By user's request, thread dedicated to the SSSS universe. Have you guys considered looking into the Ballad of the Laser Whales? It has firearms, magic and stuff.
Stand Still Stay Silent
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>300,000 people total
How they manage to have basically our civilization (or at least a tech operating on, say, 70s level)?
Where are the culturally enriched areas in S4?
They are in the Silent world full of fun things
There are probably fewer than 300,000 people keeping North Korea where it is right now technologically, for instance, there are so many people living there in abject poverty that don't even contribute to the nation through agriculture etc.
My personal thoughts / headcanon (Fucking hate that word) are that scavenged or well preserved tech forms the backbone of their industry and they just work real hard to supplement it with knock-offs they can actually recreate and understand. For instance, I don't think they actually have mass production working in the sense of anything beyond world war 2. I think those tanks of theirs are basically assembled by hand, probably using a few parts each from actual pre-rash tanks.
They also have the advantage of possessing almost all the knowledge necessary to construct modern tech. They may not have enough people to effectively decompress it by having specialists for everything at once, or the industrial base to get everything they need, but if the leadership decides that something is a priority, they can figure out exactly what they would need to do to build anything modern. With enough time spent pondering over high school, then university level textbooks, you can know the underlying principles of anything we've built, which is an advantage usually not possessed by post-apoc societies, who usually have only hazy cultural memories of the beforetime by the time they regrow to 6 digit population.
They're clearly missing fucktons of very simple tech just because it isn't a strategic priority and they can do without. Consider that the overwhelming majority of the population seem to only have a couple of sets of clothes, which are handmade by them or their immediate relatives. The people seen emigrating to live permanently in places had backpacks worth of personal effects to bring that were only about the size of a purse.
First for Sleipnope and his Valentine's Day promise.
In fact, on the subject of clothes, I think the expedition members may actually have not changed their clothes since they set out weeks ago. They seem to sleep in the same jumpsuits that they wear underneath their "going outside" clothes.
I think everyone is kind of materially impoverished in setting because there is no allowance for any production of anything beyond the bare minimum due to resource and expertise scarcity.
If you have a country that mandates that noone is allowed to work a profession that isn't 100% strategically necessary for their master plan (I imagine professional haircuts would be literally unheard of for instance, how dare someone waste their productive life on something that everyone can do themselves with 5 minutes and a mirror) you can probably fill everything you need to have a low output production of modern tech.
You'd amazed at how much shit NK actually imports/exports. Take trains (very revelant to SSSS): from China.
Not dissing on the comic but the worldbuilding is a little handwaved.
To be fair I think this isn't such a stretch for northern finns methinks
>the first thing all these shitty Norsemen do when times get tough is abandon the word of Christ
Well alright. I guess we're doing this again.
>we're doing this again
Doing what? Killing fellow Christians for profits? Backstabbing your hosts? Abandoning your faith for heresy?
t. Pole, ally of Wends and Tartars
You backstabbed Hungarians and got kicked out of their country too. Have you forgotten about it already? You are just a mockery of what your image is used for, you are a greedy honorless pitiless faithless cunt.
It's just Magyars, sweetie. They're pretty much like ascended Rom.
>It's just Magyars, sweetie
They were you hosts, sweetheart. Plotting against people who gave you safety and relief in time of need is ultimate treachery.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trolls and Beasts targeted churches simply on principle. If Pastor A is anything to go by, thone churches would have posed a serious threat to the Grosslings had they endured.
It is plot of old gods against Christianity.
But redhead mage that is drawn to Christianity will get rid Denmark of trolls like st Patrick did with Ireland
Mostly around midnight
>Shaman multiclasses into Cleric.
Calling it now.
If you look at the map, notice there's a railway going from sweden's capital all the way to iron works and copper mine far up north.
Heavy industry seem to exist. Maybe not on the scale we have today but they can and do build big heavy things.
So how long before 56 624 remaining Skalds will figure out to run tests on felines and find genes responsible for immunity?
Do what?
Kill your brother folk again?
That isn't how it works.
They have immune humans, they don't even need to try and figure it out with cats.
They just clearly don't have the tech to really go for it.
