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Let's discuss ideas for CYOAs, what's a cool idea you'd like to see but don't have the motivation to make for yourself?
busting a nut in imaginos
A TIMELINE OF THE 27th Tsardom of Svetlania - Book One
>1389 T.R. Ardan Vsevolodovich is born In Volynov, a bastard son of Vsevolod.
>1392 T.R. The 26th Tsardom falls; the time of Troubles Begins.
>1407 T.R. Ardan sets sail for Yaponia, intending to make his fortunes there where his Bastard nature was not known.
>1414 T.R. Ardan is called back to Svetlania upon the death of all of his legitimate brothers. In late 1414 he is legitimized by his father, Vsevolod
>1415 T.R. Ardan inherets the fiefdom of his father, consisting of White Pass, Khlynov, Volynov, Konotop, and Scola.
>1415 T.R. In an effort to further legitimize his rule, Ardan marries Natalya Saveliy, a Pagan noble the last surviving member of the Saveliys, who had had much influence and popularity with the people. The cross-religion marriage between Ardan's Sacremental faith of the Gregorian disposition, and Natalya's Pagan one, contributed greatly to a lessening of religious tensions in the region, which had plagued Ardan's father.
>1416 T.R. War breaks out with "Olga the Widow", regeant of the Holmogory and long time enemy of Ardan's line. Olga's late husband had been the one to eliminate Natalya's line, and it is speculated that this was a major cause of renewed hostilities.
>1416 T.R. Ardan's first child, Zotova, a daughter, is born.
>1416 T.R. Olga dies under mysterious circumstances; the war quickly comes to an end, upon agreement with the Nobles of the region that her son, the rightful heir, will inherit the lands as a vassal to Ardan. A regant, Stepan Posadskiy, is appointed to oversee the lands until the son's 17th birthday, upon which he will swear fealty to Ardan, and become the ruler of Praskow and Red Chapel.
>1417 T.R. Ardan's second child, Golova, a daughter, is born. She dies within the year.
>1417 T.R. Using the resurgance of popularity the latest victory achieved him, Ardan took the opportunity to update the Sudebnik with reforms to assure the rights of the peasantry to some extent. While somewhat unpopluar with the nobility, these changes solidified his right to rule in the eyes of all other levels of society. In the same year, he founded the Orient Company, breaking with tradition. This is likely due to his experiences in his travels to Yaponia. Whatever the reasons, the company brought much wealth into Ardan's capital in Volynov for the rest of his reign.
>1418 T.R. Ardan's third child, Bovarin, a son and heir, is born.
>1419 T.R. Ardan's gifted tongue finds purchase in this year, and a formal alliance was struck between himself, "False" Nestor, and Vladimir Stereomakh in the south, the richest of the knyazes. The alliance was one of mutual territorial respect, and mutual defense against the rising threat of Koschey the Deathless, whose power was accumulating in Olchatka and Wyrmland once again.
>1420 T.R. Ardan's fourth child, Ilyasov, a son, is born. (As most students of this history will already know, rule would eventually pass directly from Ardan to Ilyasov's first son, Lapidus)
>1422 T.R. Koschey attacks the lands of Wild Field. Much damage is done by unholy forces, but the alliance is honored by all three parties and by 1423 the forces are driven back to the Wyrmlands.
>1422 T.R. Ardan sends lavish enjoy ships to Yaponia, expressing desires for closer ties, and calling upon connections he had made in his long travels there. Over the next several years, back and forth interchange would lead to much closer ties between the two lands, and Ardan established himself as the rules of Svetlania, as far as the Yaponias were concerned.
>1423 T.R. Natalya dies in childbirth, sending Ardan into a year long period of mourning.
>1424 T.R. Ivan the Fearsome formally loses territory to the Tunguskian's in a peace agreement; the lands north of the western strait, and large parts of Okhta, are no longer part of Svetlania - for now.
