ETh to take its rightful place?

With the king of shitcoins BTC dying when will we start to over take that piece of shit?

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You're right that BTC is due for a big correction, but it's ripple that will take over not ETH. XRP coinbase listing within a week will be the big push that sends it to the top, screenshot this

XRP will not over take ETH. But It will boom.

I bought 2k of XRP this morning but that is only a fraction of what I have compared to ETH.

started in march

started or starting?

XRP has no fucking usecase for the average Joe. Its a centralized coin that is used between banks. Buying XRP is fuckig retarded.

started m8
already in progress

Look up erc20 token ... and see how many people are starting to use it . ETH will be king until a new coin with better dapps implementation will move them aside.

>XRP has no fucking usecase for the average Joe.
It has a steady price, fast transfers and reasonably low fees. That is precisely what Average Joe wants from a digital currency, brainlet.

I did my first transaction of XRP today and it was retardedly fast. Will be using for transfers in the future.

Lol deluded shiller

Avg joe wants to make millions on a coin that costs a dollar now, mmmuh transfers

Get a grip faggot

Go play with xrb or any other hyped shitcoin

Average joe doesnt even know what crypto is you deluded fucks

>Avg joe wants to make millions
How embarrassing for you to lay bare your pathetic intentions with this projection.
Average Joe is the normie out on the street who wants to perform a swiping motion on his smartphone or hold it on a terminal and let that be a financial transaction that pays for his coffee.
That pipe dream of the quick million isn't what Joe thinks about. It's what Pajeet thinks about (i.e. you)
That is exactly why Ripple will be big. It has no stink of being crypto to the normies.

Average Joe sees XRP for $2 right next to bitcoin at $16,000, bitcoin cash at $1,500, ether at $700, and litecoin at $250. He doesn't know what the fuck a blockchain is or what a binance is, he just believes ripple will reach since similar levels as the others on coinbase.

Neo will crush Ethereum in 2018.

LEL. u will still be crying about 'muh centralized' and 'muh satoshi's vision' when BTC falls out of the top 5 coins.

normies don't give a fuk and the normies are taking over.

Absolutely delusional.

I hope so. BTC should just be removed

How so? What are your markers for a successful digital currency with mass adoption?

really crazy coindesk printed that, they are in bed with blockstream. it must be serious.

Unironically this. They really are that stupid.

However, ripple does have much less market cap than BTC so it's kind of true in a way.

>follow the normies, not the other way around
literal plebeian

whats so good about NEO ?

this thread stinks of late adopters. if bitcoin is going to fall, then whatever replaces it is guaranteed to see the same fate, and the level of churn will erode the cap each and every time.

all you late adopters are looking for is the "next bitcoin", but you still stick to bitcoin clones, 6 year old coins with no adoption or users, or coins that themselves have no reason to exist as part of the "grand plan" (hello xrp).

2018 will be ETHs year