ITT: We talk about the primarchs as if they were anime waifus
ITT: We talk about the primarchs as if they were anime waifus
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I want her whole legion to ride me.
Good taste, but everyone knows Konrad is best girl.
Dr. Pavel, I'm Guilliman.
Traitors are all misunderstood who need hugs!
But Angron and Magnus best husbands!
Angron did nothing wrong
Well, this was shit from the beginning. Post primarchs.
Angron is shit tier waifu for autistic fatfaggots
Conrad is shit tier and got trashed by best Primarch.
Conrad Curze is the single worst waifu. They're on the same tier as;
Misa Misa (Deathnote)
Shinji (Evangellion)
Amethyst (Steven Universe)
Or any other worthless toy of a character used by the rest of the cast and either openly acknowledged as an incompetent worthless apart from a skill they didn't earn or work to attain and were instead born with by pure luck (Misa's physical attractiveness and victim hood, Amethysts nature as a crystal gem and her ability to power up other gems by having her agency taken away, Shinji's compatibility with his dead mothers ghost.)
The difference however, between Curze and Misa and Amethyst, is that people at least pretended to like Misa and Amethyst.
Curze is the failed, mentally ill, angron tier idiot that fathered the least liked legion, the least successful legion, and the least introspective or self aware legion.
Just like his legion, he was a loser, divorced from reality, whose greatest accomplishment was distracting an autistic man for long enough to stop him from reaching the siege of terra. Which will be retconned and just like his legion, he is the least liked, least competent primarch and the sole primarch to kill themselves like the mentally deranged tranny tier mongoloid he is.
Curze was so pathetically inept he had to get someone else to kill him in order to prove his own argument, and failed to prove his argument in the process.
Augh my GM exploits my feminine weakness by reminding me of the absurdity of the simple shit the Emperor could have done differently.
Pert just needed more gold stars, Morty should have been able to confront his father, Magnus THE FUCKING COUNCIL OF NIKEA (Khan should have been there), Angron you could have EASILY brought the other pit slaves with him, Fulgrum should have been warned about chaos beforehand and the dangers of Slaanesh, Horus should have also been trusted and told about Chaos, Curze hurts my heart as he honestly needed a shoulder to cry on, Alpharius and Omegon honestly just needed to be able to have their own identity instead of all the shady shit they did, now Logar would need a huge character change from the Emperor or Himself. He might have just been prone to fall but burning his planets to the ground did not help!
Oh wow you almost got a rise out of me for a moment there.
3/10, copypaste harder faggot
Angron is a worse entry-level tsun than Taiga. I don’t know why you fuckers keep latching onto her. Fucking shittaste itt.
Why didn’t Sanguinius win the Emperobowl? Why did Horus win? She’s not even second best girl. She even fucking admits it!
Why do Japanese writers cater to the worst part of heir fandom?
IT's the nails!
>lol any dissenting opinion to mine is a copypasta
Kill yourself like senpai faggot.
Horus-chan was Emperor's favorite though Sanguin-chan was loved by everyone else
Your attempts to anger me are almost as shit as your taste in crossovers.
Would you like to learn how your Primarch died?
ITT: we trigger the Curzefag.
>A Salamander Space Marine, A Imperial Guardsman of a unheard of Regiment, A pariah Loyal to Trazyn the Infinite and a Son Of Malice. All different but, all the same in one aspect. They are all stuck with Steven and the Crystal Gems.
Curze didn't want a shoulder to cry on.
He wanted a Callidus to die on.
Yeah but Sanguine-chan has the best hips and thighs and is a loli. Horus is dfc which is great but she has nothing on Sanguinius.
>the Salamander doesn’t see the gems as soulstones and doesn’t immediately purge the foul Dark Eldar homonculi like they should be
Once again Sallies are a fucking disappointment
He needed psychological help
His hair is also fabulous
Wait, have I found the true identity of the Curzefag?
He was unsalvagable, unrepentant, incapable of being helped.
He needed to be killed, the nightlords disbanded and dissolved among other legions. Just like Angron and lorgar.
This is how it all ends. Not with a bang, but with a mere human killing a Primarch.
So the bits where he violently ripped human beings apart, built a legion based on a false premise in order to be able to indulge depraved and murderous torture fantasies and created a government that fell to shit the minute he wasn't around to literally murder people for the slightest transgression, weren't mistakes in your eyes?
Sometimes I think you make these threads because you hate yourself and enjoy the shit thrown your way. Just like your Senpai.
But I already do
Thank you for making this thread
Don't thank the worst namefag on Veeky Forums damnit! Post Steven Universe shit instead.
>Shitpost about a faggy children's cartoon with me anons
How about we don't do that and let this thread die
The best of tastes.