>1425 T.R. Ardan's lands in Scola are attacked by Koschey's undead hordes. Vladimir Stereomakh honored the treaty, but "False" Nestor did not send troops, claiming inability in spite of large numbers at the ready. This earned Nestor the distrust of most of Svetlania, and the emnity of Ardan. The hordes were eventually beaten back, largely thanks to the leadership of the legendary warrior, Kolyvan Kolyvanovich who is said to have summoned blessed spirits to drive back the undead, but who disappeared soon after.
>1426 T.R. The most significant envoy yet from Yaponia arrives, led by Kaguya, a granddaughter of the Yaponian shogun, who was to remain in Svetlania indefinitely as the mouthpiece of the shogun in relations.
>1427 T.R. Ardan and Kaguya marry. Due to Ardan having two Svetlandian heirs already, the cross-cultural marriage causes minimal upset.
>1428 T.R. An alliance is struck with the Yaponian shogun for the purposes of eliminating Koschey. While made easier by the recent marriage, the primary incentive to the Yaponians is the promise of territory: the eastermost isles of Wyrmland in exchange for their forces. While this caused some murmurings among the Svetlandians, as it was currently under the control of a necromantic immortal, and far removed from mainland Svetlandian cultural besides, no one was too upset by the arrangement.
>1428-32 T.R. A long war is fought against Koschey, culminating in a great battle that sees the death of both the Deathless, and the hero Kolyvan. Whether Koschey is permanently defeated is still not known, but he has not yet returned. A holiday is named in Kolyvan's honor, and a monument founded for him
>1430 T.R. Ardan's fifth child, Otsuka, a daughter, is born.
It's by the guy who made aho girl
>1432 T.R. A new fiefdom in Olchatka and Wyrmland is established, headed by Alexsandr Severny, a noble and old friend of Ardan, chosen for both his loyalty and competence. As agreed, part of Wyrmland, the eastern most island grouping, is given to the Yaponian shogunate, though by agreement none of the residents can be forced to leave.
>1431-33 T.R. Helgi the Seer wars with Norseland, seeing setbacks for the first year. After the defeat of Koschey, Ardan immediately sends forces northward and managed to help turn the tide, and securing a white peace with no change in territorial borders. This action greatly increased the bonds between Helgi and Ardan.
>1433-34 T.R. Vasily the Dark attacks "False" Nestor's lands suddenly and ruthlessly. Nestor's please for assistance fall on deaf ears, after he had previously dishonored a call to assistance against Koschey. Ultimately the lands of Wild Field are claimed by Vasily; Nestor retains his capital at Long Shore for a brief while.
>1433 T.R. Ardan's sixth and final child, Kaminaga, a boy, is born.
>1434 T.R. Seeing his opportunity for revenge for a betrayal long festering, Ardan attacks a weakened Long Shore, excercising his claim against a treaty breaker. "False" Nestor is killed in battle late in the year.
>1435 T.R. Rurik Askoldyr is granted the fiefdom of Long Shore in vassalage to Ardan. He is (unofficial) given Ardan's blessing to make life difficult for Vasily as much as possible, and is channeled funds along those lines.
>1435 T.R. Having seen success with their previous alliance, Vladimir Stereomakh form a new mutual protection pact concerning Vasily the Dark. This is openly proclaimed, virtually guaranting that Vasily would not act openly against either of them.
>1436 T.R. Vseslav "The Sorcerer" joins the alliance as a lesser member.
Nice try but I'm keeping my ideas, one of them will make me famous one day.
>1436 T.R. After much diplomatic interchange, Helgi the Seer swears fealty to Ardan, implicitly acknowldging him as a new Tsar; Ardan's first born daughter, Zotova, is married to Helgi's heir as part of the arrangement. While it would be many years still before Ardan proclaimed himself Tsar, and most of Svetlania was unified, historians generally regard this as the end of the Time of Troubles, but it was indeed only the beginning of the 27th dynasty.
