Have you ever walked out of a game mid session? What happened?

Have you ever walked out of a game mid session? What happened?

yes, I did, DM was leading us into her amgical realm and ignored my natural 20 when I tried to tackle someone (an orc who would lead us into her magical realm) as soon as I realized what was happening, I just rolled to commit suicide and left the table.

My group doesnt play with her anymore

My Grandpa died

at the table?

Must have been a helluva session.

>new campaign
>party isn't a party yet
>the first scene of the game is all of our characters in the market for some reason
>so is the mayor of this town
>the first action of the game is taken by the dwarf player
>dwarf confronts the mayor
>"I believe he is evil"
>mayor can't believe someone uncovered that he is evil
>mayor orders the guards to attack "these heroes"
>Three guards with pikes approach me
>what are they doing?
>"two of the guards hit you for 10 damage
>I'm level one, almost dead
>Why are they fucking attacking me?
>"because [Dwarf] uncovered that the mayor is evil!"
>I don't even fucking know who that dwarf is, I was here minding my own business, why are the guards associating me with him in the first place?
>"because you are tall"
>leave table

Yes a few times. We play at our University and half of the players are also involved with student clubs and the like. So not very uncommon for a player to walk out just to deal with some stupid shit that came up.

Similar story.
>The king is burning his own people to stop a disease from spreading
>He's supposed to be a "good guy" and a questgiver
>Me, a dragonborn Paladin, don't like this one bit and refuse to work with him
>GM says the King *slaps* me in the face
>A huge-ass dragonborn paragon of goodness, slapped in the face by some stupid king.
>Immediately get angry and try to fight the king
>GM says i can't do that
>leave table

>Why are they fucking attacking me?
>"because you are tall"
What in the living motherfucking shit

You are That Guy.
20 on a skill roll doesn't mean automatic success, retard.
That's only attack rolls.

>only attack rolls

Gonna need some context on that image.

Well user, i think this guy is a youtuber but i'm not sure, i grabbed this pic a time ago from another user

he's a piece of shit named dawnforgecast. he made fake youtube accounts to troll and harass other dnd channels to scare them off in order to have a monopoly of dnd content on youtube. he uploaded an "apology" video to get people off his case and then deleted it so new viewers wouldnt know what he did

My DM said BBEG

I've never walked out, but I've had a player walk out on me.

>RAI vs RAW arguement.
>Player had got it into his head that he could force explosive runes to explode without being read by inscribing them on a fragile object and throwing it at something.
>I said that it wouldn't work because the spell specifically mentions exploding if dispelled or erased with the dispel magic and erase spells.
>player freaks out and starts screaming like a tusken raider, with only the occasional "DM Bullshit" and "fucking raid roading" being understandable speech.
>Literally flips table.
>I'm forced to physically throw him and his shit out of my house.
>forced to call the cops because he refused to leave the porch and keeps yelling and disturbing the neighbors.

What’s odd is that this is clearly inspired by Warcraft 3, and yet the GM didn’t expect you to challenge the king. Even though in the scene it’s ripped off from, that decision cost the king all of his friends and allies.

not him, but clearly the GM was an Arthusdindunothinwrong fellow and didn't like the idea of a player beating the shit out of his DMPC.

>Tackling someone isn't an attack roll
No, you are That Guy.
Here's mine
>New game
>Don't know these people, but I'm not going to say no to finally playing a game of Degenesis
>Instead of dealing with Homo Degenesis, purifying Balkhan,and raiding Africa like I was told, we're slaves in Africa
>Full blown black supremacy with sprinklings of rape and white guilt
>Women beside me is getting too much into this.
>GM is having TOO much fun with this bullshit
>Fuck this crap, I leave the table
>GM goes "What are you racist?"
>I turn around and go "Sieg Heil" ,do a quick salute, watch the colors drain from their faces and leave the store
Never gone back, and never will. I can buy magic cards online and I'm only go to play with my friends from now on.

>B-but don't you know the Negros built the pyramids before their inevitable destruction at the hands of the lactose tolerant Caveman Whitey?

