>Unearthed Arcana: Eladrin and Gith
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I'm gonna be a selfish dick and post thread question for my own benefit below.
>Unearthed Arcana: Eladrin and Gith
>Resources Pastebin:
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I'm gonna be a selfish dick and post thread question for my own benefit below.
Reposting from another thread.
Okay, Veeky Forums, help me out.
The game will be about reuniting the viking kingdom and making a new god-patron of it, to replace the dead one. So the game will be divided into three arcs. The first arc, Men Arc, will be about finding an ancient magic throne of the northern kings, which has been lost to time. It will also set up northern politics, factions and serve as the part where a party can help an innkeeper clearing out rats from his basement or raid a tomb without really thinking about the larger metaplot.
The second arc, Kings Arc, will be both about preparing for a thread of invading army and reuniting the fractured jarldoms under a single king. Much of it will be spent wandering in the foreign countries and looking for allies there.
The third arc, the Gods arc, will center around finding an object that can make a mortal a god, making this new god and at the same time defeating the invading orc/demon army.
So the way I think I'm gonna make it is, I'll create three distinct antagonists in each arc.
I've already got everything figured out for the first one - those will be either hunting for the throne to claim it's magic powers, trying to keep it hidden or in their possession.
>Since this is pretty much Viking Indiana Jones adventure, the first antagonist will be an adventuring group of nazi archeologists. An Axis Powers group, in fact, with a teutonic knight, a samurai, an unreliable italian and a collaborator northman.
>The second will be a spy of the demon/orc army that will try to destabilize the region as much as possible, paint the party as villains and sabotage their throne seeking.
>And the third one will be a barbarian king, who will be a full-on Holywood viking with a bare chest and might makes right attitude. It's largely a parody of northmen portayal in the previous campaign.
Since the second arc will be about electing a king, then naturally the villains should be candidates for the throne.
>A jarl, who's largely a generic viking at the first impression, but being a druid, he's far more knowledgable and powerful than he lets on. He's the deliberate aversion of the Hippie Druid trope - not only he's very involved in the civilized matters, being politically ambitious, he also wants to establish a kingdom where the druids rule, being the wisest and godliest men of the North.
>The second villain will be an autistic vampire, aristocratic Dracula asshole, who just doesn't get the society he wants to rule. From his point of view, he's dealing with just another kingdom, and due to having royal blood in his veins, he's the rightful king of those savages, and he's really annoyed at why they don't understand it yet.
>And for the third one, I have gigantic ??????
Since the third arc will involve making a god out of a man, three villains must be people who want to become gods themselves. I have just one so far
>A kraken priest, who's a deliberate rip-off of Euron Greyjoy. He was a northman once, who was lost at sea, and while drifting his mind was touched by a kraken. He's an insane, but incredibly powerful warlock with a god complex, and I'll make it intentionally ambigious if he's even a human anymore, or if there's nothing left of him, but a human skinsuit that kraken uses to get support and achieve godhood.
I'm really not sure what other monsters to use for this one, since I don't want to use simple humans. The enemies of the party must be much more than human at this point. But I don't want to use something cliche like a lich either.
Help me out and fill the blanks, would you? I want each villain to have a distinct motivation, why they want to become a king/god.
Without any homebrew shenanigans, how would you make the most of a build centered around making the Whip into a useful weapon?
Arcane Trickster with Spell Sniper and Booming Blade.
Technically it doesn't need to be Arcane Trickster but I've had DMs sneer at taking Booming Blade as the Spell Sniper spell.
Fair idea, but Rogues aren't proficient with whips.
Wait are they legit 1930s-40s planes travelling Nazis or just Nazi-likes?
Third King :
>Fuckhead businessman from a neighboring region that wants to legit melt down the crown, sell it, and get rid of the new kingdom and sell off its land to other outsiders. His power is money and influence rather than magic or might. This pretty much happened in the real history of Denmark (norse-ish) and gives the players some kind of romanticist angle of preserving this land they helped unite.
What are some cool magic items and money to grant to a level 9 soon to be 10 party? I'm trying to think of something to award my players with after a massive battle.
This is the fight, are 7(!) PCs (At my limit), the large worm is basically a CR 18 buffed up Purple Worm that can spawn Wraiths when someone is killed inside it and can cast spells, 2 Wraiths + more if the fight is too easy, and a portal that has a 50/50 chance of summoning more monsters every 5 Rounds.
