I am in a tough situation and could use advice

I am in a tough situation and could use advice.

I co-GM a campaign. I am subordinate to the "main" GM, but I wind up doing more work on storyline planning, quest planning, encounter-building, acting out NPCs, and running scenes, but the main GM contributes as well and has the final say in all things.

The group consists of the main GM, the co-GM (me), and three players. We have been getting along fairly well; the group has had smooth chemistry. I try to cater to each PC, make their backstories and NPC contacts relevants, put them in situations that are relevant to their goals and beliefs, and so on.

However, a few days ago, the main GM brought in a friend of theirs as a new player for the campaign. The players were fine with this, but I contested this, because my GMing style works best for smaller groups. The main GM insisted on having their friend as a player, so I reluctantly accepted the new player.

I heard out what the new player had in mind for their character. The main GM liked it. Conversely, I disliked the character's concept, goals, personality, and even appearance. (I am not going to go into specifics so as to avoid bias.) For the past few days, I have been trying to negotiate with the new player and the main GM; we have reached a few compromises, but the new player has been adding new details that make me dislike their character even more.

I have made my distaste for the character clear to the group. Everyone, the main GM and the new player included, has more or less shrugged their shoulders and hopes that things will work out.

How should I handle this as I plan out sessions, act out NPCs, and run scenes?

I try to be fair to the PCs and distribute the spotlight equally, but I doubt that I will get used to the character; if anything, my resentment may grow over time. How can I fairly GM for a character I disapprove of on many counts? If I ignore the character and leave them to the main GM to accommodate, that will come across as forced and awkward.

Well, if everyone is fine with a new guy's character, at least try for a few sessions, maybe you will like him more in play than on paper. If you still can't force yourself to tolerate him then talk to your "main" GM and
>ignore the character and leave them to the main GM to accommodate

As a sidenote, why did you even need 2 GMs for a 3 player group in the first place?

Co-GMing is one of the most retarded things I've ever heard of.
Just start a new campaign you pussy

How many people are actually playing in the campaign? As on how many actually have PC's.

Also, how long has this campaign been going on/ how long is it intended to run?

Without going into detail, what's wrong with the character? Is it spotlight-hogging? Special snowflake? Edgy to the max? Overly-important background? Doesn't match the setting? In other words, what properties does the new guy have (or lack) that the rest of the party doesn't?

Also, is it the sort of thing that everyone sees as a problem (but thinks it'll be alright), or is it just you?

I don't know how much help we can give you without some basic details, aside from "stay and see how things go" or "leave the group".

>As a sidenote, why did you even need 2 GMs for a 3 player group in the first place?

This game is a long-running game that has been taking place for nearly 30 sessions now. I was a player until several sessions ago, wherein there was a heavy disagreement that culminated in me leaving as a player and stepping up as a co-GM instead.

This change of affairs has actually improved the game considerably. As it turns out, I am much more useful to the GM as a co-GM who writes and executes plenty of material.

As mentioned above, the group consists of the main GM, the co-GM (me), and three players.

It is intended to run for a very long time still.

The character's background is that of an "outsider" that does not fit the campaign and is essentially impossible to tailor meaningful plot hooks for.

Aside from that, the player wants their character to get into a degree of romantic and/or sexual pursuits that I am uncomfortable with for this specific campaign, even if kept off-screen in the background.

The character's overall aesthetic does not fit that of the rest of the party.

>Also, is it the sort of thing that everyone sees as a problem (but thinks it'll be alright), or is it just you?

The other players are leery towards the romantic/sexual pursuits, but are fine with it so long as it will not be disruptive. I personally think it will be disruptive, but the player in question and the main GM think otherwise.

Also, the characters in the party are the soft-spoken and subdued type, whereas the new character is supposed to be a boisterous and charismatic type.

Now, a boisterous and charismatic character is not bad in and of itself, but when that character happens to be one I dislike, it is going to create a dissonance. This character is the type to be front and center during scenes, and quite magnetic towards NPCs, which will be incongruous with how I personally dislike the character.