Holy fuck user, really? what an asshole

are you for real because im subbed to him

if you search his name into youtube "apology video" is one of the highest rated searches. if you actually click on "apology video" you'll see several small youtube channels commenting on it. he's scum, please unsub from him

Arthas was in the right in that one particular case because as we find out in WoW there's no cure for the plague. But that's in hindsight.

He was also a moron for not clearly explaining what was going on.

I once walked out of a superhero game because one of the players, a longtime friend of the GM, was openly and graphically reminiscing about the time he had his character rape Jubilee in the streets.

TBF that's part of the setting, africa won the post apocalypse and is kind of winning the war against europe because they got big problems with homo degenesis, telekonetics and other wonky stuff.
The black man hates the white devil because they had more wealth before the world went to shit and wants their tech. Europeans are in war with the nuggets because they have no mushroom problems and oil.

When the GM says he just killed a player and really means it,

>GM is having TOO much fun
That's the part. I've read the history of the book, but the GM was using it as an excuse to play out power fantasies.

I'm the only girl in a group of guys. They are all super respectful to me.

However one of the guys just has different humor and him and a few others, GM included, like to play up the fact that it's a boys' club and that all slightly gay stuff for shits and giggles.

One day I just wasn't having any of it.
I just let it get under my skin, and this was after a kinda stressful boss fight, and I just snapped at them.

And I left the call.
Now I rarely get pissed off at people, and that was honestly the first time they had all seen me mad.
GM did damage control and I got my annoyances on the table, sure it was all in good fun but I wasn't having any of it.
Dude in question apologized to me and we've got a bromance going on. Playing up the totally platonic hetro bromance (my character is a woman) between two of the tallest and strongest characters in the party.

So yeah that was the time I left mid-game.

You are clearly someone who comments on youtube videos before watching them.

Down in Africa they don't have any Sepsis, but instead have to deal with Psychovores. These are incredibly fast-growing and aggressive plants that are highly poisonous and actively hostile to humans coming into their vicinity. They have formed an impenetrable belt that entirely cuts off central Africa and the Middle East. Still, it's not as actively spreading as the Sepsis, so the Africans are by and large better off and have more time focusing on internal affairs.

you were definitely in the wrong

Didn't physically leave but certainly completely checked out mentally

> one of the squads gf (who's generally already regarded as being bad at RPing) wants to DM a game
> some generic plot where a vanlire king has taken over our kingdom
> characters started at level 15 and because we're part of some super secret resistance group she gives us literally INFINTE GOLD and we can buy anything out of any books we have
> I roll a Lawful Stupid Paladin and proceed to purchase everything I can to make me basically impossible to hit
> Don't remember the names of items at this point but also have multiple Bags of Holding filled with was we're basically tiny SUNS that just wipe out vampires

> game starts, i listen to her starting plot about going on a quest to get a magic sword to kill the Vampire King
> Explain to my party memebers that I think we're ready now so let's just go to his castle and fight him
> we're alll insanely powerful because we're decent at min maxing and our DM literally told us to go nuts even though we told her it's a bad idea

> I'm charging through the streets of these dudes main fortress with hundreds of vampires swinging on me but they can't hit me because she's using stats from the Monster Manuel on the basic vampires.

> I collect up basically his entire Vampire army on some bridge and the King comes out to face me, the DM is noticeably angry.

>I unleash my suns and look over the rollls and explain how it should work

>She says they just don't work, her vampires are immune

> "Alright"

> she has her Vampire King walk down and bite me and kill me in one bit

> reroll some garbage character who does nothing but auto attack the rest of the session

So some people might say I was being "that guy" for this but she literally told us to build and buy whatever we wanted and also that we were allowed to do anything we wanted. She said to have fun with it.

I think she somehow didn't understand that we'd just break the game.

You were in the right, doing obnoxious shit instead of playing the game is not good.

Speaking of explosive runes, I was a player in a game where I set off a trap while underground, at level 2, that did over 100d6 damage to me and collapsed the room, and surface, at the same time.

