>my setting has a tree of life
My setting has a tree of life
>my setting has cthulhu, dagon and hastur
>in my setting elves are carnivorous worms who live underground and mine for ore.
>my setting features humans
>my setting is urban fantasy Shibuya
>my setting is murderhobo space station (13)
>my setting is Arabian Nights with little people and lots of landscapes and landmarks
>my setting is Assassin's Creed without the "advanced aliens" bullshit
good shit
is it lonely?
>my setting has an empire with an elected emperor
>my setting has multiple suns
>my setting has one moon
>my setting is based around planes
>my setting is a disc on four elephants onna turtle
My setting is all settings lazily tacked together.
So, Planescape?
It does. It grows large fruits that fall off and erupt into juvenile males, and must be fed with flesh and blood. The males are very similar to humans except for their unusual cobalt-colored hair and their asocial nature.
There are rumors they kidnap people to feed them to the tree, but in truth they only feed you to it if you force their hand in killing you or they sentence you to death. It's inspired heavily by the Waqwaq tree of asian folklore.
>My setting has a tree of death
>My setting has a pando of life
>My setting has no map
>my setting is really just a simulation
How about we simulate my boot up your ass
Anything done well is good. Anything done poorly is not.
What you put in the setting is irrelevant. How you construct and--most importantly--present it is all that matters.
Almost, I haven't quite yet had a good sit down with the books to really educate myself about the finer points of the setting, so whatever I'm running is just a watered down version of it with my imagination to fill in the blanks.
>my setting has diaper mages
>My setting is true High Fantasy so martials are able to actually compete with casters is the ridiculous bullshit they can pull off at high levels.
Except that.
Adventures in the Nursery, where the players are babies and each session is a shift at the day-care. The gameworld is explained in the fantastical terms of child-like wonder at everything around them. Adventures center around the babies attempting to escape their imprisonment fighting enemies that are sometimes inanimate objects like a tower of duplo blocks. They use word-magic, learning new words as they spend experience between days, and are able to speak these words to control the giants with only semi-predictable outcomes.
It could be done well.
... Not bad.
>my setting is a disc on four elephants onna turtle
well thats just ridiculous
>murder hobo station (13)
Please tell me you actually play an ss13 in speed campaign/one shot.
I'm curious how it would play out.
>my setting has one type of currency
>my setting has clean roads
>my setting has underwear
It's a thing in i-can't-recall mithology, the thing is everyone likes stealing that
>my setting is [your setting]
>My setting has a ruler that isn't a caster
Discworld. But it's similar to something in Hindu.