So tell the other GM and the player that you're uncomfortable rp-ing romantic situations. Clearly, the player doesn't want to have plot threads based on his past, or he would have supplied material for it. And if you seriously have that much trouble role-playing a character that has different opinions than you, maybe you shouldn't be a gm, co or otherwise.

>So tell the other GM and the player that you're uncomfortable rp-ing romantic situations.

I am comfortable RPing heavily romantic and/or sexual situations. I do not want them in this campaign, however.

Furthermore, if the other GM handles such things, then sooner or later, there will be a situation wherein I have to handle a certain scene, but the other GM tells me, "By the way, the new PC happens to have had sex with this NPC last night, so bear that in mind for interactions."

If this was some other campaign, I could handle that, but I do not want this to be the direction the campaign heads towards.

>And if you seriously have that much trouble role-playing a character that has different opinions than you, maybe you shouldn't be a gm, co or otherwise.

I can dislike something from a real-world perspective, but I can set that aside for the purposes of a game.

It is a little different to dislike something directly game-related from an out-of-character perspective, as in, "I do not think this will be a good fit for the game."

Let the main GM handle them.

Seriously, if he's there then let him put in that work. If you don't like the character, just ignore them and trust the other GM is competent enough to pick up the slack.

M8, you said "yes". You either unsay it and start a clusterfuck, or deal with having said "yes".
It's not hard.

I did, in fact, strongly contest this, outright saying "No" multiple times initially.

I reluctantly accepted the new player because the GM was not taking "no" for an answer.

Exactly. You have already taken the worst possible option: You gave up. Now you get to live with having given up.

The other option would have been to stand my ground and effectively kill the game, because it has reached the point wherein my departure would cause the game to crumble.

M8, you've made your choice. Stop remonstrating and deal with your actions.

Better that then to have two dms with (apparently) different ideas of where to take things and one player who's character is actively disliked or ignored by one of the dms. I mean, that just doesn't sound like a fun experience.

Just link the DM to this thread and maybe he will understand your plight?

Have you ever seen the overly heroic character falling flat routine? Use the boisterous mentaility to push the 'reserved' party PC's into a new way to grow.
Pull in old quest givers, have them visibly put off by this guy.
Have old enemys or surviving mooks who went full villian find the party from boastings by the new guy.
Try to float the idea that the new guy is doing the 'high school' new guy thing, trying to hard to fit in because they need a place to be. The party accepts the newbie for who they are.

The sex thing, make it a joke he roles for. He wants an off-screen moment with a wench, tell him to roll for 'PC's name'. Give it a mid to high end persuasion check stats with failures resulting in slap for 1D4 damage and crit fails result in combat with town guards and bouncers. Success results in a "congrats, you pull a (PC's name)." and some paltry XP reward for a persuasion check success.

>providing attention when they do an undesirable behavior
That's literally the opposite of what you should do.

Ok, wow, yeah. What was I thinking? Not even joking, this is that poster, and I am sorry. That lists, maybe, how to moderate someone who wants to work with you but doesn't have the history or skills to just act different. If someone is actively screwing with you, or highlighting what annoys you, no point in twisting the knife yourself. Just ignore me.

>put high points in Charisma
>get shit all over for it
Good job DM.

You should just keep on sucking and riding the main DM's cock.

See all I'm getting from this is you as a player got mad the game didn't go your way so you elbowed your way into a "co-GM" spot so you could change that. Now it's once gain not going your way and you're mad again. What this sounds like is you're asking if it's okay to take things out on a player for not conforming to your headcanon. That's textbook shit GMing.

>If this was some other campaign, I could handle that, but I do not want this to be the direction the campaign heads towards.
Not your decision, one way or another. Being a GM requires flexibility. It's one thing to keep the players in line and minimize fucking around on phones or being disruptive. Another to start singling out a player who by all accounts isn't even That Guy in any sense of the term.

It sounds like you're trying to just find excuses because you don't like the new player.

