This is my first time posting a story, but I thought it was awesome and wanted to share what happened.
>Been playing Pathfinder with a group of friends over Roll20 for years now. >Our perma DM is getting campaign fatigue from running the Northlands Saga >I'm pretty attached to my dual-shielding fighter/paladin, but offer to run a side thing anyways >Everyone is hyped and decide they want to play an all cleric party >"Okay, I can work with this" >Using an altered Greyhawk setting and deities, but still Pathfinder >I advertise the campaign as a hunt for a necromancer, and the party prepares for undead >They've known me for years and still haven't grasped that I'm never that straightforward >Party starts off in Briarwood, a small town on the Wild Coast >Grafna Emmeron(aka Morgan Freeman) the priest of Pelor tells them to hunt Volcarim Severtongue, the necromancer >They've got a bitchy Inquisitor of St. Cuthbert, a saintly half-orc Paladin of Pelor, an insane cleric of Norebo specialized in curses and curse removal, and a gladiator/muscle-priest of Kord who is obsessed with fitness >whatcouldgowrong.jpg
Jackson Harris
>Party is sent to investigate several serious graverobbing incidents nearby, in small coastal mountain village of Appalain >Local Priest of Pelor, Abraham, sent letters to Grafna about all the graves months ago >Party gets there and Inquisitor immediately begins spamming detect alignment and detect lies on everyone they meet >Abe checks out as not evil, but claims that everything is fine, and the issue is resolved >Party thinks this is highly sketch, and decides to stick around a little, since Abe is a fucking master at not giving straight answers >Abe's got two kids, a dead wife, and a mysterious illness that showed up a month ago, right around when the grave robbing stopped >One is grown up and a member of the town guard (Izzik), the other is an adopted drow that looks like a child still (Drazzik) >Party meets the drow kid in the graveyard, and starts grilling him >Inquisitor has a soft spot for kids, so she doesn't go too harsh, but the kid is scared out of his mind and blatantly lying to them about everything being resolved already >Drazzik runs off to the chapel, and the party is convinced that something weird is happening in the town >The muscle-priest's character still hasn't shown up yet, since his player was running late and having trouble accessing his character sheet >Paladin thinks that they should ask around town, and the party stops at an elderly Baklunish chick's herb shop >Party buys some garlic because the insane cleric is utterly convinced that vampires have taken over the town, and rants at everyone he meets about it >Shopkeep tells them that Abe had been buying a shit ton of weird herbs lately >Stuff for delaying poisons, treating infections and bleeding, and stuff for the lungs and holding breath >Another guy had bought a bulk order of the stuff like three months ago >Party is coming up with more and more insane theories
Austin Jackson
>The group goes to see the town's mayor, since one of their crazy theories is that there's a wicker man thing going on here >Mayor is Dan Tinydove (aka Danny Devito), and the party likes him a lot >Cleric and Dan bond over mutual dislike of their ex-wives, and the mayor has a few too many >Party learns that the mayor and Abraham hadn't told anyone in town about the grave robbing incidents so as not to cause panic >Mayor lets slip that he may know someone who is involved directly with what's going on >Inquisitor rolls a nat 1 on intimidate, and the cleric fucks up his diplomacy roll >they get kicked out by the mayor's nephews, Lars and Bors, who are coincidentally also part of the town guard >The paladin asked to meet up with Izzik before hand, so the party heads down to the Green Arrow Inn/Tavern/Bar alongside Lars and Bors >The joint is poppin >Izzik waves them over, and the party asks him about the grave robbings point blank >The mayor's nephews are watching them like a hawk, and Izzik doesn't want to cause a scene so they step outside >They left the cleric with Lars and Bors to keep them occupied >That was their first mistake
Ryan Rodriguez