Given 3 more generations of careful eugenics they could get immunity up to 90% or so anyway.
Really, by this point they should be focusing on the mage genes, if that's how it works.
So since noone is making anything interresting.
Im gonna try to expand the setting to make your games/thread more interresting.
Starting with Berring Strait/Seberia region.
The Bering strait is the only center of civilization in the known world. Cobsisting of a patchwork of Island refuges, cleansed bays and great kamchatka.
The strait was named after legendary folk hero Vitus Bering, a explorer and warrior said to be from a far away land.
The myth of Bering and his adventures is one of the few pieces of united heritage that connects the otherwise devided and reclusive Bering states.
Legend has it that Berings line stil lives in their land in the far west, and will one day come to deliver the strait from the sickness.
Island state of Alaska
Posibly city state of Vladivostok
Slavic paganism ( in russian areas)
Orthodix christianity (in alaska and minority in russian areas
Tengri paganism (common amongst nomadic Siberian and Alaskan tribes)
Why would the Russians not be Orthodox?
For that matter, why wouldn't the Alaskans be some form of Protestant?
How long does it take for SSSS to git gud? I read about twenty pages and nothing really grabbed at me.
How are computers in the setting?
>With enough time spent pondering over high school, then university level textbooks, you can know the underlying principles of anything we've built
Still applies, actually producing chips that are anywhere near our modern ones would be a massive challenge for post apoc societies, even with understanding the basic principles governing it.
The production cycle is so dependent on having certain hard and software already. And on top of that, I think Fabs may be some of the most intricate and complex machinery outside of the scientific sector we have today.
>Have you guys considered looking into the Ballad of the Laser Whales?
For reference:
Song of Swords 2.0:
Ballad 1.7 LaTeXified:
Initially Ballad was built on 1.9.9 of SoS and improved some rules. Most of the changes have made it into SoS 2.0, so rules-wise Ballad is mostly useful for some magic and equipment now.
The rest of the Trove:
He is pretty obviously already a cleric.
I mean he is a shepard, magic done through cross runes, runes are usually icelandic magic. Can see spirits, which is a finnish mage thing, but only those of the restless dead, aka "lost sheep".
Ok the simple answer is this.
The same way the nordic and finnic gods came back, I'd imagine the slavic ones would too. That is why many if not most Russian have turned to them.
But there are certainly many majority orthodox russian areas, which i will get into in my next post.
And the reason i made Alaska orthodox, is that after the great sickness the surviving Christians banded together. And in a time of great catasstrofe, the largest and most coservative church won out.
Which i will again get into more detail with later.
I'm pretty sure there'd be some survivors among the Greek Islands.
We're looking at rocky terrain for the most part, isolated enough by water.
The winters are mild, but the summers are hot and long, we know infected creatures don't like sunlight.
There's plenty of places that see very little tourism.
The Islands of Sao Tome and Principe would likely survive. They don't *currently* produce enough food to survive, but that's because most of their agriculture is for export. After the initial infection It's likely they'd still have about 10k people, assuming only 5% immunity AND complete infection.
They're small places and there's not much room for monsters to hide.
Probably a bunch of Russian places on the Arctic sea.
A thought just stuck me:
North Korea would likely not succumb to the infection.
They also have the armament to fight against monsters.
Turns out, the Dear Leader wasn't crazy, he was *preparing* them.
Nah going by what we know of Denmark, waging a war against the monsters wont turn out well for you. Somehow Denmark got pretty powerful in this setting, judging by how fast they got incredible warmachines up and running.
Maybe there's a few north koreans holdouts.
as far as i knowNK and the nothern end of japan have bitching cold winters.
The Danes couldn't win back their land(somehow), I'm guessing spirits.
The physical threat clearly can be taken out by guns. It's obviously not even that difficult.
It's likely they couldn't sustain the war effort and had to back down. Maybe bad planning, who knows?
What I don't get is how the ecosystem works.
Beasts, Trolls and Giants don't seem to hunt one another.
So, what do they eat?
Is it all magic?
At least link to the old thread with all the lore pages, OP.
Why hasn't anyone tried to colonize the Faroe Islands or Orkney? They're in the middle of what looks like a major trade route.
