happy birthday
Happy birthday
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That's a nice image
I sit beside the fire and think
of all that I have seen
of meadow-flowers and butterflies
in summers that have been;
Of yellow leaves and gossamer
in autumns that there were,
with morning mist and silver sun
and wind upon my hair.
I sit beside the fire and think
of how the world will be
when winter comes without a spring
that I shall ever see.
For still there are so many things
that I have never seen:
in every wood in every spring
there is a different green.
I sit beside the fire and think
of people long ago
and people who will see a world
that I shall never know.
But all the while I sit and think
of times there were before,
I listen for returning feet
and voices at the door.
>I've been browsing this shithole for 11 years now
Happy birthday. We're here together forever.
Fourteen years of shitposting, procrastinating, and mediocre OC creation. Gentlemen, it's been a pleasure.
Jesus Christ. It's been awhile.
Likewise. I don't regret a thing.
>tfw you got out for like a year
>tfw the reason you got out broke up with you two weeks ago
>tfw you can't stop thinking about how much you miss him
At least you guys will always be here for me
Ha, gaaaaay! (That sucks, dude, sorry to hear it.)
Won't be long before the site's old enough to post on itself.
Can you imagine?
I read that and thought 'wow thats a long time what an old fuck' and then realized that's how long Ive been here...Where did all the time go?
Wait until Google unleashes the captcha defeating shitpostbots to take revenge for Veeky Forums turning its learning AI into a /pol/tard. The recursive shitposting will be GLORIOUS
Only been here 6 years, but it feels like a lifetime.
We're here forever, aren't we?
user, you and I both know that nobody will be able to tell the difference.
We are
Been here for close to 7 years
Well, if no one else is going to post it.
been here maybe all of four years. can't really put my finger on what exactly drives my fascination with this place. don't think I ever will, or if im even sure i want to probe that particular part of my psyche. still, at least ive got some good memories from my time here
hope you have a good rest of the evening user
I've only been here a few months. But honestly only recently started to come here more than a few times a month.
Flee while you still can. Save yourself. It's too late for me.
So guys, I'm pretty fucked up. I have no friends, I'm moving to a place by myself and I'll probably wind up with a prescription for lead asprin, but I just want to say this:
Thanks for being there. Thanks for caring about me. Thanks for reading my shitty stories and letting me shitpost for hours on end. You all helped a crazy crazy user live the most mediocre life he could, and I'm thankful for every day I got to spend here. I'll miss you when I'm gone, but I want to do something for you.
What would Veeky Forums want? I'm a writefag and an edhfag, I know no one cares but I'd like to leave something for y'all to remember me by.
I do care, even anonymously. I hope you don't fill that prescription for lead asprin, and I hope you handle this like Frodo. One step at a time, bearing that one ring of darkness. There are a lot of Samwise folks out there if you look. It's a tough journey, but it's one that can be made.
don't dew it
It's too late. He's already here forever
Don't worry user. Your health plan will probably cover a generic equivalent to lead asprin.
More seriously, you'll do OK. Treat making friends like the hardest video game ever and you'll do fine.
12 years myself. Good lord, where does the time go? Who was I back then? Who am I now? And where the hell did I put my pants?
>Wait until Google unleashes the captcha defeating shitpostbots
Wouldn't it be easier for Google to just... turn of captcha access?
>user, you and I both know that nobody will be able to tell the difference.
That's not true. The bots used better grammar than many phoneposters.
>I've only been here a few months. But honestly only recently started to come here more than a few times a month.
You have little to gain here, and much to lose. Find a way to make your computer block the site before it's too late.
I didn't listen. I thought I'd be okay and find good ideas. Three years later I'm wasting hours every day shitposting in trump threads and ignoring worldbuilding. Even my friends greentext in real life during sessions now. I'd give damn near anything to go back and undo it, to use that time on something meaningful like music, or games, or reading. Get out while you can, before you become just another jaded shitposter.
Thanks buddy. Delivering the ring is a noble and selfless quest, but it's also a journey with a destination and a point, which is why I want to do something for Veeky Forums.
Or my local party supply story will be able to supply me with enough helium to fly. It'd be nice to have a health plan but I just don't have the confidence for a good job anymore..
Alternatively... don't shitpost. It's a dark and stupid road and it leads to dark and stupid places.
>prescription for lead asprin
As a fellow suicidal poet, that's a colorful way of putting things. Also, you know, don't do it, ain't worth it. You have value as you are, please don't waste it.
As for what I'd ask of you, if you're really determined to take the worst pills ever, is to make Veeky Forums the place you want it to be in your absence. has a great pic for this. I recommend you, and the rest of us, take it to heart.
If you are going to kill yourself at least do it with CO2, don't hurt yourself in your last moments
>What would Veeky Forums want?
I want you to go to to the gym, make friends, find a qt gf and turn your shit around.
>but I just don't have the confidence for a good job anymore..
Well, again, it's the hardest video game. Treat life like a game and dissociate /ever so slightly/ from reality and you can work wonders. Plus, you know, doing stuff that's not on Veeky Forums. Gate your computer access, force yourself to do things. Also, volunteer for a first aid service like St. John's Ambulance if you can; they train you, you can help people and feel good about it, and you get to see lots of new people and make friends.
