

>Fighter, Barbarian, Ranger, Paladin, etc.


>Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Necromancer, Illusionist, etc.

What's the point of having so many classes?

Other urls found in this thread:

So you can fufill different niches and the like.

>inb4 just allow the fighter to choose between rage, weapon mastery, holy power etc.

Then it becomes convuleted when you have about 20 different fighter trees, that don't fit together thematically or anything.

One would assume something like Rage or investing in magic would be a commitment that requires some attention and not something you can just pick and then pick up a bunch of other stuff.

>What's the point of having so many classes?
Multiclassing. If everything is a branch out of a single class, you can't take more levels in that class to mix concepts. Instead of having Fighter (rage) and Fighter (holy), it's easier to split it into Barbarian and Paladin.

Because a warlock, a necromancer, and a sorcerer are fundamentally different things. "Magic user" is one of the dumbest descriptions i've ever heard, and not just because it falsely assumes that there is only one kind of magic.

>He doesn't like shitloads of classes
>He must like shitloads of class options

D&D was released in 1974, rangers, paladins and illusionists were introduced in 1975. Just saying, "then" didn't last for very long.

>falsely assumes that there is only one kind of magic.

You know magic isn't real right?

>because it falsely assumes that there is only one kind of magic

According to whom?

He asked for the point of having so many classes. It's because a single class can't have all the 'features' of every class that could be based on them. Unless they make them into 'trees', or class options.

>One would assume something like Rage or investing in magic would be a commitment that requires some attention and not something you can just pick and then pick up a bunch of other stuff.
Which is exactly what a class represents.

Or maybe, you could just roleplay the difference, instead of needlessly overcomplicating the system. Is it that hard to be a religious fighter without relying on an entirely new class?

Tone is different.

A Paladin and a Warrior with strong religious conviction function similarly but have different origins.

What's the point of having classes at all? Give me talent trees I can dip in and out of to build my ideal character.

What's the point in having a class system? Is it that hard to be a fighter?


Really, what it comes down to is flavor, tone, and spreading powers/abilities out to encourage diverse groups.

While they may be basically synonyms for the layperson, a Mage, a Wizard, a Sorceror, a Witch, a Warlock, a Druid, a Shaman, a Witch Doctor, a Thaumaturge, a Necromancer, a Pyromancer(and other types), a Priest, a Summoner, and a Spellslinger all take a different look at the "magic user" archetype, and thus can be appreciably different in play. Thus, everyone in a party can be a magic user while also viscerally performing separate roles.

Fuck if I know friend.

Wizards, sorcerers, warlocks, and necromancers were just wizards at different levels

that game doesn't have any classes in the first place

>people beg and moan for more variation
>they get it
>people cry that there's too much

Every time

I want something that actually goes into all of these and fleshes them out well. I fucking love hyper-autistic categorization.

Rolled 7 (1d100)

I don't care.
I'm just rolling.

Wait, Dragoon as in Kain for FF IV or Dragoon as in cavalry with a sword and pistol?

either is cool, though.

Rolled 89 + 1 (1d100 + 1)

Rolled 10 + 1 (1d100 + 1)

Okay let's try the minus again

I like the variety, not that big of a problem and makes it waaaay less convoluted


I'll probably hate this character

If you don't like it, why not just restrict classes in your game to keep it simple?

Oh wait, you don't actually play games or care, you just want to shitpost. I play games with 3-6 classes myself but I wrote up all 100 classes on that pyramid just for fun. Fuck off fag.


Why are there so many different types of sandwiches?

Sometimes a meatball and marinara suits, and sometimes a KFC Double Down is exactly what you're looking for.


Yeah, go generic and build what you want to play.

There is no other possibility, how is this an enlightening point.

But if you want a meatballs in marinara versus in a different sauce it requires two classes by D&D logic - especially in

I don't see why that many classes are needed when there's class hybrids, class specialization, prestige classes, expansion classes, and a crapton of homebrew classes.
I would prefer a system with a smaller amount of classes that allows for flexibility using hybridization and just enough options for specialization that you can have 2 or maybe 3 guys of the same class without them feeling completely redundant.

That image is on here alot, it's very unlikely that he made it.
Also, restricting classes will make players angry at you, even if accepting the limitations would make things more fun for them.