French Polynesia is in the same boat as Sao Tome and Principe.
About 300k people, scattered around islands.
They've got tourism though.
Still, assuming the same rate of immunity, they should pull through.
They're incredibly remote as well, if they can survive the initial outbreak, they're basically never going to see another outbreak until dolphins and whales show up. And even then, what are the odds?
Even assuming a sea-infected creature shows up, they're slow and weak on land.
Icelanders are largely content where they are, and everyone else is busy making sure their own borders are secure.
Great Kamchatka
Population: 90.000
Immunity: 20%
Languages: Russian. Native kamchatkan languages
Religion: Slavic paganism. With a minority of oethodox and native tengrist faiths.
Due to its isolation, and the natural defence if the permafrost, kamchatka was spared the blunt of the pandemic.
The area where the penisula conects to the mainland is covered in snow and frost year round, making it difficult or nearly imposible for trolls and infected animals to cross.
The kamtchatkans capitulize on this with the construction of the grrat bastions. A series of fortresses, walls fences and cleared minefields. These baricades, combined woth the harsh conditions, protect the population from the dangers of the mainland.
Kamchatkan russians mostly follow the old gods, of which Perun, Svarog and Ded Moroz are the lost populer. Worship is fairly standardised, with a couple of standerized holy teksts, and a grand temple in the capital Petropavlovsk.
10% of the poulation is still eastern orthodox, and in open communion with the patriarch in Vladivostok, and the autocephalous patriarchy of Alaska.
Religious tensions are high, but mitigated by tgat fact that most orthodox live in their own oblasts.
I'll not lie, the whole "people turn away from Christianity" angle really irks me.
I mean, it makes no sense.
What, the other gods manifest and are real, but somehow the Christian God is not?
It's the only bit of the comic I find really annoying.
At least the Danes are atheists.
And the Sweden too.
All those heathens need some Jesus. And with that I mean love and forgiveness... Also magic, apparently
Yeah i find it kinda dumb, but since its a theme in the original story, i included it here as well
Also, here's our first actual look at a Giant in the story.
What system would you use for an SSSS game ?
I would go with traveller, since it already has quick and lethal combat where you due when you duck up, is skill, not level, based and has flynns guide to magic for mage shenanigans.
But it would mean that the PCs would be 30-40 something years old grizzled veterans... If we go with standard CharGen
Also traveler is a proven system for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Style games
>They're pretty much like ascended Rom.
Well, yeah, it makes perfect sense that when your god can produce miracles and becomes a real, physical thing and the Christian one doesn't, people would turn away from a religion that provides only words compared to power and protection.
And it makes sense that the older religions power manifests in their centers of power while Christianity, the import religion, does not. In Jerusalem and Mecca he might, but not in Sweden.
Becuse they don't have our civilization.
Iceland is crippled by not being able to import, even if they are somewhat self supporting, due various political reasons.
The World in SSSS is basically supported by the remaining rail roads, some remains of the 1950s self support politics, and Iceland exporting.
> In Jerusalem and Mecca he might, but not in Sweden.
You know except for the actual jesus figure in the story.
Christian God is kinda hands-off for the most part. Hell, for all we know, he's busy aiding against whatever abomination decided to create the Rash in the first place.
Also his shtick in "recent times" was never "power to everybody", compared to the nordic "killed something big? here son, have a blessing" and more through singular people in the community.
Go talk about this stuff elsewhere.
Like says, everyone seems focused on regaining their lands before getting new ones.
That said, I know that the author of the comic of is from Svandinavia, but it would have been nice to see others survive. I don't see a reason why some British or mainland europeans couldn't have survived if some on the scandinavian peninsula survived.
Except, you know, this is a decision the creator made.
That's what irks me.
They decided Christianity somehow just went away in 90 years.
I mean, clearly, they just wanted modern vikings.
A line like "Nordic paganism has resurfaced, thanks to the apparent manifestation of their gods. Most people have converted, grasping at any hope of security and salvation" would have pretty much made it ok.
People flock to it, because it obviously works, but people haven't forgotten what a damn cross is.
>The Danes couldn't win back their land(somehow), I'm guessing spirits.