>If you are going to kill yourself at least do it with CO2, don't hurt yourself in your last moments
Nah, staplegun. Make it messy and painful and deeply confusing for the paramedics.
>lead aspirin
>As a fellow suicidal poet, that's a colorful way of putting things
And here I had wrongly assumed that was a literal pill he was trying to take, and that merely mentioning it was supposed to imply a pretty harsh illness.
Not a huge fan of shitposting. It derails discussions and just stupid shit.
shitposting in small doses can be kind of entertaining to some of us. when it overtakes a thread/board, maybe not.
maybe im not the one to pontificate on this, as i said earlier: ive been here on and off for four years.
hey user, im not sure what to really say after what's been said. guess I'll just say i hope somehow everything works out for you.
Image made me laugh.
Not sure when I started coming to Veeky Forums. I think it is my 10th Veeky Forums bday though. This board is basically the only board I go on now as it is still the kind of unfettered creative autism that doesn't worry about getting downvotes for bad ideas. The stream of consciousness style of posting shits out great ideas for me to steal; occasionally I even get to give one back.
always loved edits of that stupid train moral choice answer
user I want you to take comfort in the fact that by being at the bottom, you have absolutely nothing to lose by getting out there and taking some chances.
Go to a game club, meet some people, meet their friends, go to events, make new friends. This place tends to make us all judgemental of people but really letting go of that and just looking for the good in others does a lot.
You'll have your day to die, user. We all do; no need to rush to it. I think if you work for it, and are willing to get hurt a little in the process, you'll find a way to live and love.
I wish I knew, user. I wish I knew.
>We're here forever, aren't we?
Wanna go frot?
First off we'll always be here for you. We'll call you a piece of shit on a good day if you're lucky but we're all in the same (albeit fairly large, if still cramped) boat.
Seconding this: We're all gonna make it, brah. Together.
Just hit a decade over here anons. Thanks for being the worst bunch of faggots anyone could ever find.
I wouldn't change you lot for the world. No homo.
lol fag
Shit, has it really been that long? Where did all that time go?
You guys are wonderful. Each and every one of you. I found this place seven years ago through the wiki, and this was my first and home board, and it's the only one that hasn't gone to complete shit in those seven years. Here's to you Veeky Forums
user please don't do it, my dad recently killed himself and all it's done is cause pain and misery
please don't
Been here since March 2013. Umm
Well I don't where the time went, but i'd sure like it back please. Maybe do something semi constructive with my life.
>It's already been three years
My best friend died around then. Came here through the wiki and ended up staying. It's a bit bizarre how things can only improve when you've hit rock bottom, even when you hang around here.
Have something inspirobot shat at me the other day.
>tfw stuck here forever
I love you guys anyways.
Happy to be here for you silly fag.
Wow. You guys are surprisingly heart-warming.
Don't even try to escape. You're here forever my dudes.
Don't bite bullet you silly cunt. We're here and always will be for you.
Best advice I can give you is to do some sport, to go the gym. Might seem like bullshit but it genuinely makes you feel better about yourself.
Here, a simple work out plan to help you start. 2 hours a day at most.
Stay with us user.
>being this egoistical
I also would kill myself with a son like this.
*CLANG's in japanese*
>there are people on here that don't understand the culture of the board they post on because they haven't been lurking
what a dying site
Woo. Been here five years, after pillaging the archives for quests and started running my own quests because I liked the idea. And when quests went to /qst/, I stayed here.
Don't ruin the moment ok?
If killing yourself is better, thenbpeople should do it. Not everyone is able to live a life that would make them happy and some people know it. Now you can try showing they have things worth living for and can find new purpose or goals which is good, but trying to guilt trip someone in a weak emotional state is a low blow and only hurts them.
t. almost managed to suicide twice
But killing yourself is supremely egoistical however. Unless you live positively, completely alone, with no friends, no relatives whatsoever, killing yourself just transfers your pain to someone else.
said no-one ever
Veeky Forums isn't such a bad place to be 'stuck here forever'
I've probably baited you into calling me names at one point and I hope you leave this place and find a life in the real world. There is nothing but grief here.
But really, just write a list of all the people you know. Every mother, father, uncle, grandgfather, 2nd cousin, shopkeeper, old friend, really old aquantaince. Just anyone who you've spoken to, write their name down. It pulled me out of my depression by showing me how many people would miss me, I might even cause another person to become depressed if I off myself and I realized that I could never do that to anyone.
>its been eight years
jesus, where does the time go
I've only been around what, three years? Four? Maybe five, if you give me a few more months, though I'd be surprised to say it was that long. Point is, I'm a relative newfag.
I just wanna say, I've enjoyed my time here. It's had its ups and downs like everything, but I never went in expecting a positive experience every time, and I still got more than I ever bargained for. Some really great discussions, some good artwork and RPGs I never would have heard of otherwise, even joining in a few creative projects (most fell apart, but it was fun while it lasted). I haven't always had fun here, and I don't think you're always as great as even you'd like to think, but I've always felt like I belonged, and I've liked to think that I've helped make the place a little bit better over the years. I hope moot would be proud.
