How the hell is this acceptable? Why are we standing for this? Why does GW keep thinking it can screw its customers and stay in business in the long run? Rubric Marines are 10 for $50, there's no justification in this asinine price with GW holding the final 3 members of the squad hostage for $15 in the snap-fit kit.
$50 for 7
>he doesn't know
>kids don't remember when all the cult marines came in unit sizes of the sacred number of their patron deity
>except berserkers, which came in boxes of 12, because fuck you
So nothing has changed. All I want is a few dozen of those MkII helmets, and I'm fine. Maybe get a few bits to spice up my MkIIIs, but that's it.
Except when those units were sold in the past, you could pick them up with pocket change, even with the adjusted inflation. $50 for 7 models that are supposed to be core infantry is complete horseshit. It's blatant price gouging that isn't even necessary unless you're some King John esque figure determined to squeeze as much money out of your subjects, ignorant that if you squeeze too hard the market is going to explode and die.
You know, this is still better than the noise marine box they had. It was just a normal box of marines with a blister pack with the blastmaster, a sonic blaster, a doom siren, a power sword, and a metal head and torso for the champion, and was like ten dollars more than a regular box. This at least has some fluff reasons, and they are new sculpts.
There is a simple fix and it is don't buy the models and use the older ones.
>How the hell is this acceptable?
Because the market will bear it.
>Why are we standing for this?
40k doesn't actually have any direct competitors. The other 28mm sci-fi games are usually skirmish wargames. Not exactly appealing to someone who is in this hobby to play a Tyranid swarm, Guardsman regiment, or Space Marine legion along with their mechanized and flyer support. The only games that do that are 6mm/8mm with their tiny, un-detailed infantry.
>Why does GW keep thinking it can screw its customers and stay in business in the long run?
Because the market will bear it.
>Rubric Marines are 10 for $50, there's no justification in this asinine price...
Because the market will bear it.
And like all their other massive price increases it will sell because no one gives a shit other than poor fags. If you're so low on funds why not pick an army with less overhead.
Don't like it - don't buy it.
I shell out thousands of bucks for a side hobby as an armored fighter. What I don't get is the justification of paying $50, $60, etc for shitty plastic models that only increase further and further in price while decreasing in utility. There's zero conversion material in the new Death Guard models on account of them being monopose shite, and if GW continues this retarded pricing we can expect a box of six Noise Marines for $50 as well. Plus the new terminators, while unfortunately gouged again, are superior to the Plague Marines and fill up an army better. With their current pricing scheme it seems far better to just ignore Plague Marines entirely, and fill up on pox walkers and terminators instead.
If you account for inflation GW doesn't actually raise their prices. They simply match the current market.
Yes it's expensive but it always will be expensive. People complained 10 years ago and the price still goes up.
>$50 for 7
>they all monopose
So $7 per model? Seems pretty reasonable for that level of detail.
Do you want government to regulate prices on toy soldiers or what?
No, no. I'm assured that price is horribly expensive. Of course, other games have troop models with a higher price per model but that's completely different since you don't need as many (this is the only factor in determining how they're priced I'm told).
Then don't buy it. Buy a paladin army for grey knights. Spend like $150 + $40 on paint and you have a full army
It's not. Games like Infinity have the same or higher per model cost.
Infinity has a higher model cost, but you usually need 12-15 models for a start. 100$ is enough to get a tournament army.
I feel like a lot of Veeky Forums are poorfags, NEETs, or college students. I work at a company full of nerds and we talk about our hobbies all the time. I've come to learn that 40k is far cheaper than riding nice bicycles, collecting pinball machines, golfing, or rebuilding cars.
As a junior I got a $4,400 bonus last year. At $50 a kit that's still 88 kits. I can't even paint that much in a year.
Equal or higher, but a much lower total number of miniatures. An Infinity army averages between 10-15 models, and you could round up to 20 if you want the versatility of running several different lists from the same army. I want to say someone did a true average of the Infinity line and it came to something around the $8-11 dollars per pewter miniature.
So while spending $200 might get you about half of a 40k list, depending on the faction you play, spending $200 for Infinity has you ready to go to a tournament with a full selection of your faction's units.