There isn't dual-classing in sandwiches tho

On a completely different note, I think the main purpose of magic-users and clerics should be support, changing the terrain, and the occasional attack that either requires specific circumstances or 2 or more rounds of casting.
Reliable ranged damage should be the territory of rangers and other classes using ranged weapons, and move properties of some offensive spells (burning, homing projectiles) into things that ranged specialists or even melee specialists can use.
Even summoning, as much I love the idea of it, steals purpose from the melee beefy dude.
-Sincerely, a guy who plays Cleric and Sorceror

Not always. Sometimes there is a class or archetype that fits combo. Skald is bardbarian for example.

Mini sandwiches. Sliders. A sandwich can be an appetizer, my friend. Just think about it. You want a club, a philly cheese steak, and a BLT? You can have it all my friend. Whether it sits well in your stomach is another question entirely.

Or you can have a sandwich in a sandwich. What about a McDank/McGangBang?

You either go Warrior, Mage, Ranger and they all seem more like super heroes

Or you make as many as possible to make them seem more ordinary

Good point, but with sandwiches what sandwiches other people are eating has no effect, and with sandwiches your choices limited to what restaurant/store/fridge you're at.
Plus, a sandwich is a short time commitment than choosing a character class.

Rolled 32 (1d100)


because of this post i spent the last couple of hours making this.

Warrior- A master of combat that uses weapons to fight alone or in a group.
Cavalier- Rich, fashionable, light-medium armored Foot-soldier who serves a VIP defending them, uses group tactics.
Knight- Usually mounted heavily armored soldier.
Berserker- Fighter who uses fits of rage to strike down his enemies, possible chemical use.
Pugilist- Fighter who prefers to use his fists or fist weapons to beat his enemies down.
Shield-Bearer- A defensive fighter who uses his shield to maneuver and attack.
Weapon Master- A fighter trained in the use of weapons, can use most weapons effectively.
Dragoon- A fighter who uses a spear and movement to fight, sometimes mounted, likes to jump.
Sentinel- A heavily armored defender who wards off enemies, usually slow, but powerful.
Fencer- Lightly armored sword user, likes to disarm opponents and move around.
Soldier- Trained to fight in wars, usually knows first aid and is used to fighting and death around him.
Samurai- Katana users who fight with honor for their leader, light-medium armor.
Martial Artist- Usually followers of philosophical teachings, they use monk weapons or their fists and dance-like fighting styles
Monk- Likes to meditate and punch things, also uses monk weapons, follows a strict code.
Dragon Knight- Knights that have trained to fight dragons, might use protective magic and heavy weapons, like large two handed swords, mounted.
Dark Knight- Knights who have gained some type of dark magic, usually outcasts they ride black horses.
Archer- A fighter who has trained with the bow for ranged combat.
Corsair- Lightly armored or not armored fighters that serve on naval vessels, they use swords and flintlock to fight.
Beast Rider- Warriors of the wild who have made friends with the beasts there, mounted on creatures like bears and lions or other strange things.

Ronin- Wandering samurai who has no master, survives alone and likes to fight alone.
Warlord- A brute who uses his skills to help his allies fight harder.
Herald- A lightly armored scout type who musters his allies to fight harder.
Inquisitor- A religious fighter who seeks out heresy and eliminates it.
Blade Singer- A swordsman who uses magic with his fighting styles to create deadly combos.
Paladin- A holy warrior who is heavily armored and usually mounted, uses magic from his god to heal allies and banish evil.
Marksman- A trained archer who specializes in hitting it’s target accurately.
Duelist- A black-powder user who fights one-on-one with honor, fast with the hand and accurate.
Marauder- A raider who uses fear and firepower to overwhelm the enemy. Sometimes mounted
Raider- A raider who uses speed, fire, and darkness to route his enemies.
Adventurer- A prepared traveler who sustains himself, usually carries around many items that help him overcome different tasks.
Strategist- A planner who likes to control the flow of battle.
Diplomat- A talker who likes to bargain his way out of a fight to get what he wants.
Templar- A holy warrior, usually mounted, who fights for a cause or god. Usually strengthened by his gods might.
Spellsword- A caster who uses a sword during melee combat, throwing spells with one hand and swinging his sword with the other.
Death Knight- A dark knight who has fallen even further towards evil, usually serves an evil master and uses necromancy and dark magic from horseback, as well as his sword.
Battlemage- A heavily armored magic user who uses spells in the heat of battle.
Bandit- A robber who likes to ambush his enemy and take their things.
Gunslinger- A pistol user who likes to dual wield and make fast or tricky shots.

