea.
>tumblrwhale vertical eared elves
>pussies can't economy right
Why, back in my day, we took in non-natives by the bushel, and put them to work in extremely underpaid and dangerously negligent working conditions. It's how I built the railroads. With bombs and canaries and gas suffocations and thousands and thousands of dead bodies.
It's not the immigrants that are the problem, it's because you don't have the spine to use them as intended.
Thanks for proving my point, I guess
A brief reminds.
When we call you /pol/tards, it's not because we think that you're actually /pol/, SJW, Rights, Lefts, Liberals, Conservatives, Nazis, Fascists, Antifa, or any other of hundreds of appellations.
We call you /pol/tards because you're too fucking retarded to take your political discussions to the board where it belongs, and instead shit up a board that doesn't care about your real world shithole because we're already well aware humans are fucking idiots in every way, shape or form. We're here to discuss means of escaping from idiots like you who shove real world shit into every imaginable crevice and somehow think that it makes a difference on a Tibetan Basketweaving Forum.
>Well memed, my man.
Are you suggesting that all Cajun food is impossible to be done poorly?
And what happens when those nations start to decline population-wise to degrees they have issues functioning (Which is say, rapidly happening with Japan)? Populate or Perish.
>extremely beautiful, graceful, and bright
Describe to me one animu elf that was any of those things. Describe to me one animu elf that was anything other than waifu fapbait.
Trips of truth right here.
Now where are the goddamn mods?
>bring a shitty murder-religion with them
I'm now really interested how big is yearly death toll per 1000 people in Japan due to shitty murder-work ethic and crazy culture compared to deaths by terrorism in the west.
>tfw you live in European country that is mostly western, with only white people no immigrants and can watch the world burn.
Honestly, per-capita it's likely a lot higher than a lot of western countries.
Yeah, that's why the US now is 13% black and actual africans and their culture now are as american as white americans. Great solution there.
>implying Tolkien Elves are tumblrwhale elves
You are literally mentally deficient.
Those were chinamen that built the railroads, user. Not black people.
What issues functioning? Give examples. A few starbucks closing isn't a disaster.
Do you know when you have issues functioning? When arabs staff your companies, the Swedish postal system has basically stopped working due to staffing it with third worlders, you literally have trouble ordering things online because packages wont arrive. Just check 'postnord' at trustpilot or facebook, look at the ratings and reviews.
>I.e. one of the European countries that hasn't improved since the 1910s and is seeing Real Europe start to slide back towards it
They have no right to talk, at least west has some variation.
Who picked the fucking cotton? You know what I am talking about.
>at least west has some variation
Variation isn't a good thing by itself. Variety of shit is no better than one kind of shit.
Yes, and that was a different strategy.
See, we didn't pay slaves at all, and yet they cost us WAY more than the chinamen because we had to care for them.
It turned out to be a much better plan to simply have them pay to bring THEMSELVES here, then give them a laughably low wage in extraordinarily dangerous situations. All the advantages of slavery, none of the downsides.
No wonder you are having troubles with immigration if you forget these lessons. Heck, even we are having troubles with it because we forgot these lessons.
>What issues functioning? Give examples. A few starbucks closing isn't a disaster.
Japan is increasingly needing to put more and more money into caring for an ageing population while the people of a working age to fund such things shrinks.
About 175 deaths from terrorist attacks in Europe in 2015 vs. 21,764 suicides in Japan.
Actually deaths by terrorism in Europe have decreased dramatically since the 1970s but that doesn't fit the alt-right's narrative so instead it's a crisis spinning out of control.
Yeah, and Japanease art is all shit.
So it's basically a Baby Boomer scenario?
>What issues functioning? Give examples. A few starbucks closing isn't a disaster.
Having more elderly people soaking up social securities than you have working-age people paying social premiums.
Having more elderly people in need of round-the-clock care than you can afford to pay actual care staff.
Seeing the quality of education plummet because schools are trying to maintain old spending habits despite a shrinking 'client base' (i.e. school-aged children).
Seeing harmful, short-term visions dominate politics because there's a massive contingent of voters that won't be alive in twenty or even ten years, so they don't even give a fuck.
>La La Land was neither of these things
It literally is the third time this director made this movie. Just with a big budget and big stars this time
Which we have already covered in this thread.
At a much faster rate, yeah. It's the baby boomer issues write larger and looking to only speed up over time as the baby boomers were a distinct generation rather than a constant state of existence.
It isn't terrorism that is the issue, numb-nuts. It is the crime, especially the sexual crime, and changing culture of the nation.
Japanese elves are cute. CUTE!
Yes, things would be much better if they import millions of low IQ violent sandpeople, you convinced me.
Witcher has nice elves
>Actually deaths by terrorism in Europe have decreased dramatically since the 1970s
>the 1970s
>The time of the Rote Armee Fraktion in Germany and the Troubles in Northern Ireland
>Implying the 1970s didn't represent a massive fucking spike in terrorism in Europe
Terrorism is Europe is on the rise, and I'm supposed to be thankful 'it's not as bad as the 70s yet'?
no it doesn't.