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>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
>5th edition cliffnotes
Any character tropes you keep coming back to? Or just any tropes in general.
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
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Ars Magica is better than both.
tomatos are better than tomatoes
Rare is better than medium rare.
both mages can agree that they are better than vampires.
I agree
>character tropes you keep coming back to
diviners and fortune tellers that actually do see the future but are either too dumb, too spastic or too focused on the wrong solutions to ever interpret it right
I love these "oh ok, that's what I divined, not the other thing ... well fuck me" moments
That guy fixed his spell thingy.
What Path and/or Legacy would be the closest to Demons, the God Machine and its Angels ? (the same way Thyrsus are close to Werewolves, Acanthus to Changelings, etc ...)
what would a rote to create a person to have sex with look like?
Life and Prime spheres are needed, but I think some other were needed as well.
Arcanthus might applies there too since G-M deals in causality and Demons create new Cowers using deals.
Well I was thinking Forces and Space would be pretty darn important too
That being said, so would Fate and Time, so you have a point
From what I understand, the GM is simply using the *actual* rules of the universe to bring about a desired outcome, so all the gross Arcana(Time, Space, Forces, Life and Matter) should be able to interact with it, on at least a surface level, seeing as it makes heavy use of those. Of the subtle Arcana, I'd go with Prime.
Mind you I'm not saying it's using supernal magic, just that a lot of the mechanisms it uses to function would fall under those purviews.
How in the world do people stand doing play-by-post? I just went through a couple of threads and there are hours in between IC posts. Why not just play on a chat service or something?
How many dots of the Mind sphere would you need to cast a spell to regain spent willpower?
Do you mean Sphere (Ascension) or the Mind Arcanum from Awakening? I ask because people get the two mixed up.
Suppose you dump a mage (new or old) in another universe like marvel comics or Exalted.
How would paradox work for them there?
i meant Ascension (spheres). You ca talk about the nr as well if you want.
I meant Mage the Ascension (spheres). You can talk about new mage as well if you want.
ST determinant, I suppose.
This place is a corpse
>If you spend a point of Willpower, your character may touch something insubstantial and become part of it for three consecutive turns, transubstantiating into smoke, shadow, a sunbeam — whatever’s handy. This ability costs a point of Glamour if anyone is looking directly at her at the time.
Okay, what's the grossest way to abuse this Blessing?
Also can we try to make a list of all insubstantial stuff Darklings could turn into this way?
Would Pennywise work as a True Fae?
Yes. You'd need to work out what kind his realm, Huntsmen and Changelings would be, but he is just right kind of monstrous to be True Fae.
Yes. Definitely. That or an Abyssal intruder.
Both are thematically appealing.
You got any suggestions for those?
Honestly, I'm not an expert on Changeling, I just love the True Fae's concept
I lack familiarity with It. Its Realm in Arcadia could easily be just claustrophobic sewers and tunnels where It chases Its pray to no end. It's probably easy to tell what people would turn into under those circumstances, but Huntsmen are tricky since Pennywise doesn't strike me as minion guy. ...But then not all True Fae seem to have then...
Real time communication is much harder to schedule. You may not notice as you are posting on Veeky Forums and are likely at a computer 24/7.
Tell me of your Genius experience guys.
This is place for WoD
Not fansplats
Depends on the cut.
I would iF I HAD ONE
why do you hate fun so much
Because is low quality bait.
There's nothing bait about it. Fansplats are absolutely terrible. Just admit it.
Claiming they are shit is matter of taste. Claiming they don't belong in this thread is bait.
Nah, they don't belong here.
The stuff fans, people posting in this thread, have created for WoD, game discussed in this thread, don't belong in this thread? This thread? That had long-ass debate about menstruational blood magic? That thread? You are troll or delusional.
Fansplats aren't official. Therefore irrelevant.
You aren't produced by Onyx Path or employee of Onyx Path and should stop "contributing" to this thread immediately.
And you're contributing, are you? By doing what, exactly? Continuing to take the bait?
Should I take that as confession of attempting derail thread?
Are you serious? This place has been nothing but derailed since March.
Fan creations and horrors are fine. As are homebrewed powers and the like. But fan splats /aren't the game/. They are an entirely different game using a similar dice system. Fan splats don't go together any better than OWoD and NWoD do. Or NWoD and D&D for that matter.
That's almost an argument but they are build on same core set and had same setting in mind during their creation. Designers weren't professional and took their own spin on World of Darkness but they are clearly part of this game and there is merit to discussing them.
Your opinion is in the minority. Most people here don't even like hearing about games that have been heavily house ruled, much less entire new house rules game lines with little to no editing.
I have flipped perspective. To me more people welcome idea of something different in this thread that isn't just same old same old.
They've also all been talked to death in previous threads. They don't exactly make supplements or updates for most of them. Its really just as dead of a topic as the main line books with the production rate of OPP
Yeah, sure. But not reason to exclude them from here. If anyone had any games with Genius that they wanted to share it would have been nice contribution to this thread.
But no one ever does, its always "Hay guys what do you think of genius" not, "Here is what I did in a genius game"
Maybe it has something to do with reaction always being "Nice try dumbass fun and creativity are not allowed in this thread." whenever fansplata are mentioned period.
Most people don't bother to get to a step where they are actually saying something. At least half of the posters in these threads seem like they think they need to ask for permission to post about their shit, instead of just posting it.