>Inquisitor immediately starts grilling Izzik, and the party finds out that some serious shit went down a month ago >Drazzik disappeared in the middle of the night while watching the graves as always >Abe ran off into the mists to find him >Izzik, Lars, and Bors had been patrolling around the graveyard since like 3 months ago >Nobody saw anything, but Abe came up to Izzik pretty soon after, covered in blood and followed by Drazzik >said "There was a necromancer, he's taken care of, help me rebury your mother." >Party flips their shit and is convinced that Abe's been replaced by the necromancer >Inside, the cleric spontaneously decides that he wants to get to the bottom of things and draw out the necromancer >He goes nuts >Tells the pair a tale of how he married a demon, owes several thousand souls to his god, and threatens to rip out Lars' heart from his chest >Cleric decides to cast Boneshaker on Lars in the middle of the crowded tavern >Everything goes to hell >People are screaming about necromancers >Everyone's running >Lars is bleeding to death via his eyes on the floor >Bors is trying to stab the Cleric >Izzik and the others run back inside and try to stop the chaos, but a nat 1 on Diplomacy turns everyone against the party >Around this time the missing player is finally ready to return >The tavern doors are kicked off their hinges, and everyone stops >A gigantic, muscley, barechested man in a helmet stomps in and begins shouting and jojo posing at everyone >Nat 20 on Diplomacy >Everyone is stunned into inaction, and the gladiator nets and grapples the cleric >the Paladin takes the time to heal Lars, and save him from death >Muscle-priest amazes everyone with his fame and reknown as a gladiator from greyhawk >Muscle priest demands custody of crazy-cleric, and what do you know, another nat 20 >Party sits down and cools off in the tavern, after bribing the owner a large sum of gold >They discuss plans from there, and give muscle-priest an update
Jordan Wood
>Party stays up too late discussing plans in the tavern, and a sketchy bald guy appears on the stairs >He asks if they've heard the name "Volcarim Severtongue" >Immediately on edge >Inquisitor tries to scan him, but he runs off and escapes by kicking a barrel down the stairs >Party decides 'hey let's go check out the graves that got dug up' and goes off in the middle of the night >The party digs up the grave of Abe's wife >She's got all kinds of burns from holy fire >They find a moon shaped sapphire ring with an aura of divination on it >Inquisitor decides to wear it, and through it she senses something about an hour to the east >Party reburies everything and finally goes to sleep >Wake up next morning and talk to Izzik >Izzik mentions that Abe's been treating Drazzik really cold and restricting his grave keeper duties since that night >Inquisitor suddenly realizes that maybe Drazzik tried to bring back his mom, and Abe's trying to protect his kid >Party comes up with plan to split up and distract Abe while they grill Drazzik >The Inquisitor rolls a nat 1 again >Drazzik runs off, and the party regroups >Izzik is concerned, but mentions that he can still find his brother thanks to their paired amulets >"Wait a second" >Paladin asks if they're shaped like the sun and moon >Izzik says yeah, his mom made them to be like hers and Abe's own locating rings >Party doesn't remember Abe wearing a ring >Izzik says Abe must have lost his that night >ohshit.jpg >Where is the necromancer's body >The party is back to Abe being an impostor
Jacob Edwards
>Party goes back to town to regroup, and find a localized map >Can't find a map, but they hear about how the town used to be all about mining before they switched over to apple orchards >Mines right on the coast failed a long long time ago due to poison gas and strange hallucinations / paranormal activity etc. >mines were bought by a group of super rich wizards, and the town got a huge influx of wealth >Nobody knew what the wizards were up to, but the place completely collapsed at some point >Paladin thinks Abe may be being held prisoner in the mines >They go there >Party investigates the collapsed entrance, and finds a side passage that's covered by illusions >They see through it thanks to muscle priest randomly chucking large rocks and rubble around as part of his workout routine >Weird bald guy rolls out of the bushes and stops them from going into the ruins >Reveals that he's an ex-headhunter from Narwell, and has been personally seeking vengeance against Severtongue >Cleric manages to figure out that there's a divination spell set to alert the necromancer if anyone living enters his lair >Bald guy (Stay-up Stretch) says that he's almost certain they're right about Abe being Severtongue in disguise >Wants to be sure though, in case they're wrong and Severtongue manages to flee >Party comes up with the idea to pretend to 'catch' Drazzik and leave town >Stretch says that the moment Severtongue feels safe, he'll return to the ruins to check on his projects >The party will corner him in his own lair, and strike him and his minions down in one fell swoop
Ethan Wright
>Natural 20 on Diplomacy I was wondering when you would get to this. Your story is shit, fuck off.