As far as we can tell they made too much noise, so the restless spirits of those euthanized noticed&found them and rekt their shit.
They seem to be the hazard unique to their country and we saw how fast they go from basically background noise to holy terror.
I agree with you on this point. People have been willing to die for religion, so even if the other religion gives you magical powers, I doubt so many people would flock away.
But honestly, I think this is the advantage of a post-apocalyptic setting, that you can blank slate everything with a reasonable enough excuse.
Crosses were not a solely Christian invention either, you know.
>post-apocalyptic setting decides to deviate from the norm and be about nordic regions and religions
>"b-but what about MY country"
>"I want jesus, waaah"
>"fucking scandis gotta make it all about themselves"
>They seem to be the hazard unique to their country and we saw how fast they go from basically background noise to holy terror.
Leaf-Troll didn't deserve it's fate...
The story with the actual real protagonists doesn't even start until page 69. The rest is a prologue from 90 years earlier.
The first Troll fight is probably the point where you're either hooked or not. That starts at page 160 and runs until page 171. If you still don't give a fuck at that point then SSSS is clearly not for you.
I think the semiconductor production cycle HAS broken down for them, and then restarted. Their researchers and scientists still seem to use scavenged and preserved computers in preference to anything built since the apocalypse, and while we HAVE seen some Nord-built computers, they're exceptionally primitive. I don't think anything with better computing power than a modern scientific calculator has been made since the world went silent.
You really do need that frost cycle to kill off the smaller beasts. Otherwise you just get swarmed. as well, sea beasts can disgorge some vermin to infect the land in the night.
The overwhelming majority of infected biomass in the modern era seems to just be lying around dead. There are still uninfected animals scattered about and they are definitely hunted for food by the infected, but for the most part the infected seem to survive by hibernating super duper well. To an extent that probably isn't realistically possible for such large creatures, maybe magic is involved in that respect. I think there's definitely a little bit of narrativist tweaking of the numbers involved here, but I think that in the absence of abundant food, the infected mostly conglomerate into trolls or giants and then go into hibernation for years until an easy meal is available.
THAT SAID: They still have all the bits left to be herbivorous. Given where the story is set, we don't know whether they exhibit this behaviour, but the animals they incorporate are often omnivorous or herbivorous so they can probably graze to some extent when they are in a period of higher activity.
Same with fallout, everyone bitches that its all about america and themed around 50's america.
>The Finn's actually touching the dude
They're basically married already.
>Go talk about this stuff elsewhere.
You little tumblerina know that's that one very common trope is
You got literally a shepherd who joins our group as wandering outsider.
Is able to see only the lost souls that died by the "sould displacement" of the cure.
Was an unexpected birth by his mother and, if taken a hard stance the her only "real" child.
And His shepherd dog brought him to a church where the nice ghost nun was.
Also does magic with pseudo-hebrew magic runes.
Try not to get triggered by everything, i said "Jesus figure" not "Literally the second coming of our lord and saviour"
I'd hack together from something like Blades in the Dark. It has the right feel of things steadily going to shit, encounters are more about problem solving, tool and environment use etc. than raw damage output.
It might take a bit of work to hack it together, but everything worth doing does.
>The overwhelming majority of infected biomass in the modern era seems to just be lying around dead. There are still uninfected animals scattered about and they are definitely hunted for food by the infected, but for the most part the infected seem to survive by hibernating super duper well. To an extent that probably isn't realistically possible for such large creatures, maybe magic is involved in that respect. I think there's definitely a little bit of narrativist tweaking of the numbers involved here, but I think that in the absence of abundant food, the infected mostly conglomerate into trolls or giants and then go into hibernation for years until an easy meal is available.
This is practically confirmed with the recent pages. Housethulhu here was just waiting for some poor schmucks to come around so that it could feed.
I'm pretty sure the Rash has a magical property to it.
Mostly from that one bit about people becoming brain dead once given their cure.
I mean, maybe it's a red herring, but it fits with this kind of story.
The Rash Illness opens you to magic and your soul or something, but if you interrupt it, the soul gets lost.