If you can't handle people saying mean things to you why the fuck are you even on Veeky Forums?
To try to have civil discussion with assholes that inevitably escalates into childish arguing and ad hominems. Because I run on drama, conflict and spite.
So far it has been surprisingly pleasant and I am genuinely enjoying it.
Okay, to try and avoid a fansplat and Mage argument:
Tell a story from a recent game of WoD you've had
Could a Master of Death resurrect this thread.
Yes, but it wouldn't have a soul. So not much different then it already is.
Have these threads ever tried designing their own infrastructure? Maybe we should, that sounds fun.
>A Therapist's office which infects those who enter it with a memetic virus that subtly warps their dreams into making them more susceptive to whatever the G-M desires.
>A park which steals seconds, or minutes from the lifespan of people who spend time there. The G-M can then spend those stolen moments at any future point in their lives to force them to undertake certain actions its desires.
>A series of dead-drop like locations in various areas frequented by children. Messages appear on the walls of these locations, advertising odd jobs for them to complete. These messages cannot be seen by adults, and any child who tries to tell anyone about them loses the ability to see them. They usually involve stuff like slashing people's tires, spreading rumors about other kids, or even just buying something from a local store. The rewards are usually something in the order of $10-50, or other minor miracles, such a a bully ignoring them, or the answers to their next test.
>A sewage treatment plant, that for all intents and purposes, functions perfectly. However there are various tanks about the place, that are infrequently used. When a biological organism is deposited in them, the liquid inside quickly dissolves the body, leaving only residual traces. There is one final tank, which is only used in the dead of night, when a minimal number of witnesses are around. A recycling tank. For Demons.
Needs Mudra Yantras added, +1 to +6 depending on skill
Don't forget +4 Shadow Name with Cabal Theme
What he needs to do is just have a Yantra counter. How many you're using and the dice bonus from each one.
What's considered to be the standard version out of the Ascension editions? Like how when you discuss Awakening people presume 2e, what do people presume for Ascension?
Certainly not M20.
Me, I play a mix of Revised and second edition, using Foci rules from M20(the only real improvement).
Either Revised or 2e usually.
anyone have the most recent version of the mage legacy pdf?
Type in 'Legacies' in 4plebs. It will pop up.
How many of you have played more than one splat? It seems people tend to stick to only one.
The rehashed? Here.
I've played mages (old and new), Changeling the Lost, Vampire (old and new), and Werewolf the Apocalypse as both table tops and LARPs.
Will Tome of the Pentacle have updated Order fluff? Things like their structures and factions won't have to change, but their detailed histories would be. They tie heavily into the idea of Atlantis being a literal island city-state of Mages, instead of a catch-all name for a time before as 2e presents it. Not to mention the Free Council being more than just science guys now.
Dave once made a list of supplements still usable with 2e, and which ones should be flat-out ignored.
I regret not saving it.
I think he mentioned that the Free Council book should be largely discarded, given that a significant part of their background and factions was based on a now defunct mechanic.
I've tried most. I stick with the ones I enjoyed the most.
Go home, Phil. Nobody is going to give you any patreon neetbux.
>not supporting based Brucato
Fuck off JIDF, if you keep it up, Phil is gonna use some of that mayjick to fuck you up.
Man, he doesn't need to do that. One more exposure of him naked and smeared in glow in the dark paint at burning man will probably break my fucking mind. Nobody needs to see an image of an old man like that.
OId people are the fucking worst.
Old people aren't the worst. Old people like Brucato are the worst.
God damn goat fuckers.
Favourite aspect of a splat, wether story, location, npc, whatever?
I really enjoyed the Unnamed and the revelation of the Tenth Seat being a lie, a desperate hope of humanity for a quick fix to all their problems.
This power plus extra limb.
You only lose one arete for the prehensile tentacle dick. And what works out to a permanent paradox.
I'm back, baby!
>Version 1.27
Votaries of the Ordained.
By Mage standards, these guys are fucking FREAKS.
They disregard most normal stuff Mages would so, running off and investigating shit, to devote their lives to the protection of a procession of different destinies.
Mostly the Attainments were fairly easy to update, and some of the later ones make it easier to go off on a quick investigation before jumping back to your charge.
My personal favorite one is taking on your charge's sympathetic ties, then using that connection to important people to help the destiny progress, or beat the shit out of people who would challenge it.
Next is Roses of Eden.
But not tonight.
Can you do the Unforgotten from the Mysterium? Good work.
Seers Legacy
I mean I'm looking at M20 and I see the vehicle combat rules which are a rehash from The Technomancer's Toybox which is a book that I'm pretty sure that only I bought.
Huh? Why do you lose arete?
What happens if a Revenant gets turned into a vampire? Do they still keep their vitae creation thing?
Every 3 points in powers you get from a bane make you lose an arete dot.
they become a reg vampire
is it due to whole corrupting spirit thing?
Would that still happen to Nephandi? (or maruaders)? Can you regain the arete later?
It seems like you can regain it later. But it mentions that many mages often pick up more bane powers in a panic and lose access to their magic entirely. It doesn't say anything special about Nephandi so I'm not sure.
>is it due to whole corrupting spirit thing?
Yeah that's the implication.
What would a 'high fantasy' CofD look like? A completely different setting/planet, etc.