Update has been posted, including a new module for players to try out: drive.google.com
old thread: Note: if for some reason you hate this game, please give a valid reason for why you hate it. "I don't like the lore/artstyle isn't a valid argument.
Other urls found in this thread:
Alright, sell me on this - what does it do better than AdEva?
Not him, and I've never heard of AdEva. Care to explain? From the name I'd guess it's a system for playing NGE?
Alright, sell me on this - what does AdEva do well?
Sorry m8, couldn't tell ya. I've never played AdEva.
Adeptus Evangelion - Veeky Forums-made module based on Dark Heresy for NGE style of games / setting.
The resulting system is less terrible than the initial premise might sound and was (is?) go-to system for mecha RPG in general
Well, it does let you abuse, molest and traumatize nubile pilots of either gender.
I've been on tg for years playing mecha games, and I've never heard anyone mention AdEva. So I guess Lancer beats it in terms of popularity.
Those years had to be awfully short, then.
>"I don't like the lore/artstyle isn't a valid argument."
But the lore is genuinely awful.
Not saying there isn't a lot of other reasons to hate this game, but hating the lore is perfectly valid if it's as bad as it is.
Reading this now, I think I might try to run it using something closer to the pilots rules even during mech combat. Anyone tried this already?
I don't really like crunchy "tactical" combat.
Are you seriously going to post this thread everyday? That's why people are calling you a shill.
>if for some reason you hate this game, please give a valid reason for why you hate it.
Fuck off you aren't my real dad, I don't owe you any sort of constructive criticism you shitty lil redditbaby.
Are you for real?
>"I don't like the lore/artstyle isn't a valid argument.
Not liking the lore of a game very much IS a valid argument.
I could just be playing some bland toolkit system otherwise.
>I don't like the lore/artstyle isn't a valid argument.
If lore doesn't matter, then just play GURPS, faggot.
Plan on premaking characters to try it out with my group. I like the customizable options but don't intend running with the general setting. I also intend to fully run the game as tropey as possible; my group is into it so as long as the system mechanics hold up, I'll definitely email continued feedback to the creator as we play.
One request you could possibly pass along: a form fillable PDF character sheet would be nice.
Nevermind on the fillable sheet. I'm a dummy
All me
Could you summarize the changes between 1.2 to 1.3?
Not enough to warrant a new thread literally the very next day.
Fair enough. Is there a discord that has been advertised?
Abbadon's personal discord is the one that keeps making these threads, though they aren't advertising that fact since they think they're being sneaky about it.
What does the system do well?
Does it have the ability to do a quad-legged artillery-spider mech?
I bet you would like crunchy combat if the crunch was actually good. But, you're going to have to go to another system for that.
it's on the third page of the doc
yeah, some stuff needs some balance like flying mechs though
>What does the system do well?
Nothing, really. It barely passes "adequate" at its best features.
Well, the changes between 1.2 and 1.3 aren't super noticeable. The big thing, to me, is the addition of a sample module.
hahahahahaha, no, god no
People have been playing AdEva, complaining that its rules arent perfect, getting into fights and then making a new AdEva system since ever
Im sold. Who wants to GM?
true, but most bland toolkits tend to be either crunch heavy or so anti-crunch the game is boring.
I appreciate a game trying to find a balance and complaining about the lore wont get the mechanical issues fixed.
Because if the mechanics can be salvaged then it would e decent for a Mecha war campaign ive been thinking about running for a while.
OPs just talking out of his ass, trolls yesterday were giving no criticism at all but saying they hate it without saying why and eventually someone came in that had an issue with the lore. and someone has been hating on 'the artwork' since day one.
Seems he did a lot of general clean up, basic stats now capped at 16 and aim and armor at 6, Drones now cost IP, critical and overheating tables changed to be more lenient and now has gm section and module.
>It's a conspiracy i tells you! My proof is that I am on their discord and they don't know a thing about these threads!
Looking at the Dm section, it seems pretty decent. The combat seems to be the whole "narrative" combat thing, with mooks and elites literally built into the rules. I don't prefer that but there seems to be enough variation among the enemies to make things interesting. I would like to see more in the future.
What does any system do better than D&D? The answer is everything. Systems is a preference thing, we are here to find out if this system is to our preference.
This half baked game needs more development and clearer writing and organization/layout.
The shilling (which will be evidenced by the creator shouting down my comment minutes after I post it) is a bit much considering the unfinished state. This marketing campaign isn't viral it's just annoying.
