>tfw you can't shuffle cards
>tfw all your cards have the borders slightly messed up due to this
Tfw you can't shuffle cards
>>tfw all your cards have the borders slightly messed up due to this
Are you seriously not using fucking sleeves?
I am not.
How the fuck can't you shuffle cards? There are literally hundreds of how-to videos on YouTube teaching you that exact thing.
Any method I try cards just keep crashing against other cards, making it really sloppy and slow, or just not getting shuffled very well.
> Sleeves
Cut the deck. Don't hold the cards tightly together. Take the lower corner of one half and slowly merge it into the spaces in between the cards in the other half. Come from the side. Once merged, square the deck together. Repeat until satisfied.
> No sleeves
Cut the deck. Hold each half by the top and bottom sides. Practice running your thumbs over the side they are touching so that you can riffle the cards so that they flap away from the deck. Your fingers should keep their side rigid. Once you have that down bring the sides your fingers touch and hold down on the table. Riffle the other side with your thumbs and let the two halves of the deck overlap each other as they riffle away from their respective deck halves. You should have a pile of cards in the end. Square them back together and repeat until satisfied.
Speed comes with practice. Once you get it it's less than riding a bike.
Buy some playing cards and practice. That way it doesn't matter how much you fuck up.
This. Most people suck at first. Get a pack of standard playing cards for like a buck or two and practice shuffling them over and over. Chances are that you'll get a lot better at it.
Are there any interesting games you can play with them?
Hundreds. Just search the internet.
I personally like Macau, even if it's very casual(basically Uno but with normal cards), everyone I know knows how to play so it's always a simple and fun option.
Actually it's called Mau Mau in english, my mistake.
Regular playing cards are normie as fuck but there are more games that can be played with a 52 card deck than there are MTG formats. Poker is the obvious go-to but Cribbage is as Veeky Forums as playing card games get and Bridge is patrician.
> tfw shuffling since 6 years old
> have to shuffle everyone's cards at game night
> everybody complains they can't shuffle
> run special shuffling demo session
> bring 12 decks of playing cards
> one nigger sits down, host and one other player are like we can shuffle but feel bad nobody doing your clinic
> go through shuffling and bridging, dealing techniques
> everybody seems amazed they learned something because they were only doing the motions of shuffling not actually considering what they were doing
> still one of the only people in group who can actually shuffle anything cleanly
> never sleeve, shuffle everything
Here's the point
> card edges on my decks beat to fucking death too
You see it's the cards. Clank was white on both ends with scratched faces and backs before I was halfway through my first game ever. Other decks shuffled and bridged hundreds of times, played dozens, show no wear and look new.
So OP is an autist and probably sucks dick at shuffling but that isn't why his cards are fucking trashed.
>He can't shuffle
How do you expect to get pussy like that?
To learn to riffle, it can be easier to angle the two piles a bit. If you have two squared piles in front of you and your thumbs in the center, push the decks from the far sides so that their top leans in slightly. This makes it easier to riffle the cards smoothly without bigger chunks of cards slipping off.
Sleeved cards are just a goddamn dream to shuffle.
>tfw have all the manual dexterity of a sloth on morphine
I can't shuffle, I can't paint minis, and I sometimes struggle to find the right page of a rulebook.
Why am I even here?
Although, the method I use is to distribute the cards out into 6 or so stacks, then combine them all back into one deck. It works pretty well for shuffling things up, although it takes a lot of time.
> tfw crippling painful arthritis in all finger joints
> still shuffle fine
It has nothing to do with dexterity.
Also thin your paints
>struggle to find the right page of a rulebook.
> play irl 5e for the first time in 3 years yesterday
> literally cannot find "equipment" in the phb index
> realize brain on cruise control just waiting for me to CTRL+F
You know, you're probably right. I just need to get good. Unfortunately, I don't have the time or money to get back into the hobby right now.
Do that stuff where you randomly distribute the cards into piles and then stack those piles in a random order. Do that about 2-3 times.