What seems reasonable to give them as the worm itself probably has items inside it.
Ever played morrowind? You could rip off Dagoth Ur, a madgod with the best intentions and a viable plan to purge the [insert word for n'wah] from [insert placename]. Clever, cunning, ruthless. Deranged.
Bomus points if you can fit the Grand and Intoxicating Innocence shpiel in
fug I forgot since it's been a houserule that rogues can swap longsword prof. for whip for basically forever in my group.
Could go Warlock 3 and get an edgy devil whip (Along with the other benefits WLK3 gives AT Rogue)
Could also just go Kensai Whipnigga.
No, just nazi-likes. You know how it's done, right?
It's complicated by the fact that there are no italians in the setting, but I can figure something out.
Rogue whip proficiency makes sense, why isn't it in the handbook?
>three arcs
>makes sense,
No it fucking doesn't
>Having plot is railroading
I bet you're the kind of guy who asks the DM to run a sandbox game, and then either sits around with no clue what to do, or runs from anything resembling an adventure.
Not really a D&D specific question but how to do guys stay focused on a particular character or game? I get a dozen ideas a week and lose interest in the old ones whenever a new idea takes my fancy.
Like I'll run or play in a game but I'll only be invested for the first three or four sessions before I get my next great idea that I need to try out. At that point I'm just going through the motions in my current game due to obligation.
Yes it fucking does.
Intending to include
>elements of Xen'drik, and the Traveller's Curse
>the forces of Nightmare
>the demon haunted ape city of Usaro and demon apes
In my ToA game. Stop me now, bros.
A player wants to play an aarakocra barbarian, and specifically said he wants to grapple people fly up and drop people. Is this broke? Talking with him, we both think 50 foot flight is a bit much and he is willing to have 30 foot flight.
Start making something actually interesting and with some depth, I'm not even joking, I had this issue as well and the reason was I just thought of a "cool idea" and ran with it. Put more work into a character, require more than necessary so you feel a bit more obligated to play the character.
My friend is wanting to use this class
For our upcoming CoS campaign. I'm afraid the DM is going to let him.
Well his movement speed is halved when grappling
What is it, 3d6 for 30 feet? Might be strong at level 1, but it will quickly be outpaced by other means of damaging enemies.
Pick a broken class from the wiki too
Oh, 15ft. So like 1d6 per turn at maximum? He's gimped from the start, desu.
>Bonus to stats
>Free feat
>Punches that would give Monks a run for their money
Tell the DM if he allows that garbage he shouldn't be DMing
Well, on his turn he could grapple, then fly 15ft up. Next turn he could fly 30 with a dash, so it's not huge damage.
>there are no italians in the setting
>Long sword, Nets, Tridents,
>and Simple & Martial weapons
Why is the Mystic class considered overpowered? It seems to me like with a proper 6 to 8 encounter adventuring day they have to be pretty careful with their resources.
Tell him to just play a fucking barbarian holy shit
ops, forgot pic
>(a) Chain mail or (b) Shield
>(a) Scale mail or (b) Net and Trident
>6d4x10 gp
>Gladius +1dmg
Chain AND scale armor AND more starting gold than if had take the buy your own gear option AAAAND A FREE FUCKING MAGIC ITEM!?
They're too versatile. Only psionicfags will deny it.
Cool so nothing too terrifing if we are being 100 percent honest. General aarakocra worries then? Would a 30 foot flight speed in general be all that bad at low levels?
Holy shit there's so much wrong with this I don't know where to start. They didn't even separate the features right for the table of contents.
What are their classes?
According to the DMG, you can drop any rare item without much problem, maybe very rare items.
For martials I'd say: +2 Weapon, Flame Tongue, Dragon/Giant Slayer
For casters: beads of power, necklace of fireballs/prayer beads
Anyone: Ring of Protection or anything defensive.
How do Path of the Zealot Barbarians do compared to the Barb paths in the PHB?
He could hover over enemies and take pot-shots from relative safety. Worst case scenario, he takes sharpshooter and a longbow and is constantly 500 feet in the air, but that honestly just isolates him from the group and makes him look like a tasty snack to any griffin passing by.