Why? Because the trap was a fuckload of slips of paper with explosive runes on them dropped into the room as part of the trigger (think confetti) and apparently, my character read them all in an instant compulsively.

I didn't quit the game there, because I was 18 and this was one of my first games. I'm still salty about it

Well, having fun and breaking a ga me by min maxing is a diffrent thing,
Also it's a new gm trap to let people play whatever they want because they are trying their best to get people to like them.

Sounds like you fucked the game dude. Only yourself to blame.
You also didn't talk about any of the other pcs throw you a life line. We're they arshoes too

And this is why I don't like typing on a tablet. Why would it auto correct game to ga me ??

In a similar vain to this:
>The closest I ever came to walking out
>Get phone call
>Leave table to handle call
>It's mom, dad got arrested
>long story
>talk for like 2 hours about the bullshit
>go back to the table
>tell everyone what happened
>they tell me what I missed
>Game is kinda derailed at that point so we call it a day

>> Was playing Shadowrun and dealing with a 'That Guy' player who was playing a decker and had to be the only one talking.

>> Asshat decker demanded we follow his plans exactly.

>> Me and my friend, a phys ad, see an opportunity to complete the run without having to follow the decker's over-complicated plan.

>> Decker notices, gets pissed that we're ruining his plan, and tells Gm that he hacks Phys Ad cyberarm, bricks our guns and comms. GM says 'No'

>> Screams and cries until the GM gets tired of his bitching and lets this happen, we get pissed, flip the table, tell the decker to go fuck himself, and walk out.

>> To this day I haven't played with asshat decker. Heard he pissed off other players in the area and just about no one wants to play with him.

I feel like you assumed tackle was a skill. I don't think you know how DnD works and I respectfully ask you learn the system before giving more useful critisisms or discussing the game in any way.

Why didn't you just say "guys I gotta go. Catch ya next time"
I have never been in a shadow run game where the gm allows a decker. And this has been in a few different city's.

>mayor can't believe someone uncovered that he is evil
>mayor orders the guards to attack "these heroes"

Oh my fucking god lol

Our GM is pretty good with including things for deckers to do and makes it a good challenge. So he's okay with deckers in his Shadowrun games.

I didn't have to go anywhere, the session had just sorta run it's course and I missed most of it.

If you're wondering why I told my friends about my bullshit, it's because that's what friends do, they help each other deal with bullshit.

Finding out 5 sessions after I couldn't make it to a game one week that my character in Dark Heresy had been thrown to genestealers and had one of their stupid 'replace your semen with genestealer goop' symbiotes implanted into me.

Found out that my dog had been bitten by a diamond back or rattlesnake or something while I was out for the night and the leg was swelling hugely and she couldn't walk or move properly. I swear to god I'll never know how managed to cut a 40 minute drive down to 20 minutes before without the cops catching on, while making a call to the vetenarian ER on my cell phone but I managed it.

ehn if it was hurting your enjoyment and it just got to the breaking point, and now everybody's fine with it, sounds like it worked out for the best! Not every 'get up and leave' event has to end with a gaming group falling apart.

I was more like, why didn't you go and be with your family. Didn't your mum need you?

What's wrong with that guy's tongue?

>first game ever
>spend hours learning rules and creating character
>we start at a foreboding cave entrance
>my character says it's stupid to go in without any preparation
>rest party wants to go in
>go with them because it's my first game and don't want to be that guy
>we encounter some unidentified monster that we can't hurt effectively (something like half damage) with our starter gear
>monster has a debuff that forces you to not do anything for a round if you roll low enough
>playing over discord and other players are taking ages to make their turns
>one dude took a whole fucking hour
>roll for faggoty debuff
>nat 1
>bail because I didn't want to sit around for another 45 minutes before I got to do something

it's eating a strip of bacon.

Well if it's anything like my bijon it's probably just being an asshole

>attack "these heroes"


Vein not vain you fucking knuckle dragger

>things that never happened
Still a pretty funny story.