It may or not be the discord crew. It's most likely the creator or a close associate that is also emotionally invested in the creation of the game. I don't believe there are a bunch of independent fans who are into this. This is the only place I have seen it. I spend most work days browsing the rpg blogosphere, G+, and various news sites and this is the only place it's being discussed.
So it's one guy who browses Veeky Forums trying to talk about on the place he talks about everything else. Wow, such a conspiracy.
The artwork? There is exactly one piece offered up. The Lancer name, Heraldic Emblems and melee weapon the mech is carrying suggested to me this was a alternate tech game where medieval knights fought in mechs (maybe magic powered?)or something. Turns out is nothing like that. But that was my first impression based on the title and one piece of "cover" art.
Well gee, one is a space mecha game set in the year 5000 about mercenaries. The other is a half-mecha, half-drama game about moody teens in a near-future / alternate present that's being assaulted by cosmic entities.
They both have mecha (sort of) in them, but they're very different games. I'd say Lancer has an inherent advantage in being playable because it didn't spring from Dark Heresy's godawful mess of rules. Also, AdEva's devs wouldn't know fun if it shit on their chest.
Ranting aside, they're too different to say one is better than the other.
>implying I'm not deliberately trolling to get people to defend it
this: is literally all me
>trolls yesterday were giving no criticism at al
Nice historical revisionism, faggot.
I refuse to believe that Boomer guy was right. You're Boomer trying to validate himself by saying all of those different posters are an anonymous (You). This is cringey as fuck, man.
He quoted one of my posts and claimed it as his own.
Kinda disappointed that no changes were made to pilot stuff. Any combat out of suit is bound to be boring. I am not asking for something like the mech combat, just maybe a list of different weapons to make things interesting and more than just a d20 roll.
OP I think you should word how you want criticsm better. I get what you are saying, giving no reason and just saying "I don't like thing" is no criticsm, its just saying you don't like it, but you got to word this request better.
>I'd say Lancer has an inherent advantage in being playable because it didn't spring from Dark Heresy's godawful mess of rules.
No, instead it's a hack of a shitty indie RPG mixed with freeform faggotry.
The guy who made the first thread already admitted that he was a friend of Ab's.
On one hand, that's not an issue. There's nothing wrong with people making a game, coming here to share it, and getting feedback.
The only real issue is that they're doing this all ass backwards.
What is this game? From the OP, all we really get is the misleading art (because the actual game is quite different from what the gritty, low-scale-power art would suggest) and a somewhat passive-aggressive plea for people to not post about hating this game.
The main issue seems to have been that they started with the idea that their "sales pitch" would just be "Look, mech game by a fantasy webcomic artist!" without really appreciating that's a pretty awful sales pitch that doesn't tell anyone anything. It's very likely that simply telling people about the game would have lead to little to no interest in it, and what they're largely hoping for now is the adage about "any publicity is good publicity," which unfortunately for them isn't really true, as both Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohan can attest.
If they want to get Veeky Forums interested in this, what they need to do is stop being so shill-like in their efforts, and definitely not to pretend this is an incredibly great or popular game.
Like, wtf is this?
Seriously? What. The. Fuck?
Where did he do this!?
It's the truth. I've been on tg for almost 3 years now and I've never heard if AdEva before today. Sorry to burst your bubble. Lancer has it beat because it can apparently inspire a level of shit posting I haven't seen in a while.
Dud, i watched AdEva get created here and let me tell you, "beat in terms of popularity" is nonsense garbage talk. There have been three threads and less than a dozen builds for Lancer. AdEva may be dead because it is terrible but to try and call lancer 'popular' in any sens of the word is not cheek, it's just dumb.
The first one he quoted >55658748 is me. I work in a power plant and surf all day whilst keeping the plant from blowing up. None of the other posts are mine.
Please, don't take this guy seriously. He's really banking on "Bad Publicity must be Good Publicity", which is why he's doubling down on making retarded posts.
>less than a dozen builds for Lancer
All of which were clearly made before the thread was posted.
I knew about AdEva, but only because I stumbled across it on 1d4chan.
No one really talks about it around here anymore. We had a mecha thread yesterday and I didn't see it mentioned.
That's not saying Lancer is popular.
Well since they didn't exist until the second thread more than 24 hours after the first i would fucking hope so.
I mean they were made by the discord for the sake of viralling the game.
Heh, that general Mecha thread still mentioned Lancer and a dozen games I never heard to the point I was sure half of them were imaginary until i googled them. And yet, no AdEva.
