So who made the Dawn Blade that Commander Farsight uses? Chaos, Necrons/C'tan, Old Ones, Hrud?
So who made the Dawn Blade that Commander Farsight uses? Chaos, Necrons/C'tan, Old Ones, Hrud?
I think either Chaos or Crons/Ctan. Maybe Malal.
One of the eldar gods.
The Emperor
You forgot
>DAoT Humies
>Magic space orangutans
>An entirely unrelated third party
>Eldar (It seems a bit Deldar-y in theme imo)
>Da biggest an' most kunnin Mek evva
Corrupted eldar blade.
It's a shard of anaris.
Anaheim Electronics
Watchers In The Dark.
(Green jawas)
Better be linked, somehow, to whoever are the real puppetmasters of the Tau.
Alphatius. No! Wait Omegon! Wait Alpharius! Rogal Dorn
I wonder if we'll ever find out
Big floating plothook
What Eldrad?
Well its obvious! Only he best brightest of the Earth cast can make such a marvel.
he made it himself, as it turns out the etheirals are a psychic limiter of sorts, when farsight was seperated from them his alpha level powers began to manifest
What is their endgame anyway?
Personally, I'm going with an old Eldar artifact. The "time stealing" description sounds a lot like how the DE Cronos works, by "stealing" the victim's "time" (sucking their life force) and feeding it to friendlies to rejuvenate them.
Watching The Lion tear up Luther's ads for eternity
Necron or an Old Ones' artifact. I personally belief that an Old One created the Ethereals and have directed Tau evolution since antiquity. Another of their grand experiments. It also fits with the Tau bringing many more races together many of which may be Old One's creations in an unusually dense and heavily populated star cluster.
Necrons don't make sense, if they had access to time stealing tech to live longer they wouldn't have swapped bodies in the first place.
What good would that do to the C'tan?
I always like the oldcron version of the biotransference, where they made the Immortals to be their "space marines" to fight the Old Ones, but the C'tan used them against the Necrontyr themselves and put them all through the process.
In either case, not all the tech the Necrons have was around before they became Necrons. The C'tan gave them lots of knowledge.
It would be a great way to make C'tan relevant again
Ancient humans
I'm just imagining The Lion ripping down posters for Luther's used car dealership.
The Farsight novel says that the sword has a malignant entity within it. It's totally Chaos.
They live in a radioactive death zone. KIlling someone with a year left with the Dawn Blade would only give you a year, so it would need to be a Kharn level Necrontyr to get any use out of it. The point of biotransference is it gave them immortality while also removing the weakness of flesh, and giving the C'Tan a nice little snack.
to become cocksleeves
>arthas moloch
who excited for enclaves rules here
painting my tau red
It is one of the 5 crone swords made from the finders of an ancient eldar god needed to finish the resurrection of Ynnead.
I always thought it was dumb changing this ancient mysterious alien relic to match tau aesthetics with the cylinders and junk sticking off of it.
Eldar blades also have dumb cylinders and junk sticking off of them, they are just slightly more rounded than tau cylinders and junk. Capsules rather than cans.
Fair enough, but this sword is supposed to be completely alien, yet it has bits on it which are clearly tau stuff. The split circle and being painted that tan color, in particular. Wasn't the old model this curved, simple thing?
Yeah, not disagreeing that it's dumb, but it's dome in a way that's consistent with GW's style guides. Maybe the Tau retrofitted it with their own soda can based technology.
Implying Tau have puppet masters. I bet the Tau went back in time to enlighten themselves haha.
They probably had to retrofit it to get it to interface with Battlesuit tech.
Does it really need to interface?
old ones
It looks like it's from WH FB and with some tau bits added. So yeah, Old Ones. Xenology.
Eternals are Eldar pets.
Xenology is so far from canon it's a joke.
I like to think that the xenos who made it had really weird hands and dont require much of a handle, so they put the sword into a mecha handle for tau ergonomics.
Honestly it's obvious.
They probably have hundreds in a closet or something.
Meme monkeys
If it's like a power weapon, maybe.
Also it could be some kind of docking device so the suit doesn't have to carry it 24/7
>one image is enough to negate the whole thing
well yeah, in order to integrate fully with the kinaesthetic systems of the armour. tau are shit enough in close combat so farsight probably wanted every advantage he could get
Farsight's apotheosis is near. The prophecy shall be fullfiled one way or the other.
farsight = starchild = emperor reborn
it's obvious at this point
the upper levels of tau society (ethereals) are actually controlled by a c'tan
>reborn as an alien
He's not Torquemada.