>See Book 2 for the continuation of the rise of the 27th Tsardom.
Inspired by an excellent CYOA that I had some mechanical issues with, but loved the setting and detail of.
I've lost the motivation to make any of my ideas.
Give me your fucking ideas you stupid bitch.
Thanks man!
Don't thank me you fucking slut.
Standard Magic dressed up in science
Perfume of Erotitcism
Population: Humans Fantasy Races (as near-humans) Aliens and Droids
A bit of nice Space Opera with some good heroism and sex, much like early Star Trek or early Mass Effect. Probably just gonna train to be a Starship pilot and explore the universe if I can.
Okay seriously, who the fuck is that?
Expanding on these factions, the options they offer, add in some companions for each, etc
Upload CYOA
You wake up as an uploaded intelligence. You choose things like whether you are uploaded into "the web", or into an android body, or whatever. Different upgrades and abilities. Choices of companions both human, other uploads, and true AIs. Setting choices such as whether it's utopic, or if there is an inevitable war brewing, and whether you are more allied with humans or AIs, etc.
Anyone remember this CYOA that have the same format as HERO ACADEMY, All I remember is that there is this one luck perk with a guy having a pan on his head try to weathered a store, and the description is that if you was in the desert you will somehow find a bottle of water
I wish SDA bullied me sexually.
I've been on a Bojack Horseman binge and was kinda thinkin of doin a cyoa with animals in the human world like on the show.
Where do you work?
Are you a big Hollywoo celebrity?
Pick from a multitude of beautiful animal and human women to sleep with
Get a close call with a pregnancy scare with a one night stand
Spiral into a cycle of depression
Hit an extremely low point when you attempt to sleep with your old friend's daughter
Almost attempt suicide
What's the sauce on this?
Alright, better question, why are you such a bitch?
>tfw not a space cop
>ywn be a beat cop on a lawless planet w here anything goes
>ywn crack heads with an older, more jaded space cop
>ywn take down entire gang hideouts by yourself
>ywn expose the dirty cops in the space police who killed out mentor/partner
>ywn protect a sexy spaces princess from assasinations while she and her handmaidens thirsty for your dick
>ywn have a love/hate relationship with the space DA because he often has to left off space criminals because of lack of evidence
>ywn be called a loose cannon by your space police chief
>ywn have a comic book team up wth two other anons in the thread who've chosen the other two
>ywn have a constant banter with them while on the job
>ywn stop an armageddon level crime stetching across time, space and dimensions because all three were too stubborn and stupid to give up
>ywn fly off into the sunset after saying "The job never ends" to your new lifelong friends
How convenient.
Do you guys ever think that you actually had an experience like a CYOA in the past (a god gives you choices that govern your life etc.) and those choices affect your life right now but you can't remember them?
That would have to be a fucking shitty CYOA, I bet Tok made it.
cause this hasn't been made yet
This counts as escapism, right?
I still have no idea what this is all about. Who is imaginos? Why do you want to bust a nut in her/him/it?
Posting my favorite CYOA. Still sorta dislike some things like the lack of vessels and how easy it is to become over powered, but fuck the setting and demons are great.
I'll post mine while the thread's young.
I'm still planning on making a new CYOA, and I may finally have a setting for it. More at 9.
What I've been doing is writing down the ideas I've had for characters (that means protagonists, antagonists, companion-types, etc) and allowing the setting to build up more around them.
Characters are fun to make. If only they didn't come to me so slowly.
Sorry about the timing
Imaginos is a CYOA author. Made several things, but "Dream Prince" is the only one that comes to mind atm.
I'm pretty sure someone on reddit made it, and not Tok
Because if Tok had made it I'd be having sex with my 7 ft tall amazon futa gf right now
Imaginos made the Drunk Santa ones, I think.
Well I made all the wrong fucking choices that's for sure, I want a do over
You got what you asked for, SDA.
Why so glum?
Sorry for slow upload, Aus internet is fine most of the time but uploading is unbearable.