Cooper Murphy
>Party goes back to town and lets Izzik know about their plan >They pretend to arrest Drazzik in the chapel, in front of Abe >Abe tries to stop them briefly >Inquisitor can see through his shit, and knows he's only acting >Izzik pretends to follow after them, but takes care of Drazzik instead >Party leaves town and waits by the ruins with Stretch >Night falls, and Abraham shows up at about midnight >"I fucking knew it" >Abe/Severtongue wanders into the ruins and the party follows after him >magic sigil marks them all with red eyes >he gets pissed and runs further into his lair >Party runs into a trip wire with a bell attached, and suddenly they're pinned down in the middle of a corridor intersection >there's a metric fuckton of undead coming at them from all sides >fast zombies, bloody skeletons, skeleton archers, and more >CHANNEL ENERGY >The entire hallway is filled with the charred, smoking remains of undead >more are still coming >party fights their way through, and runs into a big room with a wide, 60ft deep pit taking up the entire middle >there's like a hundred zombies down there >It's supposed to be a deadly obstacle that makes them go around >the fucking muscle priest-jumps in >screams "BY THE POWER OF GREYHAWK!" and survives the landing >I tell him he's about to be eaten alive unless he finds a way back up >he says "I CHANNEL ENERGY" >Pathfinder's channel energy doesn't have a limit on the number of enemies or HD it can affect, just a range around the user >Muscle-priest single handedly AoEs the entire pit full of ravenous, uncontrolled corpses >fuckhowdidiforgetaboutthat >TFW I have to come up with a reason not to give them all buckets and buckets of EXP
Carson Collins
Nah mate, it's true - and even if it weren't I'd have still tried to find a way of letting them succeed - the party going off the rails and killing the town guard would have completely derailed things - this was the day that Mythweavers was down last week. They forgot to renew their security code and he was paranoid AF about signing into it anyways
David Miller
>I own up to not expecting them to do that and offer to instead give full EXP for an appropriately CR'd encounter instead >Party is cool with it >Party fishes muscle-priest out of the pit, and gets back to exploring >I should mention that Stretch is still waiting out front for Volcarim in case he doubles back past them or they fail >They stumble onto a library that's been completely tossed and cluttered >Inquisitor wants to investigate, and Paladin wants to hurry and track down the necromancer >Inquisitor finds a few old journals and checks them >I knew that her player would want to investigate everything >I wrote up a few cryptic paragraphs of info to give clues for the plot twist that was still coming >Party finds a few more of these journals as they explore the dungeon >The journals all keep referencing a staff, strange gasses, hallucinations, a chasm of some sort, and true resurrection >there are alot of ominous clues about something driving the wizards mad and causing everyone to die >The last journal's writer was the one who intentionally collapsed the ruins, in order to prevent something from getting out >Party is sufficiently on edge now that they know there's more to this than just the necromancer >Party is ambushed by some Tar Jellies in an empty room while reading one book >I rule that the muscle-priest's constant bombastic shouting alerts some dogs with the burning skeleton template, and three of them charge into the room and things get crazy >the cleric nearly dies after being grappled by a flaming Tar monster >paladin saves his ass, but can't get his sword unstuck >I severely overestimated the danger of this encounter for them >they manage to pull it off, and heal up >next room is an empty hallway, with some rubble blocking a side passage >party clears the rubble because they can see light behind it, and find an easter egg room >I threw in some of our PC's weapons from our Northlands game as loot >they got a kick out of it
Michael Sanders
>The group decided to double back because they didn't realize that they could ALSO clear the rubble blocking the next room easily >party manages to get tricked by a chest lying in the middle of another room, next to a broken down door >the paladin is paranoid about messing with it, and accidentally steps on the busted down door >he gets attacked by a mimic >everyone forgets that mimics don't just pretend to be chests - they can be other stuff >Party nearly dies again, since they can't just holy power it to death >Noticing a trend >Party decides to go into the next room without healing fully >they want to save their potions >I am cringing hard
Kevin Perez
