How do I get into the Warhammer 40k universe? It seems really interesting but it feels like there's so much lore and information to digest that I don't know where to start.
How do I get into the Warhammer 40k universe...
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Depends. Do you like big, hulking superhumans or the normal kind of human who will stand and fight against all threats and die?
Then start with the Horus Heresy. For all other races, go read their Lexicanum articles and go from there.
Horus Heresy book 1: Horus Rising.
Here are two excellent fan videos to get you interested.
Warhammer 40k, Lord Inquisitor Prologue
Honestly, first watch an intro video to the tabletop. It introduces you to core mechanics and the world as a whole. Then look up a faction and read their history, 1d4chan or 40k wiki would work. Eventually you can read up on events and get a grip on the universe as a whole. THEN start reading horus heresy.
I just started browsing the wikis and clicking random interesting links. Eventually you'll find those core links that propagate everywhere and you'll start to see where al the important things are (the Warp, Terra, Inquisition, Imperial Fists...).
Eventually you'll get a good working knowledge of the setting and be able to navigate that roadmap better. Just be forewarned that there's a whole lot of stuff from the Fantasy Flight Games (FFG) RPGs that doesn't necessarily overlap with what you might find on the tabletop.
Read this book.
Read a general introduction to the universe. You can probably find it on 1d4chan. Then just fall down the rabbit hole.
Eisenhorn is a great series.
If the Emperor had a Text To Speech Device and all the lore videos by ArchWarhammer will give you a good foothold before you start doing you own digging.
Start there:
Bear in mind this is a VERY vast setting, and and old one, so there is A LOT to cover. Take your time, there's something for everyone. Remember that is was written by English people years ago, it was never actually meant to be a sensible setting, so it's okay if stuff doesn't make sense. It functions on the rule of cool.
When you're done with Lexicanum, go there:
It'll help put things in perspective, and get a less "official" idea of things. Careful though, it is filled with memes to the brim, the majority of them outdated, so take what you read with a grain of salt. A lot of these articles are written by the same small amount of people with obvious bias so remember to not take everything at face value. Still funny though.
Really the best way to start is to explore the Lexicanum, even just picking a random article from the main menu can teach you loads when you follow and read link after link.
You can also lurk Veeky Forums. Don't worry if you see very strict opinions on some fluff of factions, many of us have forgotten that it is just meant to be a game and that it was never meant to be taken seriously.
Have fun.
Do essentially what the thread said and avoid anything by CS.Goto. Bear in mind the 40K universe is fucking massive (and for the first time in quite a while actually expanding and changing) so it's gonna take a while to see the whole thing.
You just start.
ArchWarhammer lore videos are fine but he is whiny crybaby and when he is not liking something he will shit on it or leave it out.
Pick a faction you like and read all of their shit
Books I have read that are worth reading:
Gaunts ghosts
Eisenhorn trilogy
Ciaphas cain books
The first heretic
Borderline/ better if you are a fan of the army
Night lords trilogy
Blood angels red tide & black rage
Skitaruis & the next book
Everyone keeps telling me it's great but I can't even get through the first chapter with that writing style
Pick your favorite faction, and go read their lore page on 1d4chan.
Then just go from there, you'll wiki walk all over it eventually
How do you want to enter Warhammer 40k?
Video Games?
Tabletop Games?
Look up everything, as far as information, on 1d4chan.
Youtube is a great place to look for information and quite a few channels have "Lore" series that explain everything with lots of art.
Start here for video lore:
And click "Warhammer 40,000"
Type 40K into youtube and watch the videos that come up
Dan abnett books
Through the artwork and the small blurbs. Reading the fiction is not a good idea.
Don't read anything Horus heresy related. It reveals nothing about the modern imperium and all of the characters are idiots.
>using 1d4chan for anything
If I remember the writing style changes after the first chapter lol.
I don't mean the prologue that bit's fine it's when it says chapter one at the top of the page that I can't stand the writing style
This here
Luetin has lore videos which give you a "quick" rundown of what has happened, a feel for the setting and its quite good too. Also watch the lord inquisitor (even though its just a trailer), if you really like it imperium might be for you. Listen to people's tributes to each faction as well, most of them help you imagine the army. Then do the reading
It all depends on what you like.
If you like the novels I would suggest you to go for the audio books, some of them are really good. Start with the Horus Heresy series.
If you want a general idea the Lexicanum, the wiki and 1d4chan are great, even TV Tropes can help you get into the setting.
You can watch Youtube videos, Luetin09, 40k Theories, Tactica Imperialis and Arch Warhammer all have videos about lore, and they have different tastes so you will get different points of view about the setting. Ego Queen Alexis has a bunch of videos but it's less about lore and more about the tabletop game and miniatures and about vlog shenanigans, not my thing.
There's also this noob called Dael Kingsmill, she is currently going through the lore of WH40k, learning it on the go and getting a lot of stuff wrong, but it is a fun watch
What an incredibly pointless thing to not be able to stand.
Those videos are only slightly funny to people who know what the jokes are referencing, a newcomer can do nothing of them...
Arch is a twat
He is an autistic twat, but that's why we like him.
What do you mean? All the important events are tied to it.
Would also recommend these books if they haven't been mentioned yet:
Fifteen Hours gives a little bit into the day to day of an Imperial citizen and some background on what most of the wars are like.
Commissar Cain and Gaunt's Ghosts series for lighthearted fun and some feels.
Eisenhorn for the inner workings of the Inquisition.
The various Space Marines books. Ultramarines series is pretty good as are the Blood Ravens, Space Wolves, Iron Warriors (Storm of Iron is still perhaps my favorite 40k book), and Night Lords.
Yeah the first chapter is a little wonky, but it gets much better after.
pick an army that looks cool then read it's lore and let it go from there
Reading up on the Fall and Horus heresy is also a pretty good place to start
play dawn of war
1d4chan, orkz, ya welcome
Don't worry about the Lore, GW doesn;t eiter
>Recommending the Horus Heresy books to newbies
I hope you fucking die, but not before the authors of those books
>Everyone keeps telling me it's great but I can't even get through the first chapter with that writing style
what's it like being an objectively bad person?
What's it like being 14, brainlet?
Noob piggy backing here.
Are Eldar a reasonable starter army in terms of player skill and painting? That said, which armies are least and most skill dependant?
I see buckets of marine players, but rarely see people field specialty marines- apothecaries, chaplains, techmarines. Why not? Are they just too expensive for the extra value?
I wasn't recommending the fucking books you mongoloid, I recommended that user read -about- the Heresy.
The Ciaphas Cain series is pretty good.
Just follow the Chronology of the lore
War in Heaven (Old Ones vs Necrons)
C'tans joined in the fight
Extinction of the Old Ones and the souring of the Warp
Betrayal of the C'tans by the Necrons
Eldar Dominance of the Galaxy
DAoT (Humanity reached near-transcendence here)
Fall of the Eldar/Birth of Slannesh
Unification Era
Great Crusade
Emperor ascends the Golden Throne
Great Scouring
Codex Astartes
Disappearance of the Remaining Primarchs
War of the Beast/Birth of the Deathwatch
Black Crusades (1-to-13)
Time of ending/Present-day Imperium
Read the Gaunts Ghosts series. That's what I did. In my opinion any book by Dan Abnett will give you a powerful idea of what the 40k universe looks like
If you have access to the rulebooks and codexes (if you're a fan of a single faction) before 8th edition, they contain a trove of knowledge on everything giving a good surface scratch on how things work. 8th sort of was an "advance the plot" when it came to lore.