Litecoin is garbage

I bought 8 at 310 lol. I want to jump into oncoming traffic. This coin is such a fucking failure

Other urls found in this thread:

>look at me i am a retard who bought a coin after 3x in one week
what where you expecting really? another 3x?

Die in a fire


In a facebook group about crypto, normies are saying it will fall even further into oblivion if BTC lightning comes out.

i sold mine at $280 and took the loss.
Already making some gains back on PFR

Go back to 9fag where you belong pajeet.

Get cucked

I bought 180 at 290. Yeah I feel like shit. I’ll just hold though. Won’t need any money until I move out of my mom’s house in may.

just hodl you nigger

Guy who created it literally got out

Ahahahahahahahah people will try to explain why this is totally fine ahahahahahahaha

Why the fuck did you blow $50,000 on something so frivolous if you still live in your mom's basement?

yea hold for another 3 years then it will 3x overnight again

I bought most of my ltc at $100, bought three more at 280.

you're literally a retard.

Im out. Fuck it. Made 128$ last week and took the 125$ loss. I am done.

If this shit dip under 100, we talk

>this is how normies actually think and act


Wow, I payed $100 for dinner last night. Maybe don't play around with lunch money your mom can't afford to replace?

I think he means 180 dollars worth at 290 a coin.

Buy the tip of another pump.


Sell your LTC and buy Kucoin Shares. Kucoin is growing at an incredible rate, doubling in volume in the last week, so don't miss out on reaping incredible profits while avoiding all the drama of the crypto world. In the California Gold Rush, the people who actually got rich were the suppliers. Likewise, exchanges like Kucoin are the ones really making the big bucks in the crypto world, not individual traders.

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Sit back and relax with Kucoin, rather than worrying about shit like BTC/ETH/BCH killing LTC or Charlie Lee saying something retarded.
Use my referral code for free shit: 1ch6a

>Implying normies have any clue what lightning is

Thank you, come again


thank you for posting this. I love this song

I bought at $20 so I literally don't care and will hold forever