I know Warmahordes used to claim that they had a lower price-point, but that's largely false because the point value they are talking about at that price is never played, and you end up spending about the same as a 40k player to get a full army. With Infinity, you would have to struggle to spend over $300 on a sub-faction. Hell, I have every unit that my army has access to with several different layouts for them all which gives me the ability to play Camo Spam, CC Skirmishers, Heavy Armor bunkers, and everything in between and I haven't spent more than $250.
Next time tg does a "post your job" thread you should read the replies. More than half are students / food service / retail / security / "writer"
/ NEET. Pro tip: your $4,400 bonus puts you in the 1% of tg.
Calibrate your meters.
love how Veeky Forums defends price gouging "hey man, its fine" holy fuck. but yeah they are right about not buying it. dont buy or go recast.
>I feel like a lot of Veeky Forums are poorfags, NEETs, or college students.
It is.
>I feel like a lot of Veeky Forums are poorfags, NEETs, or college students.
Surprise-surprise GW aiming for a teens and kids.
Depends. Playing PGA-tier courses and keeping in this year's prime gear? Godawful expensive. Got a set of beat-arounds you take down to the muni course? Cheap hobby.
They really don't, though. Infinity models are usually much better sculpted, are made of pewter instead of plastic or resin which has ups and downs, and average about $10 a mini when you only need 15.
And as an added bonus, CB aren't Nazis with their product and that tends to let you find Infinity boxes and blisters at hilarious savings online. GameNerdz, MiniMarket, and the WarStore pretty usually have stuff at 15% or more discount.
Now compare troop models.
By that standard, Warhammer is also cheap if you already own the models.
Golfing gear is fuckoff expensive. The course fees can add up too.
Either way, if you have to start from scratch, any hobby is a deep money hole that you will never (TTG SPECULATORS AND MTG FINANCE PEOPLE READ THIS: N E V E R) come out ahead on.
>Now compare troop models.
>highly detailed metal models with ugly heroic scale outdated plastic
Yeah, nice try.
>By that standard, Warhammer is also cheap if you already own the models.
If you buy an army every other year it's still a cheap hobby compared to most.
An army costs less than a set of track day tyres that probably don't last a day.> (You)
>>Now compare troop models.
>>highly detailed metal models with ugly heroic scale outdated plastic
>Yeah, nice try.
Whatever - look at the actual average cost per model in a force as it's fielded. Infinity is way higher.
have details gone too far?
>Infinity is way higher.
Go away and compare equal to each other products, Orruk Megaboss and Haqqislam Azra'il
And again, Infinity providing much better quality of regular troops.
Infinity already mastered the art of sculpting butts, what else would be the next level of perfection?
>troop models
Okay. Several months back, I decided I wanted to expand my line with a Chinese secret police army. All that I needed to instantly get a tournament ready 300pt army was...
>ISS Starter
Six models, $38
>Sun Tze
Special character, $10
>Su Jian
Two mechs, $30
>Father Sforza
Special character, $8
>Special Celestial Guard
Special character, $10
Ends up at just under $9 a miniature for a full army.
I think fell for the meme
pic related, 6 metal figs for 28 yuros, did I do well?
Infinity isn't even really more expensive.
The average starter set gets you six models at the equivalent of $42-45. Six far higher quality models, that are not only enough to start playing immediately, but in fact over half the models you'd require to play the largest points-level games.
>what else would be the next level of perfection?
And this isn't even considering the "full army bundles" that CB has put out a couple of times that are 300 point armies in a single box.
$75 for 12 miniatures or $6.25 a head, all in one easy purchase.
Lul, I love how the 40kids are eager to argue that Infinity's prices are far higher than Games Workshop's right up until the point they are proven wrong over and over again with actual numbers instead of vague whining. Thread got awful quiet on their end once people started posting facts.
They are the very best models on the market man. If you are a poorfag just play some other game instead of bitching.
Protip: buy your faction's bundles for basic troops, and some type of support (see Start Collecting) and once you have a few you'll notice you dont need some of those units. Here's when you resell them closer to retail online and make some money back. If you really want to push it buy the bundles, break them up and sell everything separately at profit and use that to buy stuff, that way you spend earnings instead of what you have. It may take some time to sell but it makes it somewhat affordable
That's verifiablly false, you fucking piece of shit. GW price rises have frequently gone miles above inflation, even before you factor in the stealth increases incurred when they repackage and shrink the mini count. You're either a shill or just desperate to justify how badly give been ripped off over the years, either way, stop surfing that fucking bullshit.