Someone else complained about the lack of vessels and this was made, might as well post it.
Really easy to find, just remember that gelbooru has links to pixiv on the side under Statistics.
Didn't know you could do that. Thanks!
It's okay to die, SDA.
Who made that Eldritch CYOA?
The Doll option for lonely weebfags makes me laugh.
This is an anime website.
Pocket Dimension
Transportation:Teleport (stick fingers in ears and say "I can't hear you".)
Magic:Common Magic
Technology:The World of Tommorow at the highest, Feral World at the lowest.
Dangerosity:Comfy at the Highest, Dark at the lowest
Lewdness:Ambient Depravity
Me: I am the King. I have all the magic, all the technologies at my disposal and no limit on spending.
Humans: Not the original species to live on this planet, but they have claimed it from the Droids via "diplomacy". They take residence in the best sections of the planet. Males, Females, Traps, and Futanari. Everyone is sexually attractive, forever young, biologically and magically immortal and capable of the once impossible. Nobody monopolizes other people in relationships. Nobody has a sexual preference. They're all hypnotized to do anything I ask them to. Currently, they're all nudists.
Aliens: Mostly just visitors or merchants. and by visitors I mean sex tourists. Aliens are not allowed to be permanent residents and may only get a 6 month Travel Permit at most. Most just stay for a couple of days to weeks though. Aliens are allowed to get themselves pregnant with Human-Hybrids, but are not allowed to leave offspring or potential offspring on-planet. If a human gets pregnant with an alien hybrid magic will be used to turn it into a fertilized egg and given to the alien. some are adventurers who actually want to explore the planet at large, but it's pretty fucking dangerous out there.
Droids:Builders and maintainers of this planets hub of civilization. They run on anti-matter batteries which are recharged via solar radiation. Nano machines ensure that they will live for trillions of years. Always willing to trade with aliens for better technologies. Defenders of the mega city from the creatures and beasts that live on the planet, and off planet. They are programmed to follow my orders.
Lewd Races: Just the Futas.
It's okay, you're safe here faggot.
I can only imagine this is your first few months and you're very confused.
Worst birthday ever
What makes you so disatisfied in real life you only find pleasure in trolling behind anonymity, sad user?
Wet socks.
Best birthday ever
You poor poor man.
Common magic
Forgotten technology
Does not apply
Does not apply
I am legend
Anyone know who made that Eldritch Bloodline CYOA in the last thread? I feel like I've seen and categorized someone with that style of CYOA before.
Resident Evil /B-horror movie videogamey adventure
Complete with giant crocodiles and a Jurassic Park option.
Cyoa with cute insecure futa gf I can make feel confident about her body!!
A Bojack cyoa would be interesting.
This honestly. I sometimes wish I could get it back but what's the point?
I still get ideas, sometimes. But they go away when I try to write them down. Like my brain is trying to tell me I can't and don't want to make cyoas anymore, that there's none I burn for to make. It's not like I've improved over time.
But my brain is also a dick and wants to torture me with ideas, knowing I could make them even if I wouldn't enjoy any part of the process or care for the result.
I want it back user. I want to enjoy making and playing cyoas again. I want to imagine the settings again. Why did I have to lose that?
>why eat good delicious food if it ends up as poop anyway
>why eat if we gonna get hungry again anyway
>why have fun if we gonna get bored agaon anyway
>why live if we gonna die anyway
Because giving up is the easy choice, user.
user its called growing up.
I'm not giving up. I'm no longer enjoying a hobby and wish I did. I can force through it but why?
I'm going to repost this since it's the best thing I've seen in a while.
Question for the author: Can anyone use hedge mage implements once crafted? For example, could a Hedge Mage craft a Gale Blade and then give it to my Doll to use?l
I don't think he's got a name, or if he does, I don't remember it. But heres another that seems to share the style. Think he might have done a monster hunting one as well.
