>""""""""""Emperor"""""""""" of Mankind
>Wasn't democratically elected
What's his fucking problem?
""""""""""Emperor"""""""""" of Mankind
Other urls found in this thread:
What part of "Emperor" is confusing for you?
The part where no one got to vote for him
uummm, he isn't called the President of Mankind, sweaty
>What's his fucking problem?
He was autistic.
Emperor's aren't elected.
when some guy wants to be emperor and got army of uber thunder warriors that eat other people you get no vote
Okay but why weren't they given a fair say?
Some were.
because they were (still are) a bunch of idiots who were on the brink of killing themselves and he wasn't gonna let that happen because galaxy domination needed to happen
>"democratic" representatives
>not anarchistic communes
Also, who decided this guy should have psychic powers? I certainly don't remember voting for that.
But everyone loved him. He had super-charisma, was a godly being and had an army of super-soldiers that would destroy your city/planet/empire if you said no.
People accepted him.
>'Accept me as your leader or I'll kill you'
>This is somehow okay
Also, when you got psychic powers and can basically mindrape the opposition, why even bother with a fake election? You know you're gonna win and time is a precious resource
>Emperor's aren't elected.
t. Brainlet
And? There are exceptions to everything. A proper Emperor takes, sissy ones feel the need to be "elected" and then you're an emperor mainly in name. It lacks the satisfaction of having crushed people to attain absolute power and be corrupt absolutely by your own hands
>But everyone loved him
>Imperium was faced with constant revolts even before the Heresy
when the options are:
>I am your leader or you die
>You keep killing each other and later be killed by green muscles/zombie robots/space cancer/elves
Then yes, the option where you're less likely to die is acceptable
>poor Amerifat doesn't know anything other than a 2 party system
Feral planet retards voted for Emperor. All Hive dwellers voted for Horus. Horus won the popular vote.
He was actually democratically elected.
Unfortunately, only shamans can vote.
>Servile europoor doesn't understand the concept of freedom
>/pol/ is trying to escape its containment board
democracy is the rule of the numerous over the few, regardless of whether the numerous are right ot wrong
the emperor is right and has the right to rule
>Do you want blue freedom or red freedom?
>BOth aren't the same we swear.
Most people aren't intelligent enough to rule themselves. Only intellectuals like myself are rational enough to truly understand objective good and evil. I can readily empathize with the Emperor, myself. My IQ is 103 which is 3 points above average so most people are below my intallect.
What's the point in voting when there's only one candidate?
He was elected. The Imperial Electoral College puts him up as the only candidate in the yearly elections the Imperium has had for the last 10,000 years, with the inquisition purging anyone who tries to run or vote against him, so he wins by a landslide every time. American democratic system distilled down to its purist form.
An emperor leads an Empire; election isn't required.
And since the Emprah is litterally an Imperator, the title is even more fitting.
>princes electors
>Do you want an admitted autocrat?
>At least we don't pretend to be democratic
Onwards fellow Übermensch
Not his fault Chaos fucked up the interwarp preventing humanity from being able to count the votes of a galaxywide democracy.
Found the phoneposter.
Although this is ironically much more accurate than calling someone "sweety."
>the emperor is right
But he was objectively wrong. His understanding of Chaos was flawed and his methods didn't work, bringing ruin rather than prosperity. The Emperor did everything wrong.
>kill you
Accepting him wasn't that bad though.
Loads of feudalism and negotiations to preserve individiaul world culture and economies meant the Imperium was more flexible than you'd think.
Its like dealing with america, we'll beat the crap outta you. But you can easily outnegotiate and strategically outplay american diplomacy.
Oh it's this meme again. Next time try one that wasn't born in /hhg/ months ago.
Real rulers build their own empires with the strengh of a legion and slavery,not "hurr durr join in muh empire u can keep ur culture hurr durr"
Elected by a bunch of sick nobles who fuck their sisters kek
Only mistake was trusting his sons too much.
It was on purpose m8
Rules for being governed by the Imperium of Man:
>Revere the Emperor
>Pay your taxes
>Reject the heretic, the mutant, and the xeno
Doesn't seem that totalitarian at all desu, if I recall correctly as long as you revere the Emperor and pay his tithe everything else is planetary tradition.
Fuck off Perturabo.
>eurotrash can't resist making anything and everything about his penis envy
Would work a lot better if the emperor wasn't a shortsighted, egotistic moron.
t. Lorgar.
How was he egoistic? He never had any ither goal than the advancement and safeguard of Mankind. Hell he didn't even want to be worshipped for it. He did it because he was legitimately and honestly the most qualified to lead.
