Warhammer 40,000 General. /40kg/

Rollfag BTFO edition

>Imperial Guard Preview. Rough Riders squatted.

>FAQ for Death Guard, Ad Mech and Thermal Cannon. Infinite Poxwalkers edition.

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas
>Old Black Library Mega

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

>Adeptus Mechanicus codex (thank you Vladimir)

First for Steel Legion, hoo-rah!

You think you got me OP.

But my true trap remains unsprung.

Whatever number I am, to die for the emperor

So, got a question. I've recently started picking up grey knights to supplement my Ravenguard and be an occasional full army, got about 1k points of paladins plus a land raider or stormraven to carry a few.

What's the point of Castellan Crowe? I might be missing something but compared to literally his entire faction, his weapon is absolute garbage. Getting a shitload of attacks is useful, sure, but to me not nearly as much as all the -2/3 AP, d3 damage force weapons. Especially when they're no AP and 1 damage.

Fighting my DKOK he did quite well, but fighting my dark angels, Deathwing knights, he did fuck all.

I think he exists to handle hordes

He's good against hordes and scares elite shut with his d6 smite power. Problem is that he has next to no synergy with his purifier buddies, since they pretty much exist solely for their smite, and would be wasted if thrown into a horde blob.
Imo he's shit, though. If you want antihorde, just grab more storm bolters or a land raider crusader. If you want anti elite, get paladins.
If you want a cheap duelling character who gets shit done, grab a brotherhood champion. Those guys are fucking great for their points.

How do Tyranids play this ed? I loved their fluff but i just got mangled trying to run swarm prior.

eleventeenth for chaos

How are sydonian dragoons and ironstriders ballistari after the ad mech codex?

Is it worth getting any of them?

I've heard Dragoons are even better now than they were in 7th. Haven't heard much about Ballistarii, I assume they're still solidly ok.

My current running of Grey Knights is 5 paladins with halberds in a Stormraven with a Paladin Ancient for 20 S5 attacks. A grand master with the daemon hammer teleports in with an apothecary with a halberd to provide more support, and then another 1500 points of Ravenguard.

How good/bad is that running? I usually bring tanks and tacticals inside Razorbacks on my Ravenguard side, with a few company vets & captain on bike, all with meltaguns, for anti-tank.

They're not ineffective, swarms in particular are good. Both types of gaunts, and ripper swarms are all useful units and genestealers are great. Some big units like the Exocrine are now good and the Swarmlord is actually usable.

They still suffer from half the units in the army being total garbage and either having no apparent role, being incapable of performing their alleged role while also being horribly overcosted. The weapon design is still absolutely terrible, most of the ranged weapons that aren't unit specific are garbage. There's also zoanthropes and venomthopes which are both now totally pointless.

It's a dramatic improvement, but it wouldn't be accurate to call them good. Hopefully the codex will see GW make a serious effort to redesign all the units that make no fucking sense.

Dragoons with taser lances are really good, Ironstriders are meh but not bad.

paladins are simply not worth thier cost, if you really really want to do something like that, take custodes in a venerable landraider

slightly more expensive, but the land raider has 5++ and 6+ FNP, hits on 2+, the custodes are just better paladins with T5 and stormshields AND pistols

So no pdf or epub IG codex?

>Paladins are shit
I mean, yeah they're expensive AF, but they do fuck up shit whenever I field them. Its mainly about knowing how to support them properly with your characters and keeping them alive. I'd recommend at least 1 warding stave for every 5 paladins in a unit. The 3++ makes them very hard to shift once they reach Cc, which, if you use a transport, they should without problem.

please point out where i said they were shit, i said they are not worth thier cost, because you can do the same thing, far better, with custodes

for the price you pay for them you dont really get enough attacks or increase in survivability than just taking more terminators or interceptors

Correct, except Zoanthropes are actually good.

What are the rumours for releases?
[Spoiler]Because with all my unpainted half-done projects that's exactly what I need.

Haven't looked into Guard much, but will there be an option to run Scions and regular Guard infantry in the same battleforged detachment?

Got some ideas for a small Guard army, but depending on how that works out it might not work.

Ironstriders aren't bad but there's no reason to use them.

Some say Emperor's Children with Fulgrim is next, others say Angron.
Almost everyone is in agreement that the Lion is probably the next loyalist primarch.

Do you think it would be worth having a dragoon alone?

A friend gave me one but I'm really no interested on getting more of them.

Why did GW take Pariahs out of Necron lore?
They were so cool and spooky.

Want to hear a joke?
>Necron lore

So Catachan russes + manticores vs Cadian russes + manticores.

