Hello and welcome everyone to Veeky Forums the board where everything's made up and the experience is just a sorry reminder that nobody gives a damn anymore!
Today we're going to play Scenes from a Hat, and I think it needs no explanation.
Hello and welcome everyone to Veeky Forums the board where everything's made up and the experience is just a sorry reminder that nobody gives a damn anymore!
Today we're going to play Scenes from a Hat, and I think it needs no explanation.
Things you can say about the Deck of Many Things, but not about your girlfriend.
>but not about your girlfriend.
Again? All right…
>Yeah, some of my treasure might disappear, but it's possible I might make money too!
Unconventional tavern names.
>The Dragon's tit
>The Musty Melvin
Dick of the Bard
The Respectable Establishment
UN conventional, opposite of conventional.
The OPPOSITE of conventional...
One Thousand Points
Have you ever played an RPG? That's totally a conventional tavern name. Not an apt description, but totally a name.
The BBEG's second job.
Vet or Dog Groomer or both
Paid shitposter.
working on an evil bakery
The Boobie Trap
Mall Santa
Skulls of My Enemies™ interior decoration services
Model for Uggs.
Wagon Valet
Weird welcome signs to see on your way into the kingdom.
modginK sdrawkcaB gnivaeL woN
The Gay Democratic Republic of Necropolis
Welcome to the totally not evil land of happiness!
Welcome to the kingdom of Nabraid.
Home of the Tri spiked execution.
modgniK dellepssiM uoY
Whose Line on other planes.
Who's dick is it anyways?
Who's spell is it anyways?
>Hi and welcome to Whose Layer of the Abyss is it Anyway? The show where every horrific thought you can conceive of manifests in reality, and the Petitioners don't matter. I'm your host, Demon Scary; now let's torture some souls!
>Man, the Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus has the worst version of 'Whose Line' ever!
The swill and bucket
> Hi and welcome to the Ethereal edition of Whose- hey, you've got your- no, -you've- got your elbow in -my- ass, I don't have my ass in your elbow, don't make me Magic Jar you again
>…And the points don't matter. Seriously, they don't, we tape the show from our live studio on the Elemental Plane of Points, they're pouring out of the woodwork here. Dime a fucking dozen.
lame, horrible, or shitty names for otherwise powerful wargear.
The sword of Mary Suedom
The most powerful sword in the land, wielded by the mightiest warrior kings down through the ages, is named in the ancient tongue the sword Plö Zwunn
Bob's Hatchet
>Dragon Fart Bellow
A magical bellow stylized like a dragon. Depending on the magical ingredients fed into the bellow, it can create clouds, poisonous gases of several types, noxious smoke, strong wind or even a gout of flame.
A Pretty Strong Sword
lanoitnetni saw taht kniht I
couch of surfing - a floating couch... with a ballista mounted on it.
what exactly is the point of this thread?