New spells!
How'd everyone else's sessions go this week?
>summon greater demon
I'm at half mast already
With his plan to be a barbarian, I doubt he is going to be too bad with the range thing. Raining down throwing axes from max range doesn't sound like a problem.
I'm the only experience player playing with a bunch of newfriends and we just had our first session. It was fun_____
I had rolled following the table for a CR:17+ encounter cause they have 5 encounters prior to this one. I got approximately 12,500 GP in items and these Items...
>+2 Studded Leather
>Robe of Stars
>Rod of Lordly Might
>Staff of Thunder and Lightning
The party is as follows
Elf Assassin Rogue 9
Halfling Lore Bard 6/Arcane Trickster Rogue 3
Human Totem Barbarian 9
Human Knight Fighter 9
Half-Orc Totem Barbarian 9
Human Life Cleric 9
Half Orc Horizon Walker 9
They also get a plot McGuffin that they are probably not going to be using as it turns you evil.
>They also get a plot McGuffin that they are probably not going to be using as it turns you evil.
Don't overestimate your players.
I wonder why some conjuration spells have 1 minute casting time while others have 1 action instead.
I'm happy we're getting demon-summoning spells rather than having to homebrew them.
I'd say it summons a Barlgura/Shadow Demon, it uses the same material component for "Conjure Shadow Demon" from the UA.
Got 3 out of 4 players ready for a new campaign after 2 months of no D&D, so I'd say it's going really good.
i had a player quit it was a pretty shit session
>They also get a plot McGuffin that they are probably not going to be using as it turns you evil.
They have been burned by someone doing this once before they are not going through that again.
Anything with a burrow speed is my worst nightmare after the DM I had in 2e. Seriously if you ever thought you were safe something was about to come out the ground and murder you.
Sounds good, you the DM or a player? If you're not the DM is he new as well?
Sound like a not fun period, we missed last weeks session and I was already dying to play again today.
Story about it?
Usually a minute casting time means you're pulling some long term shit like a mansion, or a riding steed
Sounds fair, I'd say Rod of Lordly Might can be a little too much, but it depends entirely on how you run your games anyway, I've seem games with level 9 characters wielding a Holy Avenger.
>They also get a plot McGuffin that they are probably not going to be using as it turns you evil.
This is an evil campaign now, user. I love it
>Spellcaster surrounded
>Everyone else at the safe distance
What did they mean by this?
the story really isnt that exciting he told me a few days before saying that he wasnt having fun and was going to quit so i had a 'filler' session while im trying to find a new person to fill his spot he was the 'that guy' of the group but hes still my irl friend so it still sucked
DM called the first session after 4~5 hours. Asked if everyone could go again the next day, when we normally only do one session a week.
Most people could, one that couldn't was ok with his character being run for him.
Following session was a goddamn 9 hour marathon, big fight followed by a LOT of RP shit, small amount of in-fighting. Paladin is now starting to approach the line between his oath and falling, considering taking on unknown powers from a dark book in order to gain the strength he feels he needs to defend people. Druid has stolen more things than our Rogue. Rogue is shaken after a near death experience. The town we recently entered was on the verge of starving when we arrived. Now, as we leave in a hurry, the church is on fire and the town is run by a necromancer.
On the bright side, our fighter and bard are pretty relaxed, all things considered. A miracle nobody actually died.
After that kind of run, my paladin would probably fall just from feeling like useless shit.
It takes 1 minute to conjure elementals, fey, and celestials.
It takes 1 action to conjure animals and woodland beings.
I guess 1 action for conjuring demons because it takes 1 body to summon it.
I trust them well enough 3 of them have evolving weapons so I doubt they will be tempted by this....right...?
Is the Horizon Walker any good? What are it's strengths? Also, I dipped 2 levels of warlock on my bard for invocations ( AB and mask of many faces, he's a spy type) but originally I'd planned on making him a valor bard, would I be gimping myself by doing this?
How does one play a Chaotic Neutral character without being chaotic stupid/random
>The town we recently entered was on the verge of starving when we arrived.
>Now, as we leave in a hurry, the church is on fire and the town is run by a necromancer.
This entire city must be purged.
Welp, sounds reasonable. Let's do it.
