A modern day doctor is transported to a magical fantasy land under attack by an evil dragon. How can the doctor use his doctor skills to save the day?
A modern day doctor is transported to a magical fantasy land under attack by an evil dragon...
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Story of the Wawel Dragon.
Dragon destroying countryside, best knights are no match, king offers his daughter to anyone who can slay the dragon, and a cobbler comes up with the scheme of stuffing a sheep with sulfur. Dragon eats sheep, becomes super thirsty, drinks from a river until it explodes, cobbler marries princess, medetashi medetashi.
Replace "stuff sheep with sulfur" with "stuff sheep with something a modern doctor would stuff it with to kill a dragon."
Or, just use sulfur. Sulfur seemed to work.
Put some opiate in it and wait untill the dragon dies by overdose
He can't.
He's useless without his supply chain and modern equipment.
Pretty damn accurate depiction of docto in fantasy beyond the whole setting gimmick of gaining levels.
Not if he/she's trained as a field medic.
Makes the dragon wait in the waiting room until it dies of innattention and boredom reading people magazine from 3 years ago.
The kicker is the dragon still has to pay the office copay.
He can't, if he opens his mouth he'll be burned as a witch.
you do know girls can't be doctors, right?
Overdose dragon with medical grade fentanyl.
The proper term is doctoress I think. Boys can't be those btw
Boys can be anything because we're fucking awesome.
Without modern equipment? Medicine? Supplies? He cannot do shit.
>Be me
>Be MD
>Save some guys life on a train (heart attack) everyone cheers
>They don't know that it was simple CPR that EVERY fucking person should know EVERY and it's fucking EASY
Sure I'm a military doctor so I'm more paramedic type shit - going in close support of assault guys. I would know how to patch you up with needle and good thread and to stabilise you.
We got this special training in the jungle by some bich that had 10 witches or something in family - she thought us how to use herbs. Now if the dragon would trash AMAZONIA for fucks sake I would know how to find something - if we are in Korea for example I would need lessons from another shaman ...
Modern medicine is a joke.
>They don't know that it was simple CPR that EVERY fucking person should know EVERY and it's fucking EASY
Everything is easy and vital to know when it's part of your speciality though.
Except CPR is actually fucking easy as shit. Go take a class. Literally 75% of the class is teaching you how to make sure you don't get sued by morons and the other 25% is watching/doing CPR.
You're going to cover the cost of the class I take it? And arrange the time off work for me to do it in?
No? Then you can eat shit.
>his work doesn't pay him to take a class during work
Shit man, my job isn't even that good.
And girls can be boys if they dress the right way. Face it, girls are better than boys, even at being boys.
CPR is something you should learn in your spare time. You can do it in a few hours and online courses.
Hell, reading this link should take less than 15 minutes and could help you save someone's life.
Boys can also be girls.
>Or, just use sulfur. Sulfur seemed to work.
Boys make best girls if done properly.
>girls are better at being boys than boys
Yeah right, let me watch you impregnate another woman with nothing but your sexual genitalia
>Pro tip: you can't
>modern doctors don't know how to perform stiches
>herbal pseudoscience which only works if you are in a specific geographic area of planet earth is better than modern day tested drugs proved to be extremely efficient and available everywhere due to supply chains
>what is artificial insemination
>b-but muh man and woman and nature
>implying anyone gives a fuck
nowadays sex isn't even required to have descendants
get with the times grandpa
You still need semen produced by a boy to perform artificial insemination, science hasn't figured out how to nake artificial semen
I really don't know
but at least could prevent people by warning them to fucking cook well their meat and wash their hands.
and basic hygiene and safety measures.
Maybe he can get help from wizards or alchemists, and teach them about how modern medicine works and combine them.
In that case then boys should be girls and girls should be boys.
>nothing but your sexual genitalia
>artificial insemination
Retarded tranny as usual
because having children is the ultimate goal of every dyke out there
Unless you want to throw away all the hard work your ancestors made to give you this opportunity to live in the first place and to pass on your genes like every successful living being does
If you do not want to pass on your genes you are a defective human being and destinied to die like all defective beings do
Protip: properly functional beings are designed to die too.
He saves the day, then sends 18 bills to the kingdom that bankrupt it. When people complain the doctor informs them that it was their bad choices that caused it and they deserve no reprieve.
A boy won woman of the year...
>His healthcare isn't free at the point of delivery
>he forces taxpayers to bankroll his own health problems
Lol commies
Capitalism has the exact same problem.
The cuts in public funding go towards subsidies to the hospitals the people in charge will be treated at, which means that not only do the decision-makers get better healthcare, they also get it at the expense of the people's health.
if you pass on your genes you never truly die
>he forces taxpayers to bankroll his military
>he forces taxpayers to bankroll his government
Lol commie.
I hope you like being diluted into nothing.
It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world
>He didn't learn CPR in school
>he was never a Boy Scout and learned it as standard procedure
What 3rd world hellhole are you from where they can't afford you a decent health education?
>a magical fantasy land under attack by an evil dragon
Right when the dragon opened up his terrible mouth and gobbled up a cow, the doctor realized it!
"Of course!" Cried the doctor. "That dragon is simply agitated! There's a whole sword stuck in his gums, and the dragon's chewing is only agitating the wound! The pain must be unbearable, no wonder he's been so angry this whole time."
Then the doctor put on his bravest face and did something no-one else would think to do: He lept out, toward the dragon's maw and yanked the sword from the dragon's mouth.
The dragon's only thought was to lash out, but he suddenly noticed: His pain was gone! That pain which spurred him to commit such terrible acts of revenge!
"What sorcery be this?" Roared the dragon, licking the spot which once had caused him agony just a second ago.
"Why, no magic at all, my great big friend. Just medicine; this sword was lodged in your mouth, and that was the source of your pain. I pulled it out, and soon you should feel no pain at all."
Now the dragon was rather distraught. As he came to his senses he realized "Oh my, what have I done! In my fury I have hurt so many people! And all this over a silly bit of metal!"
And thus the dragon made his amends to the people of the land, and made a vow to never hurt a human again. The dragon and his new friend lived on happily, and all the men and dragons in all the land, will always remember the story of the doctor and the dragon.
The end
America. We took gun safety. But we didn't get to shoot them so that was pretty gay.
Lawyer scene from Jurassic Park. Dragon's now full and leaves.
>ctrl+f Flight of Dragons
>no results
Really Veeky Forums?
A huge % of women (compared to men) can't pass physical tests for army, fire department, etc so I'm going to say no
That just means that women (men) do those jobs instead of men (women).
Fucking where, Kentucky? I've lived in multiple states, from Jersey to Texas, and they always taught CPR and basic emergency first aid in Health Class here. Hell, even Mississippi, which has the worst education system in the country, taught that shit.
depends on the setting