Any ideas for running a pirate campaign?
Any ideas for running a pirate campaign?
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How serious is it?
Set it anywhere other than the 17th-century Carribean
You got the Barbary pirates, the Moluccan stuff, modern Somali shit - whatever, just for god's sake enough with the Spanish Main already
Semi. I don't mind some funny hijinks as long as it doesn't go full slapstick
Set it outside the standard 18th century.
Pirates in the classical era is an awesome setting for example. Triremes, Greek fire, ancient civilizations on volcanic islands...
>pirate campaign
>not going either full Disney or full rape
Quite literally the worst possible campaigns that brings the worst possible players.
Step 1. Steal a ship
Step 2. Rape and pillage and shit
Step 3. ????
Step 4. Drown after your ship is blown to pieces by the Queen's navy
>you're on the open oceans
>roll for trade ship encounters and fucking pray a real ship isn't looking for you
>raid trade ship, recruit to recoup loses, loot ship and take if in good shape, see if any are worth a ransom, eventually go to shore to sell loot, drink and fuck till you cant no more, and restock/repair the ship
>rinse, wash, repeat until you die of scurvy, starvation, infection, execution, raid by a navy of some sort, fights with other members, drowning in open waters, or the numerous other things that got them killed
There is no other way.
Remember that a good pirate never takes another person's proprety
>A bit of 16th century help for sea adventures
It might help, although it's not the classic Age of Sail of the 18th century. Armor was still proeminent and crossbows were alongside guns.
Note that the time period is perfect. The officers aboard a ship were pretty much adventurers, and when suitable, pirates. Crew should be seen as a resource. One was literally knowing the unknown, charting it down, looting whatever was found and killing the natives. European ships and cannons allowed one to win over greater numbers.
Don't listen to the contrarian hipster faggots.
The golden age of piracy is perfect for it all. Just warn your players right away that it isn't Disney-tier.
Viking campaign in the mediterranean, trading, raiding, compulsively shopping when able, maybe making a gig as guard for some feudal guy or some city, then going home to brag and tend to the fields a bit.
If you want something crazier and sillier, have your campaign be a viking trading&transport business, sailing from inuit land to japan and back.
No women. Anyone who brings a woman shall be put to death.
>offer some different ideas
>you're a contrarian hipster faggot
Play 7th Sea.
Good game.
7th sea is shit for seafaring tho
>7th Shit
watch black sails for inspiration
Things to avoid:
>Carribean as a backdrop, it's done to death
>PotC references, as nothing good ever came out of this
>"Pirate talk"
Other than that - do whatever you find interesting.
Try to avoid naval combat outside of boarding actions. It seems cool at first but quickly gets boring as the players are there to play an RPG, not a wargame.
Is this a Thor comic?
Yep. Mighty Thor. Sadly the comic itself is not good.
Naw man, roll twice on encounter tables and take the worse result.
Go full Sinbad and Odysseus and throw in some monsters and gods too.
Ramp up the survival aspect of it. Between the rival pirates, sea monsters, threats of mutiny, low supplies, bad weather, natives, and unexplored wilderness make the players breathe a collective sigh of relief upon seeing a friendly port on the horizon.
This fa/tg/uy from Asia is making up a game based on austronesian folklore. He shows how it has ancient and viking themes, yet supports cannons (lantakas). It deals with seasons, travels for pirating and trading, ancestral worship, brass armor and fey-like spirits.
Can't comment on the rules, but the ideas are top shit. Used the arrow-fish myself.
Those southeast asian pirates were present during both the portuguese Age of Sail and the Golden Age of Piracy.
How about extinct sea creatures came back under the rule of an underwater god to cause chaos and fuck everything up, while pirates splits into 2 groups.
One group worships the sea god so they can also become badass sea monsters while the others became corsair monster hunters.
Present day Somalia.
So it's Pirates of the Caribbean. Try going for a harder, more realistic style. Worrying about supplies, the constant threat of the Navy, the real danger of dying without potable water.
Then think about the men you are likely to find aboard a pirate ship, these are men wholly given over to a life without rules beyond those that stipulated in the articles. They're like Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs, hard, tough, hungry and willing to take what they want.
Ghost Ship coming for you in the night
>Things to avoid:
>"Pirate talk"
How can one man be so wrong?
>It's now in vogue to be contrarian and hate on PotC
I mean, they got worse after the Black Pearl, but it's still a great mix of humor and seriousness that OP is looking for in a campaign. Nobody wants to play your shitty hyper-realism campaign where you have to actually worry about scurvy or dying from a splinter infection.
>Get a couple of goofs to steal an airship
>Steal and ransom off princesses
>Bomb Bowser and co's castles for supplies and shit
Slapstick pirates can be fun too.
throw in a sunken city that's the merfolk holy ground somewhere
make who you pick for your crew matter
ghost ship run by an undead captain who just wants to bury an embarrassing secret about him
slave trade
whatever you do do not do what i did and accidentally introduce a pocket dimension illusion world in the first session
I'm not sure about all piracy but the generic "Pirates" we all think of were actually pretty tightly bound by rules. To quote Leeson's "The invisible hook, the hidden economics of pirates"
"...Even capitally punished pirates who forced themselves on an unwilling woman. 'If at any time we meat with a prudent woman, that man that offers to meddle with her, without her consent, shall suffer present death.' Not too shabby for a group of godless hell-hounds"
Odds are, it was all men who were tired of being whipped over nothing by zealous captains and officers.
Hardly the case. Some of them were, that is not in doubt, but the majority of them were freemen or recently freedmen. You forget that many of the ships practiced the most basic form of democracy, far ahead of anything at the time. As said, not all, some were ran brutally, but many, the more successful ones, were far more democratic.
You can not lead a squad of cowering slaves against a navy frigate.
Play Poison'd.
Simple as that.
I was talking about English/Spanish/French navy ships revolting against their captains and turning to piracy, not pirate ships themselves. English ones were the worst, I read.
Ah, you meant before they turned to piracy. Not during. I don't believe that is correct for the majority, Privateers were a larger number.