If he's doing more work and running more scenes than the head GM then he's got a right to dictate what gets into the game.

But user, you don't understand. The big mean player wants to have a character that isn't just like all the other pcs! This might lead to role-playing, balancing each other's strengths and weaknesses, or even something interesting happening. We obviously can't have that. We need OP to step in and educate the poor naive entire rest of the group so they can learn what they REALLY want.

If the DM doesn't like the character, he shouldn't get in.

>one GM dislikes the character
>other GM likes it and the players don't mind

>If he's doing more work and running more scenes than the head GM then he's got a right to dictate what gets into the game.
By OP's own admissing the main GM has the final say. From what I'm getting from
> I was a player until several sessions ago, wherein there was a heavy disagreement that culminated in me leaving as a player and stepping up as a co-GM instead.
is OP got really pissed about something to the point he quit as a player and volunteered to give input and scene-setting services because he wanted things differently. For whatever reason the GM agreed and now OP exists in some nebulous role as the guy spitballing ideas to the GM. If I were a player in this game, then as far as I'm concerned OP is not the GM and I don't really need to care about what direction he thinks the game should go in.

By his own admission, OP says his problem is this player's action contradict his intended direction for the story. I get disliking disruptive "lol I stab the guard" behavior but I don't get that sense at all from this particular player. Maybe if OP stopped being a passive pussy and gave us actual examples of the player's behavior I'd change my tune. But treating your players as a captive audience for your "vision" is stupid even when you're the actual GM. Which OP isn't. He's just some guy who for all I know browbeat his way into some kind of creative consultant role.

It is fucking Touhoufag, he is autism incarnate. There is nothing to see here.

I am a co-GM, so I think that I should be given a strong say in the direction of the game.

Earlier, I stated that I would not go into specifics so as to avoid bias, but I might as well share one of the several details of the character I dislike, and which even the other players find leery:

The player wants the character to have a supernatural magnetism. The character will use this magnetism to woo as many vaguely attractive NPCs as possible and bed them, including many of the campaign's preexisting NPCs.

The character's other supernatural abilities ensure that whomever they have intimate relations with grows exaggeratedly feminine features and proportions. Yes, even males.

On top of this, the character is some sort of "paladin-like hero of justice," so the game world's logic is twisted into having this be an upright and moral activity.

The campaign has had ecchi themes previously, but this is completely and utterly outrageous even by those standards. Even if the romancing, the sex, and the growth of exaggeratedly feminine features and proportions takes place off-screen in the background, it is rather difficult to ignore the social and physical aftermath of such things in more wholesome scenes.

I started to get this as I read more and more of the thread.

Literally all you had to say was "I dislike this new player who wants special magic powers to give big titties to all NPCs, even men". That's stupid and disruptive but if literally everyone else is fine with it then you don't have much of a choice.

>I am a co-GM, so I think that I should be given a strong say in the direction of the game.
Still refuse to accept this, sorry. As far as I'm concerned games have only one GM. You're a creative consultant, and all things considered still a dictatorial one at that.

This sounds phenomenally retarded. I feel bad for you user. Don't let the rest of the thread get to you for making a stand against this kind of shitty thing.

As for solutions, I don't see any that don't involve conflict, if the other GM and the player are adamant in not changing their minds. Best you could do is recruit the players to your side. Conflict is bad for games, though.

Maybe you should cut your losses and walk away.

To add to this, apparently, the GM already ran a prologue for this character. During this prologue, the character rescued a (new) NPC from some bad guys and immediately took the NPC somewhere to engage in sexual intercourse. The NPC then sprouted exaggeratedly feminine features.

You should have started the thread with that. Honestly, I don't see why everyone in your group is okay with this

Supernatural magnetism as a power is about as red and big a flag as someone could bring into a house without having to demolish a wall to get it inside. Make an NPC murder them or something

What if an NPC gives them AIDS or something like that?

You should have him fuck an NPC that has the same power but the opposite. He then gains "exaggeratedly masculine features" to the point that he has to carry around his ballsack like this Japanese Gentleman.