I always report them for trolling. I'm pretty sure that it's blatant.
>40K is cheap because golfing is expensive.
>Even though every other miniatures game on the market, including the ones made by GW are cheaper
Every time. If this was /sp/ I could understand the argument, but it always comes off as really dumb.
>halve the number of Guardians in the box
>keep the price the same
>it's just inflation, guys, nothing shady at all
I've stopped playing because of pricing and a lack of players in my area who aren't GW Store Sycophants.
It's so strange how cucked the local players are to the store manager, I hate going in there now I used to be able to tolerate it but with prices just going up and up I'm out.
>They are the very best models on the market man.
Not even close.
I would pay 50$ for 7 metal miniatures.
>Why does GW keep thinking it can screw its customers and stay in business in the long run?
Because it can, and it will.
I feel you, dude. I play AoS with an army that's 99% third-party with a few GW bits, and I'm actually looking at possibly jumping back into 40k since there are still a handful of people playing 8th and I'd be perfectly happy letting my Warpath minis double as 40k proxies.
How about mono-pose plastic?
Poorfags pls go
>I feel like a lot of Veeky Forums are poorfags, NEETs, or college students. I work at a company full of nerds and we talk about our hobbies all the time. I've come to learn that 40k is far cheaper than riding nice bicycles, collecting pinball machines, golfing, or rebuilding cars.
>it's OK for GW to price gouge me this much because other hobbies are more expensive
>except other quality miniature games, those are cheaper
Makes it easy to play both infinity and 40k which is nice.
is it that time of the month again already?
With Games Workshop, every month is price gouging month!
Infinity could literally be free and it wouldn't matter if no one played the game.
And GW can price gouge all they want as long as people still want to pay for it, it's entirely their right and completely ok for them to do.
A company is morally obligated by common human decency to not engage in un-ethical pricing that will ultimately hurt their brand than help it in the long run. And this isn't 1990 or 2000 anymore, there's serious competition on the market now. FFG could have even made a 40k killer were it not for their new skirmish game's asinine execution.
Honestly, the thing I hate the most about Infinity is how fucking easy it is to pick up another full army on a whim. Originally, I was just going to play Villainous Soviet Kazaks. Then I jumped in and got Filipino+Sikh Rambos in ASA. Then I jumped in and got Chinese Secret Police in ISS. And now I've got saved notepads of all I need to do to buy a full army of Cyber Samurai, of Covenant God-Machines, of Jihadi Jackasses + TF2 Spoes, and of North Korean Space Monkeys.
Back in 90ties as a kid I was buying old metal terminators. To this day I remember each of my terminator-hunt visits in back-then LGS. The terminator blister pack was heavy and miniature inside looked... how to put it... magnificent.
7 PLASTIC miniatures for 60$ doesn't feel even half as magical as buying ~15$ blister pack with a single metal miniature.
In other words GW can go and fuck themselves.
>>it's OK for GW to price gouge me
You must be working in a corporation user, as you're a total tool.
No one's arguing whether it's legal you twat, it's still a dick fucking move.
Well, first off, you're talking about a company that has imposed an embargo on Australia for the lulz and has halved the number of models inside boxes while leaving the price the same. Corporate evil is GW's shtick. Secondly, we'll definitely sse about FFG now that they're making a mass battle game that's also set in the insanely popular Star Wars universe. As well as Warpath's doing, I can definitely see Legion taking off.
Morality is a spook though.
>A company is morally obligated by common human decency to not engage in un-ethical pricing
Morals don't matter to companies, they are simply financially disincentivized from making their products unaffordable to their consumers.
They have no obligation to price their products how you feel they should be, if you don't like it don't buy it and if enough people agree the market will make it cheaper.
>FFG could have even made a 40k killer
X-wing already outstrips 40k in playerbase, GW clearly don't give too much of a shit.
This. Successful people rarely need this level of escapism.
Did you need this product?
Did you want this product?
Possibly, but with how many people here bitch about the quality of GWs miniatures probably not.
Has GWs increased prices taken anything away from you?
No, if anything discouraging you to buy this non essential luxury product has left you with more money than you otherwise would have had.
So really what's the problem?
>GW clearly don't give too much of a shit.
>went into autistic tantrum and tooked back Warhammer license and all other from FFG.
