PDF Share Thread #92

It's Da Archive™ !
It Will Be The Best 9 Hours Of Your Gaming Career!

Go to the last thread if you haven't looked at it. There is lots of stuff, including filled requests posted directly to the board.
Files posted directly to Veeky Forums are not added to Da Archive, so go grab them now.
Archived threads can be found here: archive.4plebs.org/tg/search/subject/PDF share/

Grab your documents. Da Archive is multiple documents. You especially want to get Da Curated Archive.

Get comfortable and browse through the blasted thing. It is only about 150 pages long. If you skim over the Personal Collections without looking you will miss 7,000 pdfs.

Remember, we are better than all of the rest of the horrible internet and good manners ALWAYS gets more results. Wise up or please go elsewhere.

Extra Special Thanks to the user Brigade who do ALL of the digging, loading, and posting.

Other urls found in this thread:

thepiratebay.org/search/trait thesaurus/0/99/0

Please ONLY POST OPEN SOURCE PDFS DIRECTLY IN THIS THREAD. Link the others from elsewhere. Excessive infractions could cause TPTB to remove the ability to post any pdfs at all. Check for copyrights before you post anything directly.

Please be patient with the Irrepressible Urchins™ who request without looking first. They are always a regular feature here. They help bump the thread, and they want to look at something that's not porn. They might even read it. You don't have to answer them, although that also bumps the thread. If they upset you, punch a teddy bear. I understand your frustration (they used to drive me crazy), but you don't kick a puppy for not being housebroken.

Please give as much information as you can when you make a request. The more information you give (cover, a link to product, name of designer/writer/publisher) the more chances someone might recognize it and upload it.

Please post dead links and I will remove them to keep the archive up to date. Be specific - include a page number. There are dozens of copies of some PDFs.

Please be respectful and don't belittle others' requests because you dislike the game. Imagine the horrific RPGs I've run across; 'Dragon Dildo Warriors', ‘Cheeto Fingered Gods of Angst’, and 'We're All Little Girls (Frilly Dresses Are Mandatory At the Table)' spring to mind.

If you have a fancy pdf that has unwanted clutter on it, one way to clean it is to contact our resident Transmutation Wizard and politely ask him to clean a pdf. He will set his scrying device to accept pdfs, and then you ship it to him. Magic occurs, and the pdf is purified.
[email protected]

By the way, thanks, Mageguru. You're the best!

CityofCarse is responsible for many recent scans from private collections. If you have a rare or obscure book, he may be willing to convert your dead tree into digital bits. He may also be available to clean your files.
[email protected]

Check out Da Curated Archive to see what's in it.
Pick a game or small publisher you like that’s not too big and complete it as best you can easily.
Upload the pdfs somewhere. Hunt for and request the missing things. If it gets taken down, put it up again later. Using indirect links seems to work for Mageguru.

Step Right Up! Don't be Shy!
Claim a Game!
Name Yourself Captain Deadlands or Mister Degenesis!*
Curate your Game!
Get Lucky! Chicks Dig Pirates!
(*silly name not required)

Why 1337 5p34k?
A Paraphrased Message from TheWiz!:
To guard against rapid takedowns by bots, we suggest encoding links thusly:


The above link is easy to decode but does not show up as a working link to the lurking T-888's. Obfuscation becomes most important when filling requests. Posting a full link right out of a large Trove/Collection risks the whole thing. Just post a page reference for Da Archive or Da Annex, with a short instruction and let the document do the job of guarding the links.

|-|0\/\/ 70 1337 5|O34|


- Lost Artifacts of Greyghast for 5E by Many Sided Dice

- Underworld Races & Classes for 5E by AAW Games

Thanks in advance!

What was that book with all those character background tables called?

Broodmother Skyfortress

Looking for Tales of Gor.

Hi thread. I’m looking for HARP SF - I can only find the HARP SF xtreme supplement.

Also, did anyone get hold of the PDF of Rommel, wargame by Sam Mustafa?


FrontierSpace Player's Handbook
White Star Galaxy Edition
BLUEHOLME Journeymanne Rules


Looking for a copy of Judge Dredd D20 with the art in it. Thank you!

Central Casting's line?


Pathfinder Pawns: Villain Codex Box

My quest is for the Sundered Skies Adventure Codex.
I'd have bought it already, but like fuck am I paying £60 for books I already have; just makes page referencing easier for the scrubs in my group

Hey CoC and/or MG,
I'm attempting a DIY scan setup, but without a good deal of time familiarizing myself with image manipulation programs, the results are crude at best. I wondered if you could take a look at some test shots I took and tell me if they're at least usable? If so, perhaps you might have time to take the finished scans and edit them? Constructive criticism and pointers welcome.