I'm basing this only on the fact that the Infected seem to speak to Mages and that Mages kind of go semi-catatonic if they exert themselves too much.
Me, I'm just angry it doesn't feature more handicapped trans-womyn of colour, also everyone needs to be obese with short pink hair and red noses like they have a cold.
To be fair, the 50's stuff didn't really come into it until FO3 where Bethesda also for whatever reason decided that exactly everything in the setting was nuclear driven.
Yes, there were some 50's references before that point, but people didn't have 50's haircuts, walk around in 50's clothes, and talk with 50's accents before then.
>Christianity has been the major religion for more than 1000 years.
>the majority of people are Christian in these countries
I'm *fine* with modern, magic vikings. But the execution isn't satisfactory. We can complain about this, because it's a work of art someone has submitted to the public and we, the public, exercise our right to critique it.
>post-apocalyptic setting decides to deviate from the norm and be about nordic regions and religions
which is pretty cool, props to the writer.
>"b-but what about MY country"
This is a roleplay board and the story has a pretty clear viewpoint on the happenings. Nothing stopping you with coming up with your own shit where germans survived in the underground of their coal mines, the japanese notrh where people flok around hunter/samurai dudes that live like feudal lords and protect them from the "oni".
>"I want jesus, waaah"
You are being redunant with your first post and maybe should try obious symbolism from time to time.>"fucking scandis gotta make it all about themselves"
Back to point 1 and 2 for you.
People complain about it because that isn't what Fallout 1 or 2 where about.
Only Fallout 3 and 4 are 50s as fuck, because they wanted to go for an iconic Americana aesthetic.
That doesn't mean it's not a bad call.
Things can be good without being perfect.
Things can be both enjoyed and criticized.
Develop yourself.
I am actully pretty interested in the modern technology part of the series.
Someone who has more knowledge of computers could maybe answer me this: How long can the parts of a computer survive for you to scavenge/recycle them to make a new computer.
And I imagine you can still do quite a lot with a low computing power, since our smartphones have more computing power than Nasa's computers when they landed on the moon.
and that's fine, as long as you realize your opinions are just that - your opinions. We can dispute them and point out inconsistencies in your critiques.
Wasn't the aquatic one also a giant? He was MASSIVE
The issue with the immunity from what I understood is that it leaves you vulnerable to spirit attacks as seen by spirits knocking out all the immune people in the party at that one point. The non immune people had to drive save everyone by getting outta dodge.
>"b-but what about MY country"
I agree with you on the other points, but I feel like the other countries part is a way to expand the world on our own, without interfering with the main lore.
No, the majority of the population is agnostic. Sure, membership in the state church is fairly high, but that's because a lot of people are written in when they're baptized. It's actually something the church has gotten a ton of criticism for here in Norway, because a lot of people don't even know they're members.
There are true believers, of course, but most of them live in the western "bible belt". Outside of that, people tend to get seriously weirded out if you talk about religion as if you actually believe in it.
And I can call your opinion shit because I don't like them, because that's my opinion. I don't why everyone is bitching so much, when opinions are opinions and everyone does shit differently. You want more Christian themes, then slap them in your game. Want to go somewhere else then Scandinavia, go ahead because it's your idea, your game. Fucking hell, nowadays if you don't like an opinion, it means you don't like the person.
This guy got the right idea.
That's not really the point.
A dead religion that nobody knows about is now the state religion.
And, please recall, that over half of the population declares itself religious. There's only like 10% or something who say they're atheist/agnostic. There's also a big chunk of people, I think 30%, that say they're "not religious".
Even if they're *mostly* agnostic, why is the religious belief that mostly died out a millennia ago suddenly back?
Yes, I *know* why, the author wanted it that way. They wanted modern vikings. I don't mind that.
I mind that it's a clumsy transition.
>There's only like 10% or something who say they're atheist/agnostic
The numbers in Scandinavia are closer to 20-25% of people saying that they don't believe in any form of god, spirit or lifeforce, and another 40 or so percent who claim that they believe in some form of spirit or lifeforce that's not necessarily a god and which they don't necessarily worship.
It's to do with being above the 60th Parallel. It hinders the infected enough that they aren't an unstoppable horde.
