In five years (2022), what kind of changes would you like to see in roleplaying games?
More digital support?
A certain trend to take prevalence?
Games to become more mainstream?
In five years (2022), what kind of changes would you like to see in roleplaying games?
More digital support?
A certain trend to take prevalence?
Games to become more mainstream?
I hope I'm dead by then.
More generic systems would be nice, as would a focus on narrative more than mechanics. We're already seeing a trend towards that direction two, which I think is nice.
I"m thinking more digital support.
If battery life gets good enough, you could have character sheets and rules all on phones/tables/what ever.
More women and people of color playing. Too many white men. Inb4 b8
+1 edition of D&D
+1 edition of AoS
+2 editions of 40k
Kingdom Death 1.5 kickstarter Wave 3 (of 4) fulfilled
>If battery life gets good enough, you could have character sheets and rules all on phones/tables/what ever.
That's already the standard for my group, though that's partially because mythweavers allows them to always have access to their characters from their phones, and we're all too lazy to print things out.
But, better character builders would be nice.
Buy a hardcover -> get a digital copy. This should be the case for fucking everything.
Better artwork
>Less endless complaining about pointless and meaningless minutiae
>Greater popularity and player bases of games with depth and interesting features as opposed towards casual games.
>Much more diversity in both the games themselves and the communities themselves
>A move away from digital and towards home games and building real life communities
I'd like a new D&D edition that isn't total shit, but WotC only seems to care about MTG anymore.
An edition of D&D where the wizards aren't horrendously overpowered, but we go back to 3.5 style playing. Inb4 someone tells me to play Pathfinder.
Crunchier systems. I'd like to be able to take a day and really sink my teeth into a rulebook to figure out the nuances, and not just power through a 30-page document in an hour.
I'd also like it if some more useful Exalted 3e material came out, but 5 years is too optimistic for my cynical mind.
Better writers, better art.
I want games to become LESS mainstream. PC-culture and political bullshit destroyed WoD and it will probably destroy more games in the future. Keep my niche-hobby niche, please.
>PC-culture and political bullshit destroyed WoD
In what direction did you expect WoD to go otherwise?
Not to Null Snyper, gay mage parades, evil owls and my fathers thrusting cock.
5 years dude.... Are you ok?
I agree. Pdfs are so easily pirated , so I think print only content could be a cool thing too.
See I'm the other way, more systems with a style and a setting in mind. Like how people are mods in 5 e to play dark souls games. It's not going to fit the feeling of dread, skill and hope that is woven into the games.
Is that really a surprise considering that some of the games have loss of humanity as a central theme?
>I want games to become LESS mainstream.
I like that people actually want to get involved in gaming. I don't like that a lot of those people think it's like BBT or Skyrim.
I'd like to see a shift away from the "It's a collaborative story!" to a more "It's a game first!" style of play. Too many GM's run a game with the idea of their carefully planned story and all its great moments coming to pass and too few like to embrace the chaos and all the fun it brings.
I disagree with this sentiment. I want the collaborative part to get emphasized, so people stop equivocating what it means.
Id like to see a shift towards the middle. I dream of a day where Gamists and Narativists can both compromise and make a system that takes the good aspects of both ideals. Where we can create a story together through crunch-medium rules.
I want biopunk to get the cyberpunk treatment.
Well, the important thing is that you feel superior to both.
Maybe there will be a good sci fi game and people will actually want to play it!
(yeah, I know it's not happening)
Rules are going to become so streamlined newest D&D Edition is going to be unrecognisable from an OSR clone.
> Be 2022
> All the hipsterfags who carry around a copy of the PHB to look awesome while they're drinking their decaf lattes decide that it's cooler to do something else
> Gamers get their games back and don't have to tolerate people who game 'ionically'
2022 feels good bro
> ionically
ironically, I can't type
The big thing I want to see more of, design wise, is games with a narrative design philosophy that actually employ a decent level of crunch.
Legends of the Wulin is the flawed prototype of this, but games like Lancer or Cavaliers of Mars seem to be moving in that sort of direction.
Augmented reality is the tech side I could see going really crazy with RPG's. Whether for super intuitive quick rules references, special effects filters for spells or animations, or even projecting entire dungeons, using shared digital imagery instead of miniatures.