Catachans reroll 1 "random attack" dice (including artillery) but must use tank orders to reroll 1s, and since Pask is strictly Cadian, Catachan tank commanders have nobody to order them, and must rely on plain BS4 russ tanks or Harker tax (50 points).

Cadians automatically reroll 1s (including artillery), but must use tank orders to reroll leman russ "random attack" dice. But because Cadians have Pask, you're able to dole these out pretty efficiently and it rerolls ALL the random dice, not just one, from what I understand.

So who comes out on top? I think it's very close, honestly. Catachans are better for hellhounds. Cadians are better for Russ tanks. Catachans might be a bit better for artillery. Cadians better for any infantry you decide to bring.

I think both can make a pretty sick armored company, yeah?

maybe we should wait with the begging until release

>Catachan tank commanders have nobody to order them, and must rely on plain BS4 russ tanks
BS3+. TC are BS3+.

I kinda want to get this mentality out that having just Commissars and Conscripts is "OP". It's not. They're the IG's TEQ. It's fair if they can have one if you bring some termies or a land raider. If they bring multiple Brigade Detachments, then yes that is pretty cheesy.
Also Infantry Squads are shit. They're just expendable meatshields. Having a whole army oriented around them would be incredibly boring. If the common man had the same love that Genestealers then that would be fine.
A "fun" army to play against is something that tries to bring all the neat units into the battle in a combined arms fashion. Not just spamming any one single unit. A good Guard player would know that a detachment of Commissars and Conscripts unit is a cheaper and arguably better source of anti vehicle firepower than the other units.
I'm so tired of hearing non Guard players complain about "muh Commissars or muh Conscript Hordes" They're there in the codex, they have a purpose, just like the FWs.source then any of the titans. Just because you get butthurt at the cheesemongers doesn't mean that the other Guard players have to stop using a particular unit. Quit bitching.

Strikes are good because they are cheap, put out dakka and are mobile with deepstrike.
Interceptors are viable becuase, whilebthey cost more, they can make up for it with mobility.

Terminators are absolutely horrible. You pay 7 points to turn a Terminator into a paladin, which gives you an extra wound, attack, a better seargeant, the option to take more special weapons (honestly doesnt matter much, special weapons are only worth it on purgators now) and more flexible unit sizes.
Ill repeat that. 7 points for an extra attack and wound.
As for custodes, yes, in a void they are better point for point. In a well built army however, paladins will come out ontop due to buffs and character support.
>Can take warding staves and sanctuary for 3++stormshield equivalent
>Get rerolls from grandmasters, custodes dont
>Bonus attacks from ancients
>Get healed/resurected by apothecaries
>Hammerhand makes them killy AF
>dakka is rediculous, 4 shots per model
>Have way more mobility with GOI
I dont disagree, in a 1v1 custodes beat paladins. What makes paladins strong however are the synergies with their support options, that custodes dont have access to.

Zoanthropes are not good, all they end up doing is casting unbonused smite once per turn. If they got their +D3 at 3 models they might have something going for them, but as it is you're better off with 120 points of genestealers or termagants.

I do actually do that if not bringing GK. Here's my issue with Custodes.

1) No rerolls from characters.
2) No support like apothecary.
3) No special weapons
4) No psychic powers. Paladins with Halberds and Hammerhand wound T5 shit on a 3, T4 shit on a 2, and scouts like Land Speeders or War Walkers on a 4.

It comes down to preference. Custodes and Paladins will do similar damage due to paladin range making up the difference. Paladins lose a bit of survivability for flexibility and supportability.

Got a dilemma, I need some close combat for my sisters force and I'm thinking of a squad of 8 penitent sisters with a Superior for rerolls and a priest for extra attacks or two penitent engines.

The engines are tougher and should either survive to make it into multiple combats or draw a ton of fire away from my other sisters before exploding. They don't get acts of faith, are kinda slow at 7m but they've got two heavy flamers a piece and a chance at 8 s10 -3ap 3d attacks each every round, also rerolling all misses on the round they charged or are charged. The double attacks thing is on a 4+.

The penitent sisters on the other hand can be wrapped in a rhino for protection, have access to acts of faith for extra stabbing or foot slogging and can hopefully slaughter whatever they meet in combat. Problem is anything from flashlights to stiff breezes can annihilate the whole squad. Hell, if they don't wipe out whomever they charged, no matter who it is is gonna hit them back hard. Hell even if they wipe the enemy squad I think they'll just be gunned down anyway. They hit hard and can solve tough problems but i fear they will only be to solve one problem a game. Toughness 3 and a 6++ save just isn't good...

Writing it out I'm looking very much in favor of the engines but i've never used either and I might be missing something.