This is a link to the first few pages of Time Capsules #2 for TimeLords - a few are in PDF and a few more are JPEG. Not 100% sure which file type is best, but I have my guesses.




1) Lighting - You need more light or longer exposure, and not direct light, you want to bounce it of a white surface (poster board works).

2) Resolution, not sure why you have the image as 34x45 at 72dpi. It should be closer to the actual dimensions like 9x12 and at 600dpi (300dpi minimum). The higher the initial DPI the better.

3) Use a black sheet of paper behind the page being scanned. This reduces bleed through from the back side of the page.

4) Angle of scan, make sure camera is level and perpendicular to the page being scanned. This will reduce the amount of skewing and straightening of the page that is needed. I played with one of the images, and while I got the outer text area square, the text itself was still off and shifted. Which indicates the camera was not level to the page.

5) Since you seem to be using a digital camera of some sort, look into using the RAW mode as well, if it has it. RAW is a file format that captures all image data recorded by the sensor when you take a photo. When shooting in a format like JPEG image information is compressed and lost. Because no information is compressed with RAW you’re able to produce higher quality images, as well as correct problem images that would be unrecoverable if shot in the JPEG format.

Requesting The Tortle Package please dmsguild.com/product/221716/Tortle-Package-5e

WOTC trove

2 versions already posted last week. check annex or older threads.

Yes that was the one I was thinking of! Broodmother Skyfortress also looks interesting, tough.

Sharing M0rt T4nis...
v0l4f1le 0rg /r/db91awem

Not sure if feever dreeming maarlinko has been shared yet, but that's in there too.

Thank you kindly.

Spacemaster fills
ICE 9000 Space Master Boxed Set (1st & 2nd Editions)
ICE 9021 Armored Reserves
ICE 9104 War on a Distant Moon, The Tayan Revolution
ICE 9800 Raiders of the Frontier, House Jade-London Besieged


Anyone have any games focused solely around creating things as a group or civilization based games? We always have more fun with those than typical dungeon master/players games.

Im looking for Elminster's Guide to Magic, it was uploaded some days ago, but it expired before I could get it, thanks in advance

What he said. :-)

You rock, sir!

Check here:
v0l4f1le 0rg /r/db91awem

>v0l4f1le 0rg /r/db91awem

Never heard of this server, what is it?

Y0u just repl4ce the numbers w1th letters.

Humbly requesting the 14th issues of Fight On! magazine. It's the only one missing from the old-school treasure trove.

adventurers almanac? mcc modules?

Looking at the archive, can't find any mention of the Tortle package.

Does anyone have an up to date 7th Sea 2nd Ed trove?

Does anyone know if Wonder & Wickedness is around here somewhere? Archive searches didn't turn up anything.

I put an edited copy in the volafile.org folder listed earlier in the thread.

It's in the /osrg/ trove. Also, it has been posted directly in thread many times.

Anyone know of a link for White Dwarf magazine other than the one in DA Archive which has it under mediafire. It's way to many individual files to DL - MF doesn't allow me to do multifile/zip downloads like mega etc.


You're right, I know better. Sometimes you don't want to go digging as much as you know you should. Sorry and thank you.

Hope it's ok to repost as I was last but one in old thread

I may be being as blind as a bat, but does any one have League of Gothic horror, Expansion, Vampires, shape shifters and walking dead? I found the others in da Archive. TIA.

So I was looking for the 13th age second bestiary and I found it in archives but the link is 404ed I think. Does anyone have a new link or a reupload?

Does anyone have the Hell For Leather scenarioes? The Huguenots one etc.

It's free on drivetrhurpg, but I can't search for my password now.

Expand upon these ambulatory haemovores… sendspace.com/file/1dj30h

Nevermind, I'm dumb and found it now.

And these come via the chan four doors down...


Leagues of Gothic Horror - Guide to Apparitions.pdf


Leagues of Gothic Horror - Guide to Black Magic.pdf


Leagues of Gothic Horror - Guide to Mummies.pdf


Leagues of Gothic Horror.pdf


Leagues of Gothic Horror - Guide to Shapeshifters.pdf


All things Hell For Leather... sendspace.com/file/p5uzty

The Guild, do you have the only one remaining, the Leagues 0f Cthulhu?

Part-time Gods maybe?
traP sdoG fo etaF eroC kooB
GTP - eniviD stnemurtsnI fo etaF
GTP - detaF snoiniM fo eht ecruoS

and if you aren't familiar with system
etaF eroC kooB
etaF metsyS tiklooT

Noice. Much love!

or for more group story building 'The Gentleman's Entomology Club'

Dead Link: Savage Worlds s00 geedee.

