Could you mindbreak a Daemonette by binding her to something/someone and placing that thing/person in a sensory...

Could you mindbreak a Daemonette by binding her to something/someone and placing that thing/person in a sensory deprivation chamber for say, a couple of years?

What if you piped in imperial hymns and she had to recite randomly chosen Imperial Creed stanzas or stay in longer?

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How do you think Daemonhosts are made?

Sounds like an excess of sensory deprivation there user, the demonette could still probably get off on that too

Would a Slaaneshii Daemon get off on sensory deprivation? From what i've read that's pretty much the only way to "interrogate" a slaaneshii cultist, so maybe it works for the daemons too?

Surely she'd just find a way to kill herself.

Speaking as a genuine masochist who has been in the BDSM community for a good five years and experienced sensory deprivation it's an amazing amount of fun.

I can definitely see a radical inquisitor giving this a try at least. The whole "turning enemy agents against their master" should be right up a radical's alley.

Now i really want to shove a radical inquisitor with a subjugated and indoctrinated daemonette as a henchwoman in my upcoming Rogue Trader game.

If a inquisitor somehow succeeded it would be the ultimate show of force.
>Look at my works, ye mighty, and despair. For I have subjugated a servant of the great destroyer with naught but my mind.

>implying she isn't just faking her loyalty to the inquisitor while slowly corrupting him

Question is, would a daemonette have the patience to play such a long game and endure whatever attempts at indoctrination that comes with it?

Yes of course. Also anything in excess is what they want. So, excess sensory deprivation would still tickle their fancy

If tickle her fancy.


Tzeentch demons are the long haul ones. Slaanesh is the god of instant gratification.

No slaneesh is the god of excess. You can do anything to excess, eating, sleeping, plotting... Whatever it is.

>inquisitor rules-lawyers the daemonette into being an excessively devoted servant

That would be the greatest RAW rules-lawyering ever.

No. Daemons are effectively made of Chaos, they aren't able to deviate from the service of their god because its hardwired into every fibre of their being to serve them.

If we go by Black Crusade rules you can command a daemon to commit actions that are opposed to it's patron god if you know it's true name, bind it to your service, have an absurd amount of willpower and do a ritual with all the bells and whistles (e.g stack ALL the modifiers and roll well)

Which, by extension, mean you could command a daemon to commit actions that are in accordance with the Imperial Creed, or at least actively oppose Chaos as a whole.

Not really it's debauchery excess

So vast consumption or excessive perfection.

Tzeentch demons have the excess of plotting, Khorne the excess of killing, Nurgle the excess of despair, etc. the excess meme is given by high slaanesh warriors.

> Could you mindbreak a Daemonette by binding her to something/someone and placing that thing/person in a sensory deprivation chamber for say, a couple of years?

> What if you piped in imperial hymns and she had to recite randomly chosen Imperial Creed stanzas or stay in longer?

Nah, nah, nah, man.
You lack imagination regarding boring things.

Put her on an extremely slow Wi-Fi connection.
Make her watch paint dry (bonus points for making her wait while her fingernails dry).
Force her to file tax returns.
Make her queue in a hospital or a post office where a bunch of incessant old grannies are wasting everyone's time.
Make her watch TV where there are these boring, bland advertisement cuts every single 5 minutes.
Force her to listen to the sound of constantly dripping ceiling.

Do absolutely everything to turn her brain into mush, her consciousness into that of an amoeba, until she is wrapped in her feelings of blandness and mind-numbing boredom.
Then she will break.

That's really evil. And i like it

Daemons are not humans. They can't stop doing what their nature intend them to do, doesn't matter how much indoctrination you force to pass through.

Lack of something is not excess. Sometimes the lack of a certain pleasure can unleash other pleasure. For example, if someone is deprived of food for much time they'll start to feel the pain of hunger, which some humans can feel pleasurable.
This is not the same as complete deprivation of senses.

I got this idea for a dominated Daemonette in the service of a radical inquisitor.

She's dressed in a heavy plain cloak and face mask and follows her Master's orders to the letter without fear of harm. The only thing that seems to frighten her is pictscreens and claustrophobic spaces. If she has to look at a pictscreen for more than a few seconds she starts shaking like a leaf, sweating profusely and looks like she just wants to run as far away from it as possible.

She would act as the Inquisitor's shock weapon and maybe assist in interrogations. Also just having her around would be a massive ego booster for the Inquisitor.

she was broken in by a combination of OPs method and some of during a long enough time for her to develop a phobia for dark enclosed spaces and pictscreens

Well of course, who are the most devoted servants of the Emperor, the space marines, where do you think they come from? Don't tell me you still believe the Primarchs fairy tale.