Blade is not daemonic!
It steals lifespans. The Necrontyr were preoccupied with their short, uncomfortable lives, and looked for any way to extend them. Necrontyr tech is also the best in the known universe. It stands to reason it's some sort of Necrontyr vampire blade.
Considering its an image of a "tau" then yeah we can certainly dismiss what it says about the tau at least. What ever alien was studied is definitely miss identified as a Tau.
It just means there's maybe some other humanoid race manipulated by the eldar in the galaxy, but the Tau aren't it.
>It stands to reason it's some sort of Necrontyr vampire blade.
No, if the Necrontyr had life extending technology of any kind they wouldn't have turned to the c'tan.
Its unclear what it is but its not necron. Could maybe be directly from the c'tan, but that's not really their thing.
Considering its the only example of its kind its probably a relic of some now extinct xenos. Rather than any of the current major factions.
>No, if the Necrontyr had life extending technology of any kind they wouldn't have turned to the c'tan.
Nah, that's not necessarily true at all. Humans have juvenant treatments but they're not a permanent solution, nor are they widely practicable- and the technology of the Necrontyr is far beyond that of humankind. Even with a life-stealing sword, Necrontyr would benefit little from killing their own kind, as detailed in . Even with such technology, other methods would certainly be sought.
More reasonable would be that it was a sacrificial blade used on prisoners of war from long-lived races like the Eldar, in order to extend the lifespan of specific important figures in the Empire, such as the Triarch Council.
It's important to remember that the same Silent King was in power at both the beginning and end of the War in Heaven. This presents us with three possibilities:
1. The War in Heaven was not as long a conflict as one might expect from clashing galactic empires
2. Despite their complaints, Necrontyr had average lifespans longer than humans, and merely felt they were insufficient compared to the long-lived Old Ones
3. The Necrontyr did in fact have the ability to extend their lives, but not sufficiently to be permanently practicable or improve their general quality of life
So too could the blade be excessively difficult to manufacture, perhaps even unique- a gift from the C'tan in the early days of their alliance, before the Biotransferrence, maybe? The C'tan clearly were aware of the Necrontyr's desperation for eternal life, since it was the carrot they used to manipulate them into the Bio-Foundries.
It's a whole lot of speculation, but I think it's very clear that it's unreasonable to assume life extension was wholly beyond the Necrontyr's grasp.
>It's important to remember that the same Silent King was in power at both the beginning and end of the War in Heaven. This presents us with three possibilities
The biotransferrance happened during the war in heaven, they don't need anything else to explain why the same guy was alive at the end
I want to remind people that only the elite had access to this technology and the immortality shtick was just a justification for the Empires to go to war with the old ones, given the dynasties a common enemy and solidifying the power of the Silent king.
Not necessarily. The Necrontyr were all suffering from horrible space cancer from their dying sun that was killing them earlier and earlier. It would make sense that the Lords would have some life extending tech for themselves, especially if their life expectancy got to the early thirties or lower.
Naturally, they would have turned to the C'tan not because it would extend their horrible short lives, but because they offered a permanent solution to the entire problem. It doesn't matter if you live to twenty or eighty, space cancer eating you from the inside out has got to suck.
>The biotransferrance happened during the war in heaven
It happened when they were already losing, yes. That implies it had been going on for some time.
Or just dismiss the piece of art, seeing that the text itself talks about hooves and shit.
>It's important to remember that the same Silent King was in power at both the beginning and end of the War in Heaven.
Yes, because "the silent king" is his title, not his name. That's like saying "the queen" is hundreds of years old, because you can find references to "the queen" in history.
Dude, Eatherals for one, and second, Tau do fight the Eldar. On rare occasions yes, but they still do.
I invite you to look at the canon instead of getting bitchy about your lack of reading comprehension.
Now show me the bit where it says the Silent Kingship changed hands during the War in Heaven.
>Silent King is a title
>title passes often due to the short lives of the Necrontyr
>Szarekh isn't mentioned until the C'tan approach the Necrontyr, when the War in Heaven is going badly
How about you show me where he's mentioned by name prior to this era.