>Ok, here's my catachan army
Ok, here's my catachan army
Other urls found in this thread:
>It Ain't Me starts playing
>Ok, cool. Here are my valhallan ice warriors.
>hey guys check out my vostroyans
Anything vietnam themed invites posters to say
>It Ain't Me starts playing
As a meme of sorts.
The actual song is fortunate son I believe.
The actual title is Fortunate Son.
I'd forgotten how good Creedence are.
>remember how good Creedence are
>It Ain't Me starts playing
I prefer youtu.be
Personally I prefer The Kinks, at least their faster songs like Really Got Me, but Creedence are certainly right up there.
>be in Creedence cover band
>get stage fright just before supposed to play Fortunate Son
>It Ain't Me starts playing
>here's my cadians
>Remember my Creedence tapes were stolen.
>Along with my tape deck.
>Gipsy Kings start playing.
Here are my Cadians and they will adhere to Cadian rules because I painted the Cadian gate on their armor.
Here are my guardsmen that use Vostroyan rules to represent their custom Regiment's special issue long range weapons.
this meme is getting too strong
Roll tide, brother!
Damn it, I lol'd.
I hate this new chapter tactics/regimental doctrine shit. Instead of getting representation of the major archetypes of SM/IG, we just get rules for specific armies, some of which overlap. We got several rules for infantry regiments, but no rules for, say, drop troops or armoured regiments. All SM chapters are identical to their parent chapters. Imagine BT having to use IF rules, because they're IF successors.
Damn had almost forgotten about that.
>but no rules for drop troops
Elysians have their own rules in FW AM book
>no rules for armored regiments
All leman russes in a spearhead detachment count as obsec for all regiments. Combine that with whatever regiment bonus you want
What does this sappy pop have to do with anything military?
>Elysians have their own rules in FW AM book
And if I want to field Drop Troops that aren't Elysians?
Neither of these remove the issue of you basically picking a regiment and then proxying /yourguys/ as that regiment. And just like with OP, people are gonna look at your not-Cadians and wonder what sort of a WAACfag you are for not just using Cadian doctrine.
You mean, "Fortunate Son"
>and if I want to field drop troops that aren't elysians?
You can, using your own models to represent a similar chapter/regiment is completely GW approved
Guard haven't been able to pick generic traits for regiments in over a decade. You have access to shit that straight up didn't exist in 7th, I have no idea why you picked this aspect of IG to flip out over, of all things.
I played Guard years ago in I believe 4th edition, those generic traits were awesome. It was a nice easy way to create your own army without defaulting to a name brand one. I used to have all sortsa fun with infiltration and vets
This is why I don't like subfactions.
GW is terrible at balancing their games so you just end up with everyone using their blood angels as raven guard or whatever because there's a clear advantage in doing so.
>You can, using your own models to represent a similar chapter/regiment is completely GW approved
Yes, but Elyrians have a different organization from the Codex Guard, so you have different options, unit compositions, etc.
>Guard haven't been able to pick generic traits for regiments in over a decade.
And now you must pick a doctrine.
>flip out over
Nice projection. Also, I'm not gonna suck GW's dick when they half-ass it.
And back then you did have option to use name brand ones. They usually even had more doctrines than non-branded ones.
assuming proper paint job, can I use tau warriors as chaos cultists?
What do you want? Call the doctrine 'droptroops' instead of elysians? Autism m8....
>implying Strangers isn't their best track
The slower Kinks songs are better.
Why does it matter what chapter tactics they use? The rules are only vaguely tied to the fluff anyway. What if it was just a list of generic options that marine players could choose from? Nothing would change. Are you really getting buttflustered by the names of special rules?
You seem to have forgotten that Elysians have a very different list from regular Guard. Just like Kriegers.
I'd like there to be doctrines for different styles of regiment, playing on the strengths of those regiment types. What regiment types do Cadian, Vostroyan, Valhallan and Mordian doctrines represent?
>Droptroops have a different organization and equipment than regular regiments
Who would have guessed? You're just being autistic m8. It's the same with people wanting to paint SM in a specific scheme to apply certain chapter tactics. The rules are the same as the generic ones, but with a different branding. OP is obviously b8ing, but if this seriously bothers you, just quit the hobby. We're better off without you spergs.
I like you
Just testing my mech guard list.
>Who would have guessed?