I'm at game night and we are taking a break. I showed just the cover to my buddy who knows nothing about this. I said "describe what you think this rpg is about it's called Lancer".
He said and I quote: "Mechs, heraldry, looks archaic, Medieval, Knight like, reminds me of mini Warhammer 40k Knight Wardens and Knight Titans in Epic".
what the fuck
that's some next level conspiracy shit you're spouting there
The Veeky Forums discord or the Abaddon discord. Because in either case I haven't seen shit about them on either.
Not really. It was pretty obvious that no one was actually interested in the game.
it's pathetic how this guy has such a vested interested in preventing discussion of the system. it really makes me think.
The thing that stands out to me is the overheating table change. It's more generous, not by a lot, but it is actually making me consider the "nuclear cavalier" build for a mech as something viable.
The mech AI and scale is obviously a rip off of Titanfall.
So you asked your friend to make a judgment on a game literally based on the cover?
You are literally judging something by the cover?
We're 62 posts and 21 unique posters in. All ill will is on the part of "everyone but me is a shill' poster. And then shill poster tried to claim he was every "Lore should be something we can criticize" poster to make himself look like he has depth. Guy who calls everyone a shill is a colossal fucking dick ripping faggot. I hope he keeps the thread bumped.
>still mentioned Lancer
That wouldn't be because of the active viral attempt, now would it? Certainly not, because everyone loves this game that no one had ever heard about a week ago, right? This game that's so popular despite having clunky crunch and eye-roll inducing lore, and fuck even being attached to a popular franchise, the game doesn't even know what kind of tone it's trying to go for?
>ITT: oh no, people are talking about a game on a board for discussing games SHILLLLL
and I thought I had already seen Veeky Forums die enough times...
Wow, so cool!
I can't wait to run a quest using this game...!
If you can't either head over to and we'll talk about it there.
>21 unique posters
21 unique IPs, dumbass.
No he's criticizing the artwork because OP told us not to.
>transparent shilling isn't unsightly
It's pretty awful the way you guys are doing it, complete with these attempts at damage control.
Who do you even think you are fooling?
Yes. The creator asked for constructive criticism. The cover art as it stands does not accurately reflect the lore or setting of the game itself. That is my constructive criticism.
Oh, right, right... so like eight guys.
Knight Lancers from Epic...
That's a fair criticism. I would argue that the lore sounds a bit like 40k with the super old empire, but I agree that the mech's heraldry seems weird based on what I read of the lore, since there's no mention of knight orders or something similar.
What is a VPN hurr Durr.
Fuck off. How would that thing ever defeat a tank?
That's the exact point I was making, are you retarded?
>damage control
It's cute you thinking shrieking the word shill is damage that needs controlled. People are pointing and laughing at you, not doing 'damage control'.
Well for one it's not weebshit made for and by literal peodphiles.
hello everyone, original OP from the first thread here.
I wanted to pop in and say I'm glad the game is still getting discussed, and I wanted to offer an apology for anyone who feels that my first post was a bit "shill-ish" and I will admit that it wasn't the best first post, I should have spent more time discussing the rules as I later had to elaborate on. i'm just a friend of Abbadon and a player in his game so ultimately I want to help him get the word out on a new game and have other people play test like I got to, I just think the game is fun and I encourage you to try it.
also I'm glad to see the one troll who still hates Abbadon and all his shit is still in full force, sup bro
I prefer intellectually disabled. I draw a check you know...I love this game!
The power of friendship.
>Rules are so shit no one wants to use this.
I hope you're reading this Abbadon, you hack.
This is a shill thread.
Hide and report.
Hey there, will the pilot section ever be expanded? It seems a bit lackluster.
Thanks for the dm section, it seems a bit barebone, but I have worked with less.
How convient you "just" show up. Like you aren't feverishly monitoring this thread and pounding F5.
If you're really the original OP do NOT apologize for being called a shill. It's just one idiot who thinks that. He's been on Veeky Forums a long time and calls a lot of things 'shills' and there was nothing you could have done to avoid that.
Every thread has been shillish because every thread has been made by you
>I-I'm totally just the old OP guys, not the new one too.
I didn't see the IP counter increment when you posted.
Do not feed the trolls
That is a troll post. Hide and report.
I believe so
Umm sweetie, I thought I asked u not to complain about the lore, okies?
It did, in fact it went up by one for him and then three more times.
well that's not constructive criticism
The heraldry is purely decoration. There's mention of nobles and churchmen joining the Lancer Corps, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to imagine a literal or would-be knight kitting up their mech to look the part.