>The party finally gets a taste of the campaign's true nature >They enter the next room, and see Severtongue standing next to something huge, and covered by a tarp >they're all ready to fight him, thinking this is the last part >Volcarim whips off the tarp, and reveals a huge Allosaurus skeleton that is partially covered with stone >Allosaurus with Paleoskeleton archetype roars at them and I put on the Taurus Demon music >Party backs right the fuck up into the other room, since he can't fit through the hallway they took >The party spends a round healing and buffing while the dinosaur skeleton Primal Roars at them >everyone but the paladin and the muscle-priest get the Shaken condition >evilgrin.jpg >The dinosaur smashes through the wall like the kool-aid man >the entire room is shaking and dropping dust on the party >it's not in the rules, but it's fucking awesome anyways >everyone's freaking out >party hits it with everything they've got, while backpedaling towards the pillars for cover >Skellosaurus begins smashing the pillars to get at them >Cleric realizes the room is going to collapse, and the party flees back into the boss chamber through the side passage >Muscle-priest gets hit with the AoO and gets bitten and grappled >Muscle-priest's player asks if he can throw his discus (reflavored chakrams) hard enough to shatter the last pillar while he's still grappled >I say sure, because that shit's badass >He hits, and I let him break the pillar with the justification that the structure is extremely compromised already >the room comes down and crushes the allosaurus alongside the muscle priest >normally the damage would be enough to kill them both, but I rule that he can make a reflex save >he makes it and hides inside the dinosaurs ribcage to take only half damage >party begins digging him out >everyone is fucking exhausted, but alive >Volcarim already went further ahead of the group while they were fighting >Party heads through the huge doors
Hunter White
>They all step into a massive cavern, lit by weird, glowing elevator platforms >they see a massive fucking chasm, and Volcarim running across a bridge with several Deinonychus skeletons and skeletal archers >Volcarim nukes the bridge behind him with fireball, and begins ranting at them as he descends into the darkness on one of the elevators >starts saying things about bringing forth the old world with the power of his new staff >talking about the world below, about continuing where the Wizards of the Coastal Ruins left off >The paladin manages to get a glimpse of Severtongue's staff with his darkvision >it's got an amber gem at the head >I finally let his disguise fade, and show them his real image >the entire party realizes this game was jurrassic park all along >there was much hullabaloo at that time >Party decides he can't go far, and I clue them in that there's a lot more adventuring to go >They decide to camp in the chasm room for a night >Spells refreshed and HP increased >I make them roll mysterious fortitude and will saves all throughout the night >Party is paranoid as fuck because they know I wanted them to do this >Nothing seems to be happening though, so they carry on >Party descends on one of the elevators, and fights their way across a mid-chasm excavation site built into the chasm walls >skeleton archers shooting at them from the darkness >they make it to a larger elevator, that's designed to go all the way to the bottom >They clear the skellies and level up >we ended the session as they got on, and the paladin started operating the crank on it to go down
Nicholas Sanchez
>The party is once more reunited, and they're all sitting on an elevator going down into the unknown >Paladin is operating the crankshaft/winch/thing >This ride is taking a while >the darkness is absolute - there's nothing in sight except for the elevator and eachother >Party discusses everything that's been happening >right about this point I get my fucking evil grin on maximum overdrive >Flavor text: "The darkness is absolute, you're all completely alone. The air here feels still, stifling, tense, save for the occasional gust of air that howls through the depths. It is an eerie sound, and the five of you draw closer together, staying as alert as you can." >Cleric: "Wait, there's only four of us" >Me: "What are you talking about? There's five. You, [Paladin], [Inquisitor], [Warpriest], and Rak'tah Je'shasa." >I post up an image of Raptor Jesus, and everyone flips their shit >I immediately call for will saves, but everyone except for the Inquisitor has already failed theirs at one point or another the night before. >The whole party is trying to act all at once, but I stop them >"You're all completely calm, nothing is amiss here. Rak'tah Je'shasa has been here with you since the beginning. You each fondly remember how he helped you investigate back in town, and rescued Invincibull from the rubble." >It takes some careful conversation direction, but I convince them all to go along and act in character. >I tell the Inquisitor that something feels incredibly off about him to her, but she does remember him as well. >At this point I should mention that in one of the journals they found before, there were mentions of the words 'Tulpa' and 'Rakshasa'. >Inquisitor's player remembers this and is concerned that this is too high level for them. >I brush her off and tell her everything is fine. >Rak'tah Je'shasa goes about socializing with the party for a little bit, and everyone but the inquisitor is getting along well with him in character. >Inquisitor detects lies
