What's the consensus on the Renegades and Heretics this editions? Anyone got any fun lists they want to share? Any fluff?
Renegades and Heretics thread
I use GSC codex. You can ally in IG and Tyranids as count as gribblies
Show me your best conversions, thread.
Consensus on the FW list is that it's broken. Malefic Lords are the overpowered kind of broken, the rest is the derp kind.
I'm starting converting some Vostroyans into some Slaaneshi R&H to ally with my Emperor's Children.
My fluff is that they were a bunch of Vostroyan Firstborns, they were holding a planet and some Emperor's Children, mine specifically, wanted the planet.
I haven't worked out all the details but basically they were seduced to Chaos after the Emperor's Children rescued them from a threat they both didn't want to have the planet, likely Tyranids and in the resulting battle most of the upper brass of the Regiment on the planet died and the remaining were easy to seduce to Chaos since their prayers to the Emperor fell flat yet loud, brightly armoured spiky chaos marines came to their rescue instead.
FW rules are shit and I don't spam Malefic Lords though so I hope I get better rules soon or something, as it is I mostly just ally them in with my EC to give my army snipers and some extra Tanks.
Would GSC bits work well for conversions for say Slaanesh or Nurgle followers?
Not really. They have a special conversion sprue that has some generic renegade-y looking heads but the genestealer parts are all very, very genestealer-y.
If you want to make some very chaos looking guys mix catachan and Chaos Marauder bits.
>Malefic Lords
Actually not so much. If you bring 5 in a flyer, sure. Footslogging them though pretty much guarantees that you go last.
I'm currently looking for the best way to fit some Marauders into a detachment on the cheap to go with my Alpha Legion. 5-men units with two sniper rifles attract fire like a motherfucker.
It seems like Neophytes would have some bits that work you don't need to use the entire model just a few parts to add flavor, I already use some marine and tau bits for mine(mostly helmets) along with fantasy helmets. Also on that note there are a lot of options for unique mutant rabble, stuff like poxwalkers and some of the sigmar undead seem like they would make good count as models for flavors sake.
My army' fluff is currently
>Minor warband which has fought as mercenaries in the eye of terror for thousands of years
>Regularly have children who are drafted at a young age to join the fighting, the weak perish and the strong thrive
>Use a lot of Dark Mechanicum technology acquired through treaties and debts to various groups
>Have a minor focus on elite units that are essentially chaos storm troopers
>Current leader is Lucia Bellicosia an extremely skilled swordswoman based off of a black crusade character I once played
Just posted them in /wip/, but this thread seems to justify a repost.
I just have finished my second squad of cultists and im thinking about using them for a renegade list, but the cultist stratagem and renegade SM chapter tactic is just so much better.
I like the ruststalker heads I wouldn't have thought of that, but I will defiantly have to use that for 1 or two of my dudes. Honestly admech heads are really nice in general for some interesting flavor.
Yo, is that crest on the banner a dankest dungeon reference?
>Turning Uriah Jacobus into a heretic
That's double heresy.
I love it.
Looks like he's got an Elder Sign on there too.
I'm looking to make Sigmar style Khrone guys at some point, though that is at a far, far away point from now (damn you life!).
What's the best model to use for Malefic Lords?
Imperial Guardsman Conscript:
Hits on 5s, has a S3 gun, 5+ armor. Has access to orders letting them potentially double firepower
will have access to regiment abilities here soon as well as command point abilities
3 points
Renegade Militia man
Hits on 5s, has a S3 gun, 6+ armor
No orders, no command point abilities, nothing coming close to the power of regiment abilities
4 points
And nearly every other unit in the entirety of the renegades and heretics army follows this pattern. They are trash in 8th and will be forever as ForgeWorld half assed their efforts at their indexes cause they only care about Horus Heresy now
Is there even a legal list for 8th?
Depends do you allow your opponent to use FW doors on their Rhinos?
>anvil minis going to be doing lost and the damned minis within a years time
Too be honest though I fucking wish GW would get off their ass and make a splash GSC style release for them.
It be a good comeback option it fits the chaos vs imperium story they have been pushing, although it isn't all marines but 1/2 isn't that bad.
Not gonna happen, already fallen into Forgeworlds custody who will do absolutely nothing with it along with all the other factions they have claimed dominion over
Maelstrom's Edge just released some rag tag sci-fi civilians.
Primer conversion fodder for GSC and Renegades, looks like.
the actual one
How are these Lords? No.
Has anyone used AoS bloodreavers as cultists? I want to make them into chaos catachans.
I have them, they are significantly bigger and on larger bases so I can't really recommend them.
Well that's a shame. Thanks though.
What's this thing called again? And how useful are they?
The clue's in the file name.
I can't tell you'll have to say it.
Looks like the brand of sacrifice is in there too. Wtf I love this shit.
I like the one in the middle!
Whats that sexy guy on the right made from?
Chaos spawn.
Remember, only the weak are turned into such beasts when they say those words.
Mechanicus magos and dark eldar haemonculus
That's the guy on the left...
I started with the named chaplain from Dark Vengeance. I was just trying to figure out a clean way to get his smoke/power pack off when I found out the arms from the Archmagos kit fit pretty well. The rest is just pulling techy bitz from whatever sprue was on hand. The head is from Skitarii, the back has some more DA chains and plasma bits.
I really like the lurching heft he has to him. Like a tiny guy trapped in a mechanical monstrosity of a body.
Literally born from, "I've used everything but the body, what do?" Ended up better than expected.
Yeah he looks like he has good amount of weight in his movement.
What are you going to run him as?
Two and three look cool, first looks bad. Proportions, guy.
where are the mechtentacles from the one in the middle from? i need plenty of those or similar for some blanchitsu conversions i have in mind
So which are the better options to use for Ogryns Berserkers or Plague, or should I use a mix?