>Can take warding staves and sanctuary for 3++stormshield equivalent

only in combat, they still only have 5++vs shooting which is thier weak point

>Get rerolls from grandmasters, custodes dont

they all hit on 2+ as opposed to most paladins hitting on 3+, so its roughly the same

>Bonus attacks from ancients

custodes have ancients

>apothecaries, hammerhand, mobility
these are the valid things to think about

>dakka is rediculous, 4 shots per model

custodes either have two shot pistols or rapid fire MC boltguns

I meant they must rely on BS4+ russes if they're planning on using any tank orders. Yes they can field BS3+ tank commanders, but then no orders, which is definitely something to consider. Strike and shroud makes Cadian russes more survivable without sacrificing firepower, last minute objective grabs with full throttle, rerolling 1s, rerolling attack dice, etc etc.

The best case scenario for taking zoanthropes is that your opponent doesn't know what they are and wastes shooting on their invulnerable saves, that's the only way they'll ever impact a game.

How embarrassing!

come on, tc AND normal russ are still an option
you really don't need synergy for your synergies

a shooty tc - punisher maybe
and some LR with battle canons to recieve the order

this works with catachan like with any other regiment just fine

alone probably not, they do best in groups of two or three.

>only in combat, they still only have 5++vs shooting which is thier weak point
4++ actually, due to sanctuary

>they all hit on 2+ as opposed to most paladins hitting on 3+, so its roughly the same
Really? Wow. My bad. I thought they also hit on 3s.

>custodes have ancients
Shit, you're right. I forgot those, my bad.

>custodes either have two shot pistols or rapid fire MC boltguns
Thats nice, but still doesnt really compare to paladin firepower. The most you'll get is 10 shots with a 5-man squad, while paladins double that. Whats more is that you can further boost paladin damage with the psybolt ammo stratagem


>Whats more is that you can further boost paladin damage with the psybolt ammo stratagem
this is true, however once the paladins are in combat vs something they should be focusing, chances are that firepower will have a turn or 2 not being usable unless they GoI out

also generally speaking you'll be using psybolt ammo on a 10 man strike/inty squad or a stormraven with hurricane bolters, bit of a waste to use it on paladins

Dear Lawd

Engines are better, yeah.
But also way, way harder to build.

The worst part about this model is that you can't put a helmet on that stupid face because FW casted the head as part of the body. Also, he's supposed to be a maybe hulk of a space marine but they made him regular Terminator sized.

Plus his rules suck.

Just a question in general, is it really viable to play 10 man strike squads? I just go for 3 squads of 5 to grab some extra command points.
Interceptors seem like they'd work as well, but that seems a tad expensive for a unit that can pretty much only shoot and dies to a stiff breeze. I dont know if its all to.good, but I've been running a 10 man paladin blob and used psybolt ammo on them.

>custodes have ancients too

They're worse. Only apply to the squad they're in and they have to trade their weapon to do it. A paladin squad with an ancient nearby throws out 9 attacks hitting on 2s, if you include the ancients attacks, and 16 hitting on 3s, and the ancient can buff more than one squad, is a character, and is in general better imo.

Well all through 8th BS4+ russes have been viewed as trash that only becomes redeemable as tank commanders or Pask. Will the standard BS4+ russ become viable with double turret shots? It's possible. But you see where I'm coming from. While your idea of a russ squad is TC + 2 regular russes to receive orders, the Cadian russ squad is Pask + 2 TCs to receive orders, which is a 1 BS upgrade to all those tanks.

there are other ways to get CP but you want at least 2 squads of 10 strikes or 1 squad of 10 and 1 squad of 10 inty, so you have a high chance of two turns of 40 heavy bolter shots hitting on 3+ rerolling 1s with a GM nearby

Model Question: Are Choas cultists mono-pose with mixed weapons or can you build all of them with rifles out of the box?

My plan is to use them as conscripts for my Chaos army that is played with Imperial rules, because I want to true-scale marines.

How hard are we talking here?

They're monopose, batches of rifle cultists from DV are really cheap on eBay though.

Mono-pose with mixed weapons. You get three rifle guys and two bashy guys.

So I have been out for few days and wanted to know the general veredict on on the new FAQ? I don't play any of the mentioned armies so I am not familiar with them.

>My plan is to use them as conscripts for my Chaos army that is played with Imperial rules
It's already begun

i see
personally have have a very diverse guard list
it would go against my fluff if i field 3 tc and no nomral tanks

on top of that i would never play cadia because i don't want to take the last bit of mobility guard has left

you said double turret BT MAY be viable and thats right but double turret BT with catachan and reroll 1 order are definetly viable

they may not be the most upper end like cadia but it's hard to improve them more

What'd you mean?

What kind of verdict can we give? It's an FAQ.

