ITT: God-Tier videogames based on tabletop games
>inb4 Vampire The Masquerade
ITT: God-Tier videogames based on tabletop games
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Kind of related, this would be a great tabletop game
I loved that game. Ironic, since I've never even touched MtG otherwise.
This may be stretching the premise a little, but this game is sort of like Magic vs. Technology battle chess.
Really solid game with 1v1 Strategy and Deathmatch modes.
I really wish this game had spawned some sequels.
Neither have I baka
Stop shilling this /v/ shit, shill.
Cain was the best song on the soundtrack, you fucking nerds.
It's based on the Planescape setting, it applies.
Dragon's Dogma is the best D&D game ever made.
Planescape was a tabletop you mong.
Playing a video game that simulates a tabletop game is the most retarded and sad endeavor throughout the entire span of human existence and only sexless, kissless, friendless, orbiter trash does so. This goes double for people who play card game video games that have the cards in the game like yugioh faggots. The cards were only there for a cheap vector to explain the mechanics. If they had the budget to make a video game in the first place they would've never bothered with making the tabletop part because if the mechanics are the same the board/card aesthetic provides no real benefit, is fucking ugly aesthetically, and detracts from overall positive expenditure of resources. Even the fucking pokemon games got this right.
Most of the d&d vidja
>Kind of related, this would be a great tabletop game
Holy fucking shit.
It had decent action. Kind of a God of War co op.
You're welcome?
Game also had a demo of Soul Reaver. Shit was so cash.
Demon Stone was fucking fantastic for a game I found for $1 in a bargain bin and thought was going to be absolute ass. The bit with the Ice trolls where you have to manually set your weapons on fire I do remember being like that company's older Lord of the Rings game in terms of how fucking hard it was.
>Being this autistic
>Pokemon got this right
What about Pokemon TCG and its sequel, user? Those not exist?
Yugioh has a couple games that use the same cards but in totally different contexts and with way out there rules, like Forbidden Memories and Duelists of the Roses
Speaking of MtG, this.
Dragonfall as well
True, but I kinda like the Hong Kong atmosphere a bit more
>All those craw wurms
>A single skeltal to fend them off
g-g-good luck anonchan. I hope the heart of the cards gives you a big monster to fight those meanies!
Guy in the screenshot probably should have prioritized getting that Nevinyrral's Disk out, there. Between that and Contract from Below he should probably be winning instead of losing, but you're right it looks like he can't really stabilize there.
civ v
He's going to win. Hell regenerate the drudge, and the unblocked worm and factory will deal 8 danage, still leaving him alive. Next turn, he casts word of binding to tap out the defenders, and attacks with his drudge and enhanced timber wolves, hitting for 4 and winning.
they should have done some kinda figurine army game with this one too
MOOOOT THIS ISN'T THE PICTURE oh well it was a dumb meme I was posting because haha it's gone forever haha
20-odd years later I still kill time with this in dosbox, despite the bugs.
Don't you need two different mods/patches to get it running?
My steam copy worked fine with no alterations.
Damn this looks neat. Is it worth emulating?
>company's older Lord of the Rings
Ahhhhh shit nigga, loved that game. Was disappointed when EA got their hands on them. The Fellowship was surprisingly close to the book, for a video game mind you.
That level where your opponent ONLY used engulfing flame and all you have are Rushwood elementals. Fuck Engulfing Flame
I used to love this game but what is it based on or inspired by?
Did you even read his post?