Could you necknoose yourself OP by binding yourself to a rope?

You might be evil, but are you THIS EVIL?

Hell is empty, and all the devils are here.

To be fair, he's definitely in hell and has been there for some decades now.

>You can do anything to excess...sleeping
>Final boss fight: the laziest demon ever

We need an Inquisitor with laid-back demeanor and endless patience that goes around trying to convert daemons into followers of the Emperor, by appealing to their natures.

For Daemonette it will be excess of purity and devotion.
For Bloodletter a chance to fight all the most powerful demons and even Chaos gods.
For some Tzeentchian "just as planned" daemon a game against his own lord spanning thousands of years.

Only Nurgle daemons would be somewhat problematic - they just don't give a fuck.

>Could you mindbreak a Daemonette


>by binding her to something/someone and placing that thing/person in a sensory deprivation chamber for say, a couple of years?

Pfffttt! Amateurs... Just play the old Libbys jingle:

If it says Libbys Libbys Libbys
on the Lable Lable Lable
you will Like It Like It Like it
on your Table Table Table

Anything short of a Demi-god will crack after 20 minutes of that.

Alright but do you catan?

Would it still be heretical to do the do with a mindbroken and emperium-approved daemonette?

Ask your nearest inquisitor and find out citizen

No, but those who perform such actions are considered to have "volunteered" to become a daemonhost with the daemonette they performed it with.

Its canon they fade out of existence without excess and stimulation. Source: Daemons 8e in Fantasy.

Get help

>canon for 40k

Really depends.
Technically Slaanesh has a claim on anyone doing something to excess, but if it's something like a master planner, psychotic axe murderer or rampant poisoner, you better believe he'd get the shit slapped out of him if he tried overt poaching.
He can tempt someone over, but forceful takeover will go as well as nurgle trying to forcefully corrupt orks did.

>I can definitely see a radical inquisitor giving this a try at least. The whole "turning enemy agents against their master" should be right up a radical's alley.
>Which, by extension, mean you could command a daemon to commit actions that are in accordance with the Imperial Creed, or at least actively oppose Chaos as a whole.
Who says a Daemonette needs to be forcibly coerced into helping a Radical Inquisitor?
Think about it, if you were a Daemon who nucleated around one of your god's more positive aspects, you'd easily hate the bag of razor dicks that is Chaos just as much as everyone else.

Real talk now: what about the daemon of excessive reasonableness? Daemon of indulging in radical centrism?

Do you anons think it would be possible to make a daemon repent? As in, give up on the chaos gods and serve the emperor

It's possible to blue ball a daemonette to death and menial chores are considered punishment for them, for example; Hellflayer Chariot was originally a punishment gardening device chore.

No. They are made from Chaos. A daemon can perhaps chose not to serve the god that made them, but their very existence is connected to Chaos on a fundamental level and they could no more turn from it completely than you could make your own heart stop beating, and and the result of those two actions would probably be the same.

Literally the birth of a supervillain

>just force deamonette to be an admin clerk for the Imperium

To torture a daemonette, you must do the opposite of excess. Give them everything in reasonable amounts. No more, no less.

That's wrong and completely against canon. Slaanesh was born from, and feeds on, the extreme sensation that bleeds into the warp from stimulated psychic beings. As the eldar found out in the fall, given time, the only things really given to this extreme are pleasure and pain.

However, as demonstrated in the Khorne's Cup story, there is a realization that other extreme desires (or desire taken to excess) also feeds Slaanesh, such as Khorne's bloodlust and Tzeentch's desire for schemes. And in this matter, "There is a suspicion that the Dark Prince is steadily gaining in influence."

The core of this point isn't that "anything in excess is wht they want" and this is why I'm making this argument against you. Slaansh feeds on the overindulgence of desire - which is exactly why Craftworlder eldar's strict disciplinary lives works so well against Slaanesh. You cannot try to turn this around and say, "Well, excess discipline feeds Slaanesh!" because that is innately counter-intuitive. With that said, one COULD take such pleasure in their discipline, such desire in adherence to their code, and indulge their convictions to a point that yes, Slaanesh could take root. I have no doubt that's even the premise of some sub-par Black Library novel somewhere - and you get a small facet of this in the Dark Eldar series, where the craftworlder farseer felt so strongly against the deldar's refusal of their discipline that he ended up becoming an agent of chaos by the end. It wasn't his "excess discipline" but rather his unchecked (and undisciplined) feelings around the subject that did it.

Now back to the point, "excess sensory deprivation would tickle their fancy" is wrong. For one, because sensory deprivation does not emit the psychic waves for Slaanesh to feed on. But for two, there is no overindulged desire attacked to the practice either. The only way for this to "tickle their fancy" would be if the subject LOVED sensory deprivation, craved it with need, and indulged.

was meant for specifically, but I think you're the same person anyways.