A game of Munchkin that went on for far too long. After listening to people complain how the game wasn't ending while sabotaging other people from winning for over an hour of everyone in the last room I just got up and left.

Yeah, I had to go fetch the DM. He has a bad anxiety disorder, and ended up having a panic attack in the middle of session and bolting. Got him back after calming him down for twenty minutes.

Closest I've ever gotten when the DM was trying to "outwit" us a little too hard.

>Have to kill 3 evil mafia families
>Wind up murdering 3 of them fairly easily in the middle of the night with a calculated spell strike
>Last family is still alive though
>Sneak in and have to manually murder the entire family.
>After we're done, in the basement, find a set of detailed documents
>The documents look like plans to murder the other 3 mafia families in EXACTLY the same way that we just murdered them
>Go immediately in the middle of the night to the royal family to present this evidence
>Tell them all about their plot to murder the royal family (truth) and how they murdered the other mafia families (slight lie)
>Queen: "Oh, okay. Well, when they're raised from the dead, we'll ask them about it"
>The family had set up an arrangement with the local church to revive them on the event of death
>Which they were doing right now
>At 3 am
>Because they had clerics on call
>The royal family was going to allow this
>After the hour long real life argument died down
>Bro and I spend the next hour and a half making negotiations, pulling strings, making insight checks, gaging characters and making plans with 4 assassins we happened to know
>They've already been paid, but bro and I also have to bankrupt our characters to pay them enough to go deal with the situation
>Wait on standby
>Hour in-game time later, entire guard force is on us, saying we're under arrest for conspiracy to murder, treason, etc
>"Oh, these 4 assassins that I described as professional and competent? Yeah, one of them got caught by the already rezzed family members, and instead of killing them, got into a conversation with them. The family made a counter offer and all four of them sold you out.
>"Also I wanted to do this so I could force you guys into a courtroom and make Phoenix Wright references"

No longer with that group, but I'm legit shocked at myself that this wasn't the moment I left.

That story was not him walking out. Him walking out would be him voluntarily leaving of his own volition without any outside pressure to do so. You threw him out. It's not even an "almost walk out" story.

I joined a game at the request of a friend because they needed an extra player. I rolled up an Elf barbarian because why not. During the game the GMs friend comes by and his character is insane. He wears some kind of special plate mail that gives him no penalties and dual wields revolvers, while also being a cleric. We get into combat and this guy takes over the entire encounter with his bullshit homebrew character. After combat he removes his helmet revealing his secret identity of being a drow. GM asks me how I feel about this, I'm just glad hes on our side. The GM bursts out screaming "Out of character! Your meta gaming!". Apparently because he was a Drow I was supposed to attack him on sight because elves just do that apparently, I explain that he just saved us, and could have killed us if he wanted to so why don't I just see how this plays out cautiously. GM doesn't give a shit and gives me a 30 minute real time penalty of not being able to control my character, he forces my character to attack, my character gets beaten into unconsciousness, and I'm expected to watch everyone else play while I do nothing for an actual half hour.
I got up and left, and never went back

You deserve it for your witch hunting faggotry. That other user is in the right. If she says shit she's not fully aware of the consequences of, then she needs to not act like a cunt when bad shit happens to her.

I walked out of a campaign in the middle of a session
the short version is in the last campaign one guy's pc died so he made a new one that attacked my pc multiple times, and another player came in half way through and was an asshole both in game and real life
the same DM as the last game wanted to host another one, and I signed up instantly, but then those two players signed up again, and they were both asses to me in our discord server
I told the DM that im quitting because I dont wanna deal with that shit again, and the DM said that he wanted me to play and he will tell them to stop
the guy who'd PC died did stop, but the other guy didnt
first two sessions went well, Guy 1 was being nice, Guy 2 missed both of them and I liked where it was going
Guy 2 finally made it to the third session and started off with attacking me for no reason, his character was "The Daughter of the WORLD FAMOUS ALCHEMIST" that was his PC in his last game, who just declared that he was the royal alchemist because he wanted to
the first half of the session was him jerking off his ego and derailing where the party was heading. I just left and set my status too offline and said that my internet died
once my "internet came back" I just told the DM that I cant stand him and quit
I havent followed the campaign too much since I've quit but im still in the same discord server
it looks like that the game has really just devolved to Guy 1 and Guy 2 trying to fuck the DM's PC, and the DM said that they're gonna take a break from the campaign for a while

dude what did the cops say about being called to dnd

To be fair, the courtroom drama thing could be pretty fun.