Ok, so why don't Motorized Infantry, Armoured, etc. regiments have their own lists, instead of using the same generic one?
Not that it matters. 10/10, here's your (you)s, etc.
R8 my Dark Angel army
literally this
I have a nurgle marine warband that has absolutely fucking nothing to do with the death gaurd and I fluff it as if it was my dudes who happen to have a chaos champion with the powers of typhus and have friendly fights to see who gets to ride the predator of the company while going in jolly adventures to pillage tau and necros
>I just got these done painted for my tallarn
Difference is that at least traitor legions represent the Chaos gods they serve. Doctrines only really represent the regiments they're named after. So if you're not making jungle fighters that are ded 'ard muscle men, then you're shit out of luck or forced to pick one of the other doctrines. I remember when jungle fighters were represented by rules that made them sneaky, not strong brutes.
yeah you have a point, the "your dudes" idea is really fucking difficult to do with imperial guards
The fact that someone took models and time to make that scene pisses me off.
>armoured regiments
Pick Valhallan or Catachan. One to make your armour more durable, one to make it more killy. Also, neck yourself.
Not enough dildos/10
>implying implications
I haven't purchased anything from GW in over four years. I pirate shit and buy third-party. You're just a retarded faggot.
no one cares, snowflake.
Why respond?
Good goy, have a shekel.
Why does it piss you off? That shit happened in real life.
No wonder the aliens don't talk to us.
>yew I use marinelets as guardsman proxies
What more could you possibly want?
Something much worse is coming.
mmmmm nummy nummy juicy liktiem ;3
desu tho I'm not the first guy but I think its pretty sad that some neckbeard sat and made that. Probably just his juicy fantasy
>Here are my Imperial Fists.
>Wait, no, I want them to be Ultramarines.
>Hold on, I'm feeling Iron Hands today.
>Hm, actually, they're White Scars.
If you're honestly going to bitch about guardsmen players doing what space marines players have been doing for years, then that's your problem.
Who would be good for representing Storm Wardens? They like transports and 1v1 duels right?
It was made by some edgy girl. She also made a diorama of Dark Eldar whipping human slaves.
To be fair it's pretty much impossible to do a full army of valhallans , mordians or tallarns, they don't sell officers anymore.
They're pretty melle focused so i'd pick Black Templars
Their fluff stats that they has a larger than normal motor pool of tanks and rhinos, and a larger techmarine group to go along with it. This could be indicative of Iron Hands, on account of the numerous machines they possess. The fact that it's stated that they have a preference for fast, armoured assaults and rapid deployment could indicate White Scars. On top of that, their penchant ritualized duels, generations of weapons being handed down with reverence, their veteran squads forming teams that track down and challenge enemy champions and/or monsters lends more credence that they're White Scars successors. Of course, the Lightning Bolt for an insignia help.
However, because my play style, when I built my space marines army, tended to be more of a static or slow moving gunline (I like painting dudes; vehicles not so much) so I ran them as Imperial Fists successors, because it helped me get a couple more shots out every turn, and because they're also described as stoically doing the job expected of them with out complaint or recognition, which is a key aspect of the Fists.
Not a picture of my dudes btw, just one I pulled off google to make a point.
Here are my cadians.
I also forgot my leman russes
>not Vostroyans
>Yes, but Elyrians have a different organization from the Codex Guard, so you have different options, unit compositions, etc.
Hardly, you cant take tanks or artillery which is a ridiculous notion for a drop regiment.
I just prefer the playstyle of the cadians. Btw Here is my Basilisk.
No more ridiculous than jungle fighters massing tanks and artillery, or artillery regiments employing fleets of flyers.
A lot of people just love 40k as a game so much that the miniatures don't really mean much to them, and words like "Vostroyan" or "Catachan" are just different sets of rules to play around with. Not the game I play, but hey. Whatever floats their boat.
I'd honestly be surprised to see those armies painted to the standards of these pictures.
Yeah its bullshit, but i rather play against "mispainted" armies than unpainted ones.
Hey duude, thats drop pods.
Why isnt like.... 2 dildos enough?
Its absolutely ridiculous because Drop regiments are about literally dropping into combat with all of their equipment, you cant combat drop basilisks and russes.
There's no comparison because you can drive a tank in a jungle, you cant drive a tank out of orbit and expect it to work the moment it hits the ground.