As if something was nerfed or buffed or the was a much-needed FAQ. Don't know, I am a new player and trying to get the grip of stuff

At the very least there isn't much to say about the AdMech FAQ considering it has literally just two entries, and one of those was an entry from the Index FAQ.

Actually most view Catachans as the strongest regiment in the new codex, specifically for tanks. That's all people tell me when I ask them what regiment is best at tanks. They're strong, no doubt about that. I'm simply trying to argue that Cadia is roughly as strong as Catachan is.

Well it clarified a few things for DG and opened some new options with CSM friends so it's a win in that regard.

I think valhalla is one of the strongest docrine for armored regiments

What's the verdict on the Arvus Lighter, is it any good in 8th?

It seems excessively high in cost for so few weapons, and I can't really see a use for it.

I think it really goes to show how well done this Codex was that there's no consensus on which is the clearly best Regiment for the overall army and each one supports a different playstyle.

Fingers crossed we get more like this.

I think Valhalla, Catachan, Cadia, and Vostroya are all quite good for tank armies. I just don't know if I feel comfortable declaring my desert/wasteland camo tanks are Valhallan. It makes no sense.

Wish Admec got that kinda attention but I guess they just don't really have that much lore to them to better seperate their factions and give neat fluffy rules...

Hopefully in a year or two when they get to sisters they'll get some fun stuff. Hopefully not just a copy and pace from the index.

I kinda like the mobility Tallarn offers desu.

as long as you don't have a tallarn theme it would be totally fine with me
i have cadian models in a metalic red/sandy yellow theme and play them as armageddon because i like mobile infantry

only if you have a cadian army with cadian heraldry and play them as vostryan because "fuck you" I guess a wouldn't play against that...

Don't forget Tallarn. If you want heavy bolter spam while staying mobile these are your boys.

Tallarn is awesome for hellhound variants I think.

Like, compulsory pinning on all moving parts.

Devil Dog is the only one that benefits, the Bane Wolf chem-cannon autohits like a flamer. Sentinels benefit a good bit though.

Holy shit, well I'll get it done anyway. Thank you user.

No for those you want Catachan.

If you have units drop from a flyer, is it possible to reembark them later in the match?

yes, they just use the core rules

1) Guys, you happen to know if French/Belgian shops sell Codexes in English too?

2) Do the Lost and the Damned have rules in 8E?

Really they should have focused on the differences between Legion Cybernetica, Ordo Reductor, legiones Skitarii, etc. But 40k mechanicus doesn't really have enough models to do that.

every GW shop can order english books
i don't know if they have a few in the shop by default tho

All goes down to the same question. Fires of Cyraxus when?

>Do the Lost and the Damned have rules in 8E?
Renegades and Heretics is what we've got and that's in the Forgeworld Astra Militarum index.

When the Tau codex comes out at the soonest.

Those rules are usable in the core game, right?

I have an idea for a Cultist warband, that instead of following Chaos follows the Warp/Some kind of not-Evil Chaos. They are usually targeted by everyone by default, and are nearly constantly besieged and/or fighting for their survival

And unfortunately they're pure unadulterated garbage. Only like 3 decent units and they're pretty much only useful as mediocre allies.

>Some kind of not-Evil Chaos
Jesus fucking christ don't do this you humongous faglord.

All 8th ed forge world rules are part of the core game. There isn't anything other than the core game currently.

They're as usable as your opponent will allow you to, considering they're kinda shit outside of one really broken unit that's getting nerfed in December anyway I don't think anyone will object.

>following Chaos follows the Warp/Some kind of not-Evil Chaos
No real such thing in the setting. You can have regular Renegades but unfortunately FW pretty much removed that from The Lost and the Damned.

Thanks. That's annoying for my wallet.

Not even in fluff? Functionally they would be still a Chaos army, or at least they can use its rules

Closest you could maybe get is a bunch of Malal worshippers, they're hated by everyone but the thing they worship sure as shit isn't "non-evil".

Chaos is inherently a corrupting force. The closest you could get would be an army that doesn't know its corrupt but is being lead down the garden path as some sort of Tzeetchian plot.

The whole point of the warp is that it taints whatever touches it. There's renegades that don't necessarily follow the Imperium but once the warp enters the equation its a fast track to corruption.

>no top five squigs

You're basically trying to say, "My army worships hell but not demons." It's not a thing. The warp is a corrupting, evil place. Even the Emporer's warp beings just kill anything they come across indiscriminately.

Eh, I've converted worse. Just a drill/clipper/hobby knife, etc.

Go be gay somewhere else Papika

How can Death Guard kill massed infantry without resorting to FW Lev cheese

The Legion of the Damned is perfectly rational and capable of not killing indiscriminately.