How do we stop racism in cryptocurrency?

how do we stop racism in cryptocurrency?

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Ban the Jews if you want to stop racism.

Show your support and buy Niggercoin

kill all the shitskins

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By being a good trader and not a whiny fuck

Was an article in a large Dutch news paper about how Bitcoin is making NEO NAZIS rich the same way it made DRUG CRIMINALS rich.

cryptocurrency is racist. why do they even call it whitepaper not blackpaper

what for? and really, I'm too busy. don't have time to save the dolphins right now.

what's wrong with being a NEO NAZI?

lmao fuck these people

doesnt sound like the Dutch

We sell bitcoin to minorities at the all time high. Done, now everyone is equally represented.

how is crypto racist? blacks already have their own coin, there's no need for them to use btc or others.

Send Niggers back to Africa

Pic of "Ashe Schow" ?

which newspaper? have to make sure so i can shittalk them at every opportunity.


The amount of fodder these SJWs give /pol/ kiddies is unbelievable

you are an untermensh sub human thats why

Government subsidies. Let the government buy a shit ton of crypto and send it to minorities. We'll be millionaires because the government prints fun money to give handouts to people who are just going to lose their keys.

love the philosophy here. once a poet, always a poet, my friend

> Well, there’s a fair amount of privilege built directly into the currency: In order to buy the sometimes wildly expensive currency, Bitcoin users need to be wealthy. And they can afford to put their wealth into a currency that isn’t widely accepted or even recognized. Plus, they move easily through the financial and digital space—the process of “mining” bitcoins demands it; it is all about knowing coding and decryption and how to use an exchange. The sum total of these things—advanced knowledge of computer science, wealth—are also markings of the young, white male.

Would biz collectively give up all their gainz if it meant sending every single nigger back to Africa?

racists on Veeky Forums are rich and i am a retard REEEEEEEEE

Oh look, more fodder for the white//pol/ victim complex

Dutch newspapers are usually way more focused on how bitcoin hurts MUH ENVIRONMENT because mining uses energy.

Bitcoinjagers veroorzaken explosieve stijging energieverbruik -

no. let them come here, nice place to retire in Africa, if niggers are gone, ya know...

de Telegraaf

it's on their website

I am convinced this is one of the reasons bitcoin hasn't been targeted more frequently by regulators. They see that this is a redistribution of wealth into white male libertarian hands.

Nuggers and spics are the symptoms of the disease, sending them back would only be a temporary relief. The Jews who demanded they be brought here in the first place, who hold dual citizenship with Israel and the U.S., who sit in Congress, must be physically removed.

no its the jews that infest amsterdam and control our media, music and entertainment (festivals) industry.

de televaag? expected it to be some libshit newspaper as opposed to the dutch variant of The Sun LMAO
luckily nobody takes that rag seriously.

>how do we stop racism in cryptocurrency?
Kill all the non whites. Bam! No more racism! You're welcome.

Fucking nu male degenerate gtfo

Ashe Schow. Now I'm no expert, but that's a very Ashkenazim sounding name.

Pic related. She's got those psychopath eyes.

Nice digits

nope, alleen btc is bubbel. plaats link.

post of the year

First, we should apologize to all black and jewish people by sending them all our BTC

gelukkig is /onzejongen/ er om alles recht te zetten.

>implying most non-whites don't hate niggers much more than whites

Ever talked to Arabs how they really feel about niggers? To Asians? To many latinos? Most of these people didn't grow up in an education system feeds them this 'we are all the same' BS and it shows.




Perhaps but it don't stop them from using the nigger white privilege narrative. So gas em too!

Everything they don't like is racist. It's amazing that word 'racist' has any weight anymore, considering how often it's spewed out of cuck mouths. It's the battle cry of weaponized victimhood.


crypto is gonna topple jewish supremacy lol

every now and then, a beautiful arrangement of numbers appears, and you can't help but admire them.

Hahahahaha, what a fucking cuck.

I bought my first Btc and Eth back in Jan this year from Coinbase.

It was about as difficult as signing up for Facebook - women waste so much fucking time on this social media rubbish you can't possibly tell me they don't know how to make an account for a website.

The only other part was using a debit card to buy the coins... Again, women are GREAT at spending money, so you would think they could put 1 and 1 together to buy a bit of crypto.

Women don't buy crypto because women are fucking stupid.

>women are fucking stupid


I guess it's true but other groups are getting wealthy too, so the media is going full retard about this topic.

crypto isn't racist but THAT is
fucking hate the pc left, fucking racists
/pol/ is less racist, and more honest. /pol/ doesn't piss me off, they're often right. but this pisses me off. i'm black not retarded, i can learn computers. fucking liberals

checkin those digits

This. What this watermelon eatin brother says.

By this same logic computers are also racist

Fuck these people with a ten foot pole

>tfw not even white and i'm getting sick of this lefty bullshit

Jesus christ just SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY

Lynch all niggers and kikes and turn back the yellow tide.