Slaanesh is the god of excess, but there's rules to the matter. Sleeping 16 hours in a days won't feed her, even if it's excessive. Sleeping 16 hours a day every day for years wouldn't do anything either on its own.

However, if someone craved that kind of sleep, indulged that desire by ensuring it, felt strong pleasure every time their achieved that sleep, slowly allowing this manner of excessive sleep to become an obsession, for weeks, months, years at a time, then yes, Slaanesh would probably notice.

While anything can be taken to excess, there are rules to it to actually invoke Slaanesh and feed her, particularly involving the "overindulgence of desire" because the sensations around that are what she actually feeds on and notices.

Notice in the Khorne's Cup story, which I mentioned in the other post, that it is their "drive for excess" and not excess itself. Drive, desire.

Likewise, the 6E daemon codex, page 16,
>He is the God of Obsession, the Master of Excess in All Things, from gluttony to lust to megalomania. Wherever mortals are ruled by their own unquenchable desires, the Dark Prince is there in the shadows, whispering, tempting, and feasting on a banquet of souls.
It's not "whenever a mortal does something in excess" or "whenever something happens in excess", it is
>ruled by their own unquenchable desires
That is what takes them to excess, that it was feeds Slaanesh. And yes, it can be anything, but it is not excess itself but the gratification one feels around indulging in it.

>>just force deamonette to be an admin clerk for the Imperium
Hey, the Estate Imperium's Officio Diabolica isn't that bad...

I could see a moderate deamonette joining up with a very radical inquisitor. Kind of a half-way meet between the two ideologies.

buddy-cop fanfic when?

Could you torture a Daemonette with disappointing sex?

threads like this emerge from social deprivation

just jerk off and be done with it you twisted anhedonic pervert

>I could see a moderate deamonette joining up with a very radical inquisitor. Kind of a half-way meet between the two ideologies.
>buddy-cop fanfic when?
Honestly the Daemonette wouldn't even need to be that moderate, just empathetic enough to realize most of Chaos are the baby huffing jerks that make the Galaxy such a shithole.
Plus you get free reign to pervert a bunch of stuffy imperial types!

The Inquisitor would have to be totally Radical though.

But Chaos LIKES the galaxy as a shithole because it provides an abundance of the emotions the feed off of. Even the daemons that hate the Chais Gods know this. It would be like going up to someone and saying "Would you like to have less money and food? There is absolutely no upside to it for you at all."

Posters like you emerge from No Fun Allowed land.
Go be boring somewhere else.

Everything in moderation, even moderation itself.

For Slaaneshi maybe not though.
The others get by on the war - Khorne obviously from fighting, Tzeentch from strategic justasplanned and Nurgle from poisons and plagues.

But in a peaceful Galaxy, those three drop out, since the war isn't there to feed on.
Know what is?

Pleasure and the desire for it is a constant, in war time and peace time.
Except in peacetime, everyone can devote themselves to it rather than being stuck on the front lines on Shithole Primaris.

I could very much see a Slaaneshi sub-cult devoted to ending the wars and bringing the galaxy to peace.

Look up sororitas quest part 2 from a few years ago. This basically occurs.

>thread about mindbreaking a daemons.
>ctrl+f Malal

I'm disappointed in you Veeky Forums

>I could very much see a Slaaneshi sub-cult devoted to ending the wars and bringing the galaxy to peace.
Such a splinter-sect would no doubt want to ally itself with the existing institutions of Order, like the Inquisition, so as to further their pacifying agendas.

That said, it's likely such a Slaaneshi Peace Cult wouldn't be so much SANE as appealing, thinking such madness as turning everyone into Lesbian MILFs would somehow improve the Galaxy.

>everyone can devote themselves to it rather than being stuck on the front lines on Shithole Primaris.
And in peacetime pursing pleasure is much easier, meaning you don't need to summon daemons, or convert to the worship of Slaanesh to get it. Only the most short-sighted of daemonettes would pursue peace.

Get the fuck out, you degenerate!
You give my fetish a bad name!

Just make sure she gets enough protein in her diet. Don't want her wasting away.

>Only the most short-sighted of daemonettes would pursue peace.
What do you think they are, Tzeentchian?!
Honestly, the whole scenario is probably going to collapse into a puddle of mewling, self-cunnilinging Daemonflesh...

>You give my fetish a bad name!
Wait, the Lesbians or the MILFs?

lol fuck off faggot

Isn't this LITERALLY how Slaanesh came into being with the Eldar?

Why would the table play catan?

guys, pls