Assassin- A ranged fighter who likes to kill from far away, unseen, or from the shadows with poison or traps.
Ranger- A woodsman who uses his bow to protect those that cannot protect themselves, might use nature magic.
Ninja- A swift stealthy fighter who uses darkness and skills to take his enemy by surprise.
Merchant- A salesman who likes to ruin his enemies financially and take all the gold for himself, usually carries items of value to be sold for profit to any goy who passes by.
Bard- A musician who inspires his allies during battle.
Dancer- A dancer who distracts enemies and inspires friends, might throw things.
Arcane Archer- An archer who infuses his arrows with magic
Red Mage- A magic user that uses less powerful magic during battle to heal and fight, can also use a sword.
Blue Mage- A magic user that uses spells it learns from it’s enemies to fight, likes to learn weird spells.
Cleric- A healer that usually worships a god, likes to use maces and sometimes armor
Battle Priest- Worships gods of war, heals and inspires his allies during combat.
Cutpurse- Sneaky thief who favors hit and run tactics.
Scout- Fast lightly armored unit who is usually mounted and on the lookout for enemies.

Hunter- A ranged tracker who is used to tracking and killing the beasts of the forest, uses traps.
Explorer- An adventurer who maps the lands he travels in, likes to be well prepared with items to get himself out of sticky situations.
Beastmaster- A friend of animals who controls beasts to fight for him in combat and to assist with other things as well.
Horizon Walker- An adventurer who likes to travel to different lands and use the terrain to his advantage.
Strider- A woodsman who uses his knowledge of nature to help target his foes.
Loremaster- A bookworm who likes to read up on his enemies and places he visits, knows a lot about the world and how to affect it.
Enchanter- A magic user who likes to put magical properties onto mundane objects such as making a magic weapon or putting a curse onto someone.
Summoner- A magic user who conjures up creatures and gods to fight for it, sometimes the things it brings in are very dangerous even to itself.
Psion- A magic user who uses his mind to cast spells, usually attacks enemies minds or uses telekinesis.
Elementalist- A magic user who channels the elements, such as: fire, earth, wind, water, ice, thunder, rock, plants. He uses these to fight or heal.
Necromancer- A magic user who uses magic to affect the dead, either by raising zombies and skeletons to fight for him or blasting his foes with necrotic energy.
Druid- A natural magic user who likes animals and trees, uses magic to heal and fight with natures power.
Acolyte- A magic trainee who experiments with different types of magics and how they can be cast differently. Likes to shape spells to fit his needs.
Highwayman- A thief who ambushes his target and uses threats and force to take what he wants.
Ballistician- Uses heavy black-powder weapons that could be used on larger targets or to siege a castle.
Spy- A sneaky informant who collects information on others by convincing them they are his friend.

Poisoner- An assassin who gets in close to his target to either poison their food, or the blade that he jams into them.
Trap-Master- A cunning trap layer who likes to lure men straight into ‘her’ deadly or disabling traps.
Dark Delver- An adventurer who travels to dark and evil places, disarming traps and avoiding death.
Gambler- A winner, or a loser, depending on luck. When asked how they spend their money: “Part of it went on gambling, and part of it went on women. The rest I spent foolishly.”
Mentalist- A magic user who uses their skills of trickery to make their magic seem more powerful with illusions and sleight of hand.
Tinker- A worker who builds mechanical things to be used for many purposes, from combat to entertainment.
Technomancer- A Tinker who works with futuristic technology to enhance their senses and abilities.
Animist- A worshipper of animals who uses magic to control them and gain some of their abilities.
Geomancer- A magic user who shapes earth and rocks, can become one with the ground and sense others through vibrations.
Dream-walker- A magic user who enters the dream realm to fight inner demons and other creatures that dwell there.
Channeler- A magic user that uses their body as the vessel for a god, a god will take control over them and they will work together to do the gods will.
Sage- An educated magic user who likes to gain knowledge on many subjects and think outside the box. Uses many different kinds of hidden magic.
Theurge- Worshippers of gods who use rituals to evoke power from their gods.
Warlock- A practicer of black magic that gains his power from deals with gods or devils or other powerful creatures.
Thief- In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity.
Infiltrator- A sneaky character who will use disguise to work his way into enemies bases and sabotage them.

