>First contact with aliens.
>They look like us, with some differences. Pretty much another homo.
How would we react?
>First contact with aliens.
>They look like us, with some differences. Pretty much another homo.
How would we react?
Can we fuck them?
Yeah but it's homo.
Well, we can fuck pretty much anything if we really want to. The question is: Can we breed with them?
Possibly no.
It's fine if balls don't touch
>The similarity runs so deep that, like with the moon landings, there is going to be a small portion of the population that believe it was faked for [sociopolitical/economic/evil/nebulous goal x] forever
>At first they cite statistics, because the odds of another species being that close to us AND retaining that form while engaging in stellar travel are astronomic
>They fail to acknowledge that, unlike most of human dealings, this is one of the few areas in which things are literally astronomic in scale
>Aliens eventually make a public display of their spacefaring technology, and many of the skeptics relax because that's the burden of proof they'll accept
>The remaining naysayers fall back to "Duh CGI guys", "That's just a dressed up [conventional craft]" and/or "Never saw it with muh own eyes." The more forward thinking of them will maintain that this is the NWO/Ilumnatty/Jews/Nazis from the moon, and we've always had this tech but it was so exceptional they needed a non human source for people to believe it, they're stepping up their plans, etc
>As the two societies integrate the believers will retreat to the fringe of the sane, those who are outwardly respectable (or not) but will quietly tack on to the most extreme of the latter theories how all of these supposed aliens are just CRISPR modified humans and the truth of history is concealed from the public for their own good
>The more extreme of them will think we always had those colonies of alien-people and the powers that be had finally decided it was time for the normal humans to get out there too
Oh, and
>Star Trek format shows experience a Renaissance as bored/mediocre actual aliens show up to be major celebrities with relatively low effort
>Pretty much another homo
It's not homo if the balls don't touch.
Why haven't they turned every star in the galaxy into a Dyson Sphere yet?
One of two options. This pic covers both.
Well that's dissapointing
What if they all have balls? Yes, even the women. Especially the women.
Sort of. Silver lining, they probably breathe the same air we do, so we can go to a lot of their extant stations and planets right off the bat.
Not too surprised. There is a reason why we are the dominant race on this planet and physiology plays a big role in it.
Well played
Impaler? I 'ardly know 'er!
>pretty much another homo
imagine, a whole race of OPs
Without meaning to sound too euphoric I imagine a lot of religious people would jump on it as proof of intelligent design.
To be honest, they wouldn't really be wrong to do so, given how stunningly unlikely even a single other hominid alien race is, let alone a galaxy full of them. It would lend an immense amount of credulity to the idea of intelligent design.
Mind, it still wouldn't prove any one specific designer, like God or Shiva or Xenu, over the others.
Holy fuck mein sides
Convergent evolution, my man. On Earth at least we know that if a design works several different groups of animals might evolve into it. It might be that some of the forms we see on Earth work pretty well elsewhere in the universe.
This is always an intresting topic to me. How would religous people react? I know the Catholics have a sort of protocol. If they are a fallen race like us ( adam n eve + apple) then they will introduce them to jesus.
And if say, they dont have a savior but are fallen then that means humanity or earthlings are the ((chosen)) people of the galexy.
It's one thing to produce a basically humanoid shape, but OP is suggesting something that looks basically like a member of the homo genus (in appearance if not necessarily genetics). That's quite a few steps beyond mere "convergent evolution".
Bats and birds might both have evolved wings to fly, but you'd never actually confuse a bat for a bird. Conversely a neanderthal could easily pass as human without anyone being the wiser.
Yeah but you could think a dolphin, a whale and an icthyosaur are all fish, couldn't you?
>the aliens are futa women
>the aliens are catgirls
>the aliens are stereotypical furries/scalies, like degenerate's-wet-dream tier
>every alien species we encounter is based on a hyper exaggerated human fetish
>even vore
Just don't touch them
>another homo
There was that one Philip K. Dick novel where that happened. They were roping united earth goverment to fight in a war against space-tick aliens because they claimed earth was a long-lost oclony or something. . Now wait for last year was the name, I think (hard to say since it was translated to my language and I don't remember it very well.
> Pretty much another homo.
Well, I can see why they picked Veeky Forums as the most suitable point of contact.
Is this drag as in playing dress-up or drag as in hauling behind a vehicle?
how does this fit on Veeky Forums?
dolphins are fish but whales are not. dumbass.
Dolphins aren't fish, dumbfuck
We analyze their history and chack if All Tomorrows wasnt a historical document
Is it sad that at first, I thought you were saying that someone would claim contact with an alien species was faked?
Is it worse that I can totally see that very thing happening?
I'm okay with this, and I'm not okay with that.
By the sheer power of probability, pretty much anything you can assume of a person within reason and by jebus there are too many things that qualify as "within reason" is/has/will be true for at least one person somewhere. From "lived in both the 1800s and 2000s" to "personally killed over 500 people legally", people are capable of some interesting things.
>I thought you were saying that someone would claim contact with an alien species was faked?
No, that's pretty much exactly what I meant
Considering how much humans hate each other for bare differences like skin color and shit I imagine it'll get pretty bad if first contact doesn't go well at all
Then again any race capable of actually getting here would promptly be able to BTFO us
B5 did it. Centauri look basically human except for a few minor details and tried to spin "Oh, you guys are secretly a lost Centauri colony!" because they were just as weirded out as we were. Then we compared biology notes and found out, no, no, Centauri and humans are NOTHING alike physiologically. Centauri males have six multi-foot prehensile dongs attached to the spine. Centauri females have six gashes along the spine. All six are needed for conception. Also some major differences in organs and stuff, but "six tentacle dicks" is the headliner here
A tip of the hat, good sir.
Have this image with my blessings for your post.
>another homo
>Falling for 0/10 bait
Jesus christ dude, at least make the trolls work for it.
OP looks like a homo
They politely imform us that Dyson Spheres are against the SOA guidelines. Trying to build even a single dyson sphere would bankrupt you in fines long before you approached completion.