He did say the other players were leery about it.

This, be a man tell your boss you quit and run your own shit for real friends
Seems more like you're a litte pussy

Make an ultimatum and see them change it or walk away. No point in sticking around running around trying to make this game good when they just want to sabotage it. It's dramatic, but sometimes that's necessary. If you're as essential as you're saying, they'll have to reconsider, or at least you'll leave knowing the game will fall apart soon anyways.

>For whatever reason the GM agreed and now OP exists in some nebulous role as the guy spitballing ideas to the GM.
>I wind up doing more work on storyline planning, quest planning, encounter-building, acting out NPCs, and running scenes

Literally arguing from ignorance. What made you into such a faggot, user? Can't you sit the fuck down for a minute and think about what you're arguing against? There's literally nothing wrong with Co-GMing. If you're a player, that's more work going into your game. If you're a GM, that's less work you have to do.

It's only bad when one of the GMs is a retard, and it doesn't look like it's this one.

Why are you giving an ideas guy so much power?

So they can run half the game for you and ease your workload.

>ideas guy
>runs half the game

>Indeed runs half the game

What's this fixation on "ideas guy", user? You're just being a waste of time.

>On top of this, the character is some sort of "paladin-like hero of justice," so the game world's logic is twisted into having this be an upright and moral activity.

After speaking with this player further, it turns out that this supernatural magnetism is some sort of passive ability that works like a harem protagonist's ability to inexplicably attract girls. The character is unaware that they have such an ability, and it is unlikely anyone will be unable to identify the character as having such an ability.

Furthermore, the character's property of having sexual partners grow exaggerated feminine features is likewise a passive ability. The character simply cannot help it if they want to make love to people.

This somehow disgusts me even further, because it means that the character gets to have their metaphorical cake and eat it too. Forget about accountability; "Oh, it is not my fault that I am supernaturally attracting people to my side and giving them immense mammaries. I am still a virtuous and upright paladin."

Hyper obliviousness, as in a harem MC, can make the magnetism interesting, but it doesn't make the CHARACTER interesting.

As for somehow not noticing a physical alteration in their partners, i don't buy it for a second. At best, he's cursed, and people should be trying to cure/fix the situation or his victims.

What the fuck user seriously.
Leave at once. There is no way to salvage things from this point on while dealing with this kind of people.

Have the ability backfire when the character gets raped by a 'magnetized' minotaur and has to roll con to avoid becoming mr. hands.

The least I was able to do was have the player tone down their character to "Does not actively seek to romance/bed people, and indeed, engages in such activities only sporadically," but the player insists on giving their character room to develop and change.

I hope that this does not necessarily mean "The character will later become a casanova," and the player assures me that it indeed does not necessarily mean that. Still, I cannot help but worry.


Read the thread.

Being a casanova is a lot of plothooks, though.

>Contract exotic fantasy STD you need to go on a quest to cure
>Important person's daughter!
>All the sex was actually a Mindflayer implanting memories to steal the party's secrets from you!
>Vengeful barmaids coalition got their hands on a wand of true polymorph!
>The bed is a mimic! Why is the bed a mimic?!
>She's, 120 old, but that's actually a minor in Dwarf years

Most casanovas don't have mind control and give people big titties.

I seriously doubt you can "fix" this situation.
Either accept that you don't have much control over the game and follow the primary GM's lead, or get out of there.

You really should have led with the magical realm shit, 2hufag.

If the rest of the players are okay with the magical realm, hit the bricks. If not, pull rank on the other DM and explain, like an adult, why you are bothered by the new guy's character.

Here's what I do when players make a cheesy character or want special things: I pull off the gloves and out comes the iron fist of
>Everything you can do unto NPCs, they can do unto YOU

It is a pretty good way to drive people you dislike -and whoever did the mistake of inviting them to the game- off. I probably sound aggressive, aggravated and like a shit GM and you would be right. If people do something that I already told them "no" to, then they will feel my wrath in-game.