This: . Although railroading is almost never fun (although sometimes necessary), I had a lot of fun with our group's trial sessions.

It's not an attack unless initiative has been rolled and you are in combat.

I was once playing a 3.5 game where one guy kept getting talking about his fucking Rifts character whenever there was a slow time. He even named his character the same and kept trying to pull in Rifts stuff. When he finally got a fucking medieval rocket launcher, I gave up because I was sick of hearing about Rifts. I still hate Rifts even today and I have never even cracked the books open.

I'd have been fine if he roll did anything really but considering that a (in her words) "lanky looking orc" managed not to get thrown to the ground by 300 pounds of angry dwarf and instead just picks my character up and throws him away it was some really huge bullshit, obviously I didnt quit right away but once it became clear that this was leading up to a very obscene fuck-fest involving animals I just killed my character.

Why the fuck is the only reaction I ever get to this story "hurr durr I love phoenix wright maybe that shit isn't so bad??". I'm just going to leave that out from now on, cause apparently railroading a group of people to make "le epic objecshion jokes :D" is okay in a lot of people's eyes. Yes, this happens a lot. Yes, I'm mad.

>Why is sneak attack?

cause Wright is awesome and you're a faggy butthurt lidtard who doesn't like objectively great material

Aw, c'mon man, what is that? I was legit hopping mad, and even in that state I saw this was weak-ass shit. -1/10 you actually calmed me down.

>dming for best friends over discord
>1 year into campaign
>one player is basically the definition of a pseudo intellectual
>About to start a session and I imagine teaching him the basic combat rolls for the 694th time
>just stand up and walk outside and go on a walk instead in the middle of talking
>dont even sign out of discord or anything, ignore phone calls

Just god damn learn the rules. If you think to yourself "I am an X player" but you don't know the rules, you are NOT an X player.

Yeah, my VtM GM had a seizure in the middle of the session and I stood there watching in horror. After the rest of the group handled him and called an ambulance, I went home without anybody noticing, with the disturbing mental image of the dude squirming and drooling on my mind for the entire duration of my trip back home.

I'm sorry that people can't sympathize user. Personally I hate railroading, like genuine railroading, more than any other GM sin

fucking manlets

>mfw all the city guards are manlets

After 2 hours of my character not being introduced while the rest of the group wander aimlessly around the town, I started getting annoyed. After an additional 30 minutes of the DM's randumb dmpc showing up and toying with the other PC's, I cut my losses and went home. Friend who invited me stuck out the night but never went back.

I feel you user but most people aren't gonna respond to a post unless they have some objection to it.

>have to manually murder the entire family.
Don’t you just hate it when the auto-murderer is on the fritz and you have to do all your murdering by hand? I can’t stand it— it’s so incredibly tedious. It really makes me wonder why people bothered murdering each other in the past, when they had to do all the stabbing and stuff themselves. I mean, can you imagine going through all that EVERY SINGLE TIME you wanted to kill someone?

RIGHT? God, some people can just be SO inconvenient. I was stabbing this guy the other day, and he just wouldn't stop screaming. The nerve of some people.

GM's asshole of a personal buddy is screwing over everyone in the party. GM refused to reign him in and didn't allow anyone to defend themselves from him in-game. I said 'fuck this' and left.

Lol what the fuck? What did your friend say about it after the fact?

Knew a guy who did, because of me.

He was being passive aggressive and shitty so I tried to lighten the mood with him, so I said say "So you wanna fight m8?" and I lightly bapped him on the shoulder.

