Who here comfy as fuck? In since 150 sats. Next stop 600

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Bought a couple hours ago when it was low as fuck. Feels good.

I saw some shilling the other day for it and thought the videos were interesting but didn't buy. I may buy today.

get their app and 200k cnd. then register and check out their trading signals and ico forecasts. that's the selling point of cindicator;. they already have working products that will make you money.

all inned at 4.8 cents a few days ago. I have high hopes for this team considering they seem to actually give a shit about deadlines and their product (which looks dope but I don't have the 200/700k cnd to use their bot)

You're awesome brother I'll do that right now.

We are the Cindies of Battle and we will not fail!

this coin will actually have fucking demand. Unlike 99% of everything out there

it's not some bullshit where you have to wait months to make a profit. you can use their products now to see what it's all about. if you don't like it then sell and move on.

Fuck i just bought xlm , did i fuck up?

Actually I'm looking at the app and website now but how do you find the trading signals and ICO forecasts? I see where I answer questions though

you can probably sell your XLM without a loss, it doesn't move much these days

i fucking bought XLM a month ago and it went up like 2% in that time. it really is a sideways coin. I got out at a tiny profit and went CND.

you need trader or expert status to use their ico forecasts and trading signals--you login and use their app to do so

you have to register your eth address to confirm that you're holding 200k cnd in order to gain access to the "trader" tier signals/forecasts via telegram. you don't have to pay to use their service, you just have to prove you're holding that amount in an eth address you control.

Wow, not used to seeing actual interesting projects promoted on here. I bought my share. We'll see where this goes, it sounds interesting for sure..

Ive been shilling this shit since it got listed on HitBtc. It was actually shilled out a lot around ICO, but everyone jumped out for shit coins after the Devs made it clear they werent going to hype up CND.

they said marketing begins q1 2018

My body is ready.

what is a good amount to own and any 2018 eoy predictions?

An actual working product. CND is ahead of the game.

All it needs is a solid marketing push which is coming 2018.

This and ENG are my moon tickets.

I'm confused about the coin distribution though. I can't find in their whitepaper why it's distributed like this?