>Oh, so you made a strongman-grappler in Mutants and Masterminds 3e?
>Watch me, now you have got to deal with supervillains who are also superstrong and grapple really well. Fuck you for trying to cheese my game after I told you no.

Since you can't be assertive as me and boot people I dislike outright, I feel that this is your best option.

Okay, maybe explore those parts then

Where's his power of attraction coming from?
>does he have an Incubus in his lineage?
>or some kind of... love angel?
>descendant of a fertility god?

What could the power complicate?
>"Seamstresses" guild notices a lot of their girls quit the job
>Gods of relevant domains notice inordinate amount of feelings being targeted at PC
>All of the
>Also start attracting more monstrous love interests.

That is, if you don't just GTFO of there, because this does sound pretty terrible.

Mythology is fucking weird sometimes.

is right, you're flattering yourself by "cleverly" discerning the actual truth. But you're not clever, you have no reason to reach the conclusion you've reached.

>because he wanted things differently. For whatever reason the GM agreed and now OP exists in some nebulous role as the guy spitballing ideas to the GM.

This is all your own fiction. First you assume it's because he wanted things differently. Then you just ignore the fact that the GM would have agreed for a good reason by saying "for whatever reason", because you've already built OP as in the wrong and a bad choice for a co-GM. Then you just contradict OP by saying his role is nebulous and unimportant.

Listen, I understand that OP could be misrepresenting the truth, but there's no reason to respond as though he did or point it out. It's essentially unrelated to the conversation, OP is literally the only source of the topic. To engage him at all is to at least accept the premise that he is telling the truth about most of it.

Don’t let him have his cake and eat it too then. This guy has some sort of mojo that makes girls A) want to sleep with him, and B) physically change them after the fact. This is in no way inconcspicuous or natural. Have women have to make will saved to avoid falling under his spell, and have immunity to mind-effecting magic similarly provide protection from the very real enchantment this guy’s puts off. Have some of his conquests be unhappy about their new assets. Make it to where the character can’t ignore what he’s doing. If he really is playing a paladin-type good guy, how does he react to the fact that he’s essentially a walking date-rape drug and polymorphs people without their consent? Does he force himself to ignore it, or abuse it? Have repercussions as such, and have him get a reputation for not caring about the girls he has his way withor have women seek him out not for his actual character, but the enhancement he provides them. Does he accept his power, and try to avoid sex? Does he try to break the curse, and win the hearts of fair maidens through his own charms? Plenty of way to have fun, give him opportunities for character growth, and pull this concept out of the magical realm.

>The character's other supernatural abilities ensure that whomever they have intimate relations with grows exaggeratedly feminine features and proportions
FATAL called, they want their stupid ideas back.

If the guy is doing this level of fetishy bullshit then it's unlikely that he's in it for the character development or a deep exploration of repercussions.

>Read first two posts by OP
>Scroll down and look at all other pics OP posts under
>It's all Touhou

I thought that manner of typing sounded familiar. Someone TL;DR so I don't have to read through all those walls of text, is Touhoufag being an autist again, or is the group/player actually in the wrong for once?

>expecting to be spoonfed
>on Veeky Forums
Faggot, lurk moar

I think I found the problem.

Nigga, do you really expect me to read 10 or so long-winded posts that reak of autism when I can just go "Touhoufag GTFO"? I'm like 90% sure that's what I'd do even if I do read all that shit, considering Touhoufag's track record.

>is Touhoufag being an autist again,
Obviously, he posts on Veeky Forums
>or is the group/player actually in the wrong for once?
Again obviously, they've been fabricated with just enough detail that his position is indefatigably correct and they are wrong, why else would he vomit several paragraphs onto this threasd that say essentially nothing?

I dunno man, I've seen him do the same for campaigns that I know actually happened. I've spoken to some of the people who used to be in the same campaign as him. His way of typing is just long-winded and airy, paragraphs of shit that could be said in one sentence. At the least, I'm inclined to think what he talks about is real, considering he's talked about real campaigns before. Just probably with important details left out that'd immediately out him as That Guy.