Cat-Burglar- A thief who uses rooftop movement and climbing to break into his targeted places.
Philanderer- A man who uses his guile to charm others, especially women, into getting what he wants.
Stalker- A creeper who follows his targets and learns their movements in order to better strike their weakness.
Chameleon- A sneaky who blends in so well there is no need to be sneaky some of the times, either dressing in other peoples faces, or as a bale of hay or brick wall, they go unnoticed.
Trickster- A con man who uses sleight of hand and small magic tricks to dazzle the minds of others.
Magician- A performer who uses magic and illusion to shape the world to his will.
Shadowmancer- A dark magician who uses shadows and darkness to terrify and attack others.
Alchemist- A magic user who mixes potions and poison that can perform many different magical effects.
Binder- A magic user who specializes in binding specific types of enemies so that they can do no harm.
Conjurer- A magic user who can bring objects into existence.
Illusionist- A magic user who can make things appear as they are not, good ones can create entire worlds that are not real.
Shaman- A magic user who uses nature, drugs, and dreams to see the future and curse their enemies.
Seer- A magic user who glimpses the future, far away lands, and the minds of others with crystal ball or in a trance.
Arcanist- A specialized magic user who devotes himself to an element or type of magic, like a fire mage, in order to increase their power in that class of magic.
Witch- A dark magician who makes potions, does rituals, and sacrifices things in order to increase their power.
Sorcerer- A magic user who channels magic from the deepest threads of reality to bend the world too their will.

Wizard- One with magic in their heart and mind. Any true wizard, faced with a sign like 'Do not open this door. Really. We mean it. We're not kidding. Opening this door will mean the end of the universe,' would automatically open the door in order to see what all the fuss is about. This made signs rather a waste of time, but at least it meant that when you handed what was left of the wizard to his grieving relatives you could say, as they grasped the jar, 'We told him not to.” No man, no power, can bind the action of wizardry or still the words of power. For they are the very words of Making, and one who could silence them could unmake the world. Every boy dreams of being a powerful wizard, with magical spells and intricate objects of bizarre power.

Good shit user. I have never been so proud/concerned in my entire life.

What if I like a crunchier game and want it to actually be reflected in the mechanical abilities? If my "paladin's" holy strikes are no different than a fighter whipping out a bit of fancy swordplay, I'm really not going to feel like this whole God shtick is really doing much. That's not to say that a holy warrior has to necessarily be better, but I'd like some variance in the underlying mechanisms of how they function, you know? Whether that comes down to building a fighter with the Holy Magic skill tree or just playing a paladin, I don't really care, but it's not enough for me personally to just describe some shit totally disconnected from the fact that I'm just doing whatever the system's equivalent of a Power Attack is.

But that is still only a matter of roleplaying.

Rollin. Give me Blue Mage godammit

I feel that game would work a lot better if it were retweaked to use 2d6 instead.

Rolled 2 (1d100)

yeah sure, why not?

Your welcome.

>rolled 2

Whelp, time to take Jerusalem. DEUS VULT!



Gotta appreciate the classics.


I wonder

interesting, maybe I'll give it a crack

Honestly I prefer more classes, but I get the appeal of just having one or three superclasses

you just can't do that outside of a video game, or it becomes insanely complex

Rolled 82 (1d100)

fuck I'm stupid

Rolled 65 (1d100)

What is a Ballistician?

Rolled 37 (1d100)


I've screen capped it for future reference user, thanks

Kits worked pretty well, actually.

Here's how I class:
Weapon using melee class, can use any type of armor(if any) and weapon. Skill sets based on rage(if you want a berserker), defending weaker allies(if you want a tank) and strategy(boosting crit chance for the party)

The AoE nuker, uses no armor and wields wands and staffs. Skills based on elemental magic(Water, Earth, Fire, Wind and Lightning) and summoning monoliths(totems or runes, just cosmetics) that boost stats of allies near them

A ranged heavy hitter martial class, uses light to medium armor. Skills based on tracking, trap making and animal companionship. Can have many types of different status effect inducing ammunition

Light armored speedster, quick hitting dodger, uses concealable and throwing weapons, as well as short blades or rapiers. Skills based on stealth, trap/lock disarming, thievery and even ninja skills, like substituting himself to a wooden log when hit

Hand-to-hand martial artist, uses no armor and only 2 types of weapon(staffs and glauntets). Can spend turns meditating to boost attack, defense or speed and convert HP to MP and vice versa. Also KI blasts that consume MP

The squishiest class, uses no armor and weapon, only amulets that amplify hsi psychic powers. Skills based on illusion, mind trickery and telekinesis(can controll an object, a puppet or even a living creature). Can create force fields

Uses medium to heavy armor and hammers, can build turrets that deal damage until they're destroyed or hordes of small robots. Signature weapon is a cannon which shots can be concentrated(stronger power, less targets) or expanded(lesser power, more targets)