OP here, been shitposting here since 2008.
Its been 11 years already. Its funny, I started lurking Veeky Forums after a really 5-year relationship ended in a really bad break-up. Came for the BAWWWW-Threads on /b/, stayed for Veeky Forums and /int/.
I still think of her every day. I haven't dated anyone else in over a decade.
thanks anons
Tfw you wonderful cunts got me out of the worst part of my life through the power of showing me self awareness
>knowling you could make it because no one ever posted a greentext story your shittiness, so you weren't hopeless
>tfw I've been here four or five years now and I still don't know if I'm a newfag
>tfw the strike witches quest I loved from back then will never be finished
real or not, hope your day goes well user.
I know what you mean. It's funny, and a bit depressing, but here's the only place where I've ever felt like I was truly accepted. That I could be myself.
Not the other guy, but I get it. There's been a few times that I've vented about my problems, and other than the usual
>lmao fag
people have been generally supportive and helpful. I'm honestly not sure where I'd go if this place wasn't here.
It's been difficult, but I thank you for getting me into tabletop, Veeky Forums. My wife is bipolar, which makes her hyper sensitive to everything, and two years ago it has gotten really bad. These past two years I've been basically dragging myself along, along with my wife kicking ad screaming, because I am not giving up on her, because no woman has been as kind and nice as she has. I thank you because troughought these two painful years, trough the hardest of months I've only had FRP to look out for on the weekends & seeing my friends, it was the only time I saw her happy anymore. Things have gotten a lot better this summer, and I managed to drag myself out of the muck too, exercise, lose the weight and lose my hopelessness, and my wife has made great recovery as well Now is her first day of college. She has been laying all day since she has returned from school, crying how awful it is, and all she has described to me is a normal school day and how she was confused about everything. But this year I know I will manage to shoulder the burden and that everything will be ok. Shit's getting better slowly but surely, and you are there to keep us afloat Veeky Forums.
I love you Veeky Forums, you've saved our lives.
>he doesn't remember Cornelia-chan
Only /jp/ would try to name a malware bot.
Pleasure was all ours my man, keep going.
I've been here since August 2004.
I'd say it was a waste of time.
But it's not like I was going to be spending it doing anything more productive.
Get some more vitamin D in you because it's likely you don't go outside. Start eating better and exercising more. Go to a game store near you and realize your sperging won't be out of place so you can relax.
You'll be ok user.
Happy birthday best damn 9 years I've spent
don't kill yourself anons
stay alive so that we can rage at D&D 6e and any further edition
that's what keeps me alive, I want to see the new works of art, be it video games, movies, comic books, RPG systems, tech, buildings, cars, anything a human being creates
I wanna see where this wild ride leads to until old age or cancer ends me
Life's tough, unfair and fucked up. Grab those silver linings hard, and know it will all pass, the bad, the ugly, the good, the great.
>those exquisite digits
If you're worried you're a sperg, just go to a game store, and get the "tone" of the patrons. Like, I'm a huge sperg myself, but I learned to recognize when it's better to sit and be quiet.
Very Nice, Quite impressive.
Greybeard from 2007 here. This is the only web-community I frequent; the old have fallen by the wayside, and the new repeat the mistakes of the old. Too many circlejerks, cults of personality, positions valued because of who says them and not the merit of their argument. None have managed to capture the lack of segregation, the joyful free-wheeling spirit, the willingness to tackle any topic, and the simple ecumenity of this place. The day that it ceases, the unbroken skein of the grogs threading from the days of USENET and BBSs shall be sundered, neutered by the narcissism and pointless controversy of the great echo chambers. On that day, I shall pull back from the digital edifices of faux discourse and take solace in the one thing progress can never take from us -- the vast mountain of content upon which our hobby is founded. I doubt I shall find myself lacking in diversion.
Happy birthday, and may it stand one thousand years.
>Veeky Forums and /int/
Nice choice
Came in 2012, so I'm probably considered a newfag but I enjoy Veeky Forums. Yes, you faggots can actually act like bonafide faggots and you piss me off sometimes, but my biggest laughs have come from you too. I've had ideas that people loved, ideas that were shot down, I've found inspiration and depression here, and I've posted manic ramblings here and yet I'm not shamed like somewhere else. I tried Reddit before coming here and I didn't like it, Tumblr was the same. Here though, I've found a place I could call home. Thank you Veeky Forums for the anonymity, thank you Veeky Forums for being Veeky Forums and a place I could talk about hobbies and ideas, thank you for accepting my faults and only giving me 3 day bans at worse. Happy Birthday Veeky Forums, thank you for being you.
Been here since 2010, can't post because I get randomly banned for no reason, so I mostly lurk. Cheers.
Reset your router then user, dynamic IPs have a way of having more than 1 end-user that was being a pain and that got banned.
Seeing what kind of /b/-fucktards shared my public dynamic IP made me cringe a few times because you can see the post that got them banned.
That shit happens on my mobile network all the time. It's fucking annoying.
What a comfortable post.
I can't believe it's been ten years. What am I doing with my life?