It's not the only one, I've warned about this in the previous thread

Posted it in the prior thread. Here's a fresh link... mega.nz/#!E35yWC4T!-XQ_XHrivnt5oB-r3h_YxMZov7_NC2tbkZCWkT4Kg8o


why are you looking in the archive?

the snip dot li links never change


So I've never noticed the Archive button before now. Also I missed the previous thread, so my apologies.

Still requesting the Adventurer's Almanac.
Also putting it out there that the OSR trove is seriously lacking in updates to DCC. Very many holes are there.

Is there a trove of wh40k, fantasy, and other standees? Like print in card stock, cut out, and fold over? Not the fancy 3D stuff.

I'm looking for:
- Marvel & Malisons
- Urban Knights
- Kagegami High
- Mageblade! Zero
- Kefitzat Haderech
- Wormskin Zines

Does anyone have any of these?




I just updated the /SOTDL trove with the newest supplement, not even out until tomorrow on DTRPG!

snip & hive are the places

So buy some and upload it?


Some people think that stuff will just appear if they keep asking or complaining

Those don't seem to be working for me. Do you have other sources, perhaps s3ndsp4c3?

Shared this a while ago. May the google fu be with you.

Works just fine. Get the shit outta ya skull and try again.

Thanks as always!


any pdf for the starfinder gm screen?

You're welcome :)

really not finding it. Can you help a fa/tg/uy out?

Anybody got The Everlasting? Half the links in the Trove are down and it's missing the final entry, The Magician's Companion.

Looking for Heroic Fantasy from ACK's. Anyone know where to find it?

Anybody got "Patrol- A vietnam roleplaying game" abd its expansion "Patrol - The trench raiders"?

Hi guys,

This is a little bit of a different request, I think. Does anyone have any of these two books:

- The Negative Trait Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide To Character Flaws (Angela Ackerman)
- The Positive Trait Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Attributes (Angela Ackerman)

I imagine that they'd be a helpful resource for home-brewing.

Anyone have a link to the Kobold Guide to Game Design?

Anyone have:

FGG - The Marshes of Malice or Mountains of Peril?/Madness?

I believe only in PFRPG format, but will adapt to OSR use if can.

Also, looking for a Firefly (pretty sure wasn't Serenity) RPG trove/folder which had a (or more) map of Known Space.

I downloaded a zip, so it was Mega or one of the other ones that let you select folders for zip download without being a registered member.

I THINK I asked for this already and was told where - but somehow I did not save the link or DL it already. I promise to do so this time right away. Sorry.

thepiratebay.org/search/trait thesaurus/0/99/0

Can a cop of Nitro Pro Pdf be linked so I can modify PDFs I have sourced here and elsewhere to be printed?If not a version of Adobe 7 pro that works since the version I have doesn’t have an integral PDF printer enabled and I found the nitro trial included one.thanks guys.

Pirate Bay, dude.

Has the Halcyon City Herald Collection for Masks been posted yet? I've got it if not.

I don't believe so.

Could a kind user repost this?

Some of us can't do torrents



Five new playbooks!

Cool. Thanks for the share.

Heroes & Other Worlds

I noticed Urban Shadows was lacking Dark Streets and the extra playbooks. Here you go!



I owe the world some good karma for showing me some PbtA stuff.

Has anyone got Lair of the S4uri4ns for MY0, please? Couldn't find it in the Archive or Annex.

ZYM - riaL fo eht snairuaS

dloboK ediuG ot emaG ngiseD

I know there's a m3ga, in a snip link that I think got updated to soo.gd. Look in the curated trove or around for /RPGMagazines, something like that.

The /MiscRPG trove?

Thanks, but it says the usercloud domain no longer exists and is offering the domain for sale.


Thanks, but not touching that link. Multiple popups and the need to download an iso or exe in a zip file to initiate download of a pdf file? Yeah... nah.

Uh...no. You just download the pdf. If you do anything with the popups other than closing them, you're doing it wrong.

Maybe use an adblocker?

uBlock Origin appears to be very popular


Reposting this wanted list from the last thread.

Fantasy! - Old School Gaming
Darkurthe Legends or Mithian's Book of Magic
The Ultimate Mystic
The Dread House
Wild Skies Europa Tempest
Principia Malefex
Mutant Bestiary One
The Metabarons
Villain Codex
The Ruined Empire
Vow of Honor
Hunt the Wicked
Hood – Swashbuckling Adventures in Sherwood
Baker Street - Sherlock by Gaslight
Cthulhu City
Sons of Chronos
Empire Chronopia
Primeval Thule (Savage Worlds)
Dresden Files Accelerated
Gathox Vertical Slum
Beneath, The Inverted Church
Dungeons & Delvers - Black Book
Mystical Companions or The Book of Familiars
Lost Artifacts of Greyghast
Escape from the Shrouded Fen