Easton Rogers
>Party is alone on an elevator in the middle of an endless chasm >Chit-chatting with what may be a horrendously powerful being that is screwing with their minds >Inquisitor starts ranting about Rak'tah Je'shasa being an impostor, after detecting a ton of bullshit from him >Rak'tah Je'shasa uses suggestion on party to convince them that Inquisitor is being affected by the chasm's gasses >Muscle-priest grapples her, and party ties her up for her own safety >Rak'tah Je'shasa begins trying to convince the party that the staff is their first priority >They need to get Rak'tah Je'shasa the staff >Only the cleric and muscle-priest fail their will saves - Paladin is beginning to suspect >Inquisitor starts trying to jog people's memories >Rak'tah Je'shasa tries to convince the party that maybe they should cannibalize the Inquisitor >Massive red flags >everyone gets a huge bonus on their saves and Sense motive checks >The party can finally act in-character on the knowledge that something is fucked up >Paladin detects EVIL >Shit's going down >Paladin is about to attack Rak'tah >I ask them: "Attack who? There's nobody there. There never was." >Party has a faint recollection of what happened, but can't remember everything about their guest perfectly >They finally reach the bottom of the elevator. >massive petrified trees stretch up into the darkness >toxic swampwater everywhere >leeches, giant mosquitos, and other pestilent things lurk on the edges of their torchlight >small flickering lights like torches can be seen all around them in the distance >It's basically Blighttown >Cleric identifies lights as Witch Lights >Cleric thinks they should follow them anyways since nobody can track worth shit here >Party strongly vetos this >They manage to find Volcarim's elevator, and get a general idea of which way he's headed thanks to signs of battle with the monstrous local fauna >Party sets out into the primordial swamp
Landon Murphy
>It's a long, hard journey. >I call for fortitude saves at hourly intervals, and a lot of failures happen >I had hinted that the party might encounter disease and ability damage before the adventure started, and the paladin bought a wand of lesser restoration >He had just dinged before off of the skeleton archers, so he was JUST at the point where his lay on hands could cure disease >Party makes it through somehow, and finally get into a few fights with some of the local creatures >Giant Mosquitos with the young template, giant Rotgrubs, and a whole bunch of other shit I can't remember >Point is, they were getting eaten alive with virulent diseases, con damage, and other shit. >Except the paladin of course >Immunity and Lay on Hands ftw >If the paladin hadn't bought that wand beforehand, I probably would have had to nerf the hell out of this section so that they wouldn't die. >the party encountered what appeared to be a valley filled with warped looking boggards and thawn >they managed to avoid getting sucked into that conflict. >Pretty sure they knew better at this point >I'd only been viciously trying to murder them since the first session >Party gets slammed with a billion environmental hazards, and manage to make it through okay. >The most memorable instance had to do with a large area of molten tar >more Tar Jellies showed up, but they evaded them okay. >They fought some of Volcarim's skeleton Deinonychus on the very edge of a lake of tar >Finally come across what appeared to be a massive, ancient petrified tree in the center of it all >A huge, glowing orb of amber was suspended in the tree's center >the branches had grown up and twisted around it, leaving a few visible places >Volcarim is there. >Finalshowdown.jpg
Adam Smith
>The party is ready to finish this >Volcarim tells them that he's finally made it >He's going to use the power of the staff in conjunction with the "All Source" >He'll be able tocast true resurrection on every fossilized dinosaur remaining in the chasm >The staff will let him control any saurian perfectly, and he will raze the surface world with an army of dinosaurs and megafauna >Party aint having none of his shit >Muscle-priest tries to snipe the staff from his hand mid-speech with his chakram/discus >Misses >Volcarim begins chanting with the staff raised, and draws power from the amber orb >Party is attacked by a live, completely intact allosaurus this time, rising from the tar >Cleric leaves the others behind to fight it, and tries to stop Volcarim >Musclepriest tries to net and trident the Allosaurus >forgets that its too big, and just tries to normal grapple it instead >Bull's strength + 18 base strength + STUPID LUCK = successful grapple >Party is waling on the Allosaurus for a turn >Allosaurus breaks grapple >Next turn, it unleashes hell on the