>Reject the heretic, the mutant, and the xeno
The official stance is purge the heretic, beware the psyker and mutant, and abhor the alien.
Seeing how heretics, psykers, mutants and aliens act in 40k, it's surprisingly decent (and a matter of basic survival).
Paying the tithe generally means condemning your population to perpetual slavery. The demands of the Imperium are heavy. There's a reason it is, literally, the most brutal and oppressive regime imaginable.
>How was he egoistic?
Believed only he could rule. Believed everything he thought was right. Believed he could do no wrong. Believed only he could be trusted to know anything. All these prideful beliefs eventually sent his Imperium crashing down into the most degenerate and horrific state achievable by mankind.
>Hell he didn't even want to be worshipped for it
He wore armour that looked like a cathedral and constantly projected a halo of golden light around himself, while setting himself up as the moral, intellectual, and social centerpiece of mankind. He may have said he didn't want to be worshiped, he may have even told himself that, but his actions were contrary to his words.
>He did it because he was legitimately and honestly the most qualified to lead
He did it because he believed this. In reality his actions have led to the current Imperium, a state of abject suffering for the vast majority of mankind that can go nowhere but deeper into depravity.
When god rolls up on your doorstep with a legion of genetically engineered super soldiers you don't argue when he says "I'm your Emperor now"
>Believed only he could rule. Believed everything he thought was right.
To be absolutely fair... Consider that, in theory, our current history and world is canon to the events leading to the forty first millenium.
Consider the Emperor is alive right now and has watched humanity do the dumbest fucking shit for over ten thousand years now, ignore any of his attempts to influence things, and watch as we beat eachother up over trivial dumbshit when while chaos sniggers smuggly beyond the veil.
Wouldn't you feel a little bit like you're the only one who gets what's going on and what needs to be done?
Might makes right
I think it's also important to not that Emperor had a grand vision for humanity and everyone just kinda got behind it seeing the shit state race was currently in.
Considering that in the BL books Magnus literally ousts Erebus as a liar and a charlatan (in the warp, when Horus is healing) and Horus still believes him and joins Chaos, the Emperor was entirely in the right. Horus was a mouth breathing gullible retard (in the BL novels)
Do we get more answers in Horus Heresy? I'm tempted to start reading it, but goddamn there's a ton of novels.
>all these (OP)
why do you faggots keep replying to these threads
About the Emperor? No. Master of Mankind is extremely vague, self contradictory and the author has said that nothing should be taken at face value in the book. The Emperor acts distantly and coldly when around his Custodes (calls the primarchs by their number, not their names) but at the end calls Horus by name. It is heavily implied that only the Silent Sisters see the true emperor, and that all other impose their own idea of a perfect being on him. The Custodes see him as a stern and regal figure who considers the Custodes to be his true sons and Arkhan Land sees his mannerisms as entirely mechanical and believes he has hidden augmentations.
Horus Heresy just makes the emperor more vague, and his motives even more of a mystery.
Name one planet that was taxed into shitdom, you can't.
Interrex was here.
Your "Emperor" lied to you all about Kaos.
>and that all other impose their own idea of a perfect being on him
I wonder what I would see ...
this is very heretical
please cease at once
can't speak for everyone, but for some of us it would be most petite and overwhelmingly smug
>An emperor leads an Empire; election isn't required.
>And since the Emprah is litterally an Imperator, the title is even more fitting.
But the title of Imperator was granted to a leader by their men willingly. It wasn't something they could even ask for.
Emperors of Rome were also elected (at first), with there being several titles for a person to earn before they could be the Emperor.
>The Emperor returns as a smug anime girl
Nigga you joking?
Things have literally never been better for humanity than right now, just get out of the echo chamber from time to time.
>He thought only he could rule
He was an amalgamation of all of the Earth's greatest psykers placed into a single body, furthering his evolution beyond anything humanity had experienced, so him becoming the Master of Mankind and selflessly spending his time helping humanity survive sounds to me like a pretty good idea, so it'd be clearly obvious to this superhuman.
>He wore armour that looked like a cathedral and constantly projected a halo of golden light around himself, while setting himself up as the moral, intellectual, and social centerpiece of mankind. He may have said he didn't want to be worshiped, he may have even told himself that, but his actions were contrary to his words.
I think the Emperor is allowed some bling for all he's done for humanity, and him not tolerating being revered as a god to any significant degree doesn't sound like such a bad idea seeing the state the Imperium is now in thanks to the Ecclesiarchy and other cults.