No, I expect you to kill yourself, fag.

>THF getting into wacky magical realm antics yet again
>immediately complains on his Veeky Forums-blog instead of doing anything about it like usual

as dumb as it is i can't help but smile
never change, THF

What kind of beta-ass pussy shit is this?
Are you also a Co-Husband where you only fuck your wife after the Main Husband sloppy seconds?

It's no wonder the haremshit self-insert managed to blow the fuck out of you and take over the campaign when you are such a push-over.

>Oh, so you made a strongman-grappler in Mutants and Masterminds 3e?
>Watch me, now you have got to deal with supervillains who are also superstrong and grapple really well.
So basically, luchadore-themed capeshit? I'd love that.

Don't be so blatant in "this is because fuck you and fuck your build", though. Let them succeed for a while, that'll attract the attention of other supergrapplers who'll want a worthy opponent to test their might, see him as intruding on their territory, the whole works.

Am I the only one who notices that whenever we have this thread, the OP reveals himself to be steadily and steadily more autistic as time goes on?

It makes sense when you have a particularly large group in a complex system. That being said OP is just co-GM because he got so butthurt he left the game and wormed his way into being "co-GM."

At this point I would just kill off his character and make him roll up a new one. Time to put your foot down.

From how your describing it this guy is acting like an actual sergeant buzzkill with his super pheromones.

Also, this appears to be a lesson to never co-gm if the main gm does jack shit.

No, we just don't mind because it's fun to watch.

Honestly, I'd be as annoyed as OP if I were in this situation too. The character sounds absolutely awful. He fucked up by not keeping up his resistance.

>He fucked up by not keeping up his resistance.
He's a co-GM with no power. His resistance doesn't matter.

From what he's saying he's practically carrying the game himself but the actual GM is still taking all the credit and stuff. Should've just made his own game instead desu.

>From what he's saying
Yeah, from what he's saying. We obviously don't know the full story, and for someone autistic enough to complain on Veeky Forums, it's safe to assume they're exaggerating it.

At the moment, since I have switched to co-GMing, there have been:
4 main sessions, usually 4 to 5 hours long, including one setpiece tactical combat
3 side sessions, usually 5 to 7 hours long, though at a much slower pace
1 prologue session to help ease in the new player, time unknown

I have run half of the first main session, half of the second main session, two-thirds of the third main session, two-thirds of the fourth main session, and all of the three side sessions.

I have single-handedly designed the setpiece tactical combat that has taken so far plus the custom enemies, and have also single-handedly written up the next setpiece tactical combat and the custom enemies for that. I will be designing the next three setpiece tactical combats as well.

I have designed every named NPC the party has newly encountered so far, as well as all of the named NPCs in the sessions to come. As a small bonus, I have even gathered portraits for all of them.

The GM was using a premade set of adventures but growing dissatisfied with them, so I stepped in and rewrote large swaths of the overarching storyline. Currently, I have enough original material to take the PCs through about three to five sessions, depending on where they go, what they choose to do, and how swiftly they solve problems. I painstakingly typed up my notes in such a way that the GM can run their portion of the sessions using the notes as if running a custom-built premade adventure.

At the moment, since I have switched to co-GMing, there have been:
4 main sessions, usually 4 to 5 hours long, including one setpiece tactical combat
3 side sessions, usually 5 to 7 hours long, though at a much slower pace
1 prologue session to help ease in the new player, time unknown

I have run half of the first main session, half of the second main session, almost all of the third main session (the GM was not feeling in top shape that day), two-thirds of the fourth main session, and all of the three side sessions.

I have single-handedly designed the setpiece tactical combat that has taken so far plus the custom enemies, and have also single-handedly written up the next setpiece tactical combat and the custom enemies for that. I will be designing the next three setpiece tactical combats as well.

I have designed every named NPC the party has newly encountered so far, as well as all of the named NPCs in the sessions to come. As a small bonus, I have even gathered portraits for all of them.