>Not wanting to cuddle with your doll while you uncover eldritch truths
What are you, gay?
I am but a ghost, who sometimes makes OC.
No, you need the Hedge bloodline to use them. Dolls can't use them either.
Again. There's no immortality option in this CYOA. You will grow old and die while your waifu/husbando doll stays young and lonely.
It's a pointless flawed option if you're solely going for a love option.
>A Collection of Odds and Ends, and A Lifelike Broken Doll
Probably the hardest choice I had to make. If I could take all three options for triple sanity loss, then I definitely would.
>Celaeno Fragments 5 SAN
One of two tomes that charges less than five Sanity per power, and has good background knowledge besides.
As my research will probably take a heavy toll on my sanity by itself, it doesn't seem like a good idea to take any more than that.
>Elder Signs: Amulet Sign, Mage Sign
How does Amulet Sign work - can you make a samurai-style plate armor out of amulet chips to make a single-use anything repellent? How many to repel a Hound?
Also, can you overlay Greater Signs to increase their potency against summons?
>Cthulhu: Dominate Mind, Psychic Link
Smart doll is useful doll. Also good for keeping me sane, getting me off my ass and making me do things, sharing ideas more efficiently. Dominate staff is a decent backup
>Atlach-Nacha: Dreamweaver, Dramer's Respite
Oneironaut was the main reason I wanted to take Ritualist, but the other abilities (including the psychological stability of the doll's companionship) are better - especially if *using* (or adapting) an Oneironaut circle has less stringent requirements than making one.
>Free Mages
I'll probably join them once we've done enough independent work to offer something (and hopefully before I succumb to the temptations of the other books)
>No Insanities (For now)
I might try and learn snippets of Yog or Shub's magics secondhand from individual mages, but I'll try and keep my mind intact for now.
I plan on being an artificer of sorts - learning a bit of the mechanics behind the Implements and dolls, then starting with simple tweaks to existing magic (like Doll-mounted implements), until eventually branching out and creating entirely new Implements. Also maybe finding a way to look at the soul-doll connection without going insane.
dunno man, the passive stuff is pretty nice
>Not infiltrating the enlightened just to manipulate them in researching a way to inmortality while keeping whatever sanity you have left
You lack dedication.
>tfw I always pick the antagonistic anti-magic stuff in CYOAs because I imagine everyone else picking extremely cringy faggot stuff that needs to be policed
>anti-magic stuff
>because I imagine everyone else picking extremely cringy faggot stuff
YOU need to be policed.
>Not taking Azathoth + Doll
>Not starting an association of people with Azathoth
>Not doing collaborative research across timeskips, committing all data to memory exclusively
It's like you don't want to develop arbitrarily advanced magic in a day.
It's your imagination.
Amulets are only active once you activate them, after which they run out. They also cancel your own magic while activated so armour made out of them would be impractical on two counts. Also no, you can't layer ritual circles on top of each other. Hounds will only be slightly repelled by amulets and can still easily kill you even if their magic is cancelled.
>implying I won't counter your anti-anti-magic with anti-anti-anti-magic
It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. By your logic you would never let yourself love as long as at least one of you was going to die at some point. So, no, it is not a pointless flawed system if you're going for a love option, it is a pointless flawed system if you are going for an immortality option, in which case you can go play one of the other dozens of CYOA's that have immortality.
>implying I won't counter your anti-anti-anti-magic with an anti-anti-anti-magic disruptor
Damn it's been a while since I saw a wild immortalityfag.
>they don't counter anti-magic, and magic by the awesome power of punching good.
Honestly this. The Azathoth save-scummers aren't even playing the same game as anyone else. The bullshit they can pull off and pull outta their ass(or at least seem to) is unreal. Just the sheer amount of competence others would witness from them would be awe-inspiring. They'd make peerless Templar detectives and Free Mage researchers in my mind and it's likely what they try to pass off as so as to deter unwanted attention from their precious clocks.