In all likelihood, there were initially survivors of the infection all over the world. After all, even in heavily affected areas, the surviving 5% can't have ALL died of other diseases or starved or lost access to clean drinking water.
It's the infected systematically hunting down and killing everyone in the decades that follow that really brings the list of places on Earth that human civilisation might have survived from double digits to single digits. The Nords, for all their 40k tanks and flamethrowers, have overwhelmingly been aided by just how fucking cold it is where they are, the numberless hordes of infected roaming the rest of the world just can't muster up to attack them in any organised fashion.
The rash itself, like, the disease, does seem to be a mage. In a sense. I'd suspect that this is just because of all the mages it has eaten, but then there are cats.
When the story had only just started I was 100% with you and was assuming that mages were just a different manifestation of the virus. But they are pretty clear at one point that Mages definitively are not infected and never have been. There are mages who don't have immunity, and mages who do.
Computer part survival has a *lot* to do with storage conditions. Far less to do with intrinsic aging of the parts themselves. I've visited a local computer museum so I kind of got the gist. Older computers were a lot less sensitive to temperature variations, but modern ones age proportionally to the variation in temperature they experience over time. You also need to prevent them from developing any rust. At all.
Hypothetically, a computer that has been kept in a bone dry place with a constant temperature will last until centuries later and it will be completely fine, with the exception of the CMOS battery, which likely will have burst or corroded.
>encounters are more about problem solving, tool and environment use etc. than raw damage output.
Okay that combat encounters can use some form of damage outpunt seems logical to me.
But how do i solve a social encounter by damage output ?
Just being a little snarky but actually wondering what you meant with that.
I'm not the one whose complaining that his opinions aren't liked, user, that would be you.
Embedded systems user here.
Some semiconductors will last almost forever. Your 90s era computer is made with large enough process that they should last a loong time. Stuff that won't last is mostly data storage devices - hard dicks fail, floppy disks and CDs/DVDs/BDs rot, flash memory saturate. 1960s-era core memory would still be working but they are quite a pain to make. If they cannot make modern flash devices they would probably make EEPROMs to start with - less storage, but simple and robuts (7 million writes vs 10 thousand for flash).
Current generation computers (2017) probably won't last - Intel has electron migration problems in skylake processors, which means they will wear out at some point.
The big qestio is if there's any semiconductor manufacturing facility left. University in iceland might have something in their physics / engineering labs, but if no foundries survive then it's back to vacuum tubes for you. Or transistors at best.
Though keep in mind the C programming language was made in 1970s, and they use that to make UNIX. A lot of things can be done with very limited resources if you have the right people and right support.
For knowledge of computers, since iceland is intact and I presume there's some university library left around, all the knowledge would still be around. Iceland in the setting arent keen on the old technology but they seem to just left it alone instead of declaring it HERESY. Anyone interested can probably rebuild computers. Will take a long time, and whether the effort is better spent researching fireball spell for mages instead of backtracking old technology is not for me to answer.
Blades in the Dark has a resolution system which is a little difficult to concisely explain, its probably easiest to imagine it as a much more complicated (In a good way) version of the Apocalypse World way of doing things.
Suffice to say that in Blades, when you decide to act upon a situation, you are declaring how much of your equipment you use, how hard you exert yourself, what techniques you do and do not use, in order to establish how likely you are to succeed, and what level of risk your own intervention holds for your own wellbeing. Another very important factor is whether or not you are punching above your weight class and how far.
In a social encounter where you are actually trying to sell someone on something that isn't 100% up their alley, the overwhelming amount of the difficulty scale would be decided by how far up the pecking order the person you are trying to influence is, relative to you. Depending on your abilities you can then mess with how the resolution goes down etc. You may build a social character who is not tremendously effective at asking people for handouts, but never pisses them off when he does so, or vice versa.
To clarify though, data storage devices won't degrade if they are properly stored, and *remain unused*, right?
You're talking to the wrong user, user. I was a new poster who was agreeing to the person I talking to. An opinion is an opinion and everyone has different opinions, which means you should do what you like. Your opinion doesn't change the actual setting, nor does mine. However, as I stated, you want more Christian themes in your game that's based of this setting, the go right ahead. It's your game, not mine.
