I need ideas for light based powers for a superhero character.
I need ideas for light based powers for a superhero character
you can flash people to daze them
search crime scenes for clues and dna
>generate heat
Focus the light on an object for long enough or through a magnified lens to create a small flame or just be really warm after shining for a while
Blind people
Manipulate light particles around you so they dont reflect into the eyes of others rendering you invisible.
Shine your light with the strength to grow plants
>strobe light
To confuse attackers/send encrypted messages
>absorb light source
Absorb a light source to power yourself further or take all the light out of an area to create darkness
Fuck, OP if you do nothing with this I might just keep these for myself.
Have you tried straight up permanently blinding people. you dont have to kill em and their reoffend rate plummets.
He can transmit himself along the path of photons and reconstitute himself when that light hits an object. This allows him to sort of teleport in any situation with light, but the intensity of the light is factored in when he's going somewhere in such a way that higher intensity light lets him "reconstitute" at a faster rate and is helpless for a shorter duration. This means that light diffused off of a surface is less effective than that from a direct source. He can use any width of beam to transport, but wider ones again let him reconstitute faster. He is functionally immune to laser weaponry as a result of his power unless it is timed to blast him as he just starts to reform. He travels slower than light (but just barely) and if the source is interrupted before he reaches his destination he will forcibly reform and will be slightly dazed. Good equipment for him includes a laser pointer, a flashlight, small mirrors, flashbangs, flares, magnesium to burn, and other things that generate or manipulate light.
He doesn't do much light-based stuff. He tosses lightning a bit, but that's it.
>light based powers
Like "the light of the Traveler" or just photons? Photons have lots of cool powers, just google them. More or less, light is energy but it can be modified after the source/generation to do strange things.
Gravity cannot slow down or de-energize light, but it can trap it in time. Take that and switch it around so that light can change gravity.
The universe would rely on gravity being a constant while the speed of light can change. I would then "cast light at power X" and my enemies would either slow or become almost infinitely still. I would then stick my finger in there butt or whatever it is this powerful wizard wants to do.
Miracles from the Souls games could be pretty good
>Lightning spear
>Bountiful Sunlight
>Wrath of the Gods
and so on
Hardening light into forms, like Green Lantern, but requiring an existing light source, with the strength based on the intensity and power of the light. A flashlight might make a relatively strong small construct, like a knife, but making something big with one and it wouldn't last. Bigger handheld lights would probably be part of the suit, like shoulder mounted spotlights, so he can use it for either a quick concussive blast by just making the beam hard, or using it to make a variety of different weapons and tools with enough strength and durability to be useful.
You can't finger an immutable bunghole, you crazy wizard.
>Lightning spear
Raping evil characters
He can always have as a side job a tanning salon.
Also, he's gonna shooting his lazers.
Invisibility, Illusions, Lasers, and Flash bangs. Maybe sight based hypnosis.
suicide rates are gonna be way up, though.
imagine being LEG-STUMPER who would cut off the legs (and arms in most cases) of anyone he thought was doing a crime
imagine how quickly he'd be put on death row
Light is dangerous, irradiate the fuckers.
The only reason our own sun doesn't murderball us all to death with cancer is because of hundreds of miles of atmosphere.
I wrote a short-story in Highschool for some sort of national writing competition that involved a super "hero" going around mutilating people for dealing drugs and running extortion gambits. It ended with him being surrounded by actual, lawful superheroes and him wondering why they're trying to arrest him because he thought he dindu nuffin wrong. It got rejected for glorifying violence...
Nigga, WHAT? The whole point of the story was to show how fucked up it would be if one person took it upon themselves to act as judge, jury, and executioner, especially if one is backed by an unusual amount of power. For a bunch of Veeky Forums nerds, those fucking judges sucked dick at basic reading comprehension.
Isn't the Lightbringer one of Satan's epithets in Satanism?
>Drat, my archnemesis Welding Goggles Man! My permanent disfigurement power has no effect!
Well, light is just electromagnetic radiation. And lightning is just electrostatic discharge. If you used electromagnetic radiation to create a voltage applied across two areas that is high enough to cause dielectric breakdown it would cause lightning.
In the end it comes down to exactly how your specific system of magic categorizes and explains magic, but they're not mutually exclusive in all of them.
Make him be able to slow down particles of light. Make them go slower, or reach a person's vision in a random order to disorientate, confuse, or temporarily blind an opponent.
Also you could make a power to shoot lasers.
Bend light to create illusions.
You can also create a hero/villain who can "melt" in to light like how shadow people can with shadows.
>you can't finger an immutable bunghole
that's quitter talk
Well, here's your problem: your judges probably were teacher reject women.
I think there isn't any differentiation between light and lightning in DS. The Sunbros didn't see much of a difference hurling their lightning spears.