Yay no more racism

it's just women and liberals desu.

edgy shit like this is often posted by the racist left. or edgy kids. or uncreative trolls

I normally don’t get triggered by these left SJW click bait titles but this one is so unbelievably shitty the author legitimately play in traffic.

Crypto is brining the world together. We’ve got Jews, niggers, whiteys, even pajeets and chinks all trading.

Bitcoin is bringing us together. Only with bitcoin can we dump our bags on other races

The amusing part is you think I'm being edgy but I'm not.

you are a redditor and we can smell your kind like a fly can smell shit

who is SHE?

lynching every non-white, even if you wanted to, is not a practical idea. focus on immigration reform and welfare reform. that will best increase the white population. not this larp that makes white pride look edgy and retarded.

That makes zero sense because all kinds of people are into crypto.

I go on Reddit yes for crypto news and to troll Redditors. I actually LOVE trolling Reddit because they’re mostly hive minded faggots who downvote anything (especially love trolling the Walton sub lol) You’d be stupid to only get your news/perspectives only from biz fags like you. Anyways, toodles bby

I would prefer to ship them back to their respective shitholes but lynching works too and is easier to say.

Nothing about wanting you and the rest of your species to gtfo and back to Africa is edgy. Go home black man.

>easier to say
Every /pol/ loser ever. Easy to spit out irrational shit behind a PC but can't function in the real world, and those who do are cringy anyway.

Why would we want to do that? Racism is a good thing. Anti-racists are backwards thinking science denying creationists.

This article was written for people like you.

No one reads more SJW bullshit than alt righters. This article was just a faux-sincere money grab, and surprise: it worked!

it's a fucking larp hurting any chance you have at real reform. you're helping the left, you are their tool.

wanting america to stay a majority white country is a decent goal. it doesn't even need to be a racist thing. immigration reform to bring in fewer people from third world countries, and instead bring in more people from similar cultures (ie western nations) as well as refrming welfare to reduce the black birth rate using prosperity (money lowers birth rates like nothing else, poor people breed like rabbits)

or you can alienate all support with an edgy larp. which is why i still think you're a leftist larping as a racist because you hate white people even though you probably are one. you are pathetic

You keep bringing up /po/, I never visit but they represent a huge percentage of the white population and just because yourself, being the shitskin that you are are in disagreement doesn't make the world any different.

Ethnic groups cling to each other because multiculturalism is a lie, it never worked. If it worked there wouldn't be kike enclaves in every western country in the world for thousands of years, they would have assimilated.

You are a shitskin and a leach on western society, you are merely tolerated here during these good times. Good times don't last forever.

i'm a "/pol/ loser" and i think /pol/ was just 2deep4u


yes because western governments are known for enacting policies that benefit white men in their homelands. Are you fucking retarded?


Media is ran by jews so they're freaking out. They'd rather everyone stay poor than everyone get rich if "everyone" includes bad goyim.

Its easier to kill them than send them back because most are here legally. America will be majority non-white within 20 years even if you magically deported all illegals today.

only because the way the birth rates are now. stop bringing in people from countries where they have a dozen kids each. welfare reform and jobs for minority communites would lower birth rates.

factor that into your calculations. and then also remember that you're advocating th mass murder of a hundred million people. wake up buddy, you've gone fucking crazy


>and then also remember that you're advocating th mass murder of a hundred million people. wake up buddy, you've gone fucking crazy
>*supports abortion*

Gas the kikes.

The vast majority of people who get abortions are shitskins.

who supports abortion?
you've created a strawman version of me in your head, no wonder your arguments are retarded. you have no idea who you're talking to. you think im some sjw radical leftist or something all because i dont want to kill a hundred million people? many of them my fucking neighbours and even a couple friends and their families, i'm supposed to want to kill them? no buddy, i'm conservative, trannies disgust me, i'm no fan of abortion, and i'm on /pol/ all the time agreeing with most of what i read

if you're calling for killing a hundred million people you are sick. thats it. its that easy. you are ill

Might want to check IDs, he's not advocated killing all the subhumans, that's just been me. Its the only way, dehumanize yourself or go extinct.

> to do crypto you have to have at least a small amount of money, basic computer skills and be willing to take a risk.

> nogs can't or won't do this.

> Bitcoin is racist.

I wasn't going to advocate genocide but with digits like that I guess I'll have to finish what my grandfather's generation started.

Why aren't nigs allowed to buy bitcoin?

where is this from?

er ist wieder da
German movie. What if Borat was Hitler basically. Supposed to make you hate Hitler because he's so dangerous. Will actually make you feel feels if you're redpilled though.

It' a film adaptation of the novel 'Er ist wieder da', it's called 'Look who's back' in English.

I grew up on a council estate in the UK. Down the road from me someone was jailed for stabbing some cunt to death outside a shop.

I got a job at 16 and slowly saved enough so that this year i was able to take a big risk and buy ETH when it was £30. Yes I was lucky but still you make your own luck.

Fuck all these salty cunts talking about privilege they know fucking nothing

Women aren't risk takers. But now that crypto is big and some white males got rich they will demand their share without having taken the risk.