Master of the status effects, most attacks cause some form of poisoning with different consequences. Creates potions and remedys for the party. Can also create homunculi and perform transmutation


Uses divine powers to heal or bless(status boost) allies. Has smiting powers against undead and unholy. Can actually range from a simple acolyte to a battle priest like the paladin, using robes or heavy armor(nothing in between) and staffs or maces/polearms

Performs blood rituals(costing HP) to use his powers, luckily has life-stealing skills as well. Cast curses(status effects) on enemies and can also be a necromancer

The Jack-of-All-Trades class based on stats. Uses none, light or medium armor and wields many unconventional weapons like cards, yo-yos and musical instruments. Skills based on trickery(illusions), mimicry and gambling(luck based attacks)

This one is not fully developde yet, felt like it should be a separete thing from the ranger. He's a stronger ranger with less range(considering he uses early guns), uses pistols, miniguns, blunderbusses and bombs

>no swordcerer


Wow, that guy looks really MOTIVATED

I, being an autist, once worked out every archetype. Don't think I got that shit on my comptuer no more though

It was Base Type X Power Source

So like

Warrior - Pure
Warrior - Guile
Warrior - Faith
Warrior - Magic
Warrior - Nature

Rogue - Pure
Rogue - Strength
Rogue - Faith
Rogue - Magic
Rogue - Nature

Mage - Pure
Mage - Strength
Mage - Faith
Mage - Guile
Mage - Nature

Then I tried another set up where each power source was multiplied by another

Warrior - Pure
Warrior - Guile
Warrior - Faith
Warrior - Magic
Warrior - Nature

Rogue - Pure
Rogue - Strength
Rogue - Faith
Rogue - Magic
Rogue - Nature

Mage - Pure
Mage - Strength
Mage - Faith
Mage - Guile
Mage - Nature

Priest - Pure
Priest - Strength
Priest - Guile
Priest - Nature
Priest - Magic

Nature - Pure
Nature - Strength
Nature - Guile
Nature - Magic
Nature - Faith

15-25 classes is a fucking lot though. And the more options you give people, the more balance becomes an issue...

I too like class x power source setup

>those digits

Thanks megasatan

Captcha: Anglican 4400

I enjoy more options when I look into playing a new character with pathfinder I enjoy looking through all the archetypes. My problem most of the time with a lot of options is more that they don't usually get sorted well, just takes a bit more effort. 3.5 has this issue with all the prestige classes and what not. PF at least let's you browse archetype by parent class.

Fuck off, Double Satan


Wiktionary says it's someone with experience in ballistics, e. g. the skills to use siege weapons and other high-range missile attacks. Maybe just someone who mans a ballista.

It also isn't actually from any game, it's just some random person's idea of how each of the basic 3 classes could be combined.

Selling books.

Rolled 80 (1d100)


Rolled 44 (1d100)

Using my one and only reroll

There is no point, except that the heavily gamerist nature of 3rd and later editions of D&D wanted a way to differentiate characters mechanically rather through role play.

I mean, come on, what the difference between a Wizards and a Warlock in 2e and earlier? A) Your choice of spells as a Magic-User and B) how you role played said Magic-User.

Some some people, that's enough, for others Autists is was not.

That being said, I'll still argue til the day I die that D&D only ever needed Fighter, Wizard, Cleric, and Thief. Every other special unique snowflake class could be emulated either through those four classes or through some combination of multiclass.

What it this?

random class+role generation for Strike!

Rolled 35 (1d100)


Rolled 87 (1d100)

let's see what I get

I can dig it


Man, I just need another fix, just a taste to hold me over, just this one time dude, come on you know I need it bad...

>What is a Ballistician?
Somebody who is skilled at predicting the probability of testicles.

>Dragoon- A fighter who uses a spear and movement to fight, sometimes mounted, likes to jump.
What the fuck does jumping have to do with dragoons?

4e runepriest was pretty great though, one of the most fun leaders I'd played and I think I played all but the Ardent.

>literally this retarded

This is bait, right?

>He doesn't know

Is Bard right in the middle of all that?

...Final Fantasy.

Though to be fair, dragoons irl were always calvalry.

>but have different origins.
Which is why you don't need two classes. Just put in your backstory that you are a paladin

In Final Fantasy, there's a class called 竜騎士 (Ryūkishi). You may notice how that's only three characters. Its translates to Dragon Knight, which you may notice is thirteen characters, including the space. The problem is, the old games had character limits for labels, so the translators had to pick something short. Dragoon and Lancer are the two they used

Wouldn't want any of these except for the edges