Pathfinder second edition. I want to experience it and all the ensuing chaos.
Otherwise I'm content.
how do you game 'ironically'
The whole thing about fake hobbyists is they don't actually do the thing they're pretending to be interested in. That isn't how a "fake gamer" works. TT doesn't even have the mainstream cultural power to attract 'fake gamers' like videogames do. Not to mention the lack of easily identifiable characters or tropes, as it all occurs in the theater of the mind.
I don't even know if what you're describing is a THING, but if it is, the way to end it is to simply remove E-Celebs, which is the real thing hangers on are emulating and interested in.
Oh no, it's a thing.
You'd see them at my University. They'd play in the Starbucks and all they'd be doing is rolling their eyes and mocking the tropes. Half the fuckers on roll20 are like that.
Since Pathfinder is effectively 3.5th edition, if would only make sense to have Pathfinder 2 be 7th edition.
Beat me to it, first post best post, etc.
I hope it's more viable to make a living off them.
A decent, mechanically-sound Final Fantasy tabletop system, since Squenix apparanetly can't make a decent game to save their fucking lives anymore, and my imagination is prettier than the graphics they spend their entire budget on anyway. Returners is okay, but it has its fair share of issues for most people who hopped on the Doomtrain when 7 came out.
Null Snyper's great if you stop doing what the writer wants and thinking of her as a villain. Seh inspires sudokus and doesn't afraid of anything. Null Snyper a /b/tard supreme.
More than the hipsterfags I want the /pol/acks out of my hobby. I fucking despise the history fetishism and the slurs they throw around like candy, plus the fucking fantasy bigotry they think it's hilarious. Spoils games like nothing else.
I honestly prefer /pol/ to the hipsters now. I'm not sure when the fuck that happened.
I'm also perfectly fine with fantasy bigotry. You know, orcs and all that.
This. I want games to go back to the way they were. In fact, I want political correctedness to be completely excised. Just look at shit like Beast, the M20 thing, and the Plain!
/pol/acks, hipster and the libtards are the worst. Can't play a single fucking session without predicament
>give important role to female
>autistic right wing screeching.png
>slaves used as cattle
>autistic left wing screeching.png
>"X situation what you do?"
>pop culture or vydia reference plus 30 min of discussion about trope
I would love to see more digital support for tabletop games. There was a kickstarter for that one post-apoc RPG that had a whole bunch of stuff planned like that, but I dunno if it went anywhere.
Mine nigerian sibling of similar parentage.
Just play Valor for that fix. It's basically built for emulating rpgs like Final Fantasy.
It's not "your" hobby, and I was playing DnD with my white supremacist neighbor before you got squirted out of a nutsack.
He's an alright guy for the most part, just REALLY doesn't like black people and, if you knew him, you'd know why.
>He's an alright guy for the most part, just REALLY doesn't like black people and, if you knew him, you'd know why.
He's blind and thus doesn't know he's black?
I don't think that will ever be the case.
Even the most popular games and brands struggle to stay in the black.
No, but they're trying to frame it as humanity, not as the lack thereof.
Cry more, fuckstain. If I want to have a black character, I don't want to here ceaseless bitching from some asshole about white genocide. I ain't going to not bring them up to avoid offending triggering someone.
There are AT LEAST 5 other Final Fantasy RPGs out there besides Returner's 3rd Ed (d6, d20, ZODIAC, 4th Ed, SeeD). And I bet there are many more I don't know of.
I feel like this has already happened to some extent with boardgames becoming more RPG like while remaining a game. I'll hazzard a guess and say that any "hybrid" game will likely come from this end and not the other.
There are already hybrid games. Savage Worlds (with minis) pretty much is hybrid of board game and RPG. Lovecraft board games could be also considered to be hybrids, but they're very light on actual roleplaying.
I want d&d to move back to being more gritty and deadly but that isn't going to happen
Go look at [spoiler\reddit[/spoiler], whenever someone brings up characters being killed, it's always "oh make sure he gets a heroic moment! Don't do it unless he wants the character to die! Always give him some last words! And if you just kill someone outright and don't you get a bunch of screeching about how you're a bad DM for killing your PC's
This is the way the series is heading. You can go
>But it's just reddit!
As much as you like, this is the audience wotc are pandering to because they're the loudest and most widespread group