>previous CEO went buttmad on interview, claiming that GW "are serious buisiness, not a toy company" ater mentioning X-wing
>GW releasing their own X-wing with 70$ for 8 models
>X-wing already outstrips 40k in playerbase, GW clearly don't give too much of a shit.
I'm talking about the new Star Wars ground wargame. FFG could have made something that was a serious threat to GW but they opted for monopose models instead of something you could customize. If you made a Clone Wars wargame with customizable clones and droids, shit would fly off the shelves.
>Successful people rarely have time for this level of escapism.
I honestly don't think a Star Wars Wargame of that nature would compete that much, even X-wing has very little playerbase crossover with 40k and I don't think there are that many 40k players who would jump ship for the Star Wars IP.
>I don't think there are that many 40k players who would jump ship for the Star Wars IP.
But casuals will and it's a main GW audience (because only casuals buying all GW products, from models to painting and hobby stuff)
sorry but infinity is retarded fap bait
>But casuals will and it's a main GW audience
See GW seems to think that but I'm not so convinced.
This is largely anecdotal but from the time I've spent at various GW stores the people that consistently make big expensive purchases are the veterans and the grognards.
Clueless moms and kids who don't know what they're getting into will at best buy a starter set and some paints, buy you sure as shit don't see them buying 5 Knights for terrain.
When Legion drops, I can't see any reason to ever play 40k again. Playing Spess Mahreens or Eldar is chickenshit compared to the joy of fielding a boardful of the Empire's Finest. I only got into 40k because it let me play an army of Stormtroopers that acted like Clone Troopers by deploying in a boardful of LAAT/i's.
If they give us a Clone Wars expansion down the line, I'll probably enter into a state of perpetual nutting until I die from dehydration.
And OP-picture any better?
>veterans and the grognards.
>buying 5 Knights for terrain.
Because their female sculpts don't look like Leatherface?
GW is just shit at faces.
GW consumers are afraid of women that look like women.
>doesn't like Leatherface
wow, what a fag
Good for you.
You may or may not be in the majority, i dunno. None of my circle of friends likes star wars so its a non issue for me.
Weird. I've got some that were there for the originals that I wargame with, others like myself that grew up with them on VHS, and then others that grew up on the good Battlefront and BF2, Republic Commando, etc. Hell, I'm even in the 501st, and 4 of the people I play Infinity with play the FFG Star Wars RPGs every other Wednesday.
Then again, I live in a city that basically exists as a large city today because of space travel, so that might have something to do with it.
The only social responsibilities the corporation holds is to maintain an acceptable return on investment to their shareholders.
If you don't like it don't buy it, welcome to the real world son.
infinity squad boxes MSRP at 40 euros for 4 models (about 47 usd). Starter boxes are usually a slightly better value, at 6 models for 45 euros (about 53 usd)
6 monopose metal models for 53 USD or 7 multipart plastic models for 50 USD?
Wargaming is just expensive in general. 40k is really bad because people refuse to play at anything less than 1850 points.
both you and the user you are replying to are cherry picking
until the primaris duders came out, tactical squads had been the same price (adjusted for inflation) for 15 years straight, despite getting multiple refreshes in the sculpts.
Cadians cost a ton more while still being the same 15 year old sculpts.
Alternatively you could be like me user, and play superior historicals, have fun, and feel fulfilled.
they're multi-part, you big fool
my hair isn't grey so I am not old enough for historicals yet but if someone came out with good 28mm ancient greece models my hair would turn in a hurry
> thinking GW does the worst faces
Pic-related, because Hiroshimoot decided to fuck over my attachment.
None of this shit is expensive, just don't buy it all at once. Get a job you lazy bastards.
Victrix are probably your best bet for 28mm ancient Greeks.
>The other 28mm sci-fi games are usually skirmish wargames.
40k isn't? I know they deleted Apocalypse, do people really play big games with dozens of models? I haven't followed in a long time. Wouldn't you need a 15 foot table or something absurd to recreate 6mm scale battles in 28mm? Sounds expensive as shit too. do realize that 2000 is the average point value of 40k games, right? Played on a 4x6 table?
>2000 point
Jesus fuck what does the movement phase look like? Can you even move sideways?
Actually a 2,000 point army is pretty small, and typically consists of some transports driving up and disgorging small squads of elite infantry to seize objectives while the special units kite around the battlefield.
Have you ever played a game of 40k? 2000pts was at the upper end of skirmish even before Apocalypse came out.
And still monopose