The GM was using a premade set of adventures but growing dissatisfied with them, so I stepped in and rewrote large swaths of the overarching storyline. Currently, I have enough original material to take the PCs through about three to five sessions, depending on where they go, what they choose to do, and how swiftly they solve problems. I painstakingly typed up my notes in such a way that the GM can run their portion of the sessions using the notes as if running a custom-built premade adventure.

Just say fuck it and run your own game user.

This whole situation is fabricated or simply bullshit. Do yourself and the other players a favour and leave.
Nothing is gained here by you acting as the co-GM

As far as I can tell:

He's a socially awkward asspie.

Being a co-DM is a logical choice because he's shit at half of the iportant aspects of DM-ing (and also doesn't enjoy them).

> insists on giving the character room to develop and change.
How dare he want character development to be a possibility.

>gets told the character shouldn't be a horndog who mind controls and gives BIG TITTIES to ALL the girls
>"Okay, but he can change from that, right?"


Simple. The main GM has decreed that he doesn't need you anymore, since he hasn't taken any of your opinions into account. Go back to being a player, and drop all that shit on the main GM.

Sadly, this is not an option seeing how I have already revised much of the storyline, which required me to read through the premade adventure.

I can just see this fucking circus unfold.
>a measly 3 players somehow need a "co-DM"
>co-DM does everything but willingly subborned themselves to the DM
>co-DM dislikes a new player for reasons no one else cares about
>posts with anime avatar

The obvious implication is the player wants the character to turn into a casanova over time, user. You stupid idiot. You headless chicken. You fool.

but if what op is saying is truth this new player need to get the fuck out
>hehe guys my char can seduce woman without even knowing or wanting
>whatever he fucks gets more feminine
i am pretty sure he will fuck a guy and this guy will become a twink

I sympathize with you, and that's why I say, purely out of sympathy and concern, to get the hell out of Dodge. It's not worth the time or energy.

If the DM and his buddy want to play magic Hentai adventures, let him write his own haremshit anime sessions. Stop doing his work for him, ESPECIALLY if he gives you basically no input on the campaign. Stop helping him. Just leave the game. Find another game. Find another group if you have to. It's not as hard as people often think it is.

(Not that user btw)

No, see, that's the point. Even if you've already modified or changed shit, that makes things more difficult on the main GM. He didn't take your advice and recommendation, so he obviously thinks that he can do without you. Drop that shit on him, make him bear that weight.

As for knowing what's going to happen later on in the campaign, all you'd need to do is not use that information while you're playing. That shouldn't be hard- You are roleplaying, after all.

And make a character who detests supernatural control/charm with a passion

But if you really don't want to do that, then there are a few options.
1) Make sure he can actually get this power. As in, is he spending point-buy points? Did he select a race that has this? Does he get the normal negative for having this 'extra power', such as level adjustment? Or does he just have an ungodly high charisma? If he doesn't have a reason for it, bring up to the GM that he gets all of these bonuses for 'free' and the other players don't.

2) Make sure that one guy's 'power' is literally that. As in, it's literally a mind-affecting effect, like an automatic charm person, a save DC much lower than a normal spell, so it barely triggers on anyone..

3) Just as there are physical traps in dungeons, there are also political traps. A princess or queen falls in love with him due to that supernatural charm. He does his normal thing... (and make sure to let the player make the choice to fuck them,) and then a few days afterward, the country begins a manhunt for the man who deflowered and magically transformed their princess outside the bonds of marriage. Make sure that the country/city/whatever is one that's particularly closed-minded.

4) Give it a good ol' college try, and if things get really unbearable for you, you can just step out.

5) Don't do anything with his character. Act as if your NPCs have no interest in him beyond him being particularly handsome or whatever.

As far as I can tell based on OP's faggy evasive attitude, the "RPG" they are playing is almost definitely some discord anime girl ERP.
So maybe seduction twink paladin is spot on and OP's just doesn't like being the new bottom bitch, who knows.

Colette, just quit it.