Two players got very drunk and loudly roused over the top of everything. Almost sperged out. Another player got silky when he broke into a wizards tower and got paralyzed by a trap and then chain lightning'd
General self interest. Moral apathy.
>would I be gimping myself by doing this?
Your spellcasting and extra attack is two levels behind, other than that it should be fine. Not like you got nothing for it, I would probably do similar with that concept.
People forget the angle of CN where you really just don't give much of a shit and can be pretty laid back. You can still have some interest, as long as they aren't overwhelmingly "good" or "evil" you're fine. Heck you can even be all about looking like a hero, never actually caring about real heroism.
Nitpicking: I'd say it's an unholy symbol, rather than holy.
Suggestion: Maybe give double the proficiency bonus to the skills instead of just proficiency?
Expertise and Proficiency? Okay, I'll fix it up.
What would you do with an 11/11/12/12/13/13?
Not adventure.
Any class with proficiency with martial weapons so it could fall on its own sword.
It's funny, I mentioned Stratholme to my DM as a joke when we first entered this town and discovered that the undead assaulted it at night.
He tells me he fully expected us to just kill the necromancer and be done with the place though. Mistakes were made.
>Staff of Thunder and Lightning
My tempest cleric would fucking love this.
Thanks for the replies m8's. So not all CAN characters are just about making money? I remember in the book it says you're free-spirited, but in that case, what motivation would you have to adventure with other plays like a LG paladin for instance?
How high level do you need to get for subclassing to actually start being useful?
I have a game coming up soon, and I want to give my level 3 PCs very minor magical trinkets. One of my players is interested in playing a Monster Hunter Fighter, so what can I give him that would be fun?
It's an easy interest to use, as playing the hero usually results in profits. For free spirits, don't make that their whole thing. That would be literally not caring about anything. Maybe they fight against evil because the evil is also oppressive and if it won they'd never have a good time again.
Oh and I almost forgot to mention they have a temporary Shield Guardian with them, its temporary because they have to find it (it's in one of the fights) and it's also a loan because they did not have the money for it, but the shopkeep was very kind and knew the NPC they traveled here with very well. Theoretically, they could trade the rod in for this robot.
It helps to make a personality that works in particular to the party and their goals. Neutral characters need more work for motivations than anyone simply good.
Alright anons
6th level character, standard array, 1st level starting gear, variant encumberance, player's handbook rules only
How do you make the best pure dungeon crawling character, no Moon Druids due to how wild shapes in the dungeon works
That depends greatly on your class and subclass. Rogue subclasses, for example, get their best feature at level 3, and the rest is ribbons.
>best pure dungeon crawling character
Drow Thief.
Hard to know that, without the rest of the part lineup.
Particular to dungeons however, would be a thief rogue. Probably elf.
Even better, if you can wing it.
So far they've confirmed: Cavalier, Circle of Dreams, College of Glamour, Inquisitive and Horizon Walker for Xanathar's.
That's 5/20.
Lets assume they introduce at least one subclass for each of the 12 classes, which existing UA subclasses would you like to see the most?
I'd like Kensai and Forge Cleric.
Hexblade and Sorcerer.
Way of Tranquility Monk
Is the user who made this here? I wanna thank you for making this, I showed it to my DM before we started because I thought it was cool and he allowed me to make a character using it. We started out at level 5 and we've played two sessions so far, and I gotta say this is super fun, way above Eldritch Knight in terms of options. Thanks!
So is there a 5e tierlist anyway? I imagine Wizards are on the top. What's the rest of it?
The guy who made this just updated it yesterday. This is the updated version. Thank him here.
quick /5eg/, I need a name for a group that is "totally not the Chroma Conclave"
Fullcasters at the top (with druid being the worst of them), beastmaster ranger, elements monk, berserker barbarian and purple dragon knight at the bottom. Everyone else in the middle.
The game is pretty well balanced to be honest
Are my players retards or is CoS considered really hard? We're all new to DnD (but not rpgs) so maybe that has something to do with it? They're in the end game now and have lost a total of 9 characters... What gives?
>with druid being the worst of them
>with druid being the worst of them
The Primal Council
The End
The Beginning
Big Bad Bosses
Bards/wizards at top, and maybe druid. Then other full casters and maybe paladins. Then martials. Then rangers.