>current Imperium state
The reason why the Imperium is in such a state was because they decided to follow a codex written by one of the most depraved and fanatical Traitor Primarchs of all time. It wasn't his fault they decided to do so since he's basically comatose at this point in time.
With the whole dying for reals and being reborn, who knows, he could reencarnate as an overpowered little girl.
nopan is terrible fashion choice for levitation
Might is right.
The Emperor pushed this concept so far that people started believing that he's a god.
Considering that americans haven't slaughtered their political class during the Patriotic Act, I doubt any burger knows anything about freedom other than what the media tell them.
> Considering Americans understand why rule of law is important and realize that setting a precedent for ignoring it will lead to it being ignored, I don't think they understand anything about freedom.
It has been ignored many times and no one cares. They have been conditioned into accepting whatever their overlords want them to do.
Honestly, I doubt the typical american even knows what "rule of law" is.
There are some in the lore. But they are exceptions.
I'll try boiling this down into the simplest possible terms for you.
People don't want to open Pandora's box on killing fuckers who they don't like because they know damn well there are people who don't like THEM, either.
>People accepted him after he killed or threatened to kill them
He's /ourguy/
Americans elect people who say that God's law is the only law that matters. Rule of law isn't important to them.
> He did it because he was legitimately and honestly the most qualified to lead.
Except if you actually listen to his ideas, he clearly isn't. Read the Last Church. He's a man who cannot into logic or reason, and has instead coasted his whole existence on his immense psychic powers. Then look at the mistakes he made, the exact sort of thing that dictators throughout history have done, such as fostering rivalry and conflict among his own lieutenants. He lacks a basic understanding of leadership and governance, and that makes him unqualified to lead. He was able to weld together the Imperium through charisma backed up by psychic power, but that's seriously unstable because it relies on him being present constantly to head off conflicts. And the moment he wasn't there, it all collapsed.
Pick related, essentially.
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Get out of your suburb and see the real world.
Ok, in order
- He was alive long before going full Emperor. functionally he would be alive now letting us do our own thing.
- We Mad Maxxed the world so hard he trows up his hands and says 'Fuck it, you morons can do this, I've seen you do it, but if your just going to wallow around and die off, I'll just have to Fucking do it for you!"
- Many see the hyper-charisma and join up, becoming his turbo-warriors. They unite under their chosen ruler.
- Those that denied him are either left to fie by the muderbot armies that are around, or wiped out in retaliation.
- The next millennium is basically the Emperor, for that is what he is (monarch who assumed power by martial force),proceeds to culturally and technologically slap away our hands from our metaphorical keyboards and types the 40K universe himself
How is this different from any state cuckboy?
He was just a guy with way too much power on his hands and so removed from the basic human experience that he was both the only one able to lead the entire galaxy and extremely unfit for the role.
It would what would happen if you picked up some random atheist user and gave him god-like powers.
>Appear as twenty foot giant with bronze skin
>Clad yourself in shining gold armor shaped into angels and other holy iconography
>Have a oversized flaming sword of death that you wield in one hand
>Eyes literally glowing with fire
>Head surrounded by an actual flaming golden halo
'Stop worshipping me! I'm not a god!'
I get the sense the Emperor was kind of schizophrenic.
Not to downplay any of the issues or horrors we face today but the user is right. Even with all the bad shit happening right now, this is basically the best humanity as a whole has ever had it. It's easy to lose sight of that with the sheer proliferation of publicity that disasters get in our modern world, but in the past things were much worse, you just didn't hear about them.
It was good because democracyfags cunts like you got rekt
With a bunch of souls fused into one, I wouldn't be surprised if he was.
This, together with our tendency to always notice the negative and forget the positive is what creates the illusion of shit times. We are doing fine and we can certainly do better if we stop clinging to our reptile brain impulses.
But I like hearing old people complain. There are very few things as entertaining as hearing them bitch and moan about how unprecedentedly awful everything has gotten and how it is all our fault and then with the next breath go into a rant on how easy we have it unlike the shit they had to deal with.
>Implying Karl Franz AKA Sigmar was not elected
Jesus Christ learn the fucking lore.
>As if things weren't harder for them because they are old and past their expiration date
>As if things weren't easier to us because of technology
Old people should take pride on what their and older generations achieved and stop getting butthurt at the advances of humanity.
I wish getting old didn't suck so much, I don't want to have my mind rot away before I die.
But would he grow up fast like the Primarchs?
7 years old and already grown up beyond baseline humans.