He stormed out of the building, crying. Apparently I'm his great nemesis now cause I can't even talk to him.

this is the funniest shit ive read on Veeky Forums in the past month

You have autism. Sorry.

>Saying I'm in the wrong
>Saying I'm in the right

Regardless It was resolved

You cheeky motherfucker.

This is what I hate. I'm running Pathfinder right now, and the only way for solo monsters to even do shit, is to incap half the party with some area SoD spell. Otherwise he gets dogpiled and raped to death in the first round. Even monsters of CR+2 above the party level. Oh and you'd say "well that's Pathfinder" except the same thing happens in my 5e games. Except there are barely any area SoD spells to control with.

D&D was never mentioned, just refereed to him as causing a "public disturbance"

Or, you could just put them somewhere that isn't a flat plane with no obstacles, or just have them use some common sense tactics. Running into an ettin when your whole party is thirty feet away from it in an open field, yeah, that's cake.

Running into an ettin while climbing a mountain with no cut path while said ettin is chucking boulders at you from above? Significantly less cake. Git gud.

You snapped over absolutely nothing. That you are the only female in a sausage fest? And they made some joke about everyone being gay? How easily triggered are you? And no, they probably let it go because you're a woman and you are expected to act like a literal fucking child from time to time. For christ's sake, I had the entire table making me and my character the butt of jokes for a long time, it pissed me off a bit but I didn't snap about it because I understood it was all in fun and they weren't actually trying to be dicks, and that snapping at them would ruin the fun atmosphere and make them feel bad just for making jokes. But, no, since you felt uncomfortable, instead of taking one for the team, you had to flip out and be a faggot and make everyone uncomfortable. Sure it was "resolved" but now they are going to tiptoe around you because they know you'll sperg out again. I played with a woman like this, she seemed pretty normal at first but then just got more and more autistic. She also got offended that my fantasy world didn't have more women in nontraditional roles despite the head of the wizards guild being a woman even though most of the wizards were still male. Also flipped out at me for assuming her (invisible) character was male when I was roleplaying dialogue of NPCs that were looking for you ("I bet he's in here," etc). You sound exactly like that type, freaking out over nothing like the standard woman, my ex did the same shit and that's why I left her, fuck you people just take one for the team and suck it the FUCK up once in a while, it'll work out better in the end.

Play 4e or stop running "boss" encounters.

Well I used to have 5-foot corridors so only one of them could get into melee. But then they bitched and cawed about "you make it so no one can fight" and people would literally leave the table because they could nothing on their turns. Same with other terrain-based shit. I used greater invisibility a lot because none of them ever had see invisibility but that just ended with them soaking damage until the spell ran out, then fucking the enemy's shit.

Don't use solo monsters. A villain should always have minions, and instead of one big monster you can have a nest of smaller ones.

>play 4e
We did. It was a slog. A campaign literally died because of how desperate people were to stop 4e.
>stop running "boss" encounters
They aren't boss encounters. They are just encounters with solitary monsters, one player locks them down or rapes them with some shit and they get hit with 2000 spells and die.

Show me on the doll where the matriarchy touched you.

>We did. It was a slog.
Get a 30 second hour glass and tell them if they don't have their turn fully mapped out by the end, they stand still and defend. If you don't like that, pick up strike.
>They are just encounters with solitary monsters
Solitary monsters you're expecting to challenge a full party? Yeah, that's a boss monster by any definition. If you want a solo to challenge the party, start running 4e. Otherwise, get used to this shit and give them a troop or squad. Running in a pack is the most high tier evolutionary trait available. Any non-boss monster is going to die to that instantly.

Not when it felt that I was just the joke at the table that my whole character wasn't even wanted around. That I was getting no time to speak in character at all. I had been taking it for months of all their teasing and dealing with some homoerotic stuff happening around me, sure I laughed and dealt with it. And no they don't tiptoe around me we talked and we resolved it and the other PC as I mentioned before had humor that was hard to stomach and he apologized, I'm not the only person to complain about his humor.

Though you don't need to yell at me for what happened to you. Chill.