party, and muscle-priest is down >Meanwhile the cleric uses CHANNEL ENERGY from across the map, and brings muscle-priest back to his feet >Volcarim's necromantic ritual is staggered by the positive energy being unleashed >Battle winds down after Allosaurus is killed >Paladin charges across the map and smites Severtongue >as the final blow is dealt, Severtongue crumbles to the ground unbelieving >His staff falls from his grasp, and rolls down the hill >He calls for his friend to save him >Rak'tah Je'shasa picks up the staff >Everyone freaks out >Will saves again >Rak'tah walks right up to the Paladin, and claps him on the shoulder, telling him he's done a good job >He points to Volcarim's body and asks if he's going to finish that >Paladin is instantly on alert again, and the others are too far to stop Rak'tah >Rak'tah leaps into the amber, and slowly it begins to grow clearer >There is a figure inside
Kevin Young
>Raktah Je'shasa shatters the amber from within, and steps out at the foot of the tree >Everyone's minds are completely clear now >Entire party is prepared for combat, but Muscle priest is still heavily wounded >Cleric manages to identify Rak'shasa at last with knowledge planes >He's a fucking CR 13 Rakshasa >He's completely beyond the level 6 party's ability to handle >It doesn't end up mattering though >As evil and powerful as he is, he is in a very good, yet sleepy mood >He begins speaking to them in broken common as he scours the minds of the party for information >He tells them how he had been trying to get a hold of the staff, and return for untold ages >The nature of his corpse's prison restricted his options greatly >He had tried to use his Tulpa to acquire the staff before then, but it was too weak, and was bound to the chasm >The only way it could go beyond its limits was through hallucinations brought on by the gas >The natives of the chasm were too primitive and unsuited for complex instructions >He had tried to use the Wizards of the Coastal Ruins in the past, but one of them collapsed the entire structure to stop him >Volcarim fixed up the place, and unwittingly became a pawn for Rak'tah >Still, Volcarim was too focused on his own goals, and had taken great pains to avoid mental tampering >Party is trying to figure out what he wants, and how to stop him >They're drawing a blank >Rak'tah thanks them all for pushing Volcarim to finally bring him the staff >He offers to help them return to the surface, and let them go free >He says that right now all he wants to do is get reacquainted with the world above, and enjoy a vacation >He mentions wanting to sample the local cuisines >The party doesn't need their massive Sense motive checks to understand that he means eating people >The party rolls one last will save >Everyone but the half-elven inquisitor are put to sleep >Rak'tah knocks her out with a single blow >The party wakes up outside the ruins
Benjamin Johnson
>Stretch is there trying to wake them up >Abraham's corpse is laying next to them >Volcarim's corpse is also laying next to them >The party is freaked out and wants to warn everyone that there's a Rakshasa on the loose now >Stretch asks what they're talking about >He after they took too long to come out, he went in after them >He found the party unconscious on the edge of the chasm, with Abe and Volcarim's corpses next to them >Stretch figured that they'd inhaled too much of the chasm's gasses, and dragged them all out >He said other than them, nobody had been in or out of the ruins >The party insisted that it happened >Everyone they tell seems completely unable to believe them >They realize that Rak'tah Je'shasa has already been through here with his mind magic >They're the only ones who know about him >the whole grave robbing affair is revealed to the town at large >The village is pained by the loss of Abraham >Drazzik returns to grave keeping with a heavy heart, and begins training to fill his father's position >Izzik takes up a greater role in the community, and temporarily handles the duties of Abraham >It comes to light that the mayor had been taking bribes from Volcarim to have his guards pretend not to see the grave robbing >He's ousted, and his nephews are under investigation >Grafna Emmeron eventually comes to town personally to congratulate the party >The party tries to tell him about Rak'tah Je'shasa >He believes them, and but can spare no resources to hunt him due to various political issues >Pomarji incursions to the south, a runaway prince from Furyondy, and the political machinations of his enemies in Safeton and Briarwood >He gave them a sacred task to hunt down Rak'tah Je'shasa, and stop him at any cost >The Adventure ends here
It was a lot of fun, and we stayed up late af to finish it. It felt more like a full adventure than a side thing. I left it open for them to come back if they want. I'm glad I could share this~!
Hudson Hernandez
Bumping while reading because no story thread deserves to die before anyone reads it. It gives me secondhand sadness.