Oksy that sounds like an interesting resolve system. Might give it a read one of these days.
Traveller on it's side has the "fun" where you do not have any sort of "Meat points" but every damage goes straight to their physical attributes, meaning every damage taken also makes you less effective.
Also it has an highly modular nature where you have a truckload of quality third party supplements (like flynn's guide to magic) and stuff like disease and radiation.
First round of combat is usually everyone trying to get into cover and estimate the situation. Also already has rules for different levels of technology.
>hard dicks fail
anyway, the tldr is two big questions:
1. How much semiconductor / electronics manufacturing survives? They are very specialised and hard to create again once you lost them.
2. How much software survives? Computer science will survive in books, but the implementation is unlikely to exist in paper form.
I checked rekjavik university website and they said to have focus on STEM fields, which is hopeful. Too bad they don't seem to have the lions book, that would immensely help if you somehow lost all software:
Hard to say, I don't exactly work with high-reliability systems. I'd err on the side of caution and say that some do, some dont:
- Flash memory and EEPROM probably degrades, since they store electrical charges and these might dissipate / cosmic rays / MAGIC
- CDs are more likely to survive. Actual mass-manufactured CDs are made by stamping so their grooves will persist. CD-R and friends might degrade, depending on chemicals.
- MO disks might survive as well - magnets stay magnets. Not sure about tapes and floppies, the magnet will stay there but can't say anything about the plastic substraye that holds them together.
>A dead religion that nobody knows about
That's not really accurate. Everyone learns about nordic mythology in schools over here, 'cause it's part of the cultural heritage. Of course, no one outside of some extremely niche nu-pagan groups actually believe (or pretend to believe) in it, but the knowledge is there.
>And, please recall, that over half of the population declares itself religious. There's only like 10% or something who say they're atheist/agnostic. There's also a big chunk of people, I think 30%, that say they're "not religious".
I know how the statistics look on paper, but as someone who lives in Norway (supposedly the most religious of the scandinavian nations), they don't really reflect how things actually are. Most people follow the major rituals of the church (baptism, confirmation, weddings and funerals), but for most it's really just something they think is traditional and nice, the kind of thing you do to make your grandparents happy. Since most people just kind of go along with baptism, they're registered as members of the state church, and at that point resigning is juuust inconvenient enough that most don't bother.
Do a number of people say they believe there might be "some kind of force out there"? Sure. But if you were to ask them if they actually believe in the Bible they'd look at you funny (outside of the bible belt, at least). I know priests who never mention God outside of the church.
Now, I do agree that it's a little odd that someone would turn to the old gods in the first place. That said, once it was shown to yield actual results? I don't see any problem with people rapidly turning to a belief that is demonstrably real. To a lot of people THAT would be "the force out there". Plus, the populations are really small, so the term "state religion" doesn't really carry as much weight as it normally would.
Get into the fluff again. It's clearly stated that all unreleased human spirits stick around - especially those with grisly or unnatural deaths like the Rash. The cure only stops the disease in the flesh and does nothing for the spiritual.
>Cure literally causes braindead for unknown reasons.
>Author talks about "sould displacement" on his/her own in the lower section.
>""Cure"" was brought to the population, even tho it wan't finished.
>Ghosts of unnatural dead usually stay only till their natural live span runs out and 90years+ old ghosts are unhead of for our trio of mages.
>Ghosts literally forming sleipnope.
Yes? Your point being? It's already known that the Rash-trolls are functionally immortal, as in, they don't die of just old age. Essentially cancerous meat-bots.
So i made a little map for my kamchatka thing.
Im not that good a drawing detailed maps, but i got most of the stuff i wanted to show down.
If any drawfags can recreate this in the style of ops immage i would be very happy :)
No mines or heavy industry?
I'd probably use a Degenesis hack for it.
This is super cool, user. Geeze, now I wanna run something here.
Its work in progress. I dont know where mining and industry would be located as im not kamchatkan.
Anyone is free to improve/polish the map
theres more coming!
its gonna be super best!
There's huge gold/sliver/platinum mining happening there, but I don't know about iron and other heavy metals.