If you want to have both in one army, all it takes are two separate detachments. Its not a big deal.
You do realize that Elysians have access to Drop Sentinels, their own original donut steel buggies, and also have the support of massed Valkys and Vendettas, right? Why would an Elysium list even need to field Basilisks?
>what space marines players have been doing for years,
Only faggots do this, marine or otherwise.
I'd just be happy to play against a painted army.
You can't drop tanks into battle but you can with artillery. The 101st Airborne had its own field artillery regiments during World war 2
I've played games with my marines using different tactics on more than one occasion, but I where I played I was a noob who turned into a regular. I usually ran Fists chapter tactics, but anytime I felt like running them as a different successor, I made sure to let my opponent know before hand. Never had a problem in the ~8 months I played there except a tyranid player who thought I was going to run them as ultras to get tyrannic war vets. Never ran them as that, and probably never will. It's all in the how and the why we do it user.
They don't literally drop them within small arms distance of the enemy, as it would be in a 40k game.
Huh, with their new doctrins that would be a really good Catachan army.
Can confirm. I’m a field artillery officer and we air drop artillery pieces all the time, and not just the 105mm, we can air drop the M777A2 as well (155mm). Now if only we could teleport them into combat...
Neat. Good on ya for running the Storm Wardens. I'm very fond of them, I think they have neat fluff without going *too* over the top.
What if my guys are modeled with flamers but I count them as other stuff sometimes?
>there will never be a game with modern combat
It hurts, not even in video games.
For a friendly game or trying something out, that's fine. It's called proxy-ing. That's generally fine for casual and games to try things.
But in a tournament or organized event, it is not ok. It's just being respectful to the game and your opponents.
Marines got no problems dropping Land Raiders into an area of operations. Bastions can be airlifted into battlefields.
We were perfectly capable of having drop regiments in Codex: Imperial Guard in the past without relying on FW. You're just making up excuses for poorly thought out doctrines.
Are you implying a Valkyrie or Vulture airframe is going to handle that weight as well as a Thunderhawk might?
If the Guard had Light Tanks, you might have a point with it, but as is...
Yeah, attach a Baneblade to a Valk. That'll work out well for everyone.
>"Valkyrie is the only flyer Guard uses!"
(You)'re not even trying anymore.
Well, it most certainly isn't. Because it's not actually a guard model, it's Imperial Navy. Much like Commisars and Priests the guard codex has a LOT of non-guard models.
>The Imperial Navy has any flyer that is used to drop armour into the battlefield besides the Sky Talon
Oh wait, we've never been shown anything else. Neck yourself, friendo.
>prefers the Kinks over Creedence
I am too autistic for this. My AdMech had the Stygies pattern before the book hit and I just can't bring myself to run them as anything but that.
I suppose if you have a custome colour pattern it wouldn't be that bad.
How salty would you be if I painted and tied little slings to meltaguns and plasma guns and then just hung them from my dudes saying they are the guys with the special weapons?
Tourney legal?
It would depend on which one they were holding.
If they had a grenade launcher and flamer strapped to their back, and they were holding a meltagun. Then by WYSIWYG it would be a meltagun. But using that same model for either the grenade launcher or flamer would not be tournament legal.
Just convert them and get points for doing it.
like this only take a little more time to give it more hard lines and angles rather then sloping curves.
doing this to the metals would be harder though.
How are vostroyans overall? +6 inch range sounds lovely. and russes being able to move at half speed and shoot twice? punisher squad just picks a unit to remove from the table every turn with 120 shots + sponsons (the gatling gun turret is still 20 shots right?)
Yeah, I enjoy them, what little I get to play them. I ended up kit bashing a squad with Grey Knights weapons and run them as vanguard veterans. T-hammers, big ass swords, halberds, the works. I'm half tempted to get a box of sigmarines for their big weapons and make a terminator Tempest Blade squad.
The only reason why I personally have done that is because it's as of now unknown what chapter the Storm Wardens are successors of. I'm sure there are people who have done that specifically to exploit as much WAACfaggotry as they could, but I just like trying different CTs against different styles of armies.
But yeah, if you have a specific pattern for your dudes, and it doesn't feel right to use a different one, then more power to you for sticking with it against everything else.
Wargame: Red Dragon comes close, but it's more of a late cold war era.
